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Visa Overstay Issues Causes Confusion


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Well, if it was done for publicity or whatever it was a pretty poor show.

Consider the possibility that immigration leaked the news of their going to get tougher with overstayers for the purpose of scaring foreigners into not overstaying. Many members have posted in the past that all immigration wants is "money, money, money" from overstay fees and some even slandered immigration officers by saying that the officers divide this money among themselves. The opposite seems to be true, ie immigration is reminding foreigners not to overstay, immigration wants to collect less money from overstay fines.

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Makes me wonder too given that Pattaya One IS the British Consular Representative of the Home Office in Pattaya.....

Do I see a conflict of Interest?????? I CERTIANLY DO!!

I see nothing wrong when a representative of the foreign ministry of any country tells people that they should not overstay. I would imagine that most foreigners staying in Pattaya are not reading the website of their embassies. What better way to communicate this warning than in a local newspaper?

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Even though this is certainly a non-story for most ThaiVisa.com readers, it again puts light on the weird position of 'Pattaya One'.

First the Red Shirt propaganda that showed some very weird understanding of 'information', now that which could be called 'desinformation' right away or the tabloid way of doing (online) journalism.

Having said that, I can understand everyone who intends a long stay in Thailand and who doesn't want to follow these crazy rules who effectively force you to do time-consuming and expensive 'visa runs'. More than 3-4 'visa runs', and 20,000 Baht are already saved!

I have yet to understand the logic of these trips - why can't the Thais simply issue new visas (or extensions) right in the country?! Even if it would be at the same cost - it would be more convenient and save a lot of money that can be used in Thailand instead of another country. Apart from that, I would expect the local immigration office much more 'familiar' with one's files, business activities etc. than any embassy abroad.

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Makes me wonder too given that Pattaya One IS the British Consular Representative of the Home Office in Pattaya.....

Do I see a conflict of Interest?????? I CERTIANLY DO!!

I see nothing wrong when a representative of the foreign ministry of any country tells people that they should not overstay. I would imagine that most foreigners staying in Pattaya are not reading the website of their embassies. What better way to communicate this warning than in a local newspaper?

Utter Garbage! Have you not seen the result of false reporting already from them!

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Sounds like alot of back tracking on P1 part. also the fact they have started to criticize there reader base, i will certainly be avoiding there news at all cost not that i have even bothered to read anything bar what was said in tv about the overstay! I left bangkok last week with 6 months overstay and nothing was even said or done, when asking the officials they hadnt arrested anyone or new of a tighter policy change!

If you talk like that all of us we think" wow...i stop spend a lot of money, time and travel for the visa...him stay 6 month and nothing happen to him!!! lets go OVERSTAY ALL!!!"

You are lucky you know?

If that day you find one official that is...sad for somethings him give to you a big, big trouble.

Some people overstaied for years...nothings happens...some for month and they stay some time in the THAI JAIL...i think you never stay inside one also for a short visit.

So at the end, you wrong talk like that they wrong talk like that, the reality is here " What the authorities are particularly aiming at are those people who have intentionally overstayed their visas and believe they can simply waltz through the formalities of paying a fine without consequence."

My english is not good same yours but i understand what does it mean, you understand VERY WELL.

Take care.

PS: next 6 month overstay that you do dont think to be lucky again and prey your God the officer had a good time before see you.


Edited by oceano
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Also... P1 if you are really correct on this issue, why can't you find a single person who has experienced this? From people I know here who have overstayed in the past and present they still walk to the airport 20k in hand and its fine. (I have been here for 9 years, and have known ALOT of overstayers)

So far I have yet to see a single piece of evidence for these claims.

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Even though this is certainly a non-story for most ThaiVisa.com readers, it again puts light on the weird position of 'Pattaya One'.

First the Red Shirt propaganda that showed some very weird understanding of 'information', now that which could be called 'desinformation' right away or the tabloid way of doing (online) journalism.

Having said that, I can understand everyone who intends a long stay in Thailand and who doesn't want to follow these crazy rules who effectively force you to do time-consuming and expensive 'visa runs'. More than 3-4 'visa runs', and 20,000 Baht are already saved!

I have yet to understand the logic of these trips - why can't the Thais simply issue new visas (or extensions) right in the country?! Even if it would be at the same cost - it would be more convenient and save a lot of money that can be used in Thailand instead of another country. Apart from that, I would expect the local immigration office much more 'familiar' with one's files, business activities etc. than any embassy abroad.

Errrr....money by any chance? Isnt that the whole point, the story is a Non-Story. Anyone who has spent enough time living here should know by now that the system for immigration is largely a money orientated system designed to raise revenue, farangs are welcome if they are spending money with various Government departments. Thats how the system works and frankly I think its far more open and honest than most other systems in place for migrants in most other countries. OK could do without the mindless border runs, but even these are avoidable if you do things another way. Theres lot of choices in terms of how you choose to live in Thailand, but in the end there is only one immigration rule. PAY. Do that and you will be fine.

Edited by rufanuf
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Even though this is certainly a non-story for most ThaiVisa.com readers, it again puts light on the weird position of 'Pattaya One'.

First the Red Shirt propaganda that showed some very weird understanding of 'information', now that which could be called 'desinformation' right away or the tabloid way of doing (online) journalism.

Having said that, I can understand everyone who intends a long stay in Thailand and who doesn't want to follow these crazy rules who effectively force you to do time-consuming and expensive 'visa runs'. More than 3-4 'visa runs', and 20,000 Baht are already saved!

I have yet to understand the logic of these trips - why can't the Thais simply issue new visas (or extensions) right in the country?! Even if it would be at the same cost - it would be more convenient and save a lot of money that can be used in Thailand instead of another country. Apart from that, I would expect the local immigration office much more 'familiar' with one's files, business activities etc. than any embassy abroad.

but then the visa run companies would be out of business

oh noes!

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Sounds like alot of back tracking on P1 part. also the fact they have started to criticize there reader base, i will certainly be avoiding there news at all cost not that i have even bothered to read anything bar what was said in tv about the overstay! I left bangkok last week with 6 months overstay and nothing was even said or done, when asking the officials they hadnt arrested anyone or new of a tighter policy change!

If you talk like that all of us we think" wow...i stop spend a lot of money, time and travel for the visa...him stay 6 month and nothing happen to him!!! lets go OVERSTAY ALL!!!"

You are lucky you know?

If that day you find one official that is...sad for somethings him give to you a big, big trouble.

Some people overstaied for years...nothings happens...some for month and they stay some time in the THAI JAIL...i think you never stay inside one also for a short visit.

So at the end, you wrong talk like that they wrong talk like that, the reality is here " What the authorities are particularly aiming at are those people who have intentionally overstayed their visas and believe they can simply waltz through the formalities of paying a fine without consequence."

My english is not good same yours but i understand what does it mean, you understand VERY WELL.

Take care.

PS: next 6 month overstay that you do dont think to be lucky again and prey your God the officer had a good time before see you.


Ive done this for the last 6 years! What grown men chose to do is up to them, if i said i could fly would you jump of a cliff! NO....

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Also... P1 if you are really correct on this issue, why can't you find a single person who has experienced this? From people I know here who have overstayed in the past and present they still walk to the airport 20k in hand and its fine. (I have been here for 9 years, and have known ALOT of overstayers)

So far I have yet to see a single piece of evidence for these claims.

You are right but You know Thai officer...I know many people dont have trouble to have an extension...i know other people that they go creazy because one officer want...some more paper or evidence....

Again if you dont know nobody that was jailed dont mean nobody was jailed...but i follow your advise, i will overstay for one year now ok?

If they ask me somethings why i had do that i will point at you and your advice.

You know talk like that is wrong.

Or next time someone robber one bank and they are free everybody can do same?

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Sounds like alot of back tracking on P1 part. also the fact they have started to criticize there reader base, i will certainly be avoiding there news at all cost not that i have even bothered to read anything bar what was said in tv about the overstay! I left bangkok last week with 6 months overstay and nothing was even said or done, when asking the officials they hadnt arrested anyone or new of a tighter policy change!

If you talk like that all of us we think" wow...i stop spend a lot of money, time and travel for the visa...him stay 6 month and nothing happen to him!!! lets go OVERSTAY ALL!!!"

You are lucky you know?

If that day you find one official that is...sad for somethings him give to you a big, big trouble.

Some people overstaied for years...nothings happens...some for month and they stay some time in the THAI JAIL...i think you never stay inside one also for a short visit.

So at the end, you wrong talk like that they wrong talk like that, the reality is here " What the authorities are particularly aiming at are those people who have intentionally overstayed their visas and believe they can simply waltz through the formalities of paying a fine without consequence."

My english is not good same yours but i understand what does it mean, you understand VERY WELL.

Take care.

PS: next 6 month overstay that you do dont think to be lucky again and prey your God the officer had a good time before see you.


Ive done this for the last 6 years! What grown men chose to do is up to them, if i said i could fly would you jump of a cliff! NO....

no BUT...a lot of people read this thread and say" notings happen" and more...you repeat that you broken often the thai law....and nothings happen... sorry is not a big advice and you do something illegal...jail or not...so dont talk about pattaya one( i dont care them but the point) that they wrong meanwhile you write you are a real, for the thai law...i dont know what you are.... a person that broke the law:))

Overstay is a criminal offence, so thake your time and think about.

Edited by oceano
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No sorry mojo80, now i understand..all us that we follow the thai law we are stupid and you are smart because you dont follow the law, you save money and nothing happen to you.

smart man :jap:

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Anyone who bothered to read the story closely

As a publisher you should know that most people don't read stories closely. They read the title and the first paragraph, maybe a bit more.

Anybody who has bothered to watch this mess unfold closely knows that you and ThaiVisa purposely scared the shit out of a whole bunch of people to bring attention to the launch of your publication.

Nothing new for ThaiVisa, though this is an all-time low imo. Terrible way for you to launch your paper though. Yes a lot of us know the name of your publication now, but if and when we read it we're going to give what you have to say little more credence than a cheap tabloid.

OverstayGate Summary: Nothing has changed at immigration. Lots of people are still leaving after long overstays by simply paying a 20,000 THB fine. A few people have been detained for up to two days, at which time they were allowed to pay their fine and leave the country.

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If Thailand had a brain they would cancel the visa run to Cambodia and do the stamps in country.

That would assist them at border areas to catch red bombers and the dreaded Seals coming in from Cambodia.

Also a cash cow for Thailand...less pollution...less traffic...less corruption...less accidents...Never mind its too simple for this country to do easy things.

Back to the stone ages for LOS.

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Guys I'm reading this nonsense for quiet some time. GET REAL ALREADY. The law been there for a while and the single difference was how they enforce it, usually over 42 days up to 5 yrs (the longest period on overstay I herd about) was simple pay up 20k and get out of the country (if you were not arrested on the streets, etc), now all it is said is they might start detaining people if you are over the 42 days period. THAT'S ALL NO CHANGE in the law itself.

There you go I said it..................................:ermm:

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No sorry mojo80, now i understand..all us that we follow the thai law we are stupid and you are smart because you dont follow the law, you save money and nothing happen to you.

smart man :jap:

Im taking advantage of Thailands flexibility with the law! im paying for my crime each time i pay the overstay fine! as it says 2years in prison/and or a maximum 20,000baht fine!

Until they start enforcing the prison sentance i shall carry on. At no point have i said people who obey the law are stupid, i respect people's own choices, if i end up in jail for 2 days its my own fault and i wont do it again!

As the saying goes, "do the crime, do the time." Right now the Time is only a fine!

And if people are stupid enough to copy me then its there own fault.

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an actual sentence the judge could give you if arrested for overstay in Pattaya is 2000b or if you havent got it 10 days in thai prison before shifting to immigration prison, in Bangkok its rumored more expensive, altho the judges may make it up as they go along for all anyone can guess, however the up side is that it wipes the 20000b fine at the airport, so its not the worst deal in the world

my understanding is that you would be extremely unlucky to get arrested if you are in the process of paying the fine and leaving the country

Edited by rafval
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What a load of **** i know a english lad who overstayed 3 years and who left thailand last week.He went to immigration paid his 20 thousand baht and then went to the airport and left,he was not detained and arrived back in thailand yesterday.And thai visa is sending this crap to my email.Editors note my ass.

it's dickheads like him who make these regulations need to be inforced

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I know an American guy who overstayed 17 years and did not go to immigration He was caught for a motoring offence. Fake passport and he is still here after paying some "tea money" to someone. 17 years overstay and maybe an unreceipted 20000 or more paid to someone. LOS

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I think the visa laws are in line with most, if not all, other countries. Some countries enforce them more rigidly than others but if your visa says 3 months then you should leave in 3 months or get an extension. You can't go wrong by following the rules.

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I know an American guy who overstayed 17 years and did not go to immigration He was caught for a motoring offence. Fake passport and he is still here after paying some "tea money" to someone. 17 years overstay and maybe an unreceipted 20000 or more paid to someone. LOS

Can tell me the name? a link to the story?

Then now what we talk about? Warez, backdoor, troian, proxy....i know one guy that stoled 10milion of dollar from a bank was so smart that the police dont put him in the jail, they make a statue in the center of New York whit him face and now is a honorary member of the new york university at Stoneybrook.... :ph34r:

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At the end Thai Visa make a work, give to us the News, real or not they put a link, they dont add nothing...how many news in the biggest agency of news are fake? They dont care they report, they share and stop.

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an actual sentence the judge could give you if arrested for overstay in Pattaya is 2000b or if you havent got it 10 days in thai prison before shifting to immigration prison, in Bangkok its rumored more expensive, altho the judges may make it up as they go along for all anyone can guess, however the up side is that it wipes the 20000b fine at the airport, so its not the worst deal in the world

my understanding is that you would be extremely unlucky to get arrested if you are in the process of paying the fine and leaving the country

I think you dont know thepattaya immigration....this is a legend..if not give me the link and tomorrow i put in the wall of the immigration.

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What a load of **** i know a english lad who overstayed 3 years and who left thailand last week.He went to immigration paid his 20 thousand baht and then went to the airport and left,he was not detained and arrived back in thailand yesterday.And thai visa is sending this crap to my email.Editors note my ass.

it's dickheads like him who make these regulations need to be inforced

May be he didn't have a choice!

What if he has family in Thailand but doesn't have 400k on a bank account?

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