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Bangkok Post Hacked Or Censored ?


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A curious thing happened last night in the UK, about 11 pm (5am Thai time) I looked at Bangkok Post online. The second headline was a precis of how everyone could sleep safe in their beds cuz the Leader was on the job re Southern violence, it was extremely mocking. However I could'nt pull the article down and this morning it had been replaced by an account of the NRC discussion. Anyone else see this ?

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I didn't see it, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Let's not forget that the Post Publishing Company replaced their previous fine editor a couple of years ago, because he wasn't toe-ing the company line and was seen as allowing editorial copy to be submitted and approved for publication that was critical of the government, TLT and Thaksin and his policies.

This self-censorship that the Bangkok Post - "the newspaper you can trust" - obviously exercises is the main reason why I subscribe to the Nation. I used to get the Bangkok Post everyday in tandem with the Nation, but discontinued because of it's obvious censorship of 'sensitive" political stories etc.

BUY...BUY...BUY....the Nation....then, at least, you're really know what's going on...as opposed to the propaganda generated on a daily basis by this dictatorial government.

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I didn't see it, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Cursing the fact I didn't do a screen capture now. On reflection it seemed like the sarcastic musings of a sub editor and was never meant for publication.

Edited by roamer
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I have stopped reading the BangkokPost for quite a while now. They lost it for the last 4 or 3 years. Actually it was sold to a group 3 years ago. Not sure if it's related to the loss of quality in that paper but I wouldn't be surprised.

Avoid it :D

I think their circulation number are down alot, farangs can see through the government BS in that paper. Self-censoring is always bad and only lead to poor quality.

About the missing pages on the front page of the BangkokPost online, this is not the first time they did this. I remember a story that was pulled off but the link was still on the front page. A very controversial headline but leading to a "Page Not Found" error. Go figure :o

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i stopped buying the Post when Alan Dawson took over the back page for his precis of the news .No more sport page ! and you didnt need to buy the paper because you could read thebackpage at the news stand ,and get all the news.

wonder what happened to Al ?

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They have also just replaced the "New" editor as well, giving him a role of head of IT, so it was quite obvious he was not towing the line either as that does not look like a promotion to me! :o

I did however notice that Bernard Trink is back-doing fikm and book reviews, "needs must where the devil drives" I suppose

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The onluy benefit the Post has over the Nation is that it has a large classified section which the Nation does not, and to be honest I used the Nation first to advertise for staff a few years back and got a poor response, but the Post gave ne 10 times as many. Would seem Thais only buy it for the classified ads.

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