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Thai Court Jails Australian National For Abuse Of Minor

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Australian National Jailed for Abuse of Minor


PATTAYA: -- A Criminal court has ordered a one year detention for an Australian Paedophile for the sexual abuse of a thirteen year old boy in Jomtien.

Bangkok, 22nd October 2010: Judgment has been passed by the Criminal Court, Ratchdaphisek Road on Australian National Mr. Jeremi Morish [69] for sexual abuse of a child under the age of 15. The Judge read out the charges of the sexual offence, stating that the Prosecutor was the Plaintiff who is to sue the Defendant Mr. Morish. The charges were processed on 12th June 2009.

The charges were read as follows;

Between the 30th January to 31st May 2007 continuously, the defendant had acted indecently to the then 13 year old victim Master Iw (alias), by using Mast Iws’ hand to masturbate his sexual organ to orgasm. The defendant had been repeating this act over a period of five months at the room 461/578, Jomtien Condominium, Pattaya, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chon Buri.

Full story HERE


-- 2010-10-23


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These types of threads about abuse usually get closed before I have a chance to comment; after the inital revulsion the only thing I'm mildly curious about is why are the victims always boys? Has anyone else noticed this? It's weird enough that the criminals assault children despite knowing that their home country will later punish them as well, but why does everyone choose boys? I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles? Or does paedophillia induce homosexuality? Another one of life's little mysteries.


ONE YEAR? Honestly makes me ashamed to be a man and also Australian, hope he has fun in jail and then is deported back to his saggy baggy wife in OZ...CREEP


These types of threads about abuse usually get closed before I have a chance to comment; after the inital revulsion the only thing I'm mildly curious about is why are the victims always boys? Has anyone else noticed this? It's weird enough that the criminals assault children despite knowing that their home country will later punish them as well, but why does everyone choose boys? I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles? Or does paedophillia induce homosexuality? Another one of life's little mysteries.

Because the heterosexual male in breed with the need to concur and control. The reason for it always being boys is that the boy feels comfortable being around another heterosexual male looks to him as a mentor or father figure, if you will. Then after the older male has the confidence of the younger male it leads to the desire to control and concur. The fact that the child is male or female is not important. It was just easier for him to be seen with a younger male, than to have a young female coming to his room with him. As any physcoligist(sp) wil tell you, rape and sexual abuse is not about sex, it's always about control.


whatever the term,cause etc etc these guys should NOT be permitted to walk this earth freely and there is NO justification for exploitation of anyone least of all minors....these freaks are arguably the worst types of humans breathing our air....may they all burn in hel_l


I always thought that if I had some kind of problem, like being a drunk that felt the need to drive, or a sexual deviant that knew he had the potential to hurt someone, I would chain myself to the bed when the full moon came out, just like the wolfman did. I told someone once that I could not fathom such behavior, they told me "of course you can't, you don't have such a damaged mind". It does make one sick, the sickness of some.


O.K the guy is a sad <deleted>. but every week we read about these things and the attitude is "good riddance", hope he rots in jail etc. but if there werent people who allow this to go on (i,e the parents police e.t.c) then thailand wouldnt be the paedos haven it is.

condemn the man for sure he deserves it. but doesnt it smack u as strange that a minor was left on his own for 5 months???? where was the parental guidance??/


ONE YEAR? Honestly makes me ashamed to be a man and also Australian, hope he has fun in jail and then is deported back to his saggy baggy wife in OZ...CREEP

Between the 30th January to 31st May 2007 continuously, the defendant had acted indecently to the then 13 year old victim Master Iw (alias), by using Mast Iws’ hand to masturbate his sexual organ to orgasm.

How can you be ashamed to be a man ,also from Australia?

What's your point of going back to his saggy baggy wife? Is it possible that you forgot your medication, or are you on acid? :jap:


O.K the guy is a sad <deleted>. but every week we read about these things and the attitude is "good riddance", hope he rots in jail etc. but if there werent people who allow this to go on (i,e the parents police e.t.c) then thailand wouldnt be the paedos haven it is.

condemn the man for sure he deserves it. but doesnt it smack u as strange that a minor was left on his own for 5 months???? where was the parental guidance??/

I couldn't agree with you more, the attitude that is 'normal' for a minor to leave for 5 months on his own is crazy. But if the family needs money, stories like this become all to common. I just wonder if the parents have been notified or even if they worried about their child, or did they worry about the money only.


These types of threads about abuse usually get closed before I have a chance to comment; after the inital revulsion the only thing I'm mildly curious about is why are the victims always boys? Has anyone else noticed this? It's weird enough that the criminals assault children despite knowing that their home country will later punish them as well, but why does everyone choose boys? I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles? Or does paedophillia induce homosexuality? Another one of life's little mysteries.

OMG, are you joking?

It is NOT always boys. You clearly do NOT read the local press regularly. Also, it is a known fact that globally the vast majority of pedo crimes are HETEROSEXUAL in nature (and quite often involving close relatives, especially Daddies, ... how's that for your family values?). Also consider the large percentage of these in the family crimes that never see the light of police or press attention, almost definitely the majority.

Stop the inane homophobia. There is no rational reason to link pedo crimes in this way. Some are indeed same sex, like I said, MOST are opposite sex.

Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual


I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles?

And where did you hear that for a fact.


I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles?

And where did you hear that for a fact.

Next time there is a man on girl pedo arrest, just wait for someone to ask, why do those hetero men do that with young girls, what is it about HETEROSEXUALITY that inclines these men to these crimes? You won't ever hear that, only on the homosexually oriented stories do the bigots come out of the woodwork.


The entire topic of sexual abuse is unpleasant to most, and quite difficult to understand so a lot of the questions/comments are to be expected.

First of all, whether or not he is a pedophile is not really known. Pedophiles are, by definition, attracted to pre-pubescent children. Without seeing a picture or knowing more about the victims level of maturity, it may just be a straight forward case of sexual abuse of a minor.

There are basically two main categories of pedophiles, regressed and fixated. Fixated pedophiles are always attracted to the same sex because they basically have emotionally stopped growing at some point in their youth. Their victims will reflect the age at which they stopped growing emotionally. Fixated pedophiles are very, very difficult to treat.

Regressed pedophiles are usually attracted to the opposite sex. They are emotionally stunted individuals who have poor coping skills and when faced with a traumatic life event, such as divorce, loss of a job etc., they respond by regressing to a past time and sexually will molest children. Regressed pedophiles are generally treatable if they can learn coping skills.

There isn't really enough information to clearly classify this persons problem, however, it doesn't really matter too much because the legal system is the one that determines what will happen. He broke a law. Now he pays for the consequences.


Well done, Scott, but you've got to know that such a rational explanation is over the heads of most of the crowd here. To most of the knee jerk reactors here, any man attracted to a young person one minute under the legal consent age of 18 must be pedophile and should be strung up, no questions asked. It's way too complicated to actually think about what the word pedophile actually means.


I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles?

And where did you hear that for a fact.

Next time there is a man on girl pedo arrest, just wait for someone to ask, why do those hetero men do that with young girls, what is it about HETEROSEXUALITY that inclines these men to these crimes? You won't ever hear that, only on the homosexually oriented stories do the bigots come out of the woodwork.

I nowhere state that all homo's are pheadophiles,I only reject Aussiebebe statement which sounds as NO homo's are pheadophiles.

But I would like to ad the question......why is it that at sunnee plaza raids they always catch so many minors,something you hear rarely from during raids on walking street agogo's or disco's


I don't get it. Homosexuals aren't attracted to children so why are they so over-represented amongst arrested paedophiles?

And where did you hear that for a fact.

Next time there is a man on girl pedo arrest, just wait for someone to ask, why do those hetero men do that with young girls, what is it about HETEROSEXUALITY that inclines these men to these crimes? You won't ever hear that, only on the homosexually oriented stories do the bigots come out of the woodwork.

I nowhere state that all homo's are pheadophiles,I only reject Aussiebebe statement which sounds as NO homo's are pheadophiles.

I think we read a different post. I don't think he said anything of the kind.

I think you guys are right, particularly Scott, I was wrong to use specific labels without knowing the facts of the case, and wrong to make such sweeping generalizations. Most of what I wrote could have been misinterpreted and none of it could be substantiated.

I'm just sick of seeing the same stuff reported all the time, (and I do stand by that) it feels like ground-hog day.


A note, earlier in the week 24 individuals were arrested in my home-country in Europe for sharing pornographic images on kids. 20(!) of the arrested are women(!) between the ages of 30 to 50 years of age.

So whatever you think is the 'norm', might be wrong.


A very uncomfortable thread, Unfortunately, it is life and the more these events are publicized, the more we recognize and appreciate that it is wrong. Hopefully, if we are ever faced with such a situation we may have the courage to tell someone that is involved to stop, and to provide the understanding and compassion the victims need. Often these perps are known to the victims and had someone just asked a question or taken a interest, the events might have been stopped earlier. Usually, there is a long history of the behaviour before someone is caught, so no matter how unpleasant the reading, at least one knows, that the perp is taken out of circulation and can't hurt anyone else.

As sad as the story is, it becomes more depressing knowing that the victim will be screwed up for a long time and not have access to the counselling needed to deal with the events.


A note, earlier in the week 24 individuals were arrested in my home-country in Europe for sharing pornographic images on kids. 20(!) of the arrested are women(!) between the ages of 30 to 50 years of age.

So whatever you think is the 'norm', might be wrong.


Anyway, lets hope the sentenced doesn't enjoy his time in prison.

Although as he's homosexual he mightn't find it as tough as most of us would hope. :(


A note, earlier in the week 24 individuals were arrested in my home-country in Europe for sharing pornographic images on kids. 20(!) of the arrested are women(!) between the ages of 30 to 50 years of age.

So whatever you think is the 'norm', might be wrong.


Anyway, lets hope the sentenced doesn't enjoy his time in prison.

Although as he's homosexual he mightn't find it as tough as most of us would hope. :(






By using Mast Iws' hand to masturbate his sexual organ to orgasm.

How gross is that on a 13 year old kid? It`s a sick, sick, world.

He seems fixated on masturbation, whether as a participant or a viewer. From his 2007 arrest:

When the police team, led by Pol. Lt. Col. Sechart Luensukan, the Chief Inspector of the Tourist Police, raided Mr. Morrish’s house in Soi Nongyai 8, Banglamung, acting on arrest warrants 502/2550 and 503/2550, dated 5th May 2007, they found the three boys in residence and incriminating evidence in the form of a notebook computer containing various pictures of a sexually explicit nature, including two of the boys Deng (12) and Oam (14) masturbating.

NNT - May 9, 2007


Well done, Scott, but you've got to know that such a rational explanation is over the heads of most of the crowd here. To most of the knee jerk reactors here, any man attracted to a young person one minute under the legal consent age of 18 must be pedophile and should be strung up, no questions asked. It's way too complicated to actually think about what the word pedophile actually means.

There are laws about the legal age of consent. These laws are there for a reason - to protect minors.

Accept this.


Well done, Scott, but you've got to know that such a rational explanation is over the heads of most of the crowd here. To most of the knee jerk reactors here, any man attracted to a young person one minute under the legal consent age of 18 must be pedophile and should be strung up, no questions asked. It's way too complicated to actually think about what the word pedophile actually means.

There are laws about the legal age of consent. These laws are there for a reason - to protect minors.

Accept this.

I agree 100 percent.



Anyway, lets hope the sentenced doesn't enjoy his time in prison.

Although as he's homosexual he mightn't find it as tough as most of us would hope. :(

A prison sentence is intended to serve i) As a means to protect society from the guilty condemned person, ii) to serve as a deterrent to others, iii) to punish the guilty party and iv) to offer an opportunity to change the deviant behaviour.

When a person is sent to jail, the sentence does not include the penalty of violent rape at the hands of others. If that was the case, it would be stated in the penalty. Rape, even in prison, is a crime and does not serve anyone's interest except to titillate the fantasies of those that hope it happens. Often, the people that you think will be raped in prison are the ones that manipulate and rape others, usually the young or weakest offenders that are incarcerated. . A sex offender is usually a very skilled manipulator.

Think next time before you express such a reprehensible statement of desire.



Anyway, lets hope the sentenced doesn't enjoy his time in prison.

Although as he's homosexual he mightn't find it as tough as most of us would hope. :(

A prison sentence is intended to serve i) As a means to protect society from the guilty condemned person, ii) to serve as a deterrent to others, iii) to punish the guilty party and iv) to offer an opportunity to change the deviant behaviour.

When a person is sent to jail, the sentence does not include the penalty of violent rape at the hands of others. If that was the case, it would be stated in the penalty. Rape, even in prison, is a crime and does not serve anyone's interest except to titillate the fantasies of those that hope it happens. Often, the people that you think will be raped in prison are the ones that manipulate and rape others, usually the young or weakest offenders that are incarcerated. . A sex offender is usually a very skilled manipulator.

Think next time before you express such a reprehensible statement of desire.

the sentence does not include the penalty of violent rape at the hands of others.

Where on Earth did I discuss this? :huh:

Where on Earth did I discuss rape? :huh:

Think next time before you post, you might be hallucinating.


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