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Why Are All Farang On Thai Tv Villains

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Everytime I watch Thai tv series, I notice that any farang is portrayed as a villain. Either they are a gangster or some kind of corrupt businessman. They are usually victimizing the poor Thais until the end when they are generally beat to death or otherwise killed by the Thai hero. Possibly an honest Thai policeman. If a character from any ethnic group is shown in a bad way on US tv, there are big protests. They do not even usually show Muslim terrorists, and if they do than they always have some good Muslims also. I asked my wife why all farangs on thai tv are bad. She answers that Thais did not used to like farang "long time to go." When i pointed out the tv show in question is in modern times, she says it was not. I told her the cars are all new and she says,"where they can get old cars"? As if all vehicles over 5 years old have been destroyed. Anyway I find it interesting that, although I admit I am treated very well by most Thais and they show no prejudice towards me, apparently there is still a fair amount of anti-western feeling in this country, at least it would appear so if you watch the tv.

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Perhaps, being less mired in 'political correctness' than many Western nations, Thailand does not feel the need always to pretend racism doesn't exist.

Before anyone calls me a racist for the above, I admit it. We are all racists, every one of the 6 billion plus of us, regardless of our ethnicity. But some people pretend not to be, perhaps because they recognise that racism is a failing, or perhaps out of hypocricy.

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To the OP: did you not read the thread from a few weeks ago about how important stereotyping and generalisations are?

I hope the many farangs who posted there (who said stereotyping is both important and appropriate) also agree here that it is equally important and appropriate that Thai TV see fit to stereotype and portray farangs as villains.

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I do believe there are scientific justifications for being hardwired to generalize and stereotype in order to group and categorize

There are many on this forum that feel it is neccessary to turn a blind eye to these things because they have chosen to live in a foreign country and do not feel it is appropriate to criticize the hosts

There are also ample examples of farang racism working in favor of the farang - ask any gentleman with a young, beautiful Thai girlfriend/ wife or farang teacher making 4x the salary of their thai colleagues

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The guys who write Thai television scripts probably spend a lot of time reading the Thai Visa Forum. Considering some of what is posted here on a daily basis, who can really blame them for getting a bad impression of Westerners? :whistling:

Fair comment UG, although i reckon i'd be portrayed as a super hero. :lol:

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I'm a Farang - an alien. Compared to most Thais I'm huge, hairy, and ugly. I think my appearance perfectly suits the role of villain.

Are you suffering from low self esteem? :D

Did you ever meet a villain with low self-esteem? B)

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As someone pointed out above^^, the Thais are big on stereotypes and not so big on lateral thinking..

Q: What's the difference between a supermarket trolley, and a Thai?

A: The trolleys occasionally appear to have a mind of their own.;)

It was not long ago that villans on our western TVs were mostly Blacks!

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Som Tam is only movie I know of here with farang hero. And even he is sort of an idiot, but at least good hearted. I do not remember most of villains on western tv being black. I must have missed this. As for farang being villains because we are big, hairy and ugly, if someone were to say it is okay for blacks on US tv to be villains because they are big, hairy and ugly there would be big riots over that. I do not think I am being overly sensitive or politically correct about this. I am not going to leave Thaialnd or lose sleep over it. I am just saying that there is more anti-farang sentiment here than there appears on the surface, and the tv provides much evidence of this.

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So are you saying that the representation is unfair and that not all farang are villians?

To be sure, some of us are not axe-wielding psycopaths (I'm speculating here a bit) - and some are retired rather than practicing corrupt businessmen...

But its like the (now out-of-date) stereotype that all CHinese in Britain run or work in a fast-food restaurant - good enough for a first approximation...


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Thai women are usually perceived on TV in other countries as hookers or mail order brides, it's the same streotyping. It's like they show all the high society rich brats on TV here to be white skinned and beautiful, certainly a lot of the ones I have seen in real life have been fat chinese looking ones.

TV aint real, it's fiction, who cares.

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Thai women are usually perceived on TV in other countries as hookers or mail order brides, it's the same streotyping. It's like they show all the high society rich brats on TV here to be white skinned and beautiful, certainly a lot of the ones I have seen in real life have been fat chinese looking ones.

TV aint real, it's fiction, who cares.

To avoid confusing and ambiguous abbreviations, maybe you should've said 'television'

Maybe not...


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Thai women are usually perceived on TV in other countries as hookers or mail order brides, it's the same streotyping. It's like they show all the high society rich brats on TV here to be white skinned and beautiful, certainly a lot of the ones I have seen in real life have been fat chinese looking ones.

TV aint real, it's fiction, who cares.

To avoid confusing and ambiguous abbreviations, maybe you should've said 'television'

Maybe not...


:rolleyes: Nice one !

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The guys who write Thai television scripts probably spend a lot of time reading the Thai Visa Forum. Considering some of what is posted here on a daily basis, who can really blame them for getting a bad impression of Westerners? :whistling:

Fair comment UG, although i reckon i'd be portrayed as a super hero. :lol:

Anybody who give a hard time to SergieY is a hero in my eyes. :D

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For a large part of the last century, the same was done by whites to foreigners in the movie industry.

Anyone remember the series of 'Face of <deleted> Manchu' movies where the character of <deleted> Manchu was a Chinese villain and master criminal?

There was also Anna May Wong, the first actress of Chinese ethnicity to gain fame in the USA and Europe in the 1920's and 30's. All her roles were generally negative and stereotypical.

I guess it's karma now it's being done to farangs. :)

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The guys who write Thai television scripts probably spend a lot of time reading the Thai Visa Forum. Considering some of what is posted here on a daily basis, who can really blame them for getting a bad impression of Westerners? :whistling:

Ha Ha Ha Ha I like this one. :D

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Your wife's replies to your questions are a riot and so typical. When you ask them a question they're not comfortable with, they say the cutest, most irrelevant things. I'll ask her questions like that just to see what she'll say. Very funny.

I'm sure the Thai's will love that movie. Stupid farang doind stupid things. It's a "must see." I could probably be a movie star here.

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