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Saw an advertisement in the Bangkok Post by Air Asia offering all seats to various destinations in Thailand at 999 baht (+ tax+fuel charge+fees - whatever they are). What caught my eye was a large box announcing Travel Period: 8-13 August (except 10-15 August).

Why can't they just say the only days you can fly are 8-9 August????? And how do 14 and 15 August get into the picture?

Does anyone have any other examples of bizarre Thai advertising?

Saw an advertisement in the Bangkok Post by Air Asia offering all seats to various destinations in Thailand at 999 baht (+ tax+fuel charge+fees - whatever they are). What caught my eye was a large box announcing Travel Period: 8-13 August (except 10-15 August).

Why can't they just say the only days you can fly are 8-9 August????? And how do 14 and 15 August get into the picture?

Does anyone have any other examples of bizarre Thai advertising?

Barry, I saw this ad today, yes they have a great bottom line price but I made the same of it that you did. Try booking for those 2 days and you will not get a seat. But then there are all the extras like fuel surcharges etc.

I spent my life in advertising and I still cant work out why they do this?


I suppose




They put the wrong ingredients label on this bottle. The label is obviously for an Immodium pack!

quote=stumonster,2005-08-03 12:42:23]

maybe this is a good excuse to post this pic - I was reading the ingredients on a bottle of cough mixture and burst out laughing.

Saw an advertisement in the Bangkok Post by Air Asia offering all seats to various destinations in Thailand at 999 baht (+ tax+fuel charge+fees - whatever they are). What caught my eye was a large box announcing Travel Period: 8-13 August (except 10-15 August).

Why can't they just say the only days you can fly are 8-9 August????? And how do 14 and 15 August get into the picture?

Does anyone have any other examples of bizarre Thai advertising?

When I received my user name and password from True for ADSL internet

underneath the information it read:

CAUTION this information should be read and secreted!!!

another funny I saw on an English teacher's resume

"Advanced writhing is my speciality"

guess he spends a lot of time on cowboy or Nana!!

We Farangs can talk, buy a bottle of baby medicine and the label says "dont drive or operate heavy machinery"!! <deleted>

I think there was another thread about things like this. I remember reading somewhere about advertising gaffes, like the Coke ads in Chinese that translated into "Drink Your Ancestors". :o

Another one was the Gerber Baby Food snafu in Africa. Because of the high illiteracy rate there, many food items have a picture of the product on the label (for example, beef stew might have a cow on the label, chicken soup would have a chicken and so on). So of course, imagine what people thought when they saw the picture of a baby on the Gerber bottles !


I see bizarre ads every single day but the viewers don't, since these get binned.

Just 2 examples from the past 24hrs, as follows:

Ad Number: 10894

Region: Central (Bangkok & Region)

Ad Category: boats

Ad Heading: marriage

i want to marry a thai girl , should be tall pretty,educated, between 20- 27

Email: (deleted)

Contact: abdu


Ad Number: 10920

Region: North (Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai & Region)

Ad Category: We have a new Job opp

Ad Heading: I am giving job

I had opened 2 Companies in Thailand.One is in Bangkok and other in Chiang Mai.I am looking for the staff.so pls send me urs resumes or cv.reasonable salary+medical expenses.

Email: (deleted)

Contact: Help


Baht&Sold :o



You just reminded me. I was browsing your site, looking for a Thai style boat (like the ones you see anchored off Pattaya beach). You need some more boat ads (with pictures) !

(I've also noticed a few ads repeated 2 or more times, and some of the descriptions are pretty vague).

Well, maybe that wasn't totally off-topic after all ! Though most of the ads on Baht & Sold wouldn't qualify as "bizarre" :D

Saw an advertisement in the Bangkok Post by Air Asia offering all seats to various destinations in Thailand at 999 baht (+ tax+fuel charge+fees - whatever they are). What caught my eye was a large box announcing Travel Period: 8-13 August (except 10-15 August).

Why can't they just say the only days you can fly are 8-9 August????? And how do 14 and 15 August get into the picture?

Does anyone have any other examples of bizarre Thai advertising?

Barry, I saw this ad today, yes they have a great bottom line price but I made the same of it that you did. Try booking for those 2 days and you will not get a seat. But then there are all the extras like fuel surcharges etc.

I spent my life in advertising and I still cant work out why they do this?


I suppose



You missed the best bit about that ad - it says that you need to book 7 days in advance to get the fares so the ad went in on 3-Aug for travel on 8-Aug and 9-Aug but to get the fares, you had to book before 1-Aug or 2-Aug... :o

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