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Alcohol Number One Drug.


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Study: Alcohol 'most harmful drug,' followed by crack and heroin

The Lancet, a British medical journal, lists alcohol as the most harmful drug among a list of 20 drugs.


The study uses a new scale to rank the harmfulness of 20 drugs

Alcohol is the most harmful overall, according to panelists

A co-author of the study has said horseback riding is more dangerous than ecstasy

London, England (CNN) -- Alcohol ranks "most harmful" among a list of 20 drugs -- beating out crack and heroin -- according to study results released by a British medical journal.


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A friends brother-in-law was coming down off herion and alchol at the same time. The wife ask the Dr. I guess the herion withdrawal is a problem for him, the Dr says no the one that will kill him is the alcohol. He died a few days later from alcohol withdrawal

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When all have gotlost

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How irresponsible - promoting a killer drug in a thread trying to warn people of the dangers of alcohol.

I like a few drinks myself(ok a lot) but we all know(if you've taken heroin) that heroin would be MUCH safer than alcohol, if legal and pure.

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I like a few drinks myself(ok a lot) but we all know(if you've taken heroin) that heroin would be MUCH safer than alcohol, if legal and pure.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot legal, ask the Nigerian.

Alcohol will remain my number one, <deleted> you very much.

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When all have gotlost

True Friendship comes to help us out



How irresponsible - promoting a killer drug in a thread trying to warn people of the dangers of alcohol.

I like a few drinks myself(ok a lot) but we all know(if you've taken heroin) that heroin would be MUCH safer than alcohol, if legal and pure.

Calm down... if somebody's going to pick up a drink on the back of a facetious post of an ad for Singha then they'll not be living in Thailand very long...

Now, if they'd posted saying dried banana-skins can get you high - that would have been irresponsible; or promoting sniffing petrol or lighter fluid as a safe alternative.

But a little off-colour and facetious wit?

Don't go off the deep end over trivia - it makes you look like a presbyterian...


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I like a few drinks myself(ok a lot) but we all know(if you've taken heroin) that heroin would be MUCH safer than alcohol, if legal and pure.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot legal, ask the Nigerian.

Alcohol will remain my number one, <deleted> you very much.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot legal, rather ask the Swedish drug producer that built drug factory in his condo.

I will always go for my beer, yeah <deleted> 'em very very much biggrin.gif

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There's a patch of ground near my house that always hosts the big Luk Thung and Morlam concerts. Whenever I drive past I give a wry smile at all the huge beer sponsor banners nicely complementing the Black Maria parked up ready for when it all goes off. I reckon they should hand out a load of completely illegal spliffs to the lads. It'd just be one great big mellow dance party then. But of course the beer companies wouldn't be making any profit off that.....

Yeah. Ganja. That evil, evil drug. Though I'll have to admit I've never heard of anybody smoking a couple of joints, coming home and knocking 7 shades of shit our of their wife and kids.

Edited by mca
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There's a patch of ground near my house that always hosts the big Luk Thung and Morlam concerts. Whenever I drive past I give a wry smile at all the huge beer sponsor banners nicely complementing the Black Maria parked up ready for when it all goes off. I reckon they should hand out a load of completely illegal spliffs to the lads. It'd just be one great big mellow dance party then. But of course the beer companies wouldn't be making any profit off that.....

Yeah. Ganja. That evil, evil drug. Though I'll have to admit I've never heard of anybody smoking a couple of joints, coming home and knocking 7 shades of shit our of their wife and kids.

For sure. But they claim it is a "gateway" drug...leading to things more powerful. BS.

I agree alcohol is a drug...and causes big problems. But no where near as addictive as coke...nor as expensive...nor as desirable even after heavy use. Could be the same for yaba?

I've seen coke wipe out quite a few peoples lives. Same with alcohol, but most were older and suffering from years of abuse. The coke users were young...and broke...and resorting to crime to support their habbit.

I had a good friend that was about 25, I was also about 25. He got hooked on coke. One night he had no money, so sold his last posession. His motorcycle, for $500 of coke. The bike was worth about $3,000. He used it all in one night and having nothing left in the world, ended up on my doorstep at 2am. Stole from me and disappeared the next day...never saw him again.

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There's a patch of ground near my house that always hosts the big Luk Thung and Morlam concerts. Whenever I drive past I give a wry smile at all the huge beer sponsor banners nicely complementing the Black Maria parked up ready for when it all goes off. I reckon they should hand out a load of completely illegal spliffs to the lads. It'd just be one great big mellow dance party then. But of course the beer companies wouldn't be making any profit off that.....

Yeah. Ganja. That evil, evil drug. Though I'll have to admit I've never heard of anybody smoking a couple of joints, coming home and knocking 7 shades of shit our of their wife and kids.

For sure. But they claim it is a "gateway" drug...leading to things more powerful. BS.

That's their way of saying that there's no real justifiable reason for it to be illegal but just mention that big, bad word " drug" and get people all paranoid.

Just about everybody I knew back home enjoyed the occasional smoke. From students to doctors and businessmen. Can't recall a single one of them saying " Hey let's try some smack"

In fact if it wasn't for my love for my family here and the thought of what the consequences might be if I was caught I'd most probably be toking a few times a week myself. One of things I do miss from home even after 15 years is a night in with my pals, a few joints and a right laugh.

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This study makes sense, although you really have to get into the real dynamics of why the results are what they are. Alcohol is legal. Simple as that. More users are going to result in more addictions, health issues, deaths indirectly/directly (e.g., dui), family problems, work problems, etc. I've always believed that there's a percentage of the overall population (let's say 5%) who are prone to addiction. So whether it's alcohol, crack, heroin, yaba, beetle nut, sniffing glue...whatever, society will have to deal with drug addicts. Making responsible users of all these "drugs" criminals is not the answer. Never has been. Maybe when California (USA) legalizes marijuana this year we'll see some more reasonable legislation related to drug use and the like.

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When all have gotlost

True Friendship comes to help us out



How irresponsible - promoting a killer drug in a thread trying to warn people of the dangers of alcohol.

I like a few drinks myself(ok a lot) but we all know(if you've taken heroin) that heroin would be MUCH safer than alcohol, if legal and pure.

Calm down... if somebody's going to pick up a drink on the back of a facetious post of an ad for Singha then they'll not be living in Thailand very long...

Now, if they'd posted saying dried banana-skins can get you high - that would have been irresponsible; or promoting sniffing petrol or lighter fluid as a safe alternative.

But a little off-colour and facetious wit?

Don't go off the deep end over trivia - it makes you look like a presbyterian...


Goodness ma a presbyterian, is that the same as a lesbian, if so please go wash your mouth out

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The big problem with all these "expert opinions" and "surveys" is that they only address the bad effects of the various substances. What about the good effects which mitigate the risks? We hear about the drunks and we're told about the potentially baleful effects of smoking ganja, but nowhere do you see about how many great nights out were had, fuelled by a few beers, or how many millions have had their concert experience enhanced by a few spliffs beforehand.

It's all tosh. They should march all these "experts" off the end of the pier and leave people to get on with their lives as they see fit.

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Did they forget tobacco?

In my recent brush with cancer at the base of my tongue, the first question

the UK doctor asked was

Do you smoke?

The second,

Do you drink?

Smoking in Thailand is much more prevelant than in the UK.

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Did they forget tobacco?

In my recent brush with cancer at the base of my tongue, the first question

the UK doctor asked was

Do you smoke?

The second,

Do you drink?

Smoking in Thailand is much more prevelant than in the UK.

And your point is?

We all know that many activities we pursue are potentially harmful, maybe even lethal.

Smoking, drinking, snorting cocaine, mountaineering, driving, swimming, playing football, working, walking down the street, these are all potentially lethal activities.

But we weigh the potential risk against the potential gain.

For every individual, those decisions about loss and gain will be different, regardless of how well informed (or not) they are.

Thus rendering pompous asses like Nunn, and their equally pompous and misleading reports, utterly irrelevant.

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Yeah. Ganja. That evil, evil drug. Though I'll have to admit I've never heard of anybody smoking a couple of joints, coming home and knocking 7 shades of shit our of their wife and kids.

Ganja is A Gateway drug because it is Illegal, and because it is illegal it is distributed by criminals. When I was a young man and wanted to buy a " dime bag" I knew where to get it, I am sure the kids today know where to get it also, I went to the school Yard by the Handball courts and there was always a guy who would sell it to me,every time I went there he will always ask " Hay man today I got some good mesk, and some black beauties do you want some" that's why they call him " the pusher" some of us said yea OK.If you make it legal you remove that element, place it in a controlled business environment,and limit access to minors.

As Far as Alcohol is concerned, dont get me wrong I am aware of the dangers involved,but, as far as this study is concern , the baseline measurement had 2 components, one is danger to ones self, and the other is

danger to others, I am not sure of the methodology, but if statistical data was used, sure alcohol would be more dangerous to others, it is used by a significantly larger number of people than other drugs.

Edited by sirineou
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Ganja is A Gateway drug because it is Illegal, and because it is illegal it is distributed by criminals

Therefore in my opinion by legalising, taxing and selling weed you'd take the criminal element out.

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