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Democrat, Pheu Thai MPs Row Over Video-Clip Scandal

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Democrat, Pheu Thai MPs row over video-clip scandal

By Nerisa Nerykhiew

Prapasri Osathanon

The Nation



Democrat and Pheu Thai MPs exchanged heated words at yesterday’s House session over the recent video-clips scandal.

Pheu Thai Nakhon Phanom MP Paichit Sriworakhan said the issue of video clips of Constitution Court judges’ conversations posted on the YouTube website was an example of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.

He also accused the Democrat Party of irregularities because one of its MPs had gone to the court to pick up documents outside office hours in August and Ranong MP Wiruch Romyen was filmed talking to Pasit Sakdanarong, former secretary to the Constitution Court president.

Democrat Party leader’s spokesman Thepthai Senapong objected, saying Paichit’s statements did not involve the administration. Paichit then asked Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva what action he would take, since he had promised to keep the judiciary independent.

Abhisit said the panel investigating Wiruch’s case would issue its conclusions in the next few days, though the action would have to be left up to the Constitution Court.

Paichit then said he had heard that the Democrat Party’s panel would just issue a warning and put Wiruch on probation, but would do nothing to prevent similar problems.

Also, he said that since the court was facing political interference he had every right to bring it up in the House meeting.

Abhisit responded by saying he was more worried about the Constitution Court being manipulated.

Wiruch, meanwhile, said the court had not been lobbied, adding that the video clips were released as part of a plot to frame his party and it was pending investigation.

Maybe, he added, the Pheu Thai Party would be dissolved again once the truth was revealed.

In a separate development, Election Commission member Sodsri Satayathum said the EC would deliver its closing statement for the Democrat dissolution case next week.

“I can say the five EC members will stand firm. We have done our duty and this is not the first case of this sort.

“The court’s ruling will be based on the evidence, and we are ready to accept the ruling,” Sodsri said.


-- The Nation 2010-11-05

Pheu Thai Nakhon Phanom MP Paichit Sriworakhan said the issue of video clips of Constitution Court judges’ conversations posted on the YouTube website was an example of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.

The videos didn't show political interference. ONE video shows a meeting between a court secretary and a Democrat lawyer. The meeting was organised by the court secretary, and the court secretary asked a lot of leading questions.

Coincidentally, the particular court secretary videoed the meeting he organised and gave it to the PTP and then disappeared. That is more than an example of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.

The other videos show the judges discussing a case that they were sitting on ** shock, horror ** and some videos show judges discussing providing exams solutions to family and friends - not good, but again ** shock, horror ** ... a situation in Thailand where those in charge are providing jobs for the family. Are the PTP suggesting that only Democrat supporting judges do that, but Thaksin/red shirt/PTP supporting judges don't?

And the PTP are *threatening* to provide more damning videos. A clear case of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.


In my humble opinion if the judges ( supposedly above reproach and the people who sit in judgment of others ) are themselves guilty of a misdeed as in aiding family members to obtain jobs by blatantly cheating then I'm not particularly bothered who the whistle blowers are and what their ulterior motives may be.


In my humble opinion if the judges ( supposedly above reproach and the people who sit in judgment of others ) are themselves guilty of a misdeed as in aiding family members to obtain jobs by blatantly cheating then I'm not particularly bothered who the whistle blowers are and what their ulterior motives may be.


But the OP is about political interference, which the PTP are blaming the Democrats of, and only people that seem to be interfering are the PTP.


One would hope that by now ALL parliamentary and judicial rooms have been check for recording devices and cameras. People might think it is OK and the ends justify the means, but it is a huge crime to make recording like that and then try and use the recordings to get your way.

The legal way would be to inform the DSI and setup a properly monitored situation and let the system deal with it.

PTP has presented so many doctored videos and audio recordings that one would automatically suspect any new recordings they come up with. They have to learn to work within the system if they truly want to be the next government. Their decision entirely.

Pheu Thai Nakhon Phanom MP Paichit Sriworakhan said the issue of video clips of Constitution Court judges’ conversations posted on the YouTube website was an example of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.

The videos didn't show political interference. ONE video shows a meeting between a court secretary and a Democrat lawyer. The meeting was organised by the court secretary, and the court secretary asked a lot of leading questions.

Coincidentally, the particular court secretary videoed the meeting he organised and gave it to the PTP and then disappeared. That is more than an example of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.

The other videos show the judges discussing a case that they were sitting on ** shock, horror ** and some videos show judges discussing providing exams solutions to family and friends - not good, but again ** shock, horror ** ... a situation in Thailand where those in charge are providing jobs for the family. Are the PTP suggesting that only Democrat supporting judges do that, but Thaksin/red shirt/PTP supporting judges don't?

And the PTP are *threatening* to provide more damning videos. A clear case of political interference in the Judiciary Branch.

I guess u stay to long in Thailand already,imagine stuff liek that happened in the USA,Uk or Germany......................


Rather then going back and forwards, why not just have an all out brawl during one session like they did in Taiwan few years ago.:rolleyes:

Winner gets to rule the country, till the next brawl


So let me get this straight. The Pheu Tai MP can stand on stage and tell people to burn the country to the ground, but using a positioon of power to give a family member a job is out of order??!?!?!? TIT


The country has massive flood problems and all these PTP MP's can do is sit in the house trying to score political points.

Would be nice if they could get out and try to help the people in trouble in their Issan electorates.


The country has massive flood problems and all these PTP MP's can do is sit in the house trying to score political points.

Would be nice if they could get out and try to help the people in trouble in their Issan electorates.

No so sure they know HOW TO....


A newsflash just said

"The fact-finding probe into the court’s clips scandal has concluded from physical evidence that the concealed recording was done from where Pasit Sakdanarong sat."

Interesting is also (and I may have missed this before)

"In regard to a second batch of three clips related to the cheating of the court’s job admission test in 2008, ..."

Assuming nothing was lost in translation it suggests k. Pasit has a long career as movie maker. You may wonder why? Did this start when the UDD started pressuring the Const. Court to prosecute the Dem's (by publishing names, telno's, addresses of judges), or when the Const. Court decided to pick up the case against the Dem's. Somehow I find it difficult to believe k. Pasit did this out of moral outrage, he would have selected some NGO, or other non-political party to bring out the tapes and wouldn't have fled the country. So?



A newsflash just said

"The fact-finding probe into the court’s clips scandal has concluded from physical evidence that the concealed recording was done from where Pasit Sakdanarong sat."

Interesting is also (and I may have missed this before)

"In regard to a second batch of three clips related to the cheating of the court’s job admission test in 2008, ..."

Assuming nothing was lost in translation it suggests k. Pasit has a long career as movie maker. You may wonder why? Did this start when the UDD started pressuring the Const. Court to prosecute the Dem's (by publishing names, telno's, addresses of judges), or when the Const. Court decided to pick up the case against the Dem's. Somehow I find it difficult to believe k. Pasit did this out of moral outrage, he would have selected some NGO, or other non-political party to bring out the tapes and wouldn't have fled the country. So?


There is one and only one central figure to all this, he is now missing,

and if you tell me a thai man can not be bought if the stakes are high enough,

then I'll know how much of a fool you are for trying.

Pasit is out of reach and it's obvious why, because he is part of the direct chain,

to someone behind this, and break the chain and the damage doesn't start.

Unless of course he is seen doing something untoward with someone,

on that surveillance system he supervised the installation off.

I wonder how easy it was for him to follow people around the courts

and connect dots, and use that to figure a game plane for stinging them?


2 years and this is the most damaging clips he got?

Why, do you think there could have been more damaging things going on and they got away with it?

This was all he could get, and the clock was ticking to use SOMETHING.

So maybe there was other stuff, maybe not but they now have to spin

gold from dental floss and doesn't look like they can.

I haven't heard ANYTHING that would shock the average Thai into much of any anger,

so an exercise in futility, and preaching to the converted at best, criminal actions at worst.


2 years and this is the most damaging clips he got?

Why, do you think there could have been more damaging things going on and they got away with it?

This was all he could get, and the clock was ticking to use SOMETHING.

So maybe there was other stuff, maybe not but they now have to spin

gold from dental floss and doesn't look like they can.

I haven't heard ANYTHING that would shock the average Thai into much of any anger,

so an exercise in futility, and preaching to the converted at best, criminal actions at worst.

By whom?


2 years and this is the most damaging clips he got?

Why, do you think there could have been more damaging things going on and they got away with it?

This was all he could get, and the clock was ticking to use SOMETHING.

So maybe there was other stuff, maybe not but they now have to spin

gold from dental floss and doesn't look like they can.

I haven't heard ANYTHING that would shock the average Thai into much of any anger,

so an exercise in futility, and preaching to the converted at best, criminal actions at worst.

By whom?

At the moment who benefits the most by making the Dems court case

look rigged or suspect?

Who is trumpeting these 'finds' before they are even posted on Youtube from

Hong Kong which is exactly where Pisat absconded to? And inside line to their dissemination and timing, and also providing interpretations before they are theoretically even seen?

What group stands to benefit most from the Democrats being dissolved?'

ie follow the money,

or where it would go if the court is coerced against evidence to convict?

Who will theoretically, or who calculates they can win anger from their base if

the Dems are acquitted, by making it appear rigged from inside a crooked court?

This line of questions, is in no way a Red herring to throw you off the track.


Judges 'filmed from sacked secretary's seat'

The video-clip showing judges discussing the Democrat Party's dissolution case was recorded from where Pasit Sakdanarong, the sacked former secretary of the Constitution Court president, was seated, the court's fact-finding committee revealed yesterday.

Constitution Court secretary-general Chaowana Trimas said yesterday that the investigative panel did not conclude that Pasit was making the recordings, other than the fact that the two meetings held in the judges' private chambers in early October were filmed from his seat.

Chaowana said two of the three clips were captured during the October 4 meeting and the last one on October 11. Pasit, then secretary to the court's president, Chat Chonlaworn, was present at both the meetings and was sacked on October 18 after the clips appeared on the YouTube video-sharing website.

Chaowana told the press conference yesterday that court officials would present the findings to the police team investigating the complaint filed by the court last week.

As for the second batch of clips showing alleged cheating during court job-application tests in 2008, Chaowana said the judges wanted the previous secretary-general to the court, Paiboon Warahapaitoon, to rebut the allegations. Paitoon, who is now a member of the National Human Rights Commission, was in charge of administering the test.


-- The Nation 2010-11-06


Now that's politeness. :)

They won't say it was Pasit that illegally filmed the judges private discussions, but they will say the filming was done from the angle of his seat and will say that he did attend the meeting on those dates.


This was all he could get, and the clock was ticking to use SOMETHING.

So maybe there was other stuff, maybe not but they now have to spin

gold from dental floss and doesn't look like they can.

I haven't heard ANYTHING that would shock the average Thai into much of any anger,

so an exercise in futility, and preaching to the converted at best, criminal actions at worst.

By whom?

Out of the judges, Pasit, Democrats and PTP, who has commited criminal actions?

The judges - probably - for organising exam answers for family/friends (if they actually did).

Pasit - most likely - for taping judges private meetings, with leniency, possibly, depending on what the aim of the taping was (ie don't shoot the messenger).

Democrats - no - have they done anything? The only tape they were in was a meeting organised by Pasit where Pasit asked all the leading questions.

PTP - possibly - for defaming the judges, or for putting Pasit up to commit a criminal action.

Although it's obvious that Pasit did the taping, whoever put it up on Youtube clearly aimed to indicate that the judges and the Democrats were conspiring to get a not guilty verdict in the dissolution case. The PTP were complicit in that, and they have CLEARLY FAILED.

The tapes and PTP then went on to try to discredit the court itself. This may have some success, but won't have any affect on the result of the court case.

As far as the PTP saying the judges are corrupt, it's not even "The Pot calling the Kettle Black" ... it's more a case of "The Pot calling the Kettle GREY".


This was all he could get, and the clock was ticking to use SOMETHING.

So maybe there was other stuff, maybe not but they now have to spin

gold from dental floss and doesn't look like they can.

I haven't heard ANYTHING that would shock the average Thai into much of any anger,

so an exercise in futility, and preaching to the converted at best, criminal actions at worst.

By whom?

Out of the judges, Pasit, Democrats and PTP, who has commited criminal actions?

The judges - probably - for organising exam answers for family/friends (if they actually did).

Pasit - most likely - for taping judges private meetings, with leniency, possibly, depending on what the aim of the taping was (ie don't shoot the messenger).

Democrats - no - have they done anything? The only tape they were in was a meeting organised by Pasit where Pasit asked all the leading questions.

PTP - possibly - for defaming the judges, or for putting Pasit up to commit a criminal action.

Although it's obvious that Pasit did the taping, whoever put it up on Youtube clearly aimed to indicate that the judges and the Democrats were conspiring to get a not guilty verdict in the dissolution case. The PTP were complicit in that, and they have CLEARLY FAILED.

The tapes and PTP then went on to try to discredit the court itself. This may have some success, but won't have any affect on the result of the court case.

As far as the PTP saying the judges are corrupt, it's not even "The Pot calling the Kettle Black" ... it's more a case of "The Pot calling the Kettle GREY".

I don't think it is coincidental that the ta[es were put on Y

outube from Hong Kong where Pasit absconded too.


CONTROVERSIAL COURT CLIPS Another court clip posted online By The Nation Another video clip relating to alleged abuse of power at the Constitution Court has been released on YouTube leading to an unsuccessful bid by the ICT Ministry to block it from being seen here, on claims the content breached the emergency decree. The latest clip is titled “Confession of a admission exam cheater” and was posted on Monday by the same source as earlier ones" “ohmygod3009”. It is 5.36 minutes long and has captions. The clip shows a meeting between Pasit Sakdanarong, the now dismissed secretary of the Constitution Court, with two young men. They are named as children of judges who work at the court and alleged to have received help from three judges to pass a test to get work at the court office. The sound quality of the clip isn’t very clear, except the voice of Pasit, who speaks most of the time, while the two others mostly nod in agreement. Pasit was recorded as telling the two to admit they cheated in the recruitment exam and they nod their heads. After some talk, one of the two men admits that a court judge brought the exam answers to his home while the other man admits receiving the exam answers at a judge’s office. It then appears the video was edited and what follows is Pasit telling the two to never admit they received the exam answers in advance. The two then nod their heads. The clip states the name of another staff member at the court, who is a relative of a judge, but he is not seen. The caption in the clip also claims one judge held a press conference in an attempt to undermine the credibility of the court by those who have failed to receive favours from the court but the judge cited in the clip apparently failed to take account of what really took place, which is shameful. The clip also accuses the government of double standards, alleging that a senior policeman in Tak province “caught” in a separate video clip harassing a female subordinate not long ago was prosecuted, but it said nobody bothered to go after the person who took and released the video. It claimed the government was now trying to curry favour with the court by trying to hunt down the person behind the video leak despite the fact that previous incidents had eroded public faith in the court. A postscript claims that one judge played golf in Singapore and “did something more” and that people wanting to see this otherwise morally righteous judge unmasked should make their request heard. -- The Nation 2010-11-10

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