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Claiming Benefits Whilst In Thailand


Living off the Social in Thailand  

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Rather as I point out above, the real risk of this crime is that it undermines public support for welfare - and when that happens there is a very real risk that welfare would be withdrawn, the people who suffer then are those who genuinely cannot help themselves.

It only undermines the support when the public are wound up by the self serving rantings of rags like the Daily Mail - UK newspaper- (I use the term "newspaper" in it's loosest form and I afford the rag the capital letters out of adherence to my education).

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Rather as I point out above, the real risk of this crime is that it undermines public support for welfare - and when that happens there is a very real risk that welfare would be withdrawn, the people who suffer then are those who genuinely cannot help themselves.

It only undermines the support when the public are wound up by the self serving rantings of rags like the Daily Mail - UK newspaper- (I use the term "newspaper" in it's loosest form and I afford the rag the capital letters out of adherence to my education).

this subject will propaly be headline news(benifit cheats) in the daily mail next week,running down thailand,agian

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Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

Well mate the only thing I can say is that you should open your eyes.99 % of the tax money you pay is stolen by the government itself.

So leave the other 1 % for your fellow citizen.At least it doesn't go in the pockets of the big thieves like the other part.

So if 99% of the money is stolen, who pays for schools, health care, welfare, pensions, defence, social services, roads, libraries, museums......?

And how much of that money comes from your contribution?

To answer your question,probably as much as from your contribution.

But that was not the question of the OP.I'm not claiming any benefits whilst in Thailand and also don't live in my homecountry.Still I pay a considerable amount of money to my government every year?And for for what?For example I pay tax to collect my garbage and a tax for contaminating public waters,however I don't set a foot in my homecountry during the whole year.Another tax every year because I worked hard during my life so had the luck to buy an appartment from my savings which I don't rent out but just keep for my occasional visits and probably my the old day.

And now I hear that my government,along with most other governments in Europe,is broke.

About a month ago a senator from my country was in Thailand and she had to be repatriated by my Embassy because she had a drugs deal going bad.You probably recall the story on this forum.I don't even dream about the salary she receives every month to be present sometimes.And like her there are hundreds,maybe thousands,who get paid an astronomous salary paid from mine and my fellow citizens taxes every month.Even when they have been in the government for just a few days they will receive that salary for the rest of their life..

Wouldn't you call that stealing?

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It would seem that lots of Posters on TV have been in Thailand far too long,to be in touch with developments in the UK.

For one; There is a Telephone number frequently advertised on British Television (and has been for a number of years) by the DWP,encouraging people to tell them anonamously if they believe anyone to be claiming Benefits fraudulently.

Another point,the UK retirement Pensioners are being Penalised and and are disallowed annual increases to their Pension because they do not live in the Uk, which is unfair IMO.

UK residency stipulation also applies to British Thailand residents claiming Benefits,whilst resident in Thailand.

They are not entitled because of non residency.which is not unfair IMO.

The reasoning is: Pensions has been earned,from a lifetime of work,and paying NI contributions and Taxes,and is not classed as a Benefit.

The second one is a Benefit and not an entitlement

Theoretically if these fraudsters were weeded out then maybe there would be extra money available for their increases and no need to penalise the Pensioners ,or others for that matter.

So as usual someone has to foot the bill for anothers fraud.

Edited by MAJIC
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I know of a certain person who gets 9 week sick notes for what basically is a nonsence illness / injury and comes back to thailand every eight weeks but surely he is not doing anything wrong only maybee manipulating the system, it makes my blood boil and he knows it as the huge business taxes i pay in the uk are funding his long time holiday :(

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I know of a certain person who gets 9 week sick notes for what basically is a nonsence illness / injury and comes back to thailand every eight weeks but surely he is not doing anything wrong only maybee manipulating the system, it makes my blood boil and he knows it as the huge business taxes i pay in the uk are funding his long time holiday :(

His holiday and David Cameron's one who will holiday here at the end of the year and probably will not fly economy.

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I know of a certain person who gets 9 week sick notes for what basically is a nonsence illness / injury and comes back to thailand every eight weeks but surely he is not doing anything wrong only maybee manipulating the system, it makes my blood boil and he knows it as the huge business taxes i pay in the uk are funding his long time holiday :(

His holiday and David Cameron's one who will holiday here at the end of the year and probably will not fly economy.


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now the thread has run a little, may I move it slightly off topic?

What about the alledged senario in which a millionaire, ex forces, high ranking person, tells the grounds maintenance firm on an MOD base,"If you want a quiet life, get my boy a job"

Said boy knows he stands to inherit millions, coz he tells us so, and has no intention of ever doing a days work, even if he had the ability to do so. So the rest of the gang have to carry him.

Said grounds maintenance firm gets fraud and security training, and asks gang to report instances just like the above, exept, there is no way that grass cutters on the minimum wage are going to take down a retired liutenant colonel, a retired major, a few site managers, a supervisor and an area manager.

I could list a lot of other criminal wastes of taxpayers money aswell, But not on a public forum.

Its not only individuals theiving from the taxpayer.

Thankfulkly a lot of these wastrels are now loosing their jobs.....

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Something wrong with this poll.

How can you vote "no" without voting on the second part?

Oh... now you all know my vote. I wouldn't report it to anyone. As it is I don't know anyone claiming illegal benefits at the moment and no, I wouldn't "bubble" on anyone. (Sorry I've never heard that expression before.)

I do, however, think it's wrong of people to claim various benefits from their home country whilst living here.

Same, same.

No, I would never grass any body up for this sort of thing.

I see most of you voted yes. Seems to be a lot of squeaky clean whiter than white honest decent citizens out there. I mean, can all those who voted yes, truly claim they haven’t done anything dishonest in your lives? What about you yes voters who purchase property illegally here in Thailand by using a Thai name, like a wife or girlfriend for example.

I don`t give a rats behind either way, no skin off my nose, just that I wouldn’t be so keen to give anyone up with exceptions for child molesters or murders and other serious criminals.

But that`s just me.

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A friend of mine went to the doctor who was of Indian decent, told him a cock-and-bull story that he was hallucinating and suffering from a mental illness, the doctor agreed and signed him off work and referred him to see a psychotherapist. He conned them as well and was deemed unfit to work.

He was living in a flat and up until that point was paying his way , paying the rent etc .

After being declared unfit to work he claimed every possible allowance from the state that he could.

He only had to sign on every 6 months I believe and that gave him the idea of coming here, staying 5 and a half months and then return to sign on again . The flat that he had he was getting money per month to pay the rent which was over 400 quid per month. While he was here in Thailand, he sub-let his flat to someone else, they also paid him 400 quid a month. He paid the rent from the money the tenant paid him and came to Thailand. He was getting about 6-800 quid a month in total benefits and was living very well here for about 5 years , then someone bubbled him and he was caught on his next return back to the UK. I have no idea what happened to him as I have never seen him again but after doing that for about 5 years adds up to a lot of money but eventually you get caught.

I have another friend doing exactly the same here now , but he has to fly back every 2 months I think. The last time I chatted with him he said he cant afford to keep flying back to sign on , lol. He is currently back in the UK but I expect to see him back again.

How the system works mystifies me as I would love to be able to get something out of my own government rather than all the bloody immigrants who now reside in the UK and do just that , with 20 kids in tow . :realangry:

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I know a guy living here doing pretty much the same thing though it involves him renting out his council flat in the UK. Whilst I dislike what he's doing I would not inform the authorities as it would lead to him being separated from his Thai wife and child.

This individual has no means or even ability to support his family here legally. He's an idiot for getting into this position but no, I couldn't inform.

I know a bloke who got away with this for 10 years before he was caught. Hard to feel sympathy overall for someone who chooses to live this way.

Although on a personal level yeah I felt sorry for him going back to the UK with nowhere to live job etc....its for this reason I reckon I wouldn't snitch.

Last time I was home I bumped into a woman I grew up with, haven't seen for over twenty years. Chatting about life I asked her where she was working, she replied in a local factory and that she'd been working their since leaving school.

When asked if she likes working there she replied - No I hate it, but I've got kids to feed.

She's not unusual, she's like millions of others who get off their <deleted> and work for a living, she and all those like her are deserving of absolute respect.

Scum scrounging off the system, buying life styles they don't want to work for with other people's money - If they get married and start a family, let them do what the rest of the world does - Get off their <deleted> and work.

How correct you are Guesthouse,this is what most of the population does,if you have a job you enjoy,then truly you are a very fortunate person.

In my working life of 40 years,I would estimate that only 20% to 30% was enjoyable years,the rest was a unspoken agreement with the Boss: You pay me and I will do my very best to give you the best standard of workmanship.OK (again unspoken) I

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What the hel_l is bubble someone?

Dont shout we hear you!

Bubble is English Slang for someone who,tells the Police, Authorities,or individual. That someone else has done something wrong.


I saw you steal that item.

Your Girlfriend has a new boyfriend.

Edited by MAJIC
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Oh it's a LIMEY thing

Not this "LIMEY". I am 36 have never had a penny off the state yet given them plenty through my business and at my age am intitled to nothing being self employed.

Tried to vote no but as someone alse said the vote does not work if you simply tick this box.

I live in Thailand make money in the UK and pay UK taxes, the benefit system in the UK and other countries is crazy and if I could claim back some of what I had paid into the system regarding benefits I would.

Flame all you want, I do not see any of my tax contributions as I live in another country and the majority of how the money is spent I disagree with.

People call Thais lazy however I was reading a report the other day that said 37% of children in Manchester have both parents that don't work, now thats lazy.

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Id give people up readily, they are stealing. Many of you rationalize it that it is stealing from the government. But in fact they are stealing from taxpayers. I don't like to be robbed and i know a lot less tax had to be paid if people would not defraud the system.

I wont grass on things that wont affect me or hurt nobody. But as soon as it in some way hurts me I will. I paid taxes lost money because of it and it could have been less if people did not defraud the tax system.

If someone is smoking a joint.. so be it does not hurt me in anyway. If someone is doing drunk driving I would grass on them as they could kill me or family of mine. I don't see it as a bad thing.

Am I squeaky clean.. no I am not but I don't do stuff that hurt others that is against the law.

How would you feel if i came in and stole your money that you worked hard for ?

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Something wrong with this poll.

How can you vote "no" without voting on the second part?

Oh... now you all know my vote. I wouldn't report it to anyone. As it is I don't know anyone claiming illegal benefits at the moment and no, I wouldn't "bubble" on anyone. (Sorry I've never heard that expression before.)

I do, however, think it's wrong of people to claim various benefits from their home country whilst living here.

Same, same.

No, I would never grass any body up for this sort of thing.

I see most of you voted yes. Seems to be a lot of squeaky clean whiter than white honest decent citizens out there. I mean, can all those who voted yes, truly claim they haven't done anything dishonest in your lives? What about you yes voters who purchase property illegally here in Thailand by using a Thai name, like a wife or girlfriend for example.

I don`t give a rats behind either way, no skin off my nose, just that I wouldn't be so keen to give anyone up with exceptions for child molesters or murders and other serious criminals.

But that`s just me.

And me. :)

me too.

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It seems that many condone stealing from big companies (insurance) and governments wile they would not condone it if they were robbed themselves. In a way it is robbing other people because prices will go up (insurance) or taxes go up or benefits go down because people are committing fraud.

It might be that people don't condone it but don't like to grass someone out.

For the guy who said something about owning property illegally, you don't own it when it is on your wife or gf's name. There is nothing illegal about it. Furthermore it does not hurt anyone but this does.

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I normally avoid these threads ...

but ...

Say you know someone that is

1) Not mentally well (possibly due to a disease ... info follows)

2) Is receiving full SSI Disability or it's equivalent from another nation.

3) The reason for the SSI Disability is something like non-hodgkins lymphoma which metastasized.

They are living and teaching in Thailand. They are not mentally well. The SSI disability requires your presence in your home country to be eligible for. (This is not social security retirement benefits).

For me this is a sticky whicket. The guy is likely dieing a slow death. It affects him mentally. It is stealing from the US taxpayer. Turn him in and possibly ruin what time he has left? Fail to turn him in and steps further off the deep-end and harms someone here? Ignore the welfare fraud? I don't have an answer. The moral quandary is such that as yet I have been unable to decide on a course of action.

BTW --- OZ the UK and the US all allow for anonymous reporting of welfare fraud via the internet.

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A few years back a friend of my wife was having difficulty with the payments for her son from her ex Swiss husband.

She found out through the Swiss authorities that he was receiving the allowance for the kid, but he was not passing it onto the wife, he was just pocketing it.

Now this guy is claiming disability, some mental issue and he is not suppose to be able to cope with the likes of driving, holding down a steady job ,life in general.

However he can be seen regularly riding his motorbike around town or driving his pick-up and I managed to take a series of photos of him driving his pick-up.

We then delivered the photos to his house and told him that we would submit them to the Swiss authorities if he did not come clean with the child benefit and after about 3 weeks the ex-wife received notice that the child benefit was to be paid into her bank account.

I was still not satisfied so I let the guy know if he did not pay the back dated benefits then we would submit the damming evidence, his attitude was go ahead as that would mean his son would lose his benefit too, but we called his bluff, because he did not realise that the child benefit was a legitimate payment and had nothing to do with his disability payments, he duly paid up every penny.

I see the guy now and again in town and he just hates my guts, but he is too chickenshit to do anything about it, but I would just love him to try.

Edited by stander
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A few years back a friend of my wife was having difficulty with the payments for her son from her ex Swiss husband.

She found out through the Swiss authorities that he was receiving the allowance for the kid, but he was not passing it onto the wife, he was just pocketing it.

Now this guy is claiming disability, some mental issue and he is not suppose to be able to cope with the likes of driving, holding down a steady job ,life in general.

However he can be seen regularly riding his motorbike around town or driving his pick-up and I managed to take a series of photos of him driving his pick-up.

We then delivered the photos to his house and told him that we would submit them to the Swiss authorities if he did not come clean with the child benefit and after about 3 weeks the ex-wife received notice that the child benefit was to be paid into her bank account.

I was still not satisfied so I let the guy know if he did not pay the back dated benefits then we would submit the damming evidence, his attitude was go ahead as that would mean his son would lose his benefit too, but we called his bluff, because he did not realise that the child benefit was a legitimate payment and had nothing to do with his disability payments, he duly paid up every penny.

I see the guy now and again in town and he just hates my guts, but he is too chickenshit to do anything about it, but I would just love him to try.

Well done. Would do the same.


1) He has abandoned his son.

2) He is stealing his sons money.

3) He is living a lie.

Yet he probaply thinks he is a smart cookie?

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I know a guy living here doing pretty much the same thing though it involves him renting out his council flat in the UK. Whilst I dislike what he's doing I would not inform the authorities as it would lead to him being separated from his Thai wife and child.

This individual has no means or even ability to support his family here legally. He's an idiot for getting into this position but no, I couldn't inform.

I know a bloke who got away with this for 10 years before he was caught. Hard to feel sympathy overall for someone who chooses to live this way.

Although on a personal level yeah I felt sorry for him going back to the UK with nowhere to live job etc....its for this reason I reckon I wouldn't snitch.

Last time I was home I bumped into a woman I grew up with, haven't seen for over twenty years. Chatting about life I asked her where she was working, she replied in a local factory and that she'd been working their since leaving school.

When asked if she likes working there she replied - No I hate it, but I've got kids to feed.

She's not unusual, she's like millions of others who get off their <deleted> and work for a living, she and all those like her are deserving of absolute respect.

Scum scrounging off the system, buying life styles they don't want to work for with other people's money - If they get married and start a family, let them do what the rest of the world does - Get off their <deleted> and work.

and you know what GH when she goes down the dole office when she loses her job they will probably tell her to bugger off.:realangry:

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and you know what GH when she goes down the dole office when she loses her job they will probably tell her to bugger off.:realangry:

I absolutely would not - Nor do I expect her to put her hand out, most people do not.

There's a world of difference between loosing a job, and not looking for a job.

You should come visit my home town someday, make it a Thursday, the town centre is full of young men and women hobbling about with walking sticks, they hobble down to the Welfare office and then straight over to that other hangout of the nation's work-sheisters 'Whetherspoons'.

It's classic economics of Supply and Demand - Make more money available for a product and the market will respond with more of the product.

Pour billions into the welfare system for bad backs and gammy legs and our town centres become full of them.

Got to hand it to Whetherspoons though, spotted a large market sector - People with easy money in their pockets and all day free to spend it.

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Apologies if the Poll does not work properly.

I for one, have to pay my National insurance contributions for 13 years to get my pension, I am willing to pay into the system to get something that is legally mine, whilst in Thailand.

I would not claim Unemployment Benefit (UB40) or another other benefits, there are many people more deserving than myself back home, but there are also those lazy sods who just take and take, until there is no more, I include the politicians.

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Apologies if the Poll does not work properly.

I for one, have to pay my National insurance contributions for 13 years to get my pension, I am willing to pay into the system to get something that is legally mine, whilst in Thailand.

I would not claim Unemployment Benefit (UB40) or another other benefits, there are many people more deserving than myself back home, but there are also those lazy sods who just take and take, until there is no more, I include the politicians.

So why you decide to go after your fellow citizens,who you don't know their background ,and who maybe realise that they have paid into a system all the past years for something that will not exist anymore when they reach their legal age.So to me they have all the rights to cheat on the system.

If you're so brave why you don't go after the big ones,read the politicians,who rip you blue every day of your life.

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