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Claiming Benefits Whilst In Thailand


Living off the Social in Thailand  

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Interesting to know if those posters on here attacking anyone has or would inform on anyone commiting criminal fraudulent acts are In Thailand or near.

Next to committing a crime the next worse act is ignoring or condoning the crime.

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think there are lots of expats here in Thailand doing that...I know a Danish guy who filed bankruptcy back in Denmark and claiming job seekers allowance from Denmark while living in Thailand but actually has a company here in Thailand...worst of all, he's also claiming his child support for his 2 kids that actually live with their mom in Norway and the bloke is here living with his thai gf!...Life....

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So where does the fine line lie between being a Sneak and doing the Right Thing?

Oi, the Dook's bubble and squeak, inne?

Only 1 thing worse than a thief and thats a grass..

You sound like the kind of guy who is claiming benefits illegally and justifying himself.

you sound like the kind of guy who wud grass someone up and be proud of it.. where i come from you simply keep your nose out of other peoples buisness...

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So where does the fine line lie between being a Sneak and doing the Right Thing?

Oi, the Dook's bubble and squeak, inne?

Only 1 thing worse than a thief and thats a grass..

You sound like the kind of guy who is claiming benefits illegally and justifying himself.

you sound like the kind of guy who wud grass someone up and be proud of it.. where i come from you simply keep your nose out of other peoples buisness...

Even if they are robbing you blind via the tax man.

We should have the strength of character to stand up to bullies and gangsters like the previous poster. The tax man's business is everyman's business, and we have a duty to help the exchequer save his money, that he can be less of a burden on us and our fellows


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OK, forget my Phil the Greek mention.

The Junior Debating Society seems to have subsided into a petty criminal cross your fingers and hope to die thing.

Leeches are leeches and for my part I burn them off.

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So where does the fine line lie between being a Sneak and doing the Right Thing?

Oi, the Dook's bubble and squeak, inne?

Only 1 thing worse than a thief and thats a grass..

You sound like the kind of guy who is claiming benefits illegally and justifying himself.

you sound like the kind of guy who wud grass someone up and be proud of it.. where i come from you simply keep your nose out of other peoples buisness...

Actually i have never reported anyone simply because i don't know people like that. I also don't go out of my way to find and report them. But yes i would do it and i would not be ashamed of it. When your stealing from the tax man (and in a way from me) its my business. Just don't steal and work for your money like the rest of us and the problem is solved.

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Some of those mentioned in this post might not be in the UK when these people knock on their doors starting from today.

Seven million households in England and Wales are being chased up because they have not yet filled in their census forms.

An army of 29,000 census collectors - costing £43.5m - will begin house-to-house calls chasing people who have not yet complied, "Collectors are all set to start work at 2pm today to collect questionnaires from households or individuals who haven't sent theirs back,"

"No answer at number 10"....................“Question the neighbour's they might know of their whereabouts"?

Edited by nam-thip
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Some of those mentioned in this post might not be in the UK when these people knock on their doors starting from today.

Seven million households in England and Wales are being chased up because they have not yet filled in their census forms.

An army of 29,000 census collectors - costing £43.5m - will begin house-to-house calls chasing people who have not yet complied, "Collectors are all set to start work at 2pm today to collect questionnaires from households or individuals who haven't sent theirs back,"

"No answer at number 10"....................“Question the neighbour's they might know of their whereabouts"?

another 43.5 million wasted then!

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So where does the fine line lie between being a Sneak and doing the Right Thing?

Oi, the Dook's bubble and squeak, inne?

Only 1 thing worse than a thief and thats a grass..

You sound like the kind of guy who is claiming benefits illegally and justifying himself.

you sound like the kind of guy who wud grass someone up and be proud of it.. where i come from you simply keep your nose out of other peoples buisness...

your sort think this sort of crime is victimless well you are wrong.!! where I come from crimes are reported, clearly you are someone who supports criminal activity,I hope sometime you are a victim

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"your sort think this sort of crime is victimless well you are wrong.!! where I come from crimes are reported, clearly you are someone who supports criminal activity,I hope sometime you are a victim"

KV Vampire

What does a fine, upstanding, law abiding citizen such as yourself think of fellows who go to Thailand and pay to be serviced by prostitutes when it is a well known fact prostitution is illegal in the LOS. I hope you are as good as your word and report these criminals to the appropriate authorities. Or are you selective about which crimes you report.

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"your sort think this sort of crime is victimless well you are wrong.!! where I come from crimes are reported, clearly you are someone who supports criminal activity,I hope sometime you are a victim"

KV Vampire

What does a fine, upstanding, law abiding citizen such as yourself think of fellows who go to Thailand and pay to be serviced by prostitutes when it is a well known fact prostitution is illegal in the LOS. I hope you are as good as your word and report these criminals to the appropriate authorities. Or are you selective about which crimes you report.

I don't think there's any prostitution here. That would be illegal.

I think it would be slanderous to suggest that KV is not reporting crimes of which he is aware, and the mere fact that it may be true is no defence. One should tread carefully in foreign lands, when one has but scant knowledge of the law. Least said, soonest mended, perhaps...


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