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Two Thai Girls Became Mothers At The Age Of Nine: Survey

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Nearly 200 teenage girls give birth

By Varatya Chailangka

The Nation on Sunday

Chiang Mai

Thailand had two young girls who became mothers at the age of just nine years old, according to a survey by the Provincial Administration Department.

The survey, conducted from 2000 to 2009, documents extensive underage pregnancies in Thailand over the past decade. Details were revealed yesterday at a children's rights forum in the North.

Aside from the two nine-year-olds, the survey also said there were eight girls who became mothers at the age of 10, 15 who became mothers at the age of 11, 75 aged 12 years old, 481 aged 13 years old, 2,781 aged 14 years old, 8,999 aged 15 years old and 19,402 aged 16 years old.

In 2008 alone, nearly 70,000 teenage girls (69,387) had children - an average of 190 teenage mothers giving birth every day.

Officials who conducted the national survey predicted the amount of young mothers was likely to increase.

Chusri Chuto, a senior pro?fessional development officer at the Social Development and Human Security Ministry, said the issue of underage sex and pregancies was just one of many child problems discussed at the forum.

The forum has been held annually since 1989 so that chil?dren and youths can express their opinions, talk about their problems as part of efforts to protect their rights.

She said the northern forum called on the government to ensure children's development, protection and participation without discrimination. They wanted every agency to consid?er or give priority to issues so that children benefit.

After each region had held their own forum, their proposals will be submitted to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva the day after the national forum, scheduled for November 19, is held.


-- The Nation 2010-11-07

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How many arrests occurred after the hospitals reported to authorities that such young children had given birth. A nine year giving birth most likely was impregnated at 8 years old. I think that Thailand has laws against such things, and I think it's the hospital that should be picking up the phone and protecting these little children.


How often were there alcoholic drinks involved in those rapes? In the US, it's called 'statutary rape' and it's taken very seriously by citizens and by the law. In Thailand, where 'saving face' is paramount, it's swept under the table.

If most or all of these rapes are alcohol fueled, then why is alcohol legal and more benign substances like ganga and hemp illegal? Indeed, hemp can't get you stoned, even if you smoked a truckload of the stuff - yet it will land you in jail if you're caught with any amount.

Chances are much more likely the girls got raped by a relative and/or close acquaintance, than by a stranger. Every study of such things shows this.

How available are abortions? Are Christians going to scream if a little girl wants to abort a fetus caused by rape?

Nobody asked me, but I would mandate 10 years in jail for any male (more than 3 years older than the victim) who rapes a girl - plus a fine of 80% of his and his family's assets. Second offense: castration. I jest not.

How many arrests occurred after the hospitals reported to authorities that such young children had given birth. A nine year giving birth most likely was impregnated at 8 years old. I think that Thailand has laws against such things, and I think it's the hospital that should be picking up the phone and protecting these little children.

Good concerns, but because this is Thailand, 'face' counts more than reasonable action. In other words, first there will be denial (by the boy/man and his family). If that doesn't work, there will be threats to shut up. If that doesn't work, a pay-off to hush-up will be offered, probably 10,000 baht or less. No way will there be any responsibility by the rapist, as there are not even any laws in Thailand which require a man (who sires a child) to take responsibility and/or provide child support. A big part of the equation is the male dominated society. A female is always wrong in comparison, particularly if she's young and has no status.

In Ecuador and some other backward countries (I believe it's also true for Thailand), there are cultural traditions which specify: If the rapist marries the victim, then the charge is wiped clean. Unfortunately, such stupid laws actually encourage child rapes, because a man who lusts after a girl thinks, "wow, I can rape her, and then when it's found out, she'll be forced to marry me, and I'll have her to <deleted> every day. I can't lose!"

One or two dozen times a year there are all night, very loud parties in my small village in north Thailand. Everybody is sloppy drunk. Often, there are young girls hanging at the shadowy perimeters, and (surprise) there are guys trying to get them drunk so they can ....you guessed it. The parents are either sloshed, snoozing and/or shouting a song, out of key, at a microphone. It goes on until sunup. It's a perfect breeding ground for child rape.

My little village is not an anomaly. The same scenario happens in every one of tens of thousands of villages, towns, and cities throughout Thailand. The mind boggles at the myriad opportunities for men to get girls drunk and abuse them.


You can bet your b_lls on one fact, they certainly weren't impregated by a 10 year old boy friend. How about dad, brother , uncle, family friend.

A pretty sad state of affairs.


You can bet your b_lls on one fact, they certainly weren't impregated by a 10 year old boy friend. How about dad, brother , uncle, family friend.

A pretty sad state of affairs.

Actually, I saw a comment yesterday (I think on the Daily thread) that one of the 9 year olds was impregnated by a 10 year old.


Either way and no matter the circumstances that cause it, families in outter regions of Thailand and on borders have been known and are still known, to sell off virginity of a minor. This is barbaric, cruel and certainly punishable in the extreme. As already stated, hospitals should have mandatory reporting of such heinous crimes but of course, with many being able to pay under the table, when will it ever be resolved?

Disgusting and yes, even admin may agree, hang them high by you know what! mad.gif


If the survey found two girls aged 9 who were pregnant, they were probably raped at 8. And because Thais are a year old when born, by western standards, they girls were more likely 7 years old when raped. Castrate the f*ckers who attacked them! Hold the guys down and give me a pair latex gloves and heavy scissors, and I'll gladly do it myself.


With such wide spread teenage, and childhood pregnancy there has to be an explanation.

Cui Bono?

Why are the parents, particularly the mothers of these children not taking care to ensure their daughters don't become pregnant?

On the simple economics of feeding another child, one would expect there to be severe pressure for girls and young women not become pregnant - But then look at what usually happens when a young girl gets pregnant - Her mother, now the grandmother, takes care of the children and the new mother goes out to work - Providing a steady income stream for the Grandmother, secure in her position within the family.

Viewed from outside, it's a terrible thing, viewed from the Grandmother's point of view, she's just become indispensable.

Children as security - It's classic depravation economics and can be seen all over Thailand.

In 2008 alone, nearly 70,000 teenage girls (69,387) had children

That's FAR below the USA rate per capita

Thank you DP25 - I was just thinking about the same thing. Now this is interesting I never been to US so perhaps someone knowing that country better could tell me, but do you think its the same scenario as here? Small villages (perhaps midlands) > alcohol > country music > party > and then uncle happens....

I understand that any number is too big whether its 1 or 70,000, but seems like Thailand has this better under control than US for example, not sure how the figures would show in more civilized countries in Europe.

Thailand had two young girls who became mothers at the age of just nine years old, according to a survey by the Provincial Administration Department.

There needs to be more definitive verification than "a survey by the Provincial Administration Department" as giving birth at that early an age is extremely rare. If true, the 2 would be in the top five EVER to be the youngest mothers in history.


In 2008 alone, nearly 70,000 teenage girls (69,387) had children

That's FAR below the USA rate per capita

Thank you DP25 - I was just thinking about the same thing. Now this is interesting I never been to US so perhaps someone knowing that country better could tell me, but do you think its the same scenario as here? Small villages (perhaps midlands) > alcohol > country music > party > and then uncle happens....

I understand that any number is too big whether its 1 or 70,000, but seems like Thailand has this better under control than US for example, not sure how the figures would show in more civilized countries in Europe.

Before we offer the scape goat of 'The US Teenage Pregnancy Rate is worse' can someone give us the statistics that demonstrate that to be so.

US statistics I've seen state pregnancy between the ages 15~19 - Put aside for a moment the child pregnancy figures, if you look at the exponential change in pregnancy figures in Thailand versus age (ie how very many more 16 year old's become pregnant) then it is clear adding 18 and 19 year olds into the US statistic is going to distort the number.


You can bet your b_lls on one fact, they certainly weren't impregated by a 10 year old boy friend. How about dad, brother , uncle, family friend.

In another case, it was her husband.

This girl is in the top 10 of all time youngest mothers.

According to the AFP article, at the age of 9, she had a 27 year-old husband.


In 2008 alone, nearly 70,000 teenage girls (69,387) had children

That's FAR below the USA rate per capita

Thank you DP25 - I was just thinking about the same thing. Now this is interesting I never been to US so perhaps someone knowing that country better could tell me, but do you think its the same scenario as here? Small villages (perhaps midlands) > alcohol > country music > party > and then uncle happens....

I understand that any number is too big whether its 1 or 70,000, but seems like Thailand has this better under control than US for example, not sure how the figures would show in more civilized countries in Europe.

You also have to consider that the figures quoted are much more accurate stateside than Thailand, how many more teenage births in Thailand go unreported?


It mentions in the newspaper article that under Thai Law minors can marry with the permission of the parents, either this law should be changed or the definition of minors should be changed, married at say 8 or 9 years old is outrageous.

What would happen if a well heeled older foreigner came, paid the parents and ended up marrying the minor, (as if this probably has never happened) and sleeping with the minor, would this constitute pedophilia in the eyes of the Thai law?


It mentions in the newspaper article that under Thai Law minors can marry with the permission of the parents

Not if they're under 15 they can't


I understand that any number is too big whether its 1 or 70,000, but seems like Thailand has this better under control than US for example, not sure how the figures would show in more civilized countries in Europe.

It's much lower than the US, where there are 10 times as many teen births but only 5 times as many people (even more pregnancies due to much higher abortion rate), but compared with Western Europe the rate is still high. Western European rates aside from the UK are very low.


I understand that any number is too big whether its 1 or 70,000, but seems like Thailand has this better under control than US for example, not sure how the figures would show in more civilized countries in Europe.

It's much lower than the US, where there are 10 times as many teen births but only 5 times as many people (even more pregnancies due to much higher abortion rate), but compared with Western Europe the rate is still high. Western European rates aside from the UK are very low.

Teen (aged 15-19) birth rates: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_tee_bir_rat-people-teenage-birth-rate

I can't find much on "child" birth/pregnancy rates. They all seem to include only 15-19.


Who can be really surprised about a 9 year old girl having a baby? In the U.S. it’s common for a girl say in the 5th or 6th grade pushing a baby stroller around at school. The phrase, ‘Babies having babies people call it.’ ‘If she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed.’ When the mother graduates from High school or if she makes it though, her child will be a freshman at school. I mean, could you imagine hearing down the hall, “Mom, I’m here, can I get a pack of cigs for my new boyfriend or girlfriend.”

There was a recent story on cnn.com about a woman in Spain whose 10 year old daughter just gave birth and the mother is overjoyed and wasn’t shocked.

At one of my old apartments over in Nontumbri. One of the people who lived there, decided to open up an “Internet café” for people who lived there. Some of the teenage boys, who were 12 – 13 years old, would knock up one of the younger Thai girls and get her pregnant. 6 – 9 months later, I was surprised to see a young girl walking around with her belly sticking out. Thailand has a different culture then western culture, so Thai see this as different then “we” do.

It could be an earlier primal instinct for people in south East Asia breed at an early age for survival.


Nowadays, in Western Europe, the youngest mothers are 29 years old and average is 42. Oldest: 62 / 65 is not rare. :rolleyes:

I guess abortion is legal in Thailand. So it's not only a problem of rape or underage sex, it's also a problem of welfare management.

If you (adult, doctor, mayor, social worker, monk) see a pregnant baby girl, what will you do? Go to the hospital and request abortion.


In the U.S. for example. My grandmother was 13 when she got married and started to have children at an early age. Here mother was even younger.

My mother had me when she was 17 years old and 50 weeks, though she was married! Social trends have changed, but for a 9 year old to be pregnant is disgusting and virtually inconceivable to the moral mind, those responsible should be prosecuted if they are adults. If it is rape then jail time for all regardless of age.

In 2008 alone, nearly 70,000 teenage girls (69,387) had children

That's FAR below the USA rate per capita

• U.S. black teenage (15 - 19 years old) pregancy rate in 2006 was 12.6%.

• U.S. Nonhispanic Caucasian teenage (15 - 19 years old) pregnancy rate in 2006 was 4.4%.

• U.S. Hispanic teenage (15 - 19 years old) pregnancy rate in 2006 was 12.6%.

• Thai teenage (no age detail) pregnancy rate in 2006 was 6.0%.

Per Wikipedia

In 2008 alone, nearly 70,000 teenage girls (69,387) had children

That's FAR below the USA rate per capita

• U.S. black teenage (15 - 19 years old) pregancy rate in 2006 was 12.6%.

• U.S. Nonhispanic Caucasian teenage (15 - 19 years old) pregnancy rate in 2006 was 4.4%.

• U.S. Hispanic teenage (15 - 19 years old) pregnancy rate in 2006 was 12.6%.

• Thai teenage (no age detail) pregnancy rate in 2006 was 6.0%.

Per Wikipedia

I am sure the US rates would drop significantly if they included 11-14 age group.


In the U.S. it's common for a girl say in the 5th or 6th grade pushing a baby stroller around at school.

Sometimes, it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt. You would be best served employing this strategy.

Your statement is beyond ridiculous. Your perception of the US must be based entirely on Tabloids.


In the U.S. it's common for a girl say in the 5th or 6th grade pushing a baby stroller around at school. The phrase, 'Babies having babies people call it.' 'If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed.' When the mother graduates from High school or if she makes it though, her child will be a freshman at school. I mean, could you imagine hearing down the hall, "Mom, I'm here, can I get a pack of cigs for my new boyfriend or girlfriend."

Utter bullshit.

It could be an earlier primal instinct for people in south East Asia breed at an early age for survival.

Or it could be a theory only a 5th or 6th grader could expostulate.

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