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Briton Stabs Himself, Sets Pattaya Apartment On Fire

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Surprised at the number of hang him high posts... he sounds mentally ill to me.

Man tries to commit suicide and the police charge him with arson? Shouldn't he go to a hospital first to make sure he is mentally competent?

Mentally ill? Perhaps, but high on drugs and/or drunk have almost certainly contributed to his mental problems.

In any case, the lesson to be learned is, that if you want to commit suicide, do not endanger the lives of others while doing it....

I would imagine, wanting commit suicide that he has more pressing issues, than the safety of others considering what he is doing.Why would he be concerned for others? If successful he isn't going to meet them. Is he?

Or are you suggesting an ethical suicide?

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Is it too much to ask that those that belittle him suffer sorrow in their life that causes them the same level of depression / sadness? Or is that just mean?


Tsk tsk tsk - The name calling's started a bit early tonight.

I know it's off topic, but why oh why when ever an American, English, Scottish, Thai or other nationality does soemthing which offends, do we get these petty, narrowmided comments that invariably degenerates into a slanging match along the lines of 'my nationalities better than yours

.' It is so boring to read and smacks of the poster having a complete inferiority complex. Most expats here are discriminated against through anitquated laws, but we live with them as we choose to live here. Lets not throw sh*t at each other on an expat based forum, we get enough of that when we deal with officaldom here :jap:

P.S. It was stupid thing to do i do agree with that part!!

Agreed ! I remember the story about the hun who committed suicide in french style, after wreaking havoc in his neighbourhood Jemenite-style, strapping a bomb belt around a woman, raped her US marines style and had her edetonated. Then he drove up the road to find two Indians, droppend him into the swimmingpool shouting proverbs like " go fight yourselves underwarter" , blamed it onto the british. Then an austrian turned up and reminded him that Hitler was a born Candaian, upon which the aforementioned happened. RIP nationality !


Everytime I read a story about some drunk falong in an outrage or

a fight jumping off the

15th story or "stabbing HIMSELF" in the chest with a broken bottle

I believe it. Oh yes I do. I just believe the stander arouder witnesses

accounts of how the guy "did that" to HIMSELF every time. Thoughts of

like roomfuls of thugs slimeing around and partying for days and

then throwing the dude out of the window or beating his brains out

or stabbing him with a broken bottle after some hoopla never even crosses my mind because

I believe word for word exactly how all those derelict drunks standing around afterword recount

the situation. I do, I do.

And I think when I can't remember about the last time I heard of a "Brit" in "Briton"

stabbing himself and lighting himself on fire but I read every day stories about the violent crimes

and homicides in say London - I don't believe those people. They must all be lying.

These guys are just doing this to themselves. I mean, everybody standing around in Pattaya says so Right?

So there are no Criminals of Gaols (jails) in the Nirvana that you come from? People in glass houses should not throw stones. Yes the UK has its fare share of scrotes but so does everywhere else.

In modern parlance they are called Bankers and financiers, there it seems are no national boundaries regarding these types.

In essence the matters surrounding the fire and injury incident seem a little too clear cut on the girlfriends side for my view of honesty.

Still being a retired copper I would of course think like that wouldn't I ?

Remember there are three sides to the situation.

1. The girlfriends ( Som) account of the matter.

2. The injured boyfriends and accused's ( Sean) account of the matter.

3. The rarest of all sides, THE TRUTH.

One does indeed wonder if the true facts will ever emerge from this situation.


No one seems to have any sympathy for the guy. Yes, he did a stupid thing, worse to endanger the lives of others. Done in a moment of passion, we are all capable of doing stupid things.

I hope his injuries aren't too serious and he gets well soon. The next concern for him is the arson charge, that will likely be pretty expensive. What a mess to be in.

"Done in a moment of passion, we are all capable of doing stupid things".

Stabbing yourself in the heart and burning down a building? A tad extreme for most no ?

Just a tad!


Sorry, but I read too many things like this happening over there. Guy has fight with girl friend, allegedly is depressed, so jumps or falls off balcony? Seems to me the more likely thing is guy has fight with girl friend, girl friend's friends etc. Guy gets beat up, pushed etc. Then his property gets burned.

I rarely see an article where: guy has fight with girl friend, guy beats up girl friend, guy burns down her apartment. Maybe that is just more common in western countries after a dispute? Usually the guy lashes out at the girl friend and others, and does not just damage himself.


Sorry, but I read too many things like this happening over there. Guy has fight with girl friend, allegedly is depressed, so jumps or falls off balcony? Seems to me the more likely thing is guy has fight with girl friend, girl friend's friends etc. Guy gets beat up, pushed etc. Then his property gets burned.

I rarely see an article where: guy has fight with girl friend, guy beats up girl friend, guy burns down her apartment. Maybe that is just more common in western countries after a dispute? Usually the guy lashes out at the girl friend and others, and does not just damage himself.

Logic dictates that in Western and European countries the woman calls the coppers and the guy is hauled off to jail when a dispute goes too far.

Not very often do you hear of guys in Western and European countries self-mutilating and setting themselves on fire over a disagreement they had with a whore; a wife maybe, but not a whore.

That being said, the laws of logic cease to exist when foreign men behave similarly in Thailand, according to the accounts of the Thai whores who are the only surviving witnesses to these tragedies.

I use the term "whore" in its proper definition as a promiscuous woman.


Farangs always commit suicide or attempt suicide after arguing with a thai g/f or wife. Why is it so? is it to help her save face?

I've never committed suicide or even thought about it after an arguement... hmmmmmmmmm silly me.


A girl friend from Pattaya, in Pattaya, upsets him and he sets fire to the condo that he owns. Surprisingly, to have bought a condo suggests he hadn't just arrived on a two week holiday. Also, perhaps he should have been a tad wiser and maturer in his reaction to the girl's behaviuor. Simply, when you're paying for it you call the tune.Otherwise, you invite her to close the door on her way out.

I wonder how / where he met this Pattaya girlfriend and what he actually expects from such a relationship. But please don't call this passion. Lust most definately.

No doubt a drink or two was involved. He became a tad tired and emotional.

Now, with the intervention of the Police Department of Social Welfare he'll be a good deal poorer by the time he's allowed to walk free.

Lesson learned until he makes a proper job of it next time.

  • 2 weeks later...

jonclark writes:

"But lets be honest what sort of clientele is Pattaya looking for? The whole towns economy is based on prostitution and whoring"

-Agree entirely. Plus I wish some people would stop trying to pretend Pattaya is a family holiday place. It is for whores and their customers.

Males coming to Pattaya should learn to control their emotions, not fall in love with the sex workers, and they should also learn to treat most relationships with Thais as what they truly are: business transactions.

Cases like this one or idiots who jump off buildings are usually individuals unable to distinquish love from sex, or are people who are blinded by mis-placed "love" who in a lot of instances will sooner or later end up penniless and desperate.

I also think that someone who sets fire to an apartment-if indeed that is what happened- shows total selfishness and endangers the lives of others in the same way as these "jumpers" risk the lives of pedestrians etc.

My first thoughts, after reading the article was most likely the same as many normal logical thinking people.

I doubt very much that this man stabbed himself and then set his apt. on fire! Period. And the so callled "jumpers" Please people use your heads, they are pushee's while the pusher is a Thai national. Most of these so called suicides(homicides) are never investigated to any depth at all as we all know, Falang's are just that, falang's and of course we falang's are only in Thailand to do harm and have sex...right?...rubbish. I believe many falang or "tourists" as I like to call them at discriminated again'st as soon as they step outside the Suwanagetsumboomi airport. We are seen by Thai's as the same type of falang's that has given that reputation to Thailand.!!....the ones that belong in jail most of the time!

In reality most tourists(falang's) that come to Thailand may just be on a vacation to get away from the norm in thier homeland and for some of lifes experiences. Not for sex trade because they can not find it at thier own home country. It is a new experience and that is all. I think most and I would estimate 85% come to Thailand to see and maybe decide a new life because something has happened to thier life at thier own country(death of a loved one, wife child etc) and NEED a change to make a new life(good life) .

It is sad that we come to have to find these types of prejidices and it is like we are guilty before a jury hears anything.

I know I came to find new friends and good people, not to go to nana or pattaya and to this day I have never been to those spots because I knew what to expect. I wanted to meet and experience "real thai culture" I have met many Thai people from all of Thailand but I can say I don't have a true "Thai friend" that I know thinks of me as a good man and I can trust them explicitly!!. I know I am treated good by most but I do see and feel the inner thoughts of the people I am around. it's like...sawadee and a smile but inside they are saying hmmm how much can I get from him.....not all.....not all....remember please this is just my experience and I know many thai people are good heart and genuine, but just harder to find,..FOR ME!!....

This poor falang, who knows why or where he came from or for what reason, but I would bet my last dollar he did not stab himself nor set his home on fire for this lady....UNLESSS....he was and had been on drugs for a time. I think it was just as 99% of us thought the moment we read the article....my thoughts were....They argued while possible and most likely drinking and a fight ensued and with the tempers of some of the Thai ladys I know, she stabbed him and then set it ablaze trying for enough time to go by as to have no witness before reporting it.

Now, no one seems to know if this lady gained monetarily from this or was it just temper or anger or was her sugar daddy leaving....who knows.....I just know that with the Thai police there is never too much concern if it is JUST a falang that "accidentally" got killed or "acidentally " jumped to his suicide......sure happens alot in Los.....why?....does rice have an effect of growing wings?...hmmm

Personally I can think an easier way of suicide beside splatting on the ground or burning to death.......just my thoughts!!!....inluded with a little LOS living.......

This gentleman may have just come to the end of his rope and life finally got to him because I know living In Thailand can stress you out to no end especially when nothing is ever in your favor even if you are right......It's FACE........I say s++w face and get logical....I Bet many laugh at that word logical, ones who have lived and do live in LOS.......in Thailand?? Logical?:whistling: There is none, flat period, end of story!!!!!.....it's their way or no way!!.....sorry Mr. falang....please pay at the next booth and the one next to the door when you leave(falang price please)....khap khun krup...:jap:


Well having been a member of this forum for some time, I have read quite a few distressing reports of accidental/ suicidal farang deaths astounding. How can any fully functioning western male read these news reports from the so called paradise of Asia and think life is greener on the otherside? Stop deluding yourselves and get a life.! You may think this contrivential post has been composed by a disgruntaled, deserted farang Euro Wife? Well it has, My legal/not yet divorced husband has been in the process of purchasing a family holiday home in Issan, and guess what? He landed 4 days in Hospital after alledgedly falling off a bus enroute to his final destination. I was not informed by anyone this accident? happened over a week ago, no doubt he has been relieved of his wallet, cell phone and any other valuables on his person.I will add that having lived in various regions of Asia for most of my married life his stupidity I find frightining .A fool and his money is easily parted, hope these Issan Girls fully understand Western Culture! I for one don't part with my hard earned tax paid cash and A'n more than capable of retrieving it by any way possible.

Regards to all, look forward to any replies and comments.




I have lived in Thailand for close to 24 years, I am very happily married to a beautiful Thai lady and have two great boys.

There are indeed horror stories with Falang/Thai relationships, which are normally down to excessive alcohol consumption or the Falang letting his little head do all the thinking.

The fact that some Thai females take advantage of these failings, is no different than what goes on in Western society

However with that said, if you come here and genuinely are looking to settle and have the finances or the ability to earn a living and take the necessary time to assimilate the cultural differences then I believe you can have a good life here.


another PEE brain bites the dust.....

Such a pee brain that he couldn't do the job right the first time. Some people just cannot handle Thailand.

I could not help but take a mental note of the respect shown towards the Thai girl who committed suicide on the Internet. There were so many carefully crafted comments said about her, so as not to sound negative.

The deplorable comments about this man, at the expense of his character and reputation are baseless because there are not yet enough facts. I do not know him, or if he is worth the degrading things said about him. Still, it is interesting to note the kind of consideration given to people over the most unsubstantiated things.

These two stories are intertwined in that the same posters share different views between the two; and with the same insufficient information. Is this a stereotype?

The story of this man could easily be seen as attempted murder, robbery and arson by the woman, who is mysteriously not a part of the investigation.

It is imbalanced, and I do not know why. Why is it when the majority of male farangs do things like this, they generally do not get the benefit of the doubt, and are the brunt of jokes? Just curious is all.


Well having been a member of this forum for some time, I have read quite a few distressing reports of accidental/ suicidal farang deaths astounding. How can any fully functioning western male read these news reports from the so called paradise of Asia and think life is greener on the otherside? Stop deluding yourselves and get a life.! You may think this contrivential post has been composed by a disgruntaled, deserted farang Euro Wife? Well it has, My legal/not yet divorced husband has been in the process of purchasing a family holiday home in Issan, and guess what? He landed 4 days in Hospital after alledgedly falling off a bus enroute to his final destination. I was not informed by anyone this accident? happened over a week ago, no doubt he has been relieved of his wallet, cell phone and any other valuables on his person.I will add that having lived in various regions of Asia for most of my married life his stupidity I find frightining .A fool and his money is easily parted, hope these Issan Girls fully understand Western Culture! I for one don't part with my hard earned tax paid cash and A'n more than capable of retrieving it by any way possible.

Regards to all, look forward to any replies and comments.


Are you divorcing him because he pick a poorly thought out location for a summer vacation house (I mean, Issan, com'on, who want to go there for vacation? Old men go there to live with their new wives, at best...) or because he was pushed off a bus on the way there and possibly was escorted?


Well having been a member of this forum for some time, I have read quite a few distressing reports of accidental/ suicidal farang deaths astounding. How can any fully functioning western male read these news reports from the so called paradise of Asia and think life is greener on the otherside? Stop deluding yourselves and get a life.! You may think this contrivential post has been composed by a disgruntaled, deserted farang Euro Wife? Well it has, My legal/not yet divorced husband has been in the process of purchasing a family holiday home in Issan, and guess what? He landed 4 days in Hospital after alledgedly falling off a bus enroute to his final destination. I was not informed by anyone this accident? happened over a week ago, no doubt he has been relieved of his wallet, cell phone and any other valuables on his person.I will add that having lived in various regions of Asia for most of my married life his stupidity I find frightining .A fool and his money is easily parted, hope these Issan Girls fully understand Western Culture! I for one don't part with my hard earned tax paid cash and A'n more than capable of retrieving it by any way possible.

Regards to all, look forward to any replies and comments.


Maybe he just simply lost them when he tripped and fell out of the bus window


Go on tell us how you really feel :rolleyes:

Well, let's see, I came to Thailand with a complete open mind and lived and experienced many things and places. I came away with a total different view of how things were going to be. Yes, it is a total different culture and one can forgive or at least understand why some of the things happen in Los. It is a poor country and people have become used to a "self survival attitude and I suppose that would be how anyone would get after a life of trying to earn a decent normal living(anyway they can). Thailand has a long way to go before they will understand that life and the culture in general will become a better more enjoyable place when they can understand that "treat others the way you want to be treated" and then it will make a big turn around and things will become more civil and just.

It will take a long time. This is not to say that most Thai people are not good it is to say there is just too much xenophobia and too much greed(it seems to me) This is just "MY" opinion from "my own experinces"and am not trying to put down anyone here. If I grew up fighting for everything to eat or pay for my family's expenses and food I most likely would have the same thinking, I think! It's just a total different way of thinking for us falang.

Sure in our own countrys we have the same type of things going on(even more now days) but not to the extent in LOS. If we find our wife or family has consistantly lied to gain, we would quickly have an opinion as to who we can trust and who we can't and that is understood very fast who is who and what is what. We find ourselves forgiving much more in Thailand that we would in our own countrys. Why? I don't know yet. It doesn't make sense does it? Is it our sense of helping less fortunate? or is it just our loss of understand thai culture? would be forgive the same things at out home country's? I don't think so! Has anyone figured out which system is better or are they both the same just polar different and both good? or both bad?...."just thoughts":blink:

One mistake we falang do in Los it to try and put logic to why or how this happens when we should learn very fast to get the attitude of mai pen rai(don't worry about it) There is too much enphasis on how things look rather than how things really are. FACE? now, that is one that is really hard to quite understand when some thai's will do everything in thier power to lie or cheat you and that is ok as long as they are not put in the spot getting caught and therefore,. "losing face" now, how can one gain face be doing whatever they can even if it is illegal or just flat out lie and gain face? ughhh. It is how it all looks, not how it is!!!! that is what matters most.

We see people who do that as losing face or losing respect if they are caught cheating and lieing. How is it that it is ok to cheat and lie and steal as long as they are not caught and questioned about WHY? Everything in buddhist culture teaches these things are wrong and not to quest for material things but then it seems as though most seem to compete as to what they can show off to the neighbors whether they can afford these things or not. It is more important to "LOOK" as though you have money and success rather than really have it. This yellow gold quest is another thing that has much importance and is more important to have that than worry about the electric bill or maybe save some money for future security etc.

I for one, have a hard time adjusting to the culture that see's lieing as just another form of getting what it is they want. The actual hard part of living in LOS is getting used to the idea of always "being on your toes" as to asking yourself, ok,is this the truth and do they reallty think I am that stupid? ok, I'll just pay it and do it thier way since this is thier way! But after so long and so many times of the prejudices as far as who pays more and who doesn't does have a way of making one feel some bitterness or maybe just frustration. This can and will wear on us after awhile. Then you find yourself lieing to protect you own assetts. Because your assetts are what it is they want. I am not sure yet of anything yet. I have lived and learned in Los for quite some time now. A tour and living in Los are quite different. When you move to LOS, you have to throw everything you know and have learned about being just and ethical out the window and learn a complete new way. To Thai's, this is just life and living. The person with the most or "percieved Most"money will end up paying or being asked for help with many things including ficticious reasons' because you have plenty and it is ok because it is no big deal for you because you are "rich"

My question is, why does it happen so often? When will all falang not be seen as an ATM? When will we be accepted as not being all rich and if they charge you triple prices just because "they think" we are rich and is no big deal? When will Thai people become aware that all falang are not there for sex trade and drinking? When will they quit trying to extort as much as they can from you? When will they understand you are just another human being trying to be a good citizen and have a normal life? When will they understand that maybe we had to save up for our move to Thailand and was not just a whim of the moment and decide to buy a ticket half way around the world at the spir of the minute "because we are rich" When will they realize we have bills to pay back in our own country as well as Thailand? or does that not matter ? I think that does not matter or is not thought about. Yes, to them we have a lot more money but even in Thailand things are not as cheap as most think (especially Bkk) exchange rate is now around 30=1US but it does not work out that way. I would say it is more like 3=1 in BKK anyway. Eating is cheaper but after paying all the overchaerges and visa fee's and helping the "family and cousins and brothers and sisters, what is left? is it worth the price.

My Thai wife can be a sweet as can be one moment and then can be a tigress the next and and explosive temper to boot. You don't dare argue, you won't win even when you are right! Just take it and let her get done with her tantrum and then go on untill the next time. You won't be able to actually understand why she did this or said that but is just best to let her get done with her tantrum and forget it ever happened. In America woman are no where near as violent tempered (in my experience),.and can use a little logic and

can actually have an intelligent conversation with them.

I am not done telling you how I really feel :rolleyes:but feels good to get some of it off my chest...hehe....As I said before, this just "MY" expericnces and is in no way judging Thai people or why or how it is. I have not given up on living in Thailand, just am still in the adjusting mode. I suppose wishing that things were a little more honest and forthright about what is really going on and then it could be the paradise that people call "amazing thailand" ....it is definetly not boring!!!..........


can see the 'rescue' (including the 2 slabs of leo in the back of the rescue car) here:

I noticed that oxygen mask sure got his face in a hurry didn't it?:unsure: That is the first thing that should have been attatched to this man's face as soon as he was out of the room and surely should have been the first after her was put inside the back of the EV.

I don't think leo beer is needed as emergency supplys in the EV's I saw that but surely no Oxygen bottles as with any smoke inhalation situation IS the very first form of Treatment. Not quenching the thirst of the workers that carried out the poor fellow....It looked more like this man needed oxygen first rather than patching up the stab wound....he obviously was suffering from lack of Oxygen and smoke inhalation. Has anyone heard words from this man? did he survive?.....


I cannot think of many countries in this world where, given that scene, the police and media would conclude that this poor guy did this to himself. possible? i suppose- anything is. probable? come on.

It would be interesting to see the % of abdomen wounds that are self inflicted (maybe exclude cornered samurai's for obvious reasons). nobody stabs himself in the stomach. you can see the gf is all broken up too. body language and eye contact experts would have a field day with even that brief snippet.

nice to see so many of the TV community fell right in line with the police and media opinion. leave your powers of deductive reasoning back home? geez.


Has he been able to tell his side of the story yet?

I their any update on this story? did he wake up and give his version of events? is he still in hospital? or did he pass away?

I agree. What's the latest on this story? did he die, is he telling his side of the story? what's going on?

Anyone with first hand info - it's appreciated.

P.S. An old friend of mine just committed suicide in the States. He was up for a 3rd felony conviction for dealing drugs in California - and was facing life in prison. Last time I saw him, about 7 yrs ago, he waxed starry eyed and wished he could follow what I did, and re-locate in Thailand. He never could swing it, and now he's gone. Bye Bye Brian Hall, you was one cool cat when I knew you 25 yrs ago.

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