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Australian Dies In Thailand Drinking Binge

Cheeky Farang

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The photo on the front page of the local chiang mai paper shows the bodies draped one across another, as if they both died at almost the same time. In fact the photo looks as if one of the guys is performing oral sex on the other, his head  in the lap of the other guy. Not a plastic bag, pair of hand cuffs or telephone cable in sight, but the way the bodies are lying is very strange, anyone else see the photo's and think it strange?

something not right here, there is something the authorities have missed e.g. some sort of gas or toxic substance that they both where exposed too together or foul play, how many dead bodies do you need before further investigation is required, suppose there had been 3 or 4 slumped on the floor, in my opinion 2 is just as bad.

Agree...these were not kids playing around with alcohol and a few puffs of M.

Either Redrum or bad narcotics (or both).

My condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. :o

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You are a sick person and should be seriously disgusted with yourself for putting such remarks about 2 people who've just dies from some drugs sold to them by a Thai I would guess as Cocaine and not heroin as they seemed to have been snorting it rather than injecting it :o

I think you should think what you are writing before you complete your post next time.

I think you are racist always blaming the Thais for something. How about taking some responsibility for yourselves for once! These two idiots just freaking OD, can't you just accept that? There's always got to be some controversies with you guys. Don't bring your suspicious, paranoia life style here! :D

<Upset rant deleted, opinions remain. /Mead>

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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There seems to be some recognition missing from some of the posts

If we do watch movies and TV series closely, we notice that retail "street" drugs are always "cut" or mixed with something to spread the main product further and allow for more sales. Script writers would have us believe this can be anything from baby milk powder to baking soda to powdered detergent. That's the first part of the formula

The next consideration is the difference between alcohol and hydroxyl - both have the chemical formula -OH at the end, and it is the group immediately infront that determines which they are, and how many OH groups they have in the formulaic chain (I'm a bit rusty on my industrial chemistry but the general idea is right even if the science stuff is off course)

Alcohols are present in many products and are generally what add the flammability to liquids described as having Benzene rings in the molecules, Hydroxyls however are invariably toxic.

The problem comes when an alcohol related OH compound is mixed with another compound that converts it to a Hydroxyl OH compound, i.e. = death

whatever the drugs were "cut" with could have been the problem, causing the toxic compound to build up in their systems to a point of body intolerance.

Regarding the one on top of the other comment - simple scenario ..... the lower one has gone down and died, the upper one realising something is wrong is trying to resuss them when they too succumb. To perform CPR or CPM you generally have to be in proximity to the victimk - even just shaking them by the shoulders requires a position where you could collapse over the first victim.

I think people should take time to consider the evidence presented rather than jumping to paranoid conclusions - after all, no reports of evidence of violence or struggles were reported. Nor were any indications of robbery,

Condolences to the families and friends


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The article in the Changmai news at http://www.chiangmainews.co.th/site/news/t...ail.asp?id=1722 says that a young boy gave the 2 farang something that they subsequently were seen sniffing. Perhaps if they could trace the supply of the narcotic they could ascertain whether its strength (purity) had something to do with it.

My Thai is not too good so I could have misread what it said about the young boy who handed it to them. maybe a Thai speaker could clarify that.

In anycase it seems that it was something in the drink / narcotics had a contributing factor for 2 deaths to happen simultaneously.

My respect and condolences to their families

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The Boom Bim bar is next to my restaurant and my head chef was first on the scene after the initial discovery of the bodies. She took their pulses, which was a pretty hopeless thing to do as lividity had already set in.

I knew Clay Burgess, not well, but he was always smiling and friendly and ready to help and offer support and friendship. He was a popular, if eccentric, member of our community here. He knew he had a problem, and was trying to dispose of his bar to help himself to overcome it. He will be missed by us all.

Please show some respect.

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There's a fine line between some of the light-hearted comments I read on these forums and outright narrow-minded racism toward Thais. The (tongue-in-cheek) comments are always mildly amusing to begin with, but they always seem to develop into an 'open season' for less trivial anti-Thai comments. Come on guys, how would you like a bunch of Thais living in your country slagging off the character of your fellow countrymen on public forums. Please try to keep your comments light-hearted (and/or constructive) :o

P.S. I should add that several Thais friends have told me on several occassions to 'beware of the police - they are only after your money', and I've met a couple of Thai policeman (one high-ranking too) so far that have spoken to me and acted with an obvious lack of respect and (IMHO) with dubious intentions. I'm not denying there is some truth in it, but you shouldn't tar them all with the same brush. I've met more polite, courteous honest ones than I have bad ones (although they're usually only manning the speed traps on the petchakasem road!). Hey, the situation's not perfect anywhere in the world! Welcome to Thailand.

Just my 2 satang,



Absolutely, and apart from the inane comments there is a singular lack of respect for the dead, how ever they died. I just hope that none of their relatives and friends read the stupid remarks made by certain people.


Here Here,

Best just keep our mouths closed and our obsevations to ourselves of what we see going on after a long time in the country.

People will get knocked of everyday eitherway, mostly Thai.

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My condolences to the families of the victims.

The circumstances are certainly tragic and do sound suspicious, however, this does not seem like the typical situation where someone gets knocked off. I mean if someone wanted to "get rid of" someone this one was more elaborately planned. Thus, before blaming anyone it is probably best to wait for a full investigation.

And why knock both of them off?

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full investigation.

Remember that waiter on faulty towers and that look on his face when he say"cey?"(sp?).

Ask for a real full investigation to these sort of cases to the powers that be and theres the look.

Funny show that.

RIP the 2 guys.

I've never come across drugs in thailand except for a motorbike taxi who asked me did i want to buy grass once. I gave him a surprised look and a No way, i don't smoke. I've heard about lots of setups that way but with kinds like him working with another family member whos a policeman or dressed like one and knocking good bribes for themselves out of tourists who still think they are in amsterdam.

Still thats only money.

I would be amazed if there was many thai people who could support a heroine or cocain habit. Just as well too there isn't.

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A point not mentioned so far is, according to the younger sister of the girlfriend of the owner,called Miss Duang Deuan, everyone had left the bar by 2am except for Mr Scott, Aymos, his girlfriend, Mr Burgess,(his girlfriend, Duang's older sister had already gone home to Mae Daeng), and an Englishman called Mark.

When Duang came downstairs in the morning the farangs were dead and Aymos was slipping out of consciousness, unable to respond, she was quickly transferred to hospital.

Police interviewed Mark the next morning but don't seem convinced by his story of leaving before anything untoward happened.

If Aymos recovers consciousness her story should be an interesting one.

Daily News.

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After being abused on the message board for criticizing the release of singer Anita after her vehicular manslaughter I have little to add to this message apart from condolances to the family of the dead and wondering if the farangs in Thailand really believe that our lives are so much more valuable than that of Thai people.

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The Boom Bim bar is next to my restaurant and my head chef was first on the scene after the initial discovery of the bodies. She took their pulses, which was a pretty hopeless thing to do as lividity had already set in.

I knew Clay Burgess, not well, but he was always smiling and friendly and ready to help and offer support and friendship. He was a popular, if eccentric, member of our community here. He knew he had a problem, and was trying to dispose of his bar to help himself to overcome it. He will be missed by us all.

Please show some respect.

Not the first Farang bar owner to die of over-consumption on your block although British Peter survived for many inebriated years depite all the odds and the encouragement of his Thai boyfriend to drink himself to death. Don't your Thai staff begin to worry about Farang phii (ghosts) or perhaps they don't bellieve we have a kwaan or phii potential?

I do feel sorry for the families but the circumstances do raise questions and beg for speculation. Perhaps a bad batch of meth.

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it just gets better and better. i read the pattaya today often, and the main cause of farang death is suicide. there's not a week that goes by when a foreigner is reported to have jumped out of a condo. it's quite convenient, really. now those two pals drinking together, i guess they both must have had a bad batch of smack and overdosed. but that kind of thing doesn't happen, so close to the golden triangle, where smack is pure and pleasurable. now i'm not codoning drugs here, i'm just trying to draw out a point. there's something very fishy going on here. it seems like dejavu, like that british back packer who was murdered a few years ago in chiang mai. as the evedince came forward, the charade just got more and more deranged. i'll be keeping my eyes peeled on this case, as i think this will be a protracted story that over time will hash out, as the thai says, itipon muet, some very dark influences. if anyone has any leads, i'll follow this story up personally, as i'm based in chiang mai. thanks george for this post.

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One i saw in the last few months was a foreigner who the police wrote it up as a death from viagra. The guy was found in his hotel room and it was reported he had injected too much viagra and overdosed.

Some of the stories that the police come up with as reasons are hillarious. I'd hate to be one of the victims.

When we were on holiday before on samui my girlfriend found a foreign body fully clothed wash up on the beach early in the morning. Turned out to be a German guy and that one just turned out to be a suicide.

There is so much potential for them to take what they call big money for peasants who are clever and whose hearts have gone numb to make money if they are near the sea or condos. I'm surprised it does not happen more than it does when i really look at it.

When my foreign friend broke up with a cheating girlfriend she treatened him with her father knocking him of his little honda sometime that he had killed before and could again.

But it woud be so easy for them its scary. Just another dangerous foreign driver who does not know the rules and was driving drunk some night.

The thai's understanding of truth is more flexible.

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On my many trips to Thailand I have met some seriously messed up Farangs, big drink and drug problems, so I am not suprised by the many Farang deaths in Thailand. Many people go out to Thailand and don't have anything else to do apart from party, the body can only take so much punishment.

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although British Peter survived for many inebriated years depite all the odds and the encouragement of his Thai boyfriend

Would that be the Peter who had the bar next to Bamboo bar ?? last time I passed by the place was being ripped apart..has he sold up or ????????

Edited by johng
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although British Peter survived for many inebriated years depite all the odds and the encouragement of his Thai boyfriend

Would that be the Peter who had the bar next to Bamboo bar ?? last time I passed by the place was being ripped apart..has he sold up or ????????

Would be different Peter who once ran a bar with his boyfriend Deng pretty close if not the same building as p1p's place on Loi Khroh just off of Kotchasarn. They were both good friends of mine and I had known Deng since his days working at the ol' Karen Hut Bar and the Cottage Bar in the 1980s. But Peter got addicted to Mae Khong, became perpetually inebriated, and eventually passed away.

I know some might think observers like myself are a bit callous when these unfortunate events occur. But after 25 years of seeing these things happen to Farangs up in Chiang Mai, one does get a bit jaded.

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The Boom Bim bar is next to my restaurant and my head chef was first on the scene after the initial discovery of the bodies. She took their pulses, which was a pretty hopeless thing to do as lividity had already set in.

I knew Clay Burgess, not well, but he was always smiling and friendly and ready to help and offer support and friendship. He was a popular, if eccentric, member of our community here. He knew he had a problem, and was trying to dispose of his bar to help himself to overcome it. He will be missed by us all.

Please show some respect.

I also new Clay, not well but I am familiar with some of the personal problems he had to cope with. He was a rough diamond to be sure and found it difficult to control things to such an extent that he sought refuge in alcohol and apparently drugs.

It’s all very sad. My condolences to his wife, his Father and extended family.

It’s a pity that the moderator has allowed so many brainless idiots to bring this board down to the gutter.

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Well we are all entitled to our opinions.

Dosen't do any good talking about it. nothing will change much here for a very long time.  corruption and underhandedness is the way of life.

the honeymoon bubble will burst eventually for the newbies and the perfect smiles will be seen for what they really are.

me thinks. opinion also.

Why do people blame the thais is anyone's guess. There are more shady farang scum per sqm in Thailand than just about any other country on earth except maybe Folsom prison here in California. Of course not all farang are like this but a high enough percentage are which warrants a nonchalant shrug from myself at the demise of a couple.

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