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Karon Roadblock Today


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I've just been told that the police were stopping motorbikes in Karon today. Nothing unusual in that, other than they were asking for passports from foreign riders. 500 baht fine if you were not carrying your passport. Offering a foreign driver's licence (not sure about Thai) was no good; they were not interested. They know that many shops hold a passport as security so very easy pickings for them but certainly some very angry tourists around.

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I've also just been told by a nearby guesthouse owner who had to make an unwilling donation at this roadblock, that they were also stopping farang car drivers.

Maybe people walking back from the beach as well, who knows?

NB I do not carry my passport around at all times and don't know anyone who does.

Edited by madmitch
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How are they stopping farang drivers? Don't you mean farang drivers are stopping for them? Just hit the gas and go. What are they going to run after you? Theyll just wait for the next guy to stop. Thai driving 101

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never. Always locked up. If I were on vacation, then yes I would. I always show my pilots license which looks very official, or I just drive straight through while the coppers are busy with someone else.

How are they stopping farang drivers? Don't you mean farang drivers are stopping for them? Just hit the gas and go. What are they going to run after you? Theyll just wait for the next guy to stop. Thai driving 101

I guess you have never seen one of these purge checkpoints before. Many cops on all sides of the road who step out in front of you so running the checkpoint is often not possible without running one of them over. Are you suggesting you run over a police officer or hit one with your bike BillR?

If you do run, they often have a checkpoint in Patong and Chalong and can and do radio ahead. There has also been some reports that cops threw traffic cones in front of bikes that were trying to run the checkpoint. A couple years ago a BIB shot a man in the back merely for not stopping.

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no, im not suggesting you run them over. When they do these license checks in the middle of the day, it is very easy not to stop especially if you are in a car. Put the visor down, fiddle with the radio or whatever and just ignore them. Ive done this several times in a truck, with company logos all over it and never once have they radioed ahead or shown up later at my business. They simply get the next guy.

Now, If they were looking for an escaped murderer or something, Im pretty sure they wouldn't be standing around with confused tourists and their ticket book out. Its pretty easy to tell what's going on, and best, when possible, to ignore it.

Edited by BillR
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you are talking a load of bulls..t

the op is just trying to tell us something bad about the Nazi's.

no one carrys the PP its not safe .

BUT i HAVE been stopped about 6 years ago near NAN i was coming

back from a fishing trip.

THE POLICE man said were is your PP.isaid i'm not leaveing thailand so i dont have it.

then he asked for my DL i said i'm not driving so no.O

Then he asked my my mate in the back who is about 70 for the same too things,

he replyed the same .

WE HAD HIS THAI SON WHO WAS DRIVING THE CAR. who he did not speak to.

The PO said then about some BART i said now way l go to the station.

then to my mate ,he just said FO .

then i saw an OFFICER and called him over .told him everything and he told the PO to go away

and said sorry to us.

So sometimes just stand your ground.

BEFORE anyone says ,i now you have to carry your PP by law ,but d you when you just pop to a shop (NO)

if they stop you say i go to the station via your home or hotel ETC

kda.:P:annoyed::shock1::realangry::drunk: :drunk:

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It's often not a bad idea to carry a photo copy of your passport with you. can just leave it in your wallet. Not sure if they would accept it or not in this case. Probably not.

I've been quite lucky. The only time I've handed money over to the cops it was all above board. They clamped me outside Central. I was stupid enough to park on a red curb, and pop somewhere for ten minutes.

I had to take a bike taxi to the cop shop to pay up, which makes you feel slightly less like you're being rogered than when you hand it over to the cop at the seen. Only slightly mind.

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Do you carry your passport on you at all times?

Yes I carry my passport with me at all times, I feel it is safer with me than leaving it at home.

Never had a problem with carrying my passport, I am very carefull where I am and who is around me, my passport is in a bag with my wallet which is attached to me,

Edited by kenny999
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If you are dumb enough to leave your passport with a motorbike rental shop you deserve to be stopped.

Thats the first point and secondly you should carry a photo copy of current visa and main PP page, have done so for years.

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Thats the first point and secondly you should carry a photo copy of current visa and main PP page, have done so for years.

Yes correct but for me I dont feel my passport is safe any where so I carry it and have never had a problem,

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my passport is in a bag with my wallet which is attached to me,

Oh no. You're not a bum bag wearer are you Kenny? I'd rather lose my passport once a month than were one of those things. :D

LOL not a bum bag as it has a long strap so goes over me if you know what I mean. its camoflage so no one can see it ha ha

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LOL not a bum bag as it has a long strap so goes over me if you know what I mean. its camoflage so no one can see it ha ha

So its a 'manbag' then, no? The type that you often seen on big burly guys with sailor hats on!

Back to topic:

Yes the BIB will always set up checkpoints and will always get fines out of tourists, ex-pats and Thais for one reason or another, this is just part of our life out here.

To whoever said don't stop, it is not great advice to tell someone to just roll through the checkpoint without stopping is it? I mean come on act a little sensible!

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So its a 'manbag' then, no? The type that you often seen on big burly guys with sailor hats on!

Back to topic:

Yes the BIB will always set up checkpoints and will always get fines out of tourists, ex-pats and Thais for one reason or another, this is just part of our life out here.

To whoever said don't stop, it is not great advice to tell someone to just roll through the checkpoint without stopping is it? I mean come on act a little sensible!

Yes I am big no I am not burly yes I was a sailor and wore a hat many many years ago, man bag not sure its called that lol run a checkpoint noooo, only ever being fined once here and that was for not wearing a seat belt.

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I live in Buriram Province. What they are doing ,started last month, they now have a motor bike cop stationed about 200 metres EITHER side of the road block. Run the block? Gone for all money.They just follow you , until you run out of fuel. Not long ,as most Thais "fill up" B 20 at a rtme. But even in a 4 wheeler, they now, just bide Their time. Gotcha!!!

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The last few times I went through a check point, like Karon and Chalong, they waved me on. The last two times though, they were waving everyone over, but I was acting like I was looking at the traffic and getting around it. They didn't blow a whistle or anything, so I just kept going.

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So can anybody confirm first hand they were asking for passports?

I was waiting for this one! There's always a doubter. I remember posting a story earlier in the year that no one believed until it made the Phuket Gazette a few days later.

It was not first hand - for a start I don't ride a bike - but for three people to tell me the same story within 15 minutes, two together and one completely independently, I think it's pretty reliable.

Unlike some, I try not to post BS (maybe unsuccessfully at times!).

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The law on driving licences is very clear for Thailand. Resident foreigners can get a valid Thai licence - no problem. Tourists can only drive legally here with an International Driving Permit issued in their country of residence. The national licences of other countries are invalid in Thailand unless issued in Laos, Malaysia or Singapore

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The law on driving licences is very clear for Thailand. Resident foreigners can get a valid Thai licence - no problem. Tourists can only drive legally here with an International Driving Permit issued in their country of residence. The national licences of other countries are invalid in Thailand unless issued in Laos, Malaysia or Singapore

Did you read the original post? It was talking about passports not drivers licenses.... And can you post a link to your other information about what drivers licenses are accepted from? My California drivers license was accepted by the Thailand Land Transportation Office as valid for my Thai license....

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I was waved over about two weeks ago right on the Karon roundabout. The first thing that went through my mind was bloody hel_l, I only have 1000 bht notes in my wallet, do they give change when extorting you?

I looked in the mirror and saw the guy was walking back away from me waving a bike over (a farang couple, no helmets). I just kept going around the circle and shot off to Patong expecting pursuit at any time.

Been wary everytime I've been back through there since.

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If you do stop, hide your money and atm cards, show them empty pockets and an empty wallet, they usually give up quickly.

At nighttime, first thing to do is turn on lights in the car. Then I just show them my Thai driving license (which includes number of my passport) and that is it. Never had a problem in the last 15 years... And no, I don't carry my passport or a copy of it, but I ride my own motorbike/car.

(Typo corrected)

Edited by hkt83100
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The law on driving licences is very clear for Thailand. Resident foreigners can get a valid Thai licence - no problem. Tourists can only drive legally here with an International Driving Permit issued in their country of residence. The national licences of other countries are invalid in Thailand unless issued in Laos, Malaysia or Singapore

Did you read the original post? It was talking about passports not drivers licenses.... And can you post a link to your other information about what drivers licenses are accepted from? My California drivers license was accepted by the Thailand Land Transportation Office as valid for my Thai license....

I don't have a link but 'jumak' is completely correct in what he says. I'm guessing if somebody was asked for their passport but showed a valid Thai license instead they would be waved through. So you could say people without the correct license, were given a Brucy Bonus, and a chance to get let, off just by showing their passport. So you could say the police were being more leniant than they could have been.

It makes me laugh. Some weeks 'Phuket's a lawless town, I wish it was like the West' is the theme of the day, and then other weeks everyone's moaning because the laws are being inforced, and they're not allowed to run free and do as they please.

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I don't have a link but 'jumak' is completely correct in what he says. I'm guessing if somebody was asked for their passport but showed a valid Thai license instead they would be waved through. So you could say people without the correct license, were given a Brucy Bonus, and a chance to get let, off just by showing their passport. So you could say the police were being more leniant than they could have been.

It makes me laugh. Some weeks 'Phuket's a lawless town, I wish it was like the West' is the theme of the day, and then other weeks everyone's moaning because the laws are being inforced, and they're not allowed to run free and do as they please.

Come on. The OP stated they were asking to see passports. I had read a while ago that the new immigration chief had said that foreigners must carry their original passports at all times, not a copy. Just like Thais must carry their national ID card or we could be locked up. There was a thread about it earlier this year... The police are out to collect fines and they get a percentage so they can pay for their post or an upgrade from their current post. Read a bit more about the system here, or even better, live with it for years!

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500 baht fine if you were not carrying your passport.

Is this finally my chance to get hold of a copy of a receipt for a fine for not being able to show the passport on the spot when requested by a police officer? Please, somebody, do not pay "tea money" but insist on paying the official fine against an official receipt that cites the name and section of the law that you have violated. You see, nobody has ever been able to find such law, and getting a proper fine receipt seems the only way to determine what this legal clause is, if it exists at all. (My bet is that the fine receipt will show anything but a reference to a legal requirement to be able to show the passport on the spot)

I am serious about this. Whoever can get such a fine receipt will be writing history and will be celebrated on ThaiVisa for years to come.

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