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Buying Second-Hand Car In Chiang Mai


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I would like to buy a secondhand car in Chiang Mai. I am looking for a 2-4 year old small Japanese car like a Honda Jazz or a Nissan Match. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who can recommend a good value and reliable place to buy such a car. Also any information on the kind of price I should expect to pay. Thanks!

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Avoid the tents at all cost. Most of the cars have the odometer turned back. Stick with private parties. There are many car websites in Chiang Mai - too many to list. Also there are several spots around town where people park their cars for the day and place for sale signs on them along with their mobile number. There are some good used cars out there 2-4 years old, Hondas, etc.

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What worries me about second hands cars is:

- Is there an incumberence not fulfilled to a finance company or similar?

- Is it in fact a stolen vehicle?

- Is there a major body or engine problem which is not readily noticebale.

Any advise or comments appreciated.

Edited by scorecard
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What worries me about second hands cars is:

- Is there an incumberence not fulfilled to a finance company or similar?

- Is it in fact a stolen vehicle?

- Is there a major body or engine problem which is not readily noticebale.

Any advise or comments appreciated.

If the Blue Book is transferable to you at the transport office then one would assume it is yours - for good. If there was a lien holder it would be listed in the Blue Book and they would have to appear and release themselves don't you think?

I don't see how a stolen car could be legally transferred to you. The owner has to appear in person at the time of the transfer with the original Blue Book and their picture ID.

I looked at perhaps 15 cars before I bought mine. I had the sellers meet me at my mechanic's and had him check the engine, transmission, etc. At least 6 of the cars had the odometer turned back! He also studied each of the Blue Books and noted that 2 of the cars had been owned by as many as 7 different owners at one time or another and to avoid those. The mechanic gave a very high recommendation about my car which had very low actual km and a single owner. I could not be happier with my purchase 18 months ago.

Edited by elektrified
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What worries me about second hands cars is:

- Is there an incumberence not fulfilled to a finance company or similar?

- Is it in fact a stolen vehicle?

- Is there a major body or engine problem which is not readily noticebale.

Any advise or comments appreciated.

As noted above ----

Have a reliable mechanic check the vehicle out.

Complete the sale at Khon Song Jangwat Chiang Mai (Vehicle registration office) which will make sure there are no outstanding encumberances on the vehicle including tickets.

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What worries me about second hands cars is:

- Is there an incumberence not fulfilled to a finance company or similar?

- Is it in fact a stolen vehicle?

- Is there a major body or engine problem which is not readily noticebale.

Any advise or comments appreciated.

If the Blue Book is transferable to you at the transport office then one would assume it is yours - for good. If there was a lien holder it would be listed in the Blue Book and they would have to appear and release themselves don't you think?

I don't see how a stolen car could be legally transferred to you. The owner has to appear in person at the time of the transfer with the original Blue Book and their picture ID.

I looked at perhaps 15 cars before I bought mine. I had the sellers meet me at my mechanic's and had him check the engine, transmission, etc. At least 6 of the cars had the odometer turned back! He also studied each of the Blue Books and noted that 2 of the cars had been owned by as many as 7 different owners at one time or another and to avoid those. The mechanic gave a very high recommendation about my car which had very low actual km and a single owner. I could not be happier with my purchase 18 months ago.

Hi, could you provide contact details for your mechanic please?

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What worries me about second hands cars is:

- Is there an incumberence not fulfilled to a finance company or similar?

- Is it in fact a stolen vehicle?

- Is there a major body or engine problem which is not readily noticebale.

Any advise or comments appreciated.

you are absolutely right - be very careful when bying second hand cars here especially from 2nd hand dealerships if the person selling it is not the owner - which most of them are not.

The cars are often not fully paid for and the book is with a finance company. I had a guy trying to rip me off pretending to be waiting for the papers from the finance company after he paid them for the car with my money. Everything looked very straight forward with contract and everything.

After waiting for a month for the papers to change ownership - and he came up with one excuse after the other ("it takes usually 2 month to be cleared by the finance company") - I went to the finance company myself and found out he had never paid them. He had gone to Bangkok and had made a down-payment on another car with my money - his girlfriend - who was at the dealership - told me and she was not aware of it ! (total BS)

Luckily I have a friend in a position of authority and he paid them a visit - after this it was all sorted out - but it could have ended very differently - so be careful!

Depends on what car you want - if you want a fairly new one - it is often better to pay a bit more and go for a new one - as many of the second hand cars are quite expensive anyway.

If you go for a second hand one have it thoroughly checked like others here suggested.

Many car companies now have great deals as they have their own financing now - I just received a letter from a car leasing company telling me that I am pre-approved to by a car at their dealerships for up to 1,514.000 Baht value 0% down

and if a down-payment of 25% is made only 0.2 % interest over a maximum of 72 month.

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  • Many cars that had a medium to heavy crash in Europe would be classified as 'total loss' and shredded, but here they just fix them, this are the worst cars to buy. Take time to carefully check on slightest differences in colors of the different carosserie parts.
  • Do NOT accept a 10 minute testdrive, they try to make you hurry and accompany you, even tell you which roads to take. No way, it's your money not theirs.
  • Open all your senses. Switch off stupid emotions and ignore all praising by the dealer.
  • Google 'tricks of second hand car dealers'
  • Several dealers are known as idiots, check their reputation. I would recommend the Indian dealer at 126 Ratanakosin Road Tel. 053-233603 (from east moat to Tesco/flower market) just before first traffic lights off the moat, right side corner) The one just before is known as one of the idiots.

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  • Several dealers are known as idiots, check their reputation. I would recommend the Indian dealer at 126 Ratanakosin Road Tel. 053-233603 (from east moat to Tesco/flower market) just before first traffic lights off the moat, right side corner) The one just before is known as one of the idiots.

I would also recommend this place - the guys called Vinod Sachdev .I bought my truck off him 5 years ago - he keeps trying to sell me a new one when I say hello to him ,but it's still going strong so I'm keeping it!

He couldn't have been more helpful. His cars are usually priced a bit higher than average,but if you look at the quality of them on his forecourt compared to elsewhere you can see why.

I used the old adage when I was looking:

Rough people = Rough cars = Avoid Most of the places I visited fitted this description - Vinod's was like an oasis.

I speak only from my experience and a pal that also bought off him who was also very pleased.

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  • 1 year later...

I also think Mr. Vinod Sachdev is a good car dealer, and I also recommend his car shop.

I have bought a Volvo from his shop several months ago. He have given me many helps not only a Volvo car. Such as driving license, insurance...

If I have some problems about car, I also call him now. And he still gave me some suggestions and helps.

Here I can give you his number: 0819511206.

Of course, if you want to get a good price, you have to be patient to negotiate with him. :-)

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OP do yourself a favor, if you are looking for 2nd hand, have a look at auction, do your homework and save a shit load of money in Chiangmai. I did and saved myself a wedge…..Where do you think these second hand car sales men get there motors. They buy them at auction, do bugger all but add at least 100k to the price and sell them to saps!

Don’t take notice of people telling you there a rip-off. Second hand car sale are a rip-off.

I put a topic on here some time ago about car auctions…..Sorry, I’m crap at finding things on here, maybe someone will be good enough to put the link up?

My advice, don’t take notice of people telling they are a rip-off. Do your homework, you can save a shit load of money. It goes for motorbike as well……….Even better!

I’ll go so far as saying PM me, I’ll even help you………

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Only word of caution on late model cars, cheap at auction or other dealers..

Remember we just had major floods... Theres going to be a huge inventory of flood damaged motors, with new carpets and seats put in, but forever with dodgy electronics, creeping rust issues, etc etc etc..

I would view any bargains with a lot of suspicion.. I know someone whose car was insurance repaired instead of written off and has been punted back to the open market. I can only imagine how many other there are.

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I bought a car from an outfit called expat auto something, and took it back under their warranty for a minor thing. They went beyond and found more to fix (free). They don't specialize in newer cars, but I'd guess that it might be worth your while.

No relationship, just pretty happy about the purchase. I believe that I paid more than the general price, but they warranty the vehicle for a while. Also, because they're fluent in English, it helped me (lame in Thai) greatly.

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look on the thai classifieds websites

thai visa classifieds


chiang mai news

craigslist thailand

I would not recommend those websites at all. Look on the sites that the Thais sell on. There are dozens. There are quite a few in C.M.

But for a 2-3 y/o car I would recommend the place associated with the Toyota dealer that sells 2-3 y/o cars. There is one across from Nyom Panich near Airport Plaza and another on the utility road that runs alongside the Super Highway past Tesco Kamthieng.

Avoid the auctions like the plague! I don't care what another member who constantly plugs them says.

Edit: Sorry I just noticed the thread is something like 2 years old an seems to be a self-promotion.

Edited by elektrified
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look on the thai classifieds websites

thai visa classifieds


chiang mai news

craigslist thailand

I would not recommend those websites at all. Look on the sites that the Thais sell on. There are dozens. There are quite a few in C.M.

But for a 2-3 y/o car I would recommend the place associated with the Toyota dealer that sells 2-3 y/o cars. There is one across from Nyom Panich near Airport Plaza and another on the utility road that runs alongside the Super Highway past Tesco Kamthieng.

Avoid the auctions like the plague! I don't care what another member who constantly plugs them says.

Edit: Sorry I just noticed the thread is something like 2 years old an seems to be a self-promotion.

look on the thai classifieds websites

thai visa classifieds


chiang mai news

craigslist thailand

I would not recommend those websites at all. Look on the sites that the Thais sell on. There are dozens. There are quite a few in C.M.

But for a 2-3 y/o car I would recommend the place associated with the Toyota dealer that sells 2-3 y/o cars. There is one across from Nyom Panich near Airport Plaza and another on the utility road that runs alongside the Super Highway past Tesco Kamthieng.

Avoid the auctions like the plague! I don't care what another member who constantly plugs them says.

Edit: Sorry I just noticed the thread is something like 2 years old an seems to be a self-promotion.

It’s OK ‘elektrified’ (or should that be ‘terrified’) you can use my name……Don't be shy, I don’t bite!

“Avoid the auctions like the plague!” what’s all that about? Did you have a bad experience at an auction?

As for my constantly plugging them, Sorry to break this to you but this is a forum, and by definition people, (me included) will post information, based on personal experience hopefully giving the reader food for thought, in this case, second hand motors.

My comments are based on my experience of buying a pick-up…..At a car auction in Chiangmai….For way under what I would have paid at a 2nd hand car dealer…….Fact is I was bidding against these dealers for pick-up I bought, for far less than the dealer would have sold it on for.

Your comments are based on…..What exactly?

What’s your statement based on; “Avoid the auctions like the plague!” Have you even been to one? I think you’ve either never been and your just bumping your gums, all based on what you’ve heard, (Them Thais just want to rip you off….Do they)Or, you went to one utterly unprepared…..Didn’t understand what was going on……..And being the clever little bunny you think you are, decided it is one big rip off……..And left!

As for constant plugs, regarding car auctions in and around Chiangmai, yes I will continue to plug them, (in relevant topics) and why not…….Because YOU don’t like them…….Please get a grip!

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It’s OK ‘elektrified’ (or should that be ‘terrified’) you can use my name……Don't be shy, I don’t bite!

“Avoid the auctions like the plague!” what’s all that about? Did you have a bad experience at an auction?

As for my constantly plugging them, Sorry to break this to you but this is a forum, and by definition people, (me included) will post information, based on personal experience hopefully giving the reader food for thought, in this case, second hand motors.

My comments are based on my experience of buying a pick-up…..At a car auction in Chiangmai….For way under what I would have paid at a 2nd hand car dealer…….Fact is I was bidding against these dealers for pick-up I bought, for far less than the dealer would have sold it on for.

Your comments are based on…..What exactly?

What’s your statement based on; “Avoid the auctions like the plague!” Have you even been to one? I think you’ve either never been and your just bumping your gums, all based on what you’ve heard, (Them Thais just want to rip you off….Do they)Or, you went to one utterly unprepared…..Didn’t understand what was going on……..And being the clever little bunny you think you are, decided it is one big rip off……..And left!

As for constant plugs, regarding car auctions in and around Chiangmai, yes I will continue to plug them, (in relevant topics) and why not…….Because YOU don’t like them…….Please get a grip!

I've been to about 12 of them. You haven't got a clue. If you're looking for a back and forth...look elsewhere.

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