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News That Reveals How Rotten Thai Society Has Become

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News That Reveals How Rotten Thai Society Has Become

The picture was no less disturbing than that of massive deaths after a catastrophic disaster, when 348 human fetuses were discovered on Tuesday at a Buddhist temple’s morgue in Bangkok. The bodies of unborn babies were suspected to have been dumped by illegal abortion clinics.

That was what appeared on the news. But the public has a lot more to do than feel upset, as they must begin to look at the issue in every aspect and better care for the victims of irresponsible and thoughtless individuals apart from the deceased 348 founded.

Meanwhile, police must unravel the truth behind the scandal and bring those responsible to justice. More importantly, they must exercise great caution while carrying out an investigation because a number of innocent people, including important figures like celebrities, could be dragged into the mess.

An account from one of the three suspects -- a physician assistance -- who admitted having performed abortions for six years and gave the initials of three celebrities she claimed were among the customers, might not be substantial enough to link to other suspects or a network of underground abortion clinics. On the contrary, the information revealed by the suspect could viciously discredit and incriminate anyone being mentioned. It seems that while the gruesome discovery has prompt the authorities to launch a crackdown on illegal abortions, it is starting to spill over and hurt the rights of women and innocent people.

Regardless of how the case of fetus massacres will be solved, society must think hard about why such an atrocity occurred in our country and get to the root of the problems, particularly the social problem that has never been fixed appropriately for decades. Otherwise, we will be going around in circles, as the debate on the revision of abortion laws is still far from reaching a conclusion and continues to hurt pitiful victims.

Editorial, Kom Chad Luek newspaper, page 4, November 19th, 2010

Translated and rewritten by Wacharapol Isaranont

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-22


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More importantly, they must exercise great caution while carrying out an investigation because a number of innocent people, including important figures like celebrities, could be dragged into the mess.

Well we can't have that can we, we can't have celebrities and important figures brought to task for their actions.


Maybe expat society should try to understand Thai society.

It is not a problem to them unless they can gain something by making it one.

a exert from the article

"Regardless of how the case of fetus massacres will be solved, society must think hard about why such an atrocity occurred in our country and get to the root of the problems, particularly the social problem that has never been fixed appropriately for decades. Otherwise, we will be going around in circles, as the debate on the revision of abortion laws is still far from reaching a conclusion and continues to hurt pitiful victims."

Pretty good English for a Thai. Notice no misspellings like you get from Thai posters. Not good at grammar my self but willing to bet it is perfect. B)


Thai Society become rotten? No - I think it has been that way for a long time and continues to evolve. Its just that someone in the press got hold of a guy/woman on a guilt trip and made a 'killing' on 30 Baht per word for the story. If there is money to be made - ..... whistling.gif


Maybe expat society should try to understand Thai society.

It is not a problem to them unless they can gain something by making it one.

a exert from the article

"Regardless of how the case of fetus massacres will be solved, society must think hard about why such an atrocity occurred in our country and get to the root of the problems, particularly the social problem that has never been fixed appropriately for decades. Otherwise, we will be going around in circles, as the debate on the revision of abortion laws is still far from reaching a conclusion and continues to hurt pitiful victims."

Pretty good English for a Thai. Notice no misspellings like you get from Thai posters. Not good at grammar my self but willing to bet it is perfect. B)

I wouldn't say perfect (not that I'm an expert) ... "never been fixed .. for decades" - is it never, or is it decades. It can't be both.

But, anyway, what's your point?

More importantly, they must exercise great caution while carrying out an investigation because a number of innocent people, including important figures like celebrities, could be dragged into the mess.

Well we can't have that can we, we can't have celebrities and important figures brought to task for their actions.

Well they maybe luk kruengs if they're celebrities and at least some blame can go to some foreigners....

More importantly, they must exercise great caution while carrying out an investigation because a number of innocent people, including important figures like celebrities, could be dragged into the mess.

Well we can't have that can we, we can't have celebrities and important figures brought to task for their actions.

:clap2: Sort of like they are beyond approach and imune from the laws of everyday thai citizens.


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.


This is not suprising at all. There is so much hypocrisy in Thailand. Buddhism, righteousness, do-gooder stories... all of it is fiction. Fact is, Thailand is a third world developing country, and no more special than any other country. There are so many corrupt backward practices that if you knew them all they would make your skin crawl.


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

Very true... Thailand as a country has no credibility beyond its nocturnal pleasures, corruption and rice farming. If you try to sell yourself as an honest professional practicing, say law or medicine, you might as well be p_ssing against the wind. This is SIN CITY and nothing more. Serious professionals are not here.


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

After 8 years in Thailand I love it and hope to stay much longer.My reputation remains unsullied-I think!

As for the Thai's and abortion, they need to get their act together,but not too different from many countries. But times are changing. even the Pope is advocating the use of condoms,special cases, they say but the door is now open,not too many Catholic's here though.

God forbid any Thai celebs of elites are tied up in this mess.surely that can't be. :whistling:


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

see ya


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

How will we ever get along without you? :rolleyes:


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

What sort of business are you in, that living in Thailand would affect it AND that you can just move it off somewhere else? Which also begs the question of why did you come here in the first place?


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

Why do you let the ignorance and false perceptions of others affect you so much? Now, if you lived in Pattaya...........................


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

Why do you let the ignorance and false perceptions of others affect you so much? Now, if you lived in Pattaya...........................

i hope you are aware that Pattaya is little more then just the Walking Street :whistling:

Why do so many people in Thailand believe that people in the rest of the world even know where Thailand is.

Thailand is not exactly the news breaker of anything useful. Now and then it makes world news with some internal problems and thats about all.

if people judge a person by the country where they reside, those are totally illiterate, ignorant people and should be the least of a concern.

Whats worse is someone making changes in their life to please those baboons :jap:

Thai society is rotten to the core not only with its attitude towards many things, but also its morals or lack there of.I do not really see point to even write an article of this kind, because it really does not say anything new, just confirms out loud what everyone already knew.

So now its been said out loud, and everyone knows and whats next??...... NOTHING, Everyone will carry on as they did before, because at the end of the day each to their own, and could not care less about the rest


I agree with comments that describe Thailand as deeply flawed, third world and hypocritical. Also, it is embarrassing to confess to being based there.

I too have cut my time here, preferring to travel in Europe for up to 5 months each year. I find that being amongst a civilised culture, for example France, soothes my soul. Without the infusion of good taste, architecture, museums, art galleries, a worthy film genre and incisive quality newspapers, I would find it impossible to spend any time in Thailand.

Even now, having returned from my latest trip to Spain, I find Thailand to offer little more than the same confinement known to prisoners. I feel I am treading water waiting to escape. Consequently, I too am planning the final departure. It will be Thailand's loss as I spend considerably but even that seems to be resented, and I live upcountry.

Bangkok was where I worked. So too was Pattaya, which appalled me to such an extent that I suggested that our whole SE Asia operation be relocated from the Eastern Seeboard. This has been accepted and comes into effect from 2012. It means a loss of over 400 jobs to Thailand but when faced with entertaining clients in Pattaya, and losing accounts as a result, there is little choice left.

You see, part of the problem is that those who are posted here would otherwise not have come. I've never worked with any middle-aged sex tourists before; just regular engineers, programmers, designers etc, so it comes as a shock to all of us when faced with those rough, drunken, burnt out bar stool hobos who adorn the bars of Pattaya; those squalid, sordid bars. And each 'grand dad' seems to be escorting his grand daughter for the day. If only.

Sorry. But this scene is not acceptable at home. Neither is it acceptable here; to anyone in touch with the real world, a place in it and their real life. Not the one they have currently invented.

But this draws parrallels with the view that celebrity needs to be protected from its candy floss frothy self. If, in the face of an abortion story that is disgustingly shocking beyond the stored foetuses; beyond the corrupt officials; beyond the illegal acts of the medical profession; beyond the 8 month terminations; beyond the enslavement of the surviving babies.... if all the media can see is the need to keep celebrity involvement secret, then Thailand is without hope.

Sadly it has been for decades. It is only as a visitor that one can see this and have something far better to compare and contrast it with.

The one line posters and other totally irresponsible persons who fail to grasp any meaning or show any original insight or thought or solution are to be dismissed as the trash that they are. Trash. Drawn to Thailand because it offers exile for the failed, the amoral, the criminal, the malcontent.

Anyone who retires here must be questionable. It is simply not an acceptable place to stay.

In conclusion it is inevitable that Thailand is best left to itself. That is the greatest harm that we can do it. So be it. Ironically, that is the view of the xenophobic Thais because that is what they are told to think; to believe, by the Bangkok elite that wish to maintain their 98% staus quo. More un-original thought due to a lack of education and opportunity.

Now Westerners .......... how do you excuse yourself?


A teen being chased by hoodlums is accidentally run down by a 'average person' as he tries to run over a road, and then run over by 2 additional cars...AND NO-ONE STOPS...that is the rotten state of Thailand.


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

Sorry to hear that. I hope things are better where ever you end up. I feel your pain. My landlord kicked me out(someone else is going to pay him more), even though I have paid rent in full Nov. 18 till Jan 17, 2011. And no he still has not paid me back the money I paid him!


I am amazed that some people find it 'embarrassing to confess to being based there (in Thailand)', It sounds like some people are a tad short on the self-esteem side!

What sort of people feel that they need to be measured by the country/city that they live in?

I have worked (professionally) in Europe, the Americas and Asia. I never once felt 'embarrassed' when I was based in Bangkok. Perhaps it was the people that one was associating with? The people that worked for me in Bangkok were hard working professionals (on the whole) and the customers and suppliers were the same.

I would be more embarrassed to admit that I lived in the 'war crime capital' of the world. The US of A. (Laos, Cambodia etc)

or if I lived in a Christian country where people are frightened to celebrate Christmas . The UK.

Come on people - get real. Thailand is a fabulous, interesting place full of diversity and interesting people. Sure there are some warts. So what?

Back to the article - abortion is a fact of life (sorry - pun not intended). What is worse - dropping the outcome into bins or trying to dispose of it in a less heartless manner at the temple?

the case of fetus massacres

Ridiculous hyperbole. What's wrong with Thai society is its attitude to abortion.

While it may be hyperbole, dumping 2,000 fetuses in a religious temple is...DISGUSTING. If they had been cremated respectfully, okay...fine. But to be left there to rot in plastic bags? Let's see...who is in charge of Buddhist temples? Oh yes, Buddhist monks.



but when faced with entertaining clients in Pattaya, and losing accounts as a result, there is little choice left.


Maybe it's your choice of entertainment locations that's the problem. If you're silly enough to take you clients out to sleazy places, you can't simply blame the sleazy places, can you?


I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

Over the years of visiting Thailand for long summer vacations (usually 7 weeks at a time), and then living there for a little over a year, I OFTEN had the same reaction from friends who otherwise thought of me as being a rather serious and upright person. Thailand seems to have dual reputations. Yes, there is the nice reputation -- shining beaches, bucolic villages, Buddhist temples and monks...oops, strike that last one now. Then there's the other reputation. Thailand ought to stop and think why it has that second reputation.


Now Westerners .......... how do you excuse yourself?

Personally I excuse myself with the following,

lack of western PC BS and crap such as affirmitive action,

personal freedom, no big brother knows better nanny state a la Euro socialism,

I find the (lack of) income tax most favourable.

Cant talk for others but the above does it for me.

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