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Madame Tussaud Bangkok Opens

After having only heard about the popular museum, Bangkok residents can now able to enjoy the replicas of Thai and world famous celebrities at the Madame Tussaud wax museum.

Madame Tussaud has unveiled its first wax museum in Thailand, on the sixth floor at the Siam Discovery shopping mall.

Each of the wax figures costs up to eight million baht.

The Bangkok branch is the only branch in the world that allows visitors to get close to the wax figures, and even touch or hug them.

Madame Tussaud Bangkok is divided into eight zones.

The first is the Royal Room, which showcases the wax works of the Princess Mother and the Prince Mahidol, the father of His Majesty the King.

The second room is the History and Leaders Room, featuring wax figures of VIPs like Field Marshal Plaek Pibulsonggram, revered monk Buddhadaspikku, Princess Diana, Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, and U.S. President Barack Obama.

This is the Music Room, which displays wax figures of famous singers like folk singer Pumpuang Duangchan, country singer Ad Carabao, Beyonce, pop star Tata Young, and many others.

The Sports Room features David Beckham, boxer Kaosai Galaxy, Christiano Ronaldo, and Yao Ming.

Other zones include the Arts and Science Room, the Party Room, and the TV and Film Room, which displays figures of actor Ken Teeradech Wongpuapan and actress Anne Thongprasom.

Apart from the wax works, Madame Tussaud Bangkok offers costumes and props for visitors to wear for pictures with the wax figures, as well as activities like football kicking and karaoke.

If you're feeling enticed by what Madame Tussaud Bangkok has to offer, head over from this Saturday onward.


-- Tan Network 2010-12-02



Actually it is not open until Saturday 4th December.

There are over 73 figures to see.

There is no toilet for visitors to use.

the entrance is quite small, so anyone with a double buggy will have major problems getting in.


I hate to say this, but I do think it will be a complete waste of time to go and visit. I will be going though, for my son. but I really think I will be disapointed. and as for letting the customers get close and touch the figures that only cost 8 million baht! :blink: They will soon realise that that is a dumb idea.

which famous people are there? does anyone know?


Actually the facts are that it is not open until Saturday 4th December.

"The Bangkok branch is the only branch in the world that allows visitors to get close to the wax figures, and even touch or hug them."

Nonsense ! you can do that in Hong Kong too.


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Actually the facts are that it is not open until Saturday 4th December.

Thats what the article says ! .......duh!:whistling:....." head over from this Saturday onward."


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Actually the facts are that it is not open until Saturday 4th December.

Thats what the article says ! .......duh!:whistling:....." head over from this Saturday onward."

Yes I did notice that after editing, however also noticed the word now, in the first line, I think the opening date should be put at the beginning of the first paragraph, which would make it more informative, as many people might get bored before the end and not read the whole article, like me.


Also the title "Madame Tussauds opens" a bit misleading, should read "Madame Tussauds opens this Saturday"

What about Madame Tussauds's opening her legs?:jap:


If it even remotely compares to Pattaya's Louis Tussauds: underwhelming, but overpriced - even without the extortionate Farang premium - I'll pass. Just as soon wait until I'm in London, and take my 10 year-old to the real thing ...


Actually the facts are that it is not open until Saturday 4th December.

"The Bangkok branch is the only branch in the world that allows visitors to get close to the wax figures, and even touch or hug them."

Nonsense ! you can do that in Hong Kong too.

I've visited the London and NY branches too and there's no problem touching them. Well, at least it was like that till a couple years back.


Also the title "Madame Tussauds opens" a bit misleading, should read "Madame Tussauds opens this Saturday"

Anyone else you want to blame for you getting it wrong? laugh.gif


Tata Young? not much depth on the Thai side of things then.

Barack Obama? Not much depth or good taste from any side!! ha ha


I thought it was adumb idea when Pattaya opened up, now Bangkok does it.

I think the Tausauds in London has been there for over 50 years. As such it clearly does belong to a bygone age when wax iconography like magic and fairgrounds was something exciting new and vibrant that offered something different.

The world has moved on and so too has the kind of attractions on offer. Perhaps it is a Western thing but the idea of wax dummies just seems plain dull. It's like the old comics and the pixelated 3-d cartoons; the two just can not be compared and the younger the audience the lower that boredom threshold.

I think it is a non-starter. A total wste of time that no matter how they package it you're still left with wax dummies.

In Khao Yai they have a stuffed tiger found in the park and, as the Thais in their local wisdom do, shot and stuffed. You are allowed to touch it. Hence, Khao Yai now has a bald, three legged, one eyed, half tailed, faded, sagging, sad and sorry stuffed beast they claim was once a tiger.

Touching the exhibits?

Good idea there Thailand.

As for Hong Kong ............. well, that's land of the Shark Fin so what can you expect?


"The Bangkok branch is the only branch in the world that allows visitors to get close to the wax figures, and even touch or hug them.

Madame Tussaud Bangkok is divided into eight zones.

The first is the Royal Room, which showcases the wax works of the Princess Mother and the Prince Mahidol, the father of His Majesty the King."

Does anyone see any potential pitfalls here for the unwary foreigner?


I think it is a non-starter. A total wste of time that no matter how they package it you're still left with wax dummies.

8 million baht wax dummies....

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