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How Well Does Your Wife/gf Take Care Of You


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I guess the romance is out of my relationship. She used to wash me in the shower but she now thinks she has taught me how it needs to be done and I only get a refresher once in a while. Other than that she does everything. She is a great cook so we very seldom go out to eat anymore as I much prefer her cooking. She sweeps the floor and then mops it EVERY morning. I have to move out of her way so that helps her. I also manage to put my dirty clothes in the basket but once in a while I miss the basket so she has to pick them up. If I try to wear the same pants a second time without being washed I catch ######. She is a great gal and I feel very fortunate that she puts up with me. :o

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Depends on the money me think's.

Tell her no more money and see the reaction, if you dare.

False idiology.

Sad and synical :o

Decent thread with posters singing the praises of their ladies.

Of course someone has to try to bring it down.

OK we've had the statutory "She only loves you for your money post"

No need for any more

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Must say mines a Peach!! She really is. I have even found myself getting into debates about her not letting me do things. But she wont have it. I love her to bits but I must say it was a strange feeling at first, I was not used to all the fussing she done. I certainly never had a lady doing things like this for me back home in the UK. Still not complaining, I think lifes GRRRRREAT!!


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I work 35 day straight 12 hrs a day and when I am home she likes to fuse over me nothing wrong with that I have never asked her to do it she seems to enjoy it but proberly not as much as I do

Rigger, how ya goin mate? We seem to be in the same game. However I am in commissioning so i am beach based which means my wife can come with me.

The only thing she asks of me is that I go shopping with her on my days off, this usually means we go into town and I drop into the pub whilst she looks in the clothes shops.

When we are home (LoS) I can wake her up at 3am and tell her I am hungry, she will rush off to cook something.

A lot of folks will think I am taking advantage, but she knows I work hard in very sh1tty conditions for our money, she takes her job to be making me as comfy as possible.

She might not always go and buy my beer, but she always makes sure the maid has gone before I ask.

My wife is my best friend and also my hero, as I am hers.

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I"m fairly neet but my wife cleans the house, cooks all the food. She packs my lunch for work every day. All the guys I work with (married to American women) have to go out to lunch. Now you might say it's nice to get away from work but we all work off commisions and really best to stick around.

Now my wife works full time, some of their wifes stay home, but still send their man out with no food. They all make comments saying how lucky I am, I just smile and know in my heart, those poor SOBs.

Yep all American here, love this country, but would NEVER want to marry any of our women.

My wife does the dishes, but I dry. I wanted to help out more but she shoes me out of the kitchen.

She does all the washing and loves to watch TV while she irons.

Any way she takes wonderful care of me in all ways. I am greatful for sure!

Funny I told her the other day, honey, when we move to Thailand and retire I will do the dishes, she just giggled....

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Me & my girl watched a thai movie together some 2 weeks ago.. and there was a funny line of some guy getting caught by his g/f's parents ironing half-naked in her room (without them knowing she stays with a guy)

"My girlfriend sais we change turns in ironing the clothes.. and she sais this life is my turn" .. Maybe my quote isn't 100% correct but I hope you get the point... and my g/f found it really hilarious because until now it really is like that in our relationship, I end up doing all the dish washing etc.... :o

She loves me doing it, she actually watches me washing and cleaning with a huuuge smile on her face.. but hey, she's great so I don't care at all, good luck for you guys though not being a sissy like me !! :D:D

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You know I really love my wife and I would do about anything she asks for all she does for me.

One thing though, for twenty years and my times in Thailand i smoked the stcky bud. Well she tells me that if I were to smoke it again she would leave me. Well since she has said this I not done so and just will not.. I do miss it though, she just does not understand, just thinks one is a addict if they do so.

Just one comment. I really do love her and do not want to lose her over something as this.

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my thai wife has

1. stopped me drinking as much as i used to

2. made me stop having to many wasted holidays

3. made me work harder

result:- better bank balance, feeling a better person, healthier

god bless her

OMG - Same Same :o

I think the best way to describe what my wife does for me is that she gives me purpose...

totster :D

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So how well does your wife take care of you

I have seen mates wives who do pretty well nothing. house is untidy doesnt know or want to cook. Gets some one else to do the washing

I guess I got pretty lucky as my wife likes to do pretty well every thing for me from washing me in the shower to shaving, picking out what I wear, always asking me if I want her to cook something, keeping the house and our two kids clean. She does get a alot of help from her mother of course. I have tried to do the dishes a few times but she refuses to let me.

I think her mother who is very old fashion in her ways has drumed this into her from a very young age to look after her man. She has been like this for 5 years so I cant see her changing

Mother treats her father the same way

My wife and I both have careers..so we do what can can mutually.Regarding housework,menial chores,etc.... we have hired help.

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Well, my GF is too good to be true (but she is). She teaches in an international school and we spend sometimes together especially weekends. I am kind of lazy person but I try to share the work, most of the time she doesnt let me do the stuff, until and unless, of course, it requires muscles.

Sometimes, she is doing something and needs a lot of help, in this situation I prefer to do the work by myself coz what is the use if I have to be busy with her.

Following are the few things which she does for me:

1. Washing clothes

2. Ironing clothes

3. Mopping

4. Cleaning house as much as possible

5. Cooking, she cooks very well

6. Sharing money for the stuff

The above list is just an example, she does a lot more things too. Although, being a working girl, she helps a lot too. She earns maybe more than me, anyway, I must say that I am lucky enough to get her. I must say that she is the best woman in my life.

She is so kind and loving and caring that I really want to marry her ASAP.

P.S. She is and never been the BG, she belongs to a respectable bangkok family.

Not to be nit-picking, but if you are an "ajarn", why is your grammar so bad? It's not just this post, but all your others as well. I take it you are a not native speaker, which is fine if you are not. Given that, I'm curious as to what subject you do teach. Is it possible for your gf to help you with your language skills?

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P.S. She is and never been the BG, she belongs to a respectable bangkok family.

Not to be nit-picking, but if you are an "ajarn", why is your grammar so bad? It's not just this post, but all your others as well. I take it you are a not native speaker, which is fine if you are not. Given that, I'm curious as to what subject you do teach. Is it possible for your gf to help you with your language skills?

Oh dear, maybe this is not the place for me to comment, being a Thai girl/wife

but it is nice to know that all those hubbies out there appreciate the Thai way of marriage, we love to please. But only if you look after us very well!!

we would do anything for you, if you make sure we are happy too. Remember that please.

as for grammar, never mind, as long as the sense is clear.

ps I have never been a BG either....so what!


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Not to be nit-picking, but if you are an "ajarn", why is your grammar so bad? It's not just this post, but all your others as well. I take it you are a not native speaker, which is fine if you are not. Given that, I'm curious as to what subject you do teach. Is it possible for your gf to help you with your language skills?

as for grammar, never mind, as long as the sense is clear.

Ordinarily, I overlook the occasional error, but I guess I just have higher expectations for a true "ajarn." It's just that "mark" seems to have so many, I wonder what exactly he DOES teach, especially if it's at university-level.


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So how well does your wife take care of you

I have seen mates wives who do pretty well nothing. house is untidy doesnt know or want to cook. Gets some one else to do the washing

I guess I got pretty lucky as my wife likes to do pretty well every thing for me from washing me in the shower to shaving, picking out what I wear, always asking me if I want her to cook something, keeping the house and our two kids clean. She does get a alot of help from her mother of course. I have tried to do the dishes a few times but she refuses to let me.

I think her mother who is very old fashion in her ways has drumed this into her from a very young age to look after her man. She has been like this for 5 years so I cant see her changing

Mother treats her father the same way


BG or not BG I think has very little to do with it. But if you must no my wife was 17yo when I met her she walked into my mates bar asking if she could work there. The first couple of nights at the bar she refused to go with anyone and spent most of her time helping in the resteraunt side cooking and cleaning until I asked her to come out one night with me and she did (and yes money did change hands) but stayed with me from that day on. She hates me bringing up anything to do with that past and she wont go any where near that bar. So I guess she was a BG but then again I think she wasnt

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I work 35 day straight 12 hrs a day and when I am home she likes to fuse over me nothing wrong with that I have never asked her to do it she seems to enjoy it but proberly not as much as I do

Rigger, how ya goin mate? We seem to be in the same game. However I am in commissioning so i am beach based which means my wife can come with me.

The only thing she asks of me is that I go shopping with her on my days off, this usually means we go into town and I drop into the pub whilst she looks in the clothes shops.

When we are home (LoS) I can wake her up at 3am and tell her I am hungry, she will rush off to cook something.

A lot of folks will think I am taking advantage, but she knows I work hard in very sh1tty conditions for our money, she takes her job to be making me as comfy as possible.

She might not always go and buy my beer, but she always makes sure the maid has gone before I ask.

My wife is my best friend and also my hero, as I am hers.

How you going tukyleith

you wife sounds alot like my wife I go shopping with my wife but after 2 hrs I start to get shopping rage. Some of the other posts have said that they would not be where they are today with out there wives. Well this is very true for me as before I met my darling I was starting to stuff up at work due to hassles back home had the law on my case running with the wrong crowd and was suffering from migrains at 28 years old. Since I move to thailand and met my wife my life has improved greatly and I am not the same person that I used to be. My work standed improved greatly got promoted. And the last 5 years have been the best of my life and it all mainly to do with my sweet wife. Well sweet most of the time :o

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I work 35 day straight 12 hrs a day and when I am home she likes to fuse over me nothing wrong with that I have never asked her to do it she seems to enjoy it but proberly not as much as I do

Rigger, how ya goin mate? We seem to be in the same game. However I am in commissioning so i am beach based which means my wife can come with me.

The only thing she asks of me is that I go shopping with her on my days off, this usually means we go into town and I drop into the pub whilst she looks in the clothes shops.

When we are home (LoS) I can wake her up at 3am and tell her I am hungry, she will rush off to cook something.

A lot of folks will think I am taking advantage, but she knows I work hard in very sh1tty conditions for our money, she takes her job to be making me as comfy as possible.

She might not always go and buy my beer, but she always makes sure the maid has gone before I ask.

My wife is my best friend and also my hero, as I am hers.

How you going tukyleith

you wife sounds alot like my wife I go shopping with my wife but after 2 hrs I start to get shopping rage. Some of the other posts have said that they would not be where they are today with out there wives. Well this is very true for me as before I met my darling I was starting to stuff up at work due to hassles back home had the law on my case running with the wrong crowd and was suffering from migrains at 28 years old. Since I move to thailand and met my wife my life has improved greatly and I am not the same person that I used to be. My work standed improved greatly got promoted. And the last 5 years have been the best of my life and it all mainly to do with my sweet wife. Well sweet most of the time :o

Very glad to hear it.

I hope you tell your wife what you have written here

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Once I hear a famous guy saying that his ultimate wife would be;

a cook in the kitchen

the queen of the party

the maid in the house

and a wh.re in bed

well I guess I am lucky here

No offense; I am a very lucky guy just like most of you. It started out a little difficult due to the cultural differences and such, but now we have divided the tasks all goes well. Actually she does most of the work and I can sit back and enjoy and only need to act on request when 'muscles' are needed...

I do no like the shopping bit though, man hours of walking thorugh the mall(s)

She opened my eyes towards the way I was living and the difference towards the Thai way of living and with regards to use of alcohol and sigarettes. I can state she made a healthier person enjoying life in another way than just dining out, bars and such

Nowadays we can have fun on any way; sitting in the garden, playing cards, meeting friends, watching TV (television), dining out and still visiting bars as well(and getting loaded) It is just more fun to spend time with a good friend who is also your soulmate and happens to be the wife as well.

Yeah it is a great life!

Sorry SriJohn if I made any errors I am a foreigner... :o

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