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Ive always had problems getting the books i want in thailand at a reasonable price.

Is Kindle book reader the way to go? Will it work here or do the ISP block it? I was thinking to get the standard wifi one not the 3g version. Will i have problems buying from Amazon?

Or would i be better off getting another format like the Sony reader?

It would be great to have a collection of all the old classics at hand (and for free) which you can get from gutenberg and other places... plus have access to best sellers at the click of a button.

Also i am not really settled yet and may move to another area in Thailand so having everything in electronic format is good i dont want to start collecting shelves of books


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I have a Kindle DX and would not be without it. I bought it while here through amazon and it arrived in 3 days. I have bought a few books but many are free.


I have a Kindle DX and would not be without it. I down load books, magazines and newspapers to my laptop and transfer to Kindle via USB. I brought it with me from the U.S.

It's great to select a book and be reading it within one minute.



Books without DRM in MOBI format are easy to find all over the internet.

The Sony has no advantage over the Kindle, just a different format EPUB.

Without DRM any format can be converted to any other format at the click of a button using Calibre.


I love my Kindle and it goes everywhere with me, in Thailand and abroad.

It's a 6" model that I ordered here in Bangkok through Amazon. It's light, the font is very easy to read, the battery lasts several days (and I use it every day) and when anyone recommends a book I can get a sample downloaded within a minute or so. If I like it I buy it - just a click and it's there. I also subscribe to a Kindle-version weekly magazine (The Spectator).

I bought a Kindle because I couldn't keep adding shelves in our apartment. It's nice to have books on shelves, but you can get to the point that you really don't need to have any more. Kindle is also easy to find stuff you're looking for some time after you've read something. Books on shelves are like old friends, but there comes a time when one has to become unattached to these friends.

The only complaint I have is that I've always enjoyed going in to good bookstores and coming out with two or three nice new books. That's not really the same any more. In fact, when I see a book I'm interested in I furtively check on my Kindle if it has a Kindle version, then, if it has, I put the book back on the shelf. I feel a bit guilty about that.


I love my Kindle and it goes everywhere with me, in Thailand and abroad.

It's a 6" model that I ordered here in Bangkok through Amazon.  It's light, the font is very easy to read, the battery lasts several days (and I use it every day) and when anyone recommends a book I can get a sample downloaded within a minute or so.  If I like it I buy it - just a click and it's there.  I also subscribe to a Kindle-version weekly magazine (The Spectator).

I bought a Kindle because I couldn't keep adding shelves in our apartment.  It's nice to have books on shelves, but you can get to the point that you really don't need to have any more.  Kindle is also easy to find stuff you're looking for some time after you've read something.  Books on shelves are like old friends, but there comes a time when one has to become unattached to these friends.

The only complaint I have is that I've always enjoyed going in to good bookstores and coming out with two or three nice new books.  That's not really the same any more.  In fact, when I see a book I'm interested in I furtively check on my Kindle if it has a Kindle version, then, if it has, I put the book back on the shelf.  I feel a bit guilty about that.

I agree with all your sentiments you posted, even the guilt part!


I was thinking about Xmas presents today and was asking a Thai friend about her Ipad, and what she thought of it.

One of the things she really liked was Kindle to download books. Looked fantastic for kids too. It was one of the applications to download.

Personally I'm a bit of an old fashioned wizard that like books.

I can definitely see the attraction for you modern types though, and books that are hard to get hold of :)


Do yourself a favor get a Kindle it's great and easy to get used to. Order from Amazon less then 200$ including shipment and taxes 3 days and you have it up and running .


I'm watching CNN now...and they have a new app out for the iPad. Really cool. I was considering the Kindle as an Xmas present for myself...but now considering the iPad.

My friend has one and it is amazing. He got it primarily for books as he works off shore and carrying a load of books to an oil platform is a bit hard.

What do you guys think about the iPad vs. the Kindle? I know there is a big price difference...

Hope I'm not hijacking this thread....


I'm watching CNN now...and they have a new app out for the iPad. Really cool. I was considering the Kindle as an Xmas present for myself...but now considering the iPad.

My friend has one and it is amazing. He got it primarily for books as he works off shore and carrying a load of books to an oil platform is a bit hard.

What do you guys think about the iPad vs. the Kindle? I know there is a big price difference...

Hope I'm not hijacking this thread....

The ipad is great as a computer/ internet browser and you can read books on it, but it's heavy, very large and the battery only lasts a few hours, also the screen can be a strain on the eyes after a few hours reading. Where as the Kindle is small, light easy to hold, very easy on the eye to read for long hours and the battery lasts for weeks at a time. If you want a device to browse the internet, play games and watch films get an ipad, if you want a small convenient device for reading get a kindle.


I'm watching CNN now...and they have a new app out for the iPad. Really cool. I was considering the Kindle as an Xmas present for myself...but now considering the iPad.

My friend has one and it is amazing. He got it primarily for books as he works off shore and carrying a load of books to an oil platform is a bit hard.

What do you guys think about the iPad vs. the Kindle? I know there is a big price difference...

Hope I'm not hijacking this thread....

The ipad is great as a computer/ internet browser and you can read books on it, but it's heavy, very large and the battery only lasts a few hours, also the screen can be a strain on the eyes after a few hours reading. Where as the Kindle is small, light easy to hold, very easy on the eye to read for long hours and the battery lasts for weeks at a time. If you want a device to browse the internet, play games and watch films get an ipad, if you want a small convenient device for reading get a kindle.

Great points. I've tried to use my netbook to read ebooks, but it just doesn't work. To bulky. I hate to give up paperbacks, as I love reading from a paper book...but...it is not easy to find specific titles you want to read here. And used books are sometimes very expensive and in limited supply.

Again, thanks!!!! I think I will stick with my original plan to get a Kindle!


My daughter is bringing me a Kindle DX next week.

Can one download direct to the Kindle in Thailand (3G?) or must it be done via USB transfer from a Computer?

I will miss reading paper books but I read a great deal and have storage problems - well, I don't but my wife makes a fuss every 3 months or so!



I have a Kindle DX, also,and recommend that because of the "3G" capability. No WIFI required. But it is a little less convenient to search for books on it, a little slow. I personally like to use my desk top to find the books, read the reviews, look for specific authors, have several/many book descriptions open on different tabs, and go back and forth deciding which ones to buy. Then after buying, I let Amazon send them directly to my Kindle where they arrive with 60 seconds.

Some Kindle characteristics I really like are

  1. the ability to read in bright sun light
  2. being able to change the font size for different lighting conditions
  3. not having to hold pages down to keep them from turning
  4. changing pages with a finger push (i.e., when eating and reading, don't have to turn pages)
  5. always opens to the page I was reading when I turned it off.


When I announced to my circle of friends that intended to buy a Kindle,one of the ladies said,

'why don't you get an iPad ?'

when I asked why ?

She replied,'because iPads are sexier' !!!!

So,of course, I bought the Kindle...........


I have a Kindle DX, also,and recommend that because of the "3G" capability. No WIFI required. But it is a little less convenient to search for books on it, a little slow. I personally like to use my desk top to find the books, read the reviews, look for specific authors, have several/many book descriptions open on different tabs, and go back and forth deciding which ones to buy. Then after buying, I let Amazon send them directly to my Kindle where they arrive with 60 seconds.

Some Kindle characteristics I really like are

  1. the ability to read in bright sun light
  2. being able to change the font size for different lighting conditions
  3. not having to hold pages down to keep them from turning
  4. changing pages with a finger push (i.e., when eating and reading, don't have to turn pages)
  5. always opens to the page I was reading when I turned it off.

I think that sums it up very well, exactly the method I use for getting my books as well. My only complaint is that it didn't happen sooner then I would not have needed to have had a bookcase built and all the books in it.


Would be kind of someone to post their experience of buying a Kindle from Amazon in Thailand, and specifically the part Customs play, since Amazon uses a courier for LOS delivery.

I respect the fees levied by the Thai Post Office on USPS, but using a courier brings a new dimension into the equation, like DHL+Customs=x.

Amazon levy a calculated fee for the courier to pay to Customs, but tiT...

I fancy the Kindle 3 but not with a 100% markup.


Would be kind of someone to post their experience of buying a Kindle from Amazon in Thailand, and specifically the part Customs play, since Amazon uses a courier for LOS delivery.

I respect the fees levied by the Thai Post Office on USPS, but using a courier brings a new dimension into the equation, like DHL+Customs=x.

Amazon levy a calculated fee for the courier to pay to Customs, but tiT...

I fancy the Kindle 3 but not with a 100% markup.

If you buy direct from amazon it comes in about 3 days. The customs is included by amazon (you prepay a fixed amount and they guarantee it will not be more than that.). I do not know the exact prices but go to the website and pt in a mock order it will tell you. From memory it was $35 delivery and $50 customs with a dx.

The guy that sells them in Thailand is dearer.


If you buy direct from amazon it comes in about 3 days. The customs is included by amazon (you prepay a fixed amount and they guarantee it will not be more than that.). I do not know the exact prices but go to the website and pt in a mock order it will tell you. From memory it was $35 delivery and $50 customs with a dx.

The guy that sells them in Thailand is dearer.

Thanks for the reply.

Interesting that amazon can guarantee that Thai Customs will not try it on.

Did the mock order... they are quoting delivery as of Jan 21.


If you buy direct from amazon it comes in about 3 days. The customs is included by amazon (you prepay a fixed amount and they guarantee it will not be more than that.). I do not know the exact prices but go to the website and pt in a mock order it will tell you. From memory it was $35 delivery and $50 customs with a dx.

The guy that sells them in Thailand is dearer.

Thanks for the reply.

Interesting that amazon can guarantee that Thai Customs will not try it on.

Did the mock order... they are quoting delivery as of Jan 21.

Well it is Christmas I guess.

All I can say is I had no trouble. Mine arrived without a hassle. To be fair they just guarantee if there are any charges they will cover them...not that they can make customs honest....impossibilities take time.


Great, sounds like a doer.

Selling the idea to the wife might take a little longer.

She'll love it when she sees it. ;) My wife was fascinated (and approves greatly of the saving in storage space, though she's a bibliophile herself).


what about batteries charging an other perpetual those days burden ( how many batteries to charge or to change in our life we have starting by ....wrist watches, tooth brush, razor, alarm clock, mobile, laptop, soon cars, etc...etc... ), the pleasure to share an already read book with a friend, family member etc.... whom are not as yet so high tech oriented.....an other add up to pure ego Me/I/Myself trips....too much is too much.....

Of course Kindle is the best for readers but you still have to read those books without yet any short cut it has to be done ( under your shower ? in the loo ? ) and it takes a lot of times comparatively to ordering and having delivery options as short as 60 seconds by Amazon.

iPad is great as well and laptop too.

I am reading books on my own Galaxy S 19,000 Samsung android mobile part time...

So much more informed each one can be pretending to as well become his own doctor etc........

Do you still have to reach the point to jam your mind with memorizing what has been read ? or just delete..........

On time life is very difficult and extreeeeeeeeemely stressful.

We still need S P A C E.

Thinking before swallowing life and after to digest it.

P.S. any one to invest in batteries manufacture business let me know.


I just ordered a kindle today on amazon plus some ebooks from amazon and downloaded some free ebooks from gutenburg.org....nice thing is that the kindle will arrive with my books already installed!

Ipad v kindle- buy the kindle- reading all your books from a backlit ipad screen will really screw up your eye site long term.


Would be kind of someone to post their experience of buying a Kindle from Amazon in Thailand, and specifically the part Customs play, since Amazon uses a courier for LOS delivery.

I respect the fees levied by the Thai Post Office on USPS, but using a courier brings a new dimension into the equation, like DHL+Customs=x.

Amazon levy a calculated fee for the courier to pay to Customs, but tiT...

I fancy the Kindle 3 but not with a 100% markup.

If you buy direct from amazon it comes in about 3 days. The customs is included by amazon (you prepay a fixed amount and they guarantee it will not be more than that.). I do not know the exact prices but go to the website and pt in a mock order it will tell you. From memory it was $35 delivery and $50 customs with a dx.

The guy that sells them in Thailand is dearer.

Sounds like they are being very helpful with that customs charge. As far as I know there is no customs duty on e-readers coming into Thailand so I think Amazon are lining their own pockets a bit with that one. I bought a Sony 650 from B&H Photo in the US which was delivered within 4 days with I think a $50 courier charge, no customs fee but tax of 7% on order value paid by me to courier on delivery.


Sounds like they are being very helpful with that customs charge. As far as I know there is no customs duty on e-readers coming into Thailand so I think Amazon are lining their own pockets a bit with that one.

Terms and Conditions

In the event that the Import Fees Deposit exceeds the Actual Import Fees, Amazon Export or Merchant (as applicable) will refund the difference to you.

Sounds fair.



P.S. any one to invest in batteries manufacture business let me know.

Interesting idea, however, the author of this paper does not seem to think it's particularly interesting to invest in.

(Sorry for taking this tread off topic)

  • 4 months later...

Hi all,

I'm trying to buy 2 Kindle 3G + 1 case and have them sent to Thailand. Total cost of the items: USD 438. Shipment and handling: USD 33 (no problem with that). Import fees deposit: USD 117! I think this is very expensive, almost 30% of the cost of the items. Has anyone tried it before? In case I go for it will I get something back or do I have to consider the full amount as part of the final price?



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