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New Thai Law Will Let Pregnant Students Continue Studying

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New law will let pregnant students continue studying

By The Nation


Pregnant students will be given the choice of continuing with their studies or resuming after delivery once the Reproductive Health Protection Act takes effect, the Education Ministry said yesterday.

The Cabinet approved the draft law on Tuesday and it is now being forwarded to the Council of State for review, after which the Cabinet will study the bill again before presenting it to Parliament for legislation.

The key point of this draft law is to give students the right to continue their studies if they become pregnant during their school years.

Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat said yesterday that even though he personally did not agree with the idea, his ministry was ready to act in line with the law.

"We are preparing necessary measures," he said.

Under the law, if a student gets pregnant, she can continue studying via either the formal or informal system. If a pregnant student quits school, she must be allowed to enrol again after delivering the baby.

"Apart from these measures, we will focus on preventing pregnancies among students," Chinnaworn said.

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit, however, said the bill was not designed to encourage pregnancies among students. "We just hope to help the students if they happen to get pregnant," he said.

If legislated, the Social Development and Human Security Ministry will provide accommodation to pregnant students who need help.

"If students cannot raise their babies, the ministry will get the babies adopted," Jurin said.

He said as a preventive measure, the Education Ministry would also be required to provide appropriate sex education to students.

The Reproductive Health Protection Act, if legislated, will also require senior government officials and employers to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces. Failure to protect subordinates or employees may result in fines of up to Bt60,000.


-- The Nation 2010-12-16

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Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

This law is to allow pregnant girls to continue studying. It is an excellent move.

A law to regarding the responsibilities of the father are a whole other kettle of fish, not just relating to students, but relating to all Thai women. Something needs to be done about it, but it shouldn't get in the way of a law that helps pregnant girls continue studying.


Well, it's good to hear some of our sage legislators are at least pointed in the right direction, as regards being decent with pregnant women and girls. Still a long way to go though. I agree with the posts above, which mention how the news article woefully omits mention of inseminators in the equation. Those same men who use trickery, force, and drugs (usually alcohol) to gain conquest. Thai men have always, and will continue to be excused from taking responsibility for where they stick their tricky little dicks.


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat said yesterday that even though he personally did not agree with the idea, his ministry was ready to act in line with the law.

How can he disagree?

Oh yes, it's an embarrassment.

But wait, not as embarrassing as 2000 fetuses on a wat....

Many no doubt caused because the girl realizes she becomes

a poor 2nd class whore till the rest of her days, or finds a back street abortionist.

The current methodology is for the new mothers to nurse at home with grandma for a bit,

and then go on the game in Pattaya because their education opportunities are finished for good.

Chinnaworn must prefer this later scenario! What a <deleted>.

And yes not a word on the escapist sperm donors with no moral backbone.


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

Well other than the fact he chose to engage in an activity

with the risk of a baby being produced, no he hasn't had a choice.

Sorry, if you stick it in, you should also get stuck with the bills too.


Well other than the fact he chose to engage in an activity

with the risk of a baby being produced, no he hasn't had a choice.

Sorry, if you stick it in, you should also get stuck with the bills too.

I can never understand this rather strange attitude!

Why, it has no logic?

Let's apply the same logic to motor accidents ....... if you didn't get in the car you wouldn't have been hurt (doesn't matter if you are crashed into)

Aircraft crashes ........ if you didn't get in the plane you wouldn't have died.

After all, you chose to engage in an activity with the risk of a serious injury being produced.


Well other than the fact he chose to engage in an activity

with the risk of a baby being produced, no he hasn't had a choice.

Sorry, if you stick it in, you should also get stuck with the bills too.

I can never understand this rather strange attitude!

Why, it has no logic?

Let's apply the same logic to motor accidents ....... if you didn't get in the car you wouldn't have been hurt (doesn't matter if you are crashed into)

Aircraft crashes ........ if you didn't get in the plane you wouldn't have died.

After all, you chose to engage in an activity with the risk of a serious injury being produced.

The reason is that there must be a relationship of cause and effect, which is adequate. "Adequate" means that under normal circumstances and according to the natural flow of events the effect is very likely to be favored by the cause.

Or in "normal" English: How likely is it that this will happen?

To simply get in a plane the likelihood of crashing and dieing is very very low, so no adequate.

On the other hand, the likelihood of getting a girl pregnant with unprotected sex is very high, thus adequate. And that's why most people believe that father should get involved, responsibility-wise and financially.

On a different issue: Does someone know why pregnant students were expulsed from school or university in the first place?


Just because a student is pregnant does not mean their brain is non-functioning! Talk about 'prejudice'... but then this...

"If students cannot raise their babies, the ministry will get the babies adopted," Jurin said. <deleted> blink.gif

""Apart from these measures, we will focus on preventing pregnancies among students," Chinnaworn said."

Really? Can I use that mantra - excuse me - quote to prove you are a liar, based on historical statistics that consistantly demonstrate otherwise?:

News headlines from the past...

Thai Boys Having Unprotected Sex From 14 Y. O. (76% did not wear condoms)

Thai Student Leaders Against Condom-vending... (... machine on campus)

Dark Side Of Thai Student Behaviour (Sex, rape, gambling by "Student Mafia")

Thai Students Having Sex - Again! (Hair dye, revelry, sex . . .)

Punishments Agreed For Student Acts (No swearing, no sex, no gambling etc.)

Thai School System Turns Quite Spooky

Thai Teens Only Interested In Sex, Drink, Horror (Academics lash out at Thai youths)


80,000 Young People In Thailand Suffer From Aids

Young Thai People Increasingly Keen On Sex: Poll

Teenage Sexual Behaviour In Crisis: Aids Experts

Ministry To Tackle Harassing Males

Sex, Drugs, Fights Welcome New Students (BANGKOK STUDENTS BEHAVIOUR)

University Hazing Sex-pic Sparks Witch Hunt (Oral group sex at university hazing)

Debate Held Over Condoms In Schools (SEX IN CAMPUSES)

Keep Pregnant Girls In School: Teen Expert

Thaksin Asked To Curb Casual Sex Among Youth

Young Teens Happy With Sex Work: Study

Lusty Teens Await Loy Krathong

Teenagers More Likely To Contract HIV Or AIDS

Crackdown On Thai Students Mini Skirts (University clamps down on sexy outfits)

Thai Teens Find Porn Cartoons The Most Arousing

Condom Vending Machines To Be Installed In Universities

Teenagers Warned Against Having Careless Sex In February (The Month of Love)

Teenagers To Be Monitored On Valentine's Day

Thai Teens Can't Get Enough Of Online Porn

Bangkok Teens Only Want Love - Or A New Mobile

Crackdown On Flashy, Skin-tight Uni Uniforms (THAI UNIVERSITIES NEW DRESS CODE)

Thai Minors Claim Sexual Harassment

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nothing will change! The beast now exists solely to perpetuate itself. Any mantras contrary to this are excuses from parasites who wish to hang on to their positions of wealth and power for a bit longer!

Oh! and as far as the girls going back? I doubt that. "Face" ranks right up there with skin whitening cream, and the poor darlings presentable enough to be able to attract the next likely "sperm donor", as jaltsc eloquently implied about the males of the species! being seen in public at that age and pregnant carries too much social stigmatization. It will be more than enough to keep these girls away from school. You can make a law, but you can not enforce the "looks" and "snickering" laughter from the back of the room.


Thai Female university uniform must be re-design. Current design only allow me to button up while holding my breath.

So you want the world to know that you have big boobs? A degree of proof to support your contention might assist in some acceptance of this. I think that more than a few here worry about the size and effectiveness of your thought processes. A series of snappy one liners, mostly at the variance of facts or logical thought, just doesn't do it sweetheart.

A tip. If you have trouble buttoning your blouse why not buy a bigger size blouse? There. That wasn't too hard was it?   :rolleyes:


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

"As the man is given no choice at all in the matter,"??? I must be missing something - maybe Thailand is opposite every other country in the world and it's the women who go chasing after the men, forcing them to inseminate the women. The truth is, men are free agents and they have every chance in the world to make the choice not to get a girl pregnant.


I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

Yes, the man does have a choice. He can wear a condom. If he chooses not to and the woman conceives, then he has to share the responsibility of bringing the child into the world.

Or are you advocating that every woman who conceives should have an abortion just because you want to get your rocks off without wearing one?


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

Pardon me?

In Thailand abortion is illegal. (except when the mother's health is at risk.) Men certainly have the option to prevent pregnancy. It is called a condom. So, assuming birth control is used and fails --- neither person has a real "choice."

This is a great step forward in women's rights in Thailand. In the past if you became pregnant while attending university you were kicked out. No penalty for the boy even though it takes 2 people to make a baby.

Regarding child-support --- if you participate in the traditional system of sin-sod that is a form of child support. If you break tradition and ..... well .... you had the option of a condom. Pay up.

Dead-beat dads are truly (imho) pretty vile.


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

Wow,wow and wow..you hit the spot and I love your opinion. Thanks a million.....


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

The day any man elects to have unprotected sex with a partner married or not the he has entered into a contract of responsibility. It takes two to get pregnant, even at Christmas B) and the male should/must be held accountable. If you think otherwise perhaps your views are better suited to the Middle East or the Middle Ages.


I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth? Are you kidding? Is abortion illegal in Thailand? Yes. So if a woman and a man engage in consensual sex and she gets pregnant and doesn't want that child, yes, she is forced to give birth. And the man should not similarly pay for a mistake they BOTH made - that is if they consider it a mistake of course? I find your post really distasteful.

Legally the civil law states quite clearly that legal status of a person starts once they are born. This really should be the end of the conversation. But in the penal code (criminal law), it is stipulated that abortion is a crime. It has to go back to civil law. After all, a foetus is still a part of a woman’s body without any legal status.

And this bill is not about any of that, it is about the right to education even though you have been knocked up. If women are not allowed to control their bodies by being given the choice of abortion, then dam_n right they should at least have the right to education. Grrrrrrrr...


Well other than the fact he chose to engage in an activity

with the risk of a baby being produced, no he hasn't had a choice.

Sorry, if you stick it in, you should also get stuck with the bills too.

I can never understand this rather strange attitude!

Why, it has no logic?

Let's apply the same logic to motor accidents ....... if you didn't get in the car you wouldn't have been hurt (doesn't matter if you are crashed into)

Aircraft crashes ........ if you didn't get in the plane you wouldn't have died.

After all, you chose to engage in an activity with the risk of a serious injury being produced.

So, you are saying that men are not at all responsible for the creation of children. Unreal! So you lot have all the fun and we just have to pay the consequences. Whoever you are Sarah's bloke, I feel for Sarah.


On a different issue: Does someone know why pregnant students were expulsed from school or university in the first place?

Because everyone knows that Thai people do not partake in the act of sexual relations outside of marriage.

To have that being openly displayed as being utter hogwash is not permitted.

Just saying that it is now Ok to attend school on its own is nowhere near enough, the attitude of an entire society has to change too.

What are the odds that young girls will still be told that it may be better for them to make themselves scarce for a while.


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

The day any man elects to have unprotected sex with a partner married or not the he has entered into a contract of responsibility. It takes two to get pregnant, even at Christmas B) and the male should/must be held accountable. If you think otherwise perhaps your views are better suited to the Middle East or the Middle Ages.

Off topic to answer the off topic male bashers.

Right! Bravo to all these posts who believe all men's rights should be removed once the sperm has left the building. And prior to the man engaging in a pleasurable experience; let's remove that as well by encasing his pleasure sensing organ in a tight, rubber casing to remove all feeling.

I even think we should go further, and hold all In vitro-fertilization clinics responsible for being deadbeat clinics. Make them send money to the moms who give birth after being artificially inseminated by the clinics, using doner sperm.

What? You can't do that because the women understand that they can not hold the clinic accountable, or the sperm doner accountable after being inseminated? There's a no money guarantee?

Posh! Let's change the laws and force the clinics and sperm donors to send child support to the mothers who are artificially inseminated by sperm that has been donated. Maybe even go further and track down the people who donate to fertilization clinics and have them pay the bills along with the clinics. That'll fix'em!

I have stated again and again that the word "responsibility" has been only applied to men, and that woman's rights on the issue of pregnancies / abortions have only served to allow women to be selfishly irresponsible towards considering whether or not the man would also like to have a child, or terminate it.

Women seem to want to indemnify themselves against anything a man does, but when it is the other way around, the protests reach high heaven. Don't insult my intelligence. These "rights" you digress about have no intention of making a win win situation, and only encourage emotional people to make decisions that are protected by law, and can have a lasting and damaging effect on others, who have no recourse even if they were the most loving and caring of individuals.

"Hey, we got pregnant! Okay! Great! I can't wait to have a child. I always wanted a child. What? You don't want the child? But I really want a child. I promise I will take care of it and raise it with all my heart! Huh? I have no choice? You are going to terminate it and I have no recourse against you for taking away my right to be a father? I can not indemnify myself against hurt or loss, but on the other hand you can?"

The indemnity brigade has turned this OP into a male bashing thread. This is about pregnant teens having the legal right to attend school without retribution.


I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

You really don't know anything about Thailand then. Women have no right to abortion here so basically they have no choice. It's either they have the baby or they get an illegal abortion. When women aren't told by military generals what they can and can't do with their own bodies THEN you can start talking about men's right not to pay for their own children's welfare.

Until that magical day, guns are legal and dildos aren't and that's the way this country rolls.


Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

Abortion in Thailand happens to be illegal except for very defined reasons, hence the recent temple discover of all the illegally aborted foetuses.


The indemnity brigade has turned this OP into a male bashing thread. This is about pregnant teens having the legal right to attend school without retribution.

This isn't a male-bashing thread. It's a "males who don't believe in taking responsibility for their actions" bashing thread. I don't think any of the posters have anything against men in general. In fact, I'm pretty sure some of these "bashers" are in fact men themselves.

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