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Police Arrest American Man Openly Smoking Marijuana On Walking Street


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Good grief, Thai News Alerts, are you serious......more like tedious news alerts. Some guy gets busted with a reefer....whooa ! Seems like you guys are making more of a hoohaa about this than the Thais are, and you'll probably be mumbling on about this long after the Thais have forgotten about it.......go find some real news.

I wonder if it will be seen by you as real news if we subsequently hear that he is imprisoned for a year for such blatant flouting of a law in a country in which he is a visitor? The American 'take' on this 'trivial' offence is quite different from the view in many other Western countries, and indeed, in Thailand.

He may find himself deeply regretting such ridiculous behaviour, as will his countryman who openly announced that he was in possession of a similar substance last week.

The American view of this 'harmless' substance is about to be shaken, certainly for these two idiots.

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The irony of course is that this guy has been arrested in walking street, if looking inside all the bars for sure there would have been found a lot of pissed or near pissed guys on alcohol. :whistling:

Absolutely ridiculous - marijuana is totally harmless compared to what else is going on in walking street. Lives of young girls are being ruined by English and American guys who can't get a shag in their own country.

The alcoholic whore-mongers have a chance to show their self-righteousness. Someone finally lower down the rung than them - a guy who smoked a joint.


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Good grief, Thai News Alerts, are you serious......more like tedious news alerts. Some guy gets busted with a reefer....whooa ! Seems like you guys are making more of a hoohaa about this than the Thais are, and you'll probably be mumbling on about this long after the Thais have forgotten about it.......go find some real news.

Agree. Usual PDN/ Pattaya One? Thaivisa rubbish news. And Thaivisa charges to receive SMS alerts for crap like this?:ph34r:

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Well done the Police and how brave they were going in without sealing off Walking Street or having a SWAT team on hand. This guy had a reefer!

Really, having looked at the guy again, and it was marujuana, may be the army should have been deployed after an initial air strike. A drone of course to spare life.

It could have all gone so badly wrong. I mean what if he'd started singing Joan Baez songs and some mumbo jumbo about giving peace a chance.

If they hadn't taken him out when they did he'd have been free to sit in shop door ways, mumbling incoherently about how he loves everyone and will never wear shoes again.

And when they did finally contain him, he still manages to send coded signals to other Rasta dope fiends. Those 'V' signs. Believe me - they mean something.

I'm just grateful that no one was killed.

Love your reply - but it seems most of the other posters here did not get it!!! Of course the guy gets bashed here right away - he has done irreparable harm to Pattayas image as a family destination !! hahahaha

I always find it amusing when the "real" criminals in this country who commit all kinds of crimes from extortion to murder - arrest somebody for minor offenses - just doesn't seem right!

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The irony of course is that this guy has been arrested in walking street, if looking inside all the bars for sure there would have been found a lot of pissed or near pissed guys on alcohol. :whistling:

Absolutely ridiculous - marijuana is totally harmless compared to what else is going on in walking street. Lives of young girls are being ruined by English and American guys who can't get a shag in their own country.

The alcoholic whore-mongers have a chance to show their self-righteousness. Someone finally lower down the rung than them - a guy who smoked a joint.



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The irony of course is that this guy has been arrested in walking street, if looking inside all the bars for sure there would have been found a lot of pissed or near pissed guys on alcohol. :whistling:

Absolutely ridiculous - marijuana is totally harmless compared to what else is going on in walking street. Lives of young girls are being ruined by English and American guys who can't get a shag in their own country.

The alcoholic whore-mongers have a chance to show their self-righteousness. Someone finally lower down the rung than them - a guy who smoked a joint.


Love these 2 replies.:clap2:

Edited by doggie888888
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Well done the Police and how brave they were going in without sealing off Walking Street or having a SWAT team on hand. This guy had a reefer!

Really, having looked at the guy again, and it was marujuana, may be the army should have been deployed after an initial air strike. A drone of course to spare life.

It could have all gone so badly wrong. I mean what if he'd started singing Joan Baez songs and some mumbo jumbo about giving peace a chance.

If they hadn't taken him out when they did he'd have been free to sit in shop door ways, mumbling incoherently about how he loves everyone and will never wear shoes again.

And when they did finally contain him, he still manages to send coded signals to other Rasta dope fiends. Those 'V' signs. Believe me - they mean something.

I'm just grateful that no one was killed.

:D nice one.

He is consistent isn't he. Yet to miss a chance to bash a Thai. I often wonder if some hooker took his wallet and the police couldn't get it back for him. That would justify bashing them when they do some thing rite and when they do some thing wrong.

At least he didn't go into a mponologue on what is wrong with Thailand. I think he mentioned on another thread he was leaving Thailand.

Personally I think if what was published was the whole story They were a little out of line with a arrest. I believe there is more to it. The picture makes him look like it is all one big joke. Like to see a picture of him in the cell 12 hours later.

you don't seem to get it - IT IS A BIG JOKE - to arrest somebody in Pattaya for smoking a joint - of all places on waking street - full with whore houses - and prostitution was still ILLEGAL in Thailand when I last checked - but this seems to somehow escape the BIB !!!

As long as laws in this country are selectively enforced and crimes overlooked because it's good for the wallet - law enforcement will always be nothing but a big joke here!

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The irony of course is that this guy has been arrested in walking street, if looking inside all the bars for sure there would have been found a lot of pissed or near pissed guys on alcohol. :whistling:

Absolutely ridiculous - marijuana is totally harmless compared to what else is going on in walking street. Lives of young girls are being ruined by English and American guys who can't get a shag in their own country.

The alcoholic whore-mongers have a chance to show their self-righteousness. Someone finally lower down the rung than them - a guy who smoked a joint.


Surely people arnt going to try to justify one illegal action by mentioning other illegal actions. The law just doesnt work that way. :rolleyes:

Edited by neverdie
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You see the problem here is obvious....everyone else you see arrested drunk or on other drugs are miserable, violant, angry.....look at this guy.....look at the cops......he should be a poster child for legalisation of hooch.......hope he got an easy fine and cut loose.....to smoke another day

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The irony of course is that this guy has been arrested in walking street, if looking inside all the bars for sure there would have been found a lot of pissed or near pissed guys on alcohol. :whistling:

Absolutely ridiculous - marijuana is totally harmless compared to what else is going on in walking street. Lives of young girls are being ruined by English and American guys who can't get a shag in their own country.

The alcoholic whore-mongers have a chance to show their self-righteousness. Someone finally lower down the rung than them - a guy who smoked a joint.


So typical of this type of bowel movement. They always try to justify their illegal action by mentioning other illegal acts :rolleyes: .

So predicatable :lol:

If that was addressed to me; I am not defending any action, just stating the obvious, to me it doesn't make any difference if a guy walks around all doped up or drunk. And there are a lot more drunk guys than doped on an average night.

Dope is illegal, the other drug, alcohol, is legal, and earns most countries (tax)money, neither will be good for you in large quantities me thinks. :jap:

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Dope is illegal, the other drug, alcohol, is legal, and earns most countries (tax)money, neither will be good for you in large quantities me thinks. :jap:

No, it wasnt directed to anyone in particular, not you, not saraburioz, which is why I changed the way it was written. Its just those statements always lead to those others following it.

The above statement just about sums it up really.

Edited by neverdie
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Khun Igan and his Rastafarian-sympathetic brethren in brown seem really put off by the nonsense



He's smilig now but..................Perhaps he thought the Vietnam thing hadn't finished yet eh. :unsure:

The police are smiling too..probably they think their job is a joke... :o

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Idiot! Although if you walk down Walking Street you will see a whole lot more going on than a guy stoked on pot! A waste of the men in brown! They should focus on the Farang picking up the underage girls and boys! The guy was an idiot, but not a criminal (except in the eyes of Thai law)! The Thai Police are like the US cops except they do a noodle run instead of Dunkin Doughnuts. They got this guy and still had time for noodles!!!!!

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Absolutely ridiculous - marijuana is totally harmless compared to what else is going on in walking street. Lives of young girls are being ruined by English and American guys who can't get a shag in their own country.

The alcoholic whore-mongers have a chance to show their self-righteousness. Someone finally lower down the rung than them - a guy who smoked a joint.


How many peeps of other nationalities than Yanks and English visit Pattaya? Not a few Aussies or Kiwis, then we have the Krauts, and the Canucks, and the Arabs, and the Chinese not forgetting the hordes from the sub-continent. Do not the Taffs, Jocks and Paddies (Brits but not English) dip their wicks? Don't they all contribute to the ruination of young Thai girls?

From my cursory observation of the Pattaya bar scene there are not too many young girls to ruin whereas there is a profusion of old boilers. As for not being able to get a shag in their own country this is pure conjecture on your part. What is more likely is that sex tourists seek something other than a lard barrel and prefer a sweet younger thing with curves - and who shows a degree of enthusiasm? Since you seem to have been getting your share in Oz why did you come here?

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I am sorry to say this but what an idiot,what was he thinking??

Thinking? Did you see his hair?

So if we want to appear reasonably intelligent we should shave our heads?

Works with thai students doesn't it......or does it :whistling:

Nah. The intelligent ones may be identified by their tight blouses and short short skirts. We don't want them shaving their heads do we? Delicacy prevents me from stating what they might with profit be prepared to shave. :D

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The guy was probably a newbie and on seeing what everyone was up and about doing in Pattaya thought to himself, this must be the wild east and decides to light up to help him do the hazardous stratch called walking street.

Meanwhile, why is that it is a traffic cop writing the citation, was he riding a horse as well?

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...rubbish news...

I have a feeling that this "rubbish news", as you call it, can save other marijuana users who are unaware of Thailand's drug laws from serious trouble. To them, this is real news, valuable news. I would consider it selfish on my part if I judged news items based on their usefulness to myself personally.

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