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Christian forum  

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Since this is a Buddhist country it is natural and appropriate that TV forum contains Buddhism forum. However most members of forum are expats and no doubt including many Christians. I am not a missionary, however, especially during Christmas season, it would be nice to have forum with information of interest to Christian farangs. I do not know if there is enough support to make this worthwhile. Perhaps not, as if there were there would probably already be forum, but I just thought I would put out suggestion in case others were interested.

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Frankly, as an atheist I am rather anti-Christian. However, I think the OP makes a good point that there is a population here that would use and enjoy such a forum. However, where does it stop, a Hindu forum, a Muslim forum, a Jewish forum, an atheist forum? We have all these religions and more here as well as Christians, so it might be opening a can of worms to give the Christians here "special rights" ha ha.

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As a Catholic (note that I pin my flag to the mast from the start), I think a Christian forum would be a good idea. But there is a problem. There are so many people on this forum who seem to think it their mission to slang other people's religion that a Christian forum would be swamped by the atheists and agnostics.

Edited by sbk
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I have absolutely no problems with there being a Christian forum at all. The issue becomes how hotly moderated would it have to be (very, I think; just judging from the responses so far in this thread.) Then again .... :)

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I lived in Oklahoma City the home of many evangelical Christians for many years so I'm inured to it and nothing would really bother me ... Just be prepared that there will be an ad with a slinky Thai girl saying "We Know What You Want" stuck in the middle of your forum.

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If a Christian forum is permitted, may humbly request we are permitted to start Scientology forum as well, only seems fair.....:jap:

If we're going to have a Christian forum, then we should also have an atheist forum too. At least there'll be people talking sense in the latter.

Edited by petecooper
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If a Christian forum is permitted, may humbly request we are permitted to start Scientology forum as well, only seems fair.....:jap:

If we're going to have a Christian forum, then we should also have an atheist forum too. At least there'll be people talking sense in the latter.

I wouldn't object to an atheist forum, though I wonder what they would talk about... it's difficult to discuss a negative.

I'm enjoying this... all the anti-Christian nutcases coming out of the woodwork.

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Indeed, i do not see the OP asking for views on his religious beliefs but rather is there any interest in a forum. and given then nature of some members of this forum who seem to feel that REGARDLESS of the topic they must somehow interject their opinion, it would seem nigh upon impossible to keep relatively civil.

Moving to forum support and might I suggest if you have no interest in such a forum, you keep that lack of interest to yourself, cheers.

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I'm Jedi

In 2001 there was a Census in Australia and over 70,000 people recorded their religion as Jedi (0.37% of the population). I was one of them :lol:

Interestingly, our Kiwi cousins also had 1.5% of their population as Jedi's & wales and the uk had 0.8% of the population there too. :lol:

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OK, lets put it this another way. and less nicely this time.

I have now deleted ALL off topic responses. OP is NOT asking for your opinion on religion but MERELY asking for feedback from interested parties. If you are not interested then KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF.

My patience is thin today. Bear that in mind.

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Yes-no opinions may count but as stated, your opinion on Christianity was not reqested, simply on your interest in such a forum and so as to facilitate a normal response without the vitriol a simple yes no poll has been added. Feel free to post in the poll but otherwise, keep your personal beliefs personal, cheers.

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Post deleted, go off topic again and I will suspend you. You are more than welcome to your opinions on religion but have already been asked TWICE to voice them elsewhere. OP has NOT asked for your opinion in this thread so keep it on topic. Next one gets a suspension for a minimum of ten days because you have now worn my patience thin.

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It would be good to see a multi-faith forum where we could all show some better respect and understanding of each others faiths religion and customs particularly at times of happy festivities.

So yes I agree with the OP in part....not a Christian forum as such though.

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I agree that a space for discussion of religious topics pertinent to individual religions could be useful, though I also think that the ground rules would have to be pretty clear. Probably it would be standing rules only to allow topical posts on the religion in question within a particular thread by interested parties- i.e., no cross-religion flaming/bashing/baiting. Each OP could set the topicality rules for that particular thread (i.e. which denomination/sect/creed was topical) and anyone posting out of bounds would be subject to warning.

The difficult part would be in areas in which the individual beliefs run counter to general Thaivisa forum rules. I (and many other mods, I would suppose) wouldn't be up for allowing posts to stand which would break any of the general forum rules regarding discussions about breaking the law of Thailand, for instance, or on bashing minorities, for example, no matter how strongly the individual religious adherents might feel about such things. Clearly if such a forum is created there will be a number of wrinkles to sort out. But this poll is a good place to see if the interest is that keen.

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It would be good to have a place for theological debate, It happens occasionally on the Buddhist forum but it isn't really appropriate there.

The real problem to be faced is the large number of posters eager to mock any non humanist viewpoints, stems from insecurity I assume, but nevertheless they are there. I believe this group would be very tiresome to moderate. You can already see them drooling to get their licks in at only a suggestion.

However if such a forum was started I would do my best to support it.

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I don't think the way the poll going is particularly surprising. This forum (and most others I have seen) are full of people whose greatest pleasure seems to be to sneer at and abuse religion. The difficulty about having a forum on religion (of any kind) would be keeping these totally negative posters out. They have nothing positive to offer whatsoever. I don't count Buddhism by the way, as it is more a philosophy than a religion, the Thai version being so heavily contaminated with Brahmanism and animism that little of the Buddha's teaching seems to be put into practice.

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Looking at Christian and Catholic forums on the net, they don't seem very open-minded and are mainly there to support fellow-Christians/Catholics.

The Buddhism Forum on Thaivisa is about Buddhism and allows a remarkable range of views, though sometimes mods have to step in. But people, even on thaivisa, are generally respectful towards Buddhism or at least inoffensive. I worry that this courtesy and tolerance would not be possible on a "Christian" forum, given the confrontational habits of some Christians and anti-Christians.

As Thailand is a Buddhist country and things Thai are the focus and rationale for thaivisa, I suggest we stick with the Buddhism (note, not "Buddhist") forum and maintain that forum's current practice of some, but not infinite, tolerance toward discussion that veers away from strictly Buddhist matters.

Actually, before writing these comments, I voted "yes" on both the poll questions, but think now that a Christian or Religions in Thailand forum would be nice, but probably wouldn't work.

Edited by Xangsamhua
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