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Beaten Up In Pattaya


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Myself and a friend from birmingham uk decided to have a long holiday in pattaya for three months,the first week was fine and pattaya seemed like heavin on earth,but that soon changed,on a monday moring about 11am me and my friend was waking through soi 6 very hung over trying to find a place for a full english breakfast,as we was strolloing down the middle of the road checking out the sign boards for breakfasts,i spoted two farangs who were very well dressed with a thai guy,as we got closer i herd southern english accents,so i looked at them for a moment because i was just curious about them they must of been ex pats because the thai guy seemed to be there friend,and also they were dressed like the was in a fancy nightclub it looked odd because everyone else wears shorts and flip flops.

I got eye contact with one of the guys thinking i might get a hello,but i got an evil stare so i turned my head and carried on walking,i was not scared im 6ft 3 and 16 stone and my mate is a big guy to,but it just seemed the best thing to do was put my head down and carry on walking,i dont look for trouble and i was on holiday anyway.

Then it all started,oy mate what the <deleted>> are you looking at the other one saying you brummie c--t,oy oy im talking to you,you <deleted>----g mug,i could here them walking towards me from behind,so we stopped and turned around as it was two on two and we was a bit bigger i thought ill stand my ground,because im not running over idiots i have never been started on in birmingham before,so i said look mate we are on holiday piss off,he replied you northern mug im goimg to open you up,then they both started throwing punches at us,to be honest at this point i realised we was in trouble,they was fearless aggresive,and i new this was for no more than enjoyment,they where good fighters and landed some heavy blows on both of us,i was knocked to the ground and then he kept on kicking me in the head and punching me,at one point i had hold of his wrists and i saw on his arm he had a watford fc tatto,he kept puching and kicking me until i was unconcious,when i came to the police where there,and i saw my mate had also had a bad beating he had a broken noise from a head butt,and you could already see the two black eyes coming through,i could barley stand up because my ribs hurt so much,and myface was a mess to,we both decided not to go to hospital as we knew there is not much they could do,and my lips where to swallon even to enjoy a beer,but we did go to the police station to file a report,to be honest it was pointless i dont think they even cared,i told them it was to guys with a thai bloke who did not get involved,they where from the london area smartly dressed both had black gelled hair,late twenties early thirties,one had a watford fc tatto and a expensive watch,i think they were ex pats or up to something that's why i looked at them in the first place,one was called roger and that's all we could tell them,it was almost as if they did not want to get involved they even said come back tommorow to finish your statement,our holiday was ruined so we got a flight home a couple of days later a month and two weeks earlier than hoped,this is really a warning to other ex pats and tourists,although the thais are nice people or seemed that way to us,there are some really nasty piece's of works around,thailand is a lovely place what people like that are doing there i will never understand,there are people who get a thrill out of violence,and can live above the law in certain places,if they can do this to us they can do it to anyone trust me.

please watch out for these thugs

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I am very sorry to hear that you and your friend holidays are destroyed in such a horrible way.

Soi 6 is properly the worst piece of shit street in Pattaya, but getting beaten up at 11 AM is strange?

I been living in fun town for 3 years now and never had a problem.

A guy I know got badly cut in the face with a broken beer bottle by a British expat, but that was in Hat Yai and also here the police wasn't really interested.

I think the only way to get them interested is to offer a reward or contact a lawyer, but that will cost min. 10K bath in both cases. But I am not sure about this as I don't have any experience in the matter.

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Funny coincidence...in an after-hours disco in BKK the other night, some Brit bloke with a mohawk hairdo, glasses, and numerous tats approached me, asked me where I was from (the US). I was polite, exchanged greetings and the dude starts blathering about how is a great fighter, saying to me "you're a big phucker.." (indeed I am; especially for a 52 year old; the gym is no stranger to me)

But the last thing I want to do when I hit the bars is get into a fight; plus I had a business call to make a few hours later and I needed to be in top form. I continually avoided his "overtures" until next thing I know, he's going after me in the gut with a flurry of punches. No matter, my stomach is strong and the blows were inconsequential. I started yelling at the guy to knock it off, and the bouncers arrived and they got the guy off of me.

Next night, I learn from one of the other bouncers who is a good friend of mine and definitely not the sort to mess with, got into it with the same guy earlier that night and laid him flat with one punch in the kisser...the Brit bloke with the bad haircut was out cold.

Guess I was lucky.

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Well one of them did have a small spiked mohawk,and seriously i know these kind of people they are tough as nails and evil,and whoever said this kind of thing happens in every uk city is right,but being a big guy i dont see much trouble,my mate seems to think they are conected to some firm maybe through football they seemed those types,i read a report today about a londoner who just escaped the death penality for dealing in thailand,but he's got life without porole,he used to deal for a firm called millwall in the late seventies,but moved to australia because he had a hit out on him,he got married and had a daughter and they had no idea of his criminal past,but they divorced twenty years later,he moved to thailand and went back to his old ways 5000 pills or something,he was exporting through his travel business i think,anyway what are the chances he's still in contact with these firm members,maybe we are reading to much into it but we are street wise and they were up to no good in one way or another.

I know that pattaya is a favourate hideout for uk crimanals,and people dont change there ways.

Even thoe this has happend we plan to visit again,and i may even retire there in 1o yrs when im fifty,but i want to get away from british violence,i dont want to go out knowing someone could cut my nose of with beer bottle just for looking at them funny.I have lived in north america south america,eastern europe spain,and none of them are as agressive as the english,and whenever these people go to another country they act the same,and make a bad name for the good british who we met many of in pattaya,it does not bother me i got a kick in but it does bother me that i love pattaya and its obviously attracting the wrong types.

mr usa it sounds like the man who attacked you was just a pissed brit.

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This thread is sounding more and more like an anti English/Brit troll isn't it "paris10" and all of your 2 posts. :rolleyes:

I do like the bit about being from Birmingham though. You don't sound very English to me at all.

If i'm wrong, sorry for your bad experience.

Edited by carmine
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Well one of them did have a small spiked mohawk,and seriously i know these kind of people they are tough as nails and evil,and whoever said this kind of thing happens in every uk city is right,but being a big guy i dont see much trouble,my mate seems to think they are conected to some firm maybe through football they seemed those types,i read a report today about a londoner who just escaped the death penality for dealing in thailand,but he's got life without porole,he used to deal for a firm called Millwall in the late seventies,but moved to australia because he had a hit out on him,he got married and had a daughter and they had no idea of his criminal past,but they divorced twenty years later,he moved to thailand and went back to his old ways 5000 pills or something,he was exporting through his travel business i think,anyway what are the chances he's still in contact with these firm members,maybe we are reading to much into it but we are street wise and they were up to no good in one way or another.

I know that pattaya is a favourate hideout for uk crimanals,and people dont change there ways.

Even thoe this has happend we plan to visit again,and i may even retire there in 1o yrs when im fifty,but i want to get away from british violence,i dont want to go out knowing someone could cut my nose of with beer bottle just for looking at them funny.I have lived in north america south america,eastern europe spain,and none of them are as agressive as the english,and whenever these people go to another country they act the same,and make a bad name for the good british who we met many of in pattaya,it does not bother me i got a kick in but it does bother me that i love pattaya and its obviously attracting the wrong types.

mr usa it sounds like the man who attacked you was just a pissed brit.

I've highlighted for you carmine why I believe this to be utter BS.

Only a Brit with an IQ of single figures would write that surely.

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For those of you who say 'that could've happened in your own country'... That's like saying 'you could've gotten food poisoning in your own country'... Uhhh, ya, sure, it's just a zillion times more likely.

Thing is Larry, no one's said that have they. Ofcourse it can happen anywhere, its just that this is most probably a rather average attempt at a troll.

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For those of you who say 'that could've happened in your own country'... That's like saying 'you could've gotten food poisoning in your own country'... Uhhh, ya, sure, it's just a zillion times more likely.

Thing is Larry, no one's said that have they. Ofcourse it can happen anywhere, its just that this is most probably a rather average attempt at a troll.

"Saturday night in your UK home town you will find the same" by poster transam.. or am i missing something?

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For those of you who say 'that could've happened in your own country'... That's like saying 'you could've gotten food poisoning in your own country'... Uhhh, ya, sure, it's just a zillion times more likely.

Thing is Larry, no one's said that have they. Ofcourse it can happen anywhere, its just that this is most probably a rather average attempt at a troll.

"Saturday night in your UK home town you will find the same" by poster transam.. or am i missing something?

Fair enough i did read that wrong. What though is a zillion times more likely?

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Curious that this is in "fun, entertainment and Expat Life".............................

On another note, had one of these high on speed and steroid maniacs from Birmingham sneak up and knife to death an American serviceman who had kicked his ass in a fair fight here in Phuket earlier in the year.

Complete coward and pussy.

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Curious that this is in "fun, entertainment and Expat Life".............................

On another note, had one of these high on speed and steroid maniacs from Birmingham sneak up and knife to death an American serviceman who had kicked his ass in a fair fight here in Phuket earlier in the year.

Complete coward and pussy.

Yes, I heard about that. A real tragedy. What is the latest on the Brit? I know they caught him trying to flee back to the UK.

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got eye contact with one of the guys thinking i might get a hello,but i got an evil stare so i turned my head and carried on walking,i was not scared im 6ft 3 and 16 stone and my mate is a big guy to,but it just seemed the best thing to do was put my head down and carry on walking,i dont look for trouble and i was on holiday anyway.

Then it all started,oy mate what the <deleted>> are you looking at the other one saying you brummie c--t

How did they know you were brummies, you hadn't said anything at that point?

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Well one of them did have a small spiked mohawk,and seriously i know these kind of people they are tough as nails and evil,and whoever said this kind of thing happens in every uk city is right,but being a big guy i dont see much trouble,my mate seems to think they are conected to some firm maybe through football they seemed those types,i read a report today about a londoner who just escaped the death penality for dealing in thailand,but he's got life without porole,he used to deal for a firm called Millwall in the late seventies,but moved to australia because he had a hit out on him,he got married and had a daughter and they had no idea of his criminal past,but they divorced twenty years later,he moved to thailand and went back to his old ways 5000 pills or something,he was exporting through his travel business i think,anyway what are the chances he's still in contact with these firm members,maybe we are reading to much into it but we are street wise and they were up to no good in one way or another.

I know that pattaya is a favourate hideout for uk crimanals,and people dont change there ways.

Even thoe this has happend we plan to visit again,and i may even retire there in 1o yrs when im fifty,but i want to get away from british violence,i dont want to go out knowing someone could cut my nose of with beer bottle just for looking at them funny.I have lived in north america south america,eastern europe spain,and none of them are as agressive as the english,and whenever these people go to another country they act the same,and make a bad name for the good british who we met many of in pattaya,it does not bother me i got a kick in but it does bother me that i love pattaya and its obviously attracting the wrong types.

mr usa it sounds like the man who attacked you was just a pissed brit.

I've highlighted for you carmine why I believe this to be utter BS.

Only a Brit with an IQ of single figures would write that surely.

Have to agree. Written by a Septic with a grudge against Brits. Probably saw the

movie 'Snatch"

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Is the topic written by a Troll? I think its interesting that some TV’S see Troll’s in every topic posted by anyone with low post numbers, and when dose someone’s story become less credible because it may not be written with correct punctuation, spelling or written in a style the reader does not like.

Sorry, but I also think people who shout Troll at every topic they don’t believe, because they have never experienced the subject matter to be lacking in imagination, it’s a big world, “shit happens”

I, like most readers enjoy a good topic that’s well crafted, it adds to the flow of the story, but I try to see beyond the author’s short comings and read the tail for what it is. Not all TV posters, (like what I am) have been touched-up by the bard!

OP, I’m sorry to hear of you experience; there are wanke_rs everywhere, they’ll get it sooner or later, live by the sword…. And all that!

I hope you’re not a Troll, having said all this.

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Is the topic written by a Troll? I think its interesting that some TV'S see Troll's in every topic posted by anyone with low post numbers, and when dose someone's story become less credible because it may not be written with correct punctuation, spelling or written in a style the reader does not like.

Sorry, but I also think people who shout Troll at every topic they don't believe, because they have never experienced the subject matter to be lacking in imagination, it's a big world, "shit happens"

I, like most readers enjoy a good topic that's well crafted, it adds to the flow of the story, but I try to see beyond the author's short comings and read the tail for what it is. Not all TV posters, (like what I am) have been touched-up by the bard!

OP, I'm sorry to hear of you experience; there are wanke_rs everywhere, they'll get it sooner or later, live by the sword…. And all that!

I hope you're not a Troll, having said all this.

It aint the dogs <deleted> this story. ;)

Read it carefully and you'll realise the OP isn't English. Not a chance and also he hasn't responded...so.....Its a bloke wit a grudge against Brits for whatever reason.

Feel free to enjoy his post.....simply enlightening you to its fictional status.

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Is the topic written by a Troll? I think its interesting that some TV'S see Troll's in every topic posted by anyone with low post numbers, and when dose someone's story become less credible because it may not be written with correct punctuation, spelling or written in a style the reader does not like.

Sorry, but I also think people who shout Troll at every topic they don't believe, because they have never experienced the subject matter to be lacking in imagination, it's a big world, "shit happens"

I, like most readers enjoy a good topic that's well crafted, it adds to the flow of the story, but I try to see beyond the author's short comings and read the tail for what it is. Not all TV posters, (like what I am) have been touched-up by the bard!

OP, I'm sorry to hear of you experience; there are wanke_rs everywhere, they'll get it sooner or later, live by the sword…. And all that!

I hope you're not a Troll, having said all this.

It aint the dogs <deleted> this story. ;)

Read it carefully and you'll realise the OP isn't English. Not a chance and also he hasn't responded...so.....Its a bloke wit a grudge against Brits for whatever reason.

Feel free to enjoy his post.....simply enlightening you to its fictional status.

Fair enough Smokie36, you may well be right in this case. But I still feel my points on the Troll calling is valid a lot of times.

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Yes the slang usage is wrong for a Brit (and a Brummie especially - more like an attempt at Cockney/Essex). Sorry, I also do not think this is a Brit writing this, and thus suggests the whole of it is BS. If he had said they were Americans/French/Dutch/German/etc then it woulkd still have worked (probably sound worse in some respects), but it didn't. The second post by the Op really confirmed this IMHO. It has been my experience too that when Thais are with fopreigners and there is trouble they do one of three things - try to calm it down (most likely), join in (least likely unless another Thai is being attacked) or leg it - not stand around and watch - passers by, sure, but not if they have some involvement (as I said in my experience at least).

Millwall would not be called a firm - "firm" is the Westend nickname (West London) for the mob (old time Eastend mafia if you will). Millwall would be called either The Dockers (if this person was a fan pre-70's I guess) or morelikely The Lions. If he was not using a nickname he would have said something more general but sesible like: hooligans, mob, yobs, etc.

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Well one of them did have a small spiked mohawk,and seriously i know these kind of people they are tough as nails and evil,and whoever said this kind of thing happens in every uk city is right,but being a big guy i dont see much trouble,my mate seems to think they are conected to some firm maybe through football they seemed those types,i read a report today about a londoner who just escaped the death penality for dealing in thailand,but he's got life without porole,he used to deal for a firm called Millwall in the late seventies,but moved to australia because he had a hit out on him,he got married and had a daughter and they had no idea of his criminal past,but they divorced twenty years later,he moved to thailand and went back to his old ways 5000 pills or something,he was exporting through his travel business i think,anyway what are the chances he's still in contact with these firm members,maybe we are reading to much into it but we are street wise and they were up to no good in one way or another.

I know that pattaya is a favourate hideout for uk crimanals,and people dont change there ways.

Even thoe this has happend we plan to visit again,and i may even retire there in 1o yrs when im fifty,but i want to get away from british violence,i dont want to go out knowing someone could cut my nose of with beer bottle just for looking at them funny.I have lived in north america south america,eastern europe spain,and none of them are as agressive as the english,and whenever these people go to another country they act the same,and make a bad name for the good british who we met many of in pattaya,it does not bother me i got a kick in but it does bother me that i love pattaya and its obviously attracting the wrong types.

mr usa it sounds like the man who attacked you was just a pissed brit.

I've highlighted for you carmine why I believe this to be utter BS.

Only a Brit with an IQ of single figures would write that surely.

Have to agree. Written by a Septic with a grudge against Brits. Probably saw the

movie 'Snatch"

Not Snatch I'd bet, but rather the film Green Street Hooligans. A young American goes to the UK and ends up mixed up with a 'firm' called GSE. The enemy 'firm' in the film is Millwall. The OP talks like they did in the film so it fooled me :D

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Yes the slang usage is wrong for a Brit (and a Brummie especially - more like an attempt at Cockney/Essex). Sorry, I also do not think this is a Brit writing this, and thus suggests the whole of it is BS. If he had said they were Americans/French/Dutch/German/etc then it woulkd still have worked (probably sound worse in some respects), but it didn't. The second post by the Op really confirmed this IMHO. It has been my experience too that when Thais are with fopreigners and there is trouble they do one of three things - try to calm it down (most likely), join in (least likely unless another Thai is being attacked) or leg it - not stand around and watch - passers by, sure, but not if they have some involvement (as I said in my experience at least).

Millwall would not be called a firm - "firm" is the Westend nickname (West London) for the mob (old time Eastend mafia if you will). Millwall would be called either The Dockers (if this person was a fan pre-70's I guess) or morelikely The Lions. If he was not using a nickname he would have said something more general but sesible like: hooligans, mob, yobs, etc.

Hi wolf5370, we are not talking about football fan, we are talking about football hooligans, and yes Millwall hooligans are known as a Firm, but then all football clubs with an organized mob, crew, gang or even posy are known as a firm! Millwall’s firm also go by the name, F-Troop.

These are not fans who sometimes get in to a punch up with opposing fans…………….This is organized blood letting with sometimes prearranged meets for fighting. Very violent people with a warped sense of honor.

This is the point I was trying to make about calling someone a Troll….Get the facts right. The OP may be a Troll…………………But not for calling Millwall thugs the firm!

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Not Snatch I'd bet, but rather the film Green Street Hooligans. A young American goes to the UK and ends up mixed up with a 'firm' called GSE. The enemy 'firm' in the film is Millwall. The OP talks like they did in the film so it fooled me :D

Was it the lad that played Spiderman and he was with the West Ham mob?

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I read only 4 lines of the OP - that was enough to confirm all the prejudice that 'WE EUROPEANS' have against that amerikan island off our coast....

Sorry for my post, but the OP asked for it.

But of course i realise that the OP might be a troll - or a monthypytonist.

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