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Eight People Killed In Grisly Bangkok Tollway Accident

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sorry my mistake and another posters, the name Na Ayuthaya is very common, it is the name before that that is famous (Taybasadin Na Ayuthaya).

Apologise for spelling mistakes, done in Karaoke English from a Thai native speaker.

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For those who read Thai see the comments under the attached link, if you don't read Thai get a Thai friend, wife, g/f to read them for you.

What the Thais have to say about this

So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Could someone explain what is going on with the girl who was the driver of the car? Is there some kind of cover-up because she comes from a wealthy family? Is that right or are these just rumors?

She comes from one of the most famous families in Thailand, just check out the name. Apparently all blame is now being passed to the driver of the Minivan, although pictures on the website given above prove different.

Lucky SHE then (((-: Remember the Mercedes into a bus stop story or another nice guy who shot somebody in a disco full with eyewittnesses which later cant remember anything TIT ....some of the guys even get a government post after doing things like that, and if it is checking public toilets :rolleyes:

Oh yeah btw. Does anyone here ever realized an OPEN AIRBAG after an accident took place??????? Sorry just a simple question, I DONT. Funny but my car has airbags too.....at least they write it on the wheel and on the passengers front seat. ANY PROOF they are really in there?

The Merc into a bus stop kid got sent down for 10 years. He did kill one person, so perhaps a lenient sentence.


Unfortunately, many of these people are not "kids" but full grown adults who should know better.

I traveled in one of these vans, with my partner while on a trip between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. We continued to rent the same driver and van because he was outstanding. He of course was much older but he drove so well I fell asleep in the back! Conversely, I've traveled on the highways around Bangkok in taxis and seen these van drivers driving like maniacs. I also traveled from Kanchanaburi to Bangkok in one of these vans and my heart was in my throat the whole time. I'm willing to pay a few extra baht for a safer driver so he doesn't lose wages because he can't make three trips in a day.

unfortunately right across Asia people drive their vehicles like kids who have just passed their test, showing off and having something to prove.

...and kids in non-Asian countries don't drive crazy? Kids in all countries drive like maniacs. It's hard work to keep them under control anywhere they drive.


Unfortunately, many of these people are not "kids" but full grown adults who should know better.

I traveled in one of these vans, with my partner while on a trip between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. We continued to rent the same driver and van because he was outstanding. He of course was much older but he drove so well I fell asleep in the back! Conversely, I've traveled on the highways around Bangkok in taxis and seen these van drivers driving like maniacs. I also traveled from Kanchanaburi to Bangkok in one of these vans and my heart was in my throat the whole time. I'm willing to pay a few extra baht for a safer driver so he doesn't lose wages because he can't make three trips in a day.

unfortunately right across Asia people drive their vehicles like kids who have just passed their test, showing off and having something to prove.

...and kids in non-Asian countries don't drive crazy? Kids in all countries drive like maniacs. It's hard work to keep them under control anywhere they drive.

Bit like New York then?


The Merc into a bus stop kid got sent down for 10 years. He did kill one person, so perhaps a lenient sentence.

Being sentenced to and actually doing 10 years are two different things in Amazing Thailand.

Last I heard that little prick was doing no such thing as hard time, apparently the spoiled brat suffered from something like epilepsy and is now home in the loving bosom of his mother, begs the question of how he ever got a driving license in the first place.

I am not holding my breath for anything different in this case, family name tops everything, one can only hope the vicims parents have enough clout to get answers and justice.


The Merc into a bus stop kid got sent down for 10 years. He did kill one person, so perhaps a lenient sentence.

Being sentenced to and actually doing 10 years are two different things in Amazing Thailand.

Last I heard that little prick was doing no such thing as hard time, apparently the spoiled brat suffered from something like epilepsy and is now home in the loving bosom of his mother, begs the question of how he ever got a driving license in the first place.

I am not holding my breath for anything different in this case, family name tops everything, one can only hope the vicims parents have enough clout to get answers and justice.

Oh dear, what can I say? Not much really without drawing a lot of fire.

Suffice to say this is a very different culture to our own.


The Merc into a bus stop kid got sent down for 10 years. He did kill one person, so perhaps a lenient sentence.

Being sentenced to and actually doing 10 years are two different things in Amazing Thailand.

Last I heard that little prick was doing no such thing as hard time, apparently the spoiled brat suffered from something like epilepsy and is now home in the loving bosom of his mother, begs the question of how he ever got a driving license in the first place.

I am not holding my breath for anything different in this case, family name tops everything, one can only hope the vicims parents have enough clout to get answers and justice.

Oh dear, what can I say? Not much really without drawing a lot of fire.

Suffice to say this is a very different culture to our own.

Of course, if you can't undo what's done....try to make amends...does ruining another young life serve any purpose?.....just a thought.......


The Merc into a bus stop kid got sent down for 10 years. He did kill one person, so perhaps a lenient sentence.

Being sentenced to and actually doing 10 years are two different things in Amazing Thailand.

Last I heard that little prick was doing no such thing as hard time, apparently the spoiled brat suffered from something like epilepsy and is now home in the loving bosom of his mother, begs the question of how he ever got a driving license in the first place.

I am not holding my breath for anything different in this case, family name tops everything, one can only hope the vicims parents have enough clout to get answers and justice.

Oh dear, what can I say? Not much really without drawing a lot of fire.

Suffice to say this is a very different culture to our own.

Of course, if you can't undo what's done....try to make amends...does ruining another young life serve any purpose?.....just a thought.......

Well, there's that . . . and on the other hand there's justice.

Would you want justice to be served if one of your relatives was killed by some kid (rich or otherwise) deliberately ramming his car into people waiting at a bus stop?


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Actually you may send a comment to a moderator to have it ignored.

It is a shame that people will play games with not only there lives but those of there passengers.

One of the big problems here in Thailand as far as Traffic goes is they don't teach any one how to drive. All they have to bee able to do is aim the car and go forward or backward. Even if they don't have a license there is no real punishment.

This is just a area where Thailand has been able to keep up with the mechanical end of it. Just lacking in Common Sense. At that they are not alone in the world. :(

Mind you I have no idea of there value on life. As a Buddhist it might not be as important to them as it is to Christian. I really don't know.:unsure:


What is it with Thai newspapers?They were not "wounded",they were "injured".You are wounded in battle,and you are injured in an accident.Learn the difference.

My condolences to all those involved.


Of course, if you can't undo what's done....try to make amends...does ruining another young life serve any purpose?.....just a thought.......

Well, there's that . . . and on the other hand there's justice.

Would you want justice to be served if one of your relatives was killed by some kid (rich or otherwise) deliberately ramming his car into people waiting at a bus stop?

My comment was regarding my perception of Thai culture, I am not Thai. I feel for the relatives of the dead and injured in this tragedy, I too would be angry in their situation, would 'justice' or revenge by ruining another young life ease my grief..........don't know.....hope I never have to find out


Of course, if you can't undo what's done....try to make amends...does ruining another young life serve any purpose?.....just a thought.......

Well, there's that . . . and on the other hand there's justice.

Would you want justice to be served if one of your relatives was killed by some kid (rich or otherwise) deliberately ramming his car into people waiting at a bus stop?

My comment was regarding my perception of Thai culture, I am not Thai. I feel for the relatives of the dead and injured in this tragedy, I too would be angry in their situation, would 'justice' or revenge by ruining another young life ease my grief..........don't know.....hope I never have to find out

Apologies, I see now. I thought you were referring to Mu Ham that got released from prison very early as rgs pointed out.

The tragedy yesterday does appear to be an accident and I do take your point that ruining another life over this would be fruitless. The Mu Ham thing was no accident, it was in the least 2nd degree murder.


From the street camera:

RIP to all who passed away. My condolences to those who have lost their loved ones in this accident.

I hope those posters who hurriedly blamed the van driver for this accident would also learn something from their behaviour, too.


They better make sure the tollbooth films don't disappear so they can prove it was really the 16 year old and not the 18 year old driving (and not vica versa). Two very different classes of punishment.



I for one did place blame on the minivan driver, and apologise for my comments.

Could this young lady have been on her Iphone or whatever at the time? I would be checking her phone and looking at the calls made or received close to the time of the accident.

The young lady should be punished for the deaths of the victims but she is under age and cannot be done. Also, apparently she had a driving license (not yet confirmed), but if she had then the Provincial Chief whose staff issued the license should be investigated and charged.

If this young lady gets away with it there will be a public outcry, it seems the Thai websites with links above are full of people wanting her to get done. Her so called friends at University will no longer be there for her.


I wonder what our members would do if it was their own child? Demand that their child goes to prison?

Yeah right. They'd just pay whomever they had to pay and move on with life. Corruption is only a problem in Thailand when you don't benefit.


Of course, if you can't undo what's done....try to make amends...does ruining another young life serve any purpose?.....just a thought.......

Well, there's that . . . and on the other hand there's justice.

Would you want justice to be served if one of your relatives was killed by some kid (rich or otherwise) deliberately ramming his car into people waiting at a bus stop?

My comment was regarding my perception of Thai culture, I am not Thai. I feel for the relatives of the dead and injured in this tragedy, I too would be angry in their situation, would 'justice' or revenge by ruining another young life ease my grief..........don't know.....hope I never have to find out

Your sympathy seems a little misplaced. Miss 16 has just killed 8 people and maimed others while committing a criminal act ie driving a motor vehicle without a licence. However much <deleted> comes her way, and I doubt it will be much, is fully deserved. Her life will hardly be "ruined" anywhere near as much as the victims and their families and dependants.

I also believe that the 18 yo sister in the car and the owner of it should be charged with aiding and abetting all applicable charges as they share equal (correction, more as they are not minors) responsibility. If the logic escape you, Someone handed the keys to miss16; they are the direct initiator of any subsequent events, and the sister certainly knew that she was unlicenced.


I wonder what our members would do if it was their own child? Demand that their child goes to prison?

Yeah right. They'd just pay whomever they had to pay and move on with life. Corruption is only a problem in Thailand when you don't benefit.

I always thought it was part of parenting to teach your children to take responsibility for their actions. Perhaps I come from a different society or time.


Your such a help!!

You're and adult (I presume), I've pointed you in the right direction and I have a very much higher estimation of your abilities than that you express regarding the abilities of Thai people - so.... erm .... away you go.

You can do it.

Would it have been so difficult to say what the majority view was on the Thai forum???

I had a genuine interest and a quick answer would have sorted it out , however that said let em kill and maim each other I doubt anything is about to change anytime soon.

Its an English forum for discussion in English, sorry I dont read Thai and your help would have been appreciated so it looks like Im stuck with my original view of Thai driving.


Would it have been so difficult to say what the majority view was on the Thai forum???

I had a genuine interest and a quick answer would have sorted it out , however that said let em kill and maim each other I doubt anything is about to change anytime soon.

Its an English forum for discussion in English, sorry I dont read Thai and your help would have been appreciated so it looks like Im stuck with my original view of Thai driving.

The majority view on the forum I linked to, and the facebook page that has been set up is one of outrage at the full expectation that the person who caused this accident will get away with it scott free.

Being discussed is:

The age of the alleged driver

The alleged lack of a driver's license

The alleged callous behaviour of the alleged driver

The alleged removal of posts from other websites

The alleged blocking of information in the media on this accident

The alleged involvement already of people in power to resolve threats to the alleged driver's liberty

The list goes on and the face book page is gathering members at a rapid rate.

What is very clear is that the internet and particularly the website I have linked to is playing an increasingly active role in allowing Thais to express their views about injustice in Thai society.

This does not match well with the view that Thai people are passive and don't give a shit what is going on - and other such negative views of Thai attitudes to the society they live in and is in stark contrast with the discussions and attitudes we read so often here on TV. Whether that be views towards Thai attitudes to the society they live in or the attitudes of Expats themselves to the society they live in.


Would it have been so difficult to say what the majority view was on the Thai forum???

I had a genuine interest and a quick answer would have sorted it out , however that said let em kill and maim each other I doubt anything is about to change anytime soon.

Its an English forum for discussion in English, sorry I dont read Thai and your help would have been appreciated so it looks like Im stuck with my original view of Thai driving.

The majority view on the forum I linked to, and the facebook page that has been set up is one of outrage at the full expectation that the person who caused this accident will get away with it scott free.

Being discussed is:

The age of the alleged driver

The alleged lack of a driver's license

The alleged callous behaviour of the alleged driver

The alleged removal of posts from other websites

The alleged blocking of information in the media on this accident

The alleged involvement already of people in power to resolve threats to the alleged driver's liberty

The list goes on and the face book page is gathering members at a rapid rate.

What is very clear is that the internet and particularly the website I have linked to is playing an increasingly active role in allowing Thais to express their views about injustice in Thai society.

This does not match well with the view that Thai people are passive and don't give a shit what is going on - and other such negative views of Thai attitudes to the society they live in and is in stark contrast with the discussions and attitudes we read so often here on TV. Whether that be views towards Thai attitudes to the society they live in or the attitudes of Expats themselves to the society they live in.

I know from speaking to Thais that they do give a shit, but are not prepared or able to do anything about it, there is the difference, it becomes a mai pen rai attitude as they have no alternative but for it to become that. they have seen what happens when someone tries to stand up for their rights in Thailand. It is all very well spouting about it on the internet but when will the actually do something tangible about it? I guess the answer is never as Thailand is not that way and it seems it is not prepared to go down the road of accountability, the powers are happy as it is, one law of some and a different law for the majority, and if you question it you can expect to not be around much longer.


I know from speaking to Thais that they do give a shit, but are not prepared or able to do anything about it, there is the difference, it becomes a mai pen rai attitude as they have no alternative but for it to become that. they have seen what happens when someone tries to stand up for their rights in Thailand. It is all very well spouting about it on the internet but when will the actually do something tangible about it? I guess the answer is never as Thailand is not that way and it seems it is not prepared to go down the road of accountability, the powers are happy as it is, one law of some and a different law for the majority, and if you question it you can expect to not be around much longer.

You obviously slept though the past 5 years of Thai social and political turmoil. You could not otherwise claim that Thai people are unwilling to do something about injustice.


I know from speaking to Thais that they do give a shit, but are not prepared or able to do anything about it, there is the difference, it becomes a mai pen rai attitude as they have no alternative but for it to become that. they have seen what happens when someone tries to stand up for their rights in Thailand. It is all very well spouting about it on the internet but when will the actually do something tangible about it? I guess the answer is never as Thailand is not that way and it seems it is not prepared to go down the road of accountability, the powers are happy as it is, one law of some and a different law for the majority, and if you question it you can expect to not be around much longer.

You obviously slept though the past 5 years of Thai social and political turmoil. You could not otherwise claim that Thai people are unwilling to do something about injustice.

clearly i did not sleep through this as my posts in other threads will show, I decided however to not turn this into a political turmoil thread, although i do touch on the subject when i say that Thai people have seen what happens when they do try and stand up for their rights, i also clearly state not prepared or able to do anything about it. It is hard to make your voice heard when bullets from the army are whizzing past your head. on a smaller scale trying to sort out peoples lax attitude to driving will just result in shrugged shoulders and a warning to not take it too far, my staff I discussed this with are all annoyed about the problems but really do not see any way how they can change it, therefore they feel they are not able to make a difference.

Not wanting to get into a petty squabble about length of time living here I would have imagined that you already know this.

Lets hope this thread does not now go off topic regarding reds/yellows etc


Not wanting to get into a petty squabble about length of time living here I would have imagined that you already know this.

Lets hope this thread does not now go off topic regarding reds/yellows etc

Then why mention either, eh?

http://www2.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000182495 . . . According to UNIVERSITY expert, the cause of the death is the MODIFIED van. Van is not built to have a NGV in the back seat, causing it to be unstable. Also, the dead did not use safty beat, as evident show that the belts are bundle together at the side. Please leave the poor girl alone. The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...
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