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Eight People Killed In Grisly Bangkok Tollway Accident

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. In God we trust.

I'm not good english speaking but I jump on my chair when I read that

I don't understand why the censors of this web site allowed people to write this

It must be only private opinion. And if some of us don't agree with me, they must allow me to say "Maybe God is too old, and sleeping" or "God don't like the humanity, I understand why"

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http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . According to UNIVERSITY expert, the cause of the death is the MODIFIED van. Van is not built to have a NGV in the back seat, causing it to be unstable. Also, the dead did not use safty beat, as evident show that the belts are bundle together at the side. Please leave the poor girl alone. The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

MODS please merge the 2 threads so we don't have to read Pienrudee's beautifully crafted pidgin English twice. Thank you.


I wonder what our members would do if it was their own child? Demand that their child goes to prison?

Yeah right. They'd just pay whomever they had to pay and move on with life. Corruption is only a problem in Thailand when you don't benefit.

I always thought it was part of parenting to teach your children to take responsibility for their actions. Perhaps I come from a different society or time.

You didn't answer the question. In this situation, you would insist that your 16 year old child be sent to prison?


http://www2.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000182495 . . . According to UNIVERSITY expert, the cause of the death is the MODIFIED van. Van is not built to have a NGV in the back seat, causing it to be unstable. Also, the dead did not use safty beat, as evident show that the belts are bundle together at the side. Please leave the poor girl alone. The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

Classic trolling by Piengrudee, ignore.


Not wanting to get into a petty squabble about length of time living here I would have imagined that you already know this.

Lets hope this thread does not now go off topic regarding reds/yellows etc

Then why mention either, eh?

Clearly in response to a comment from another poster, but just ignore that while you try and score brownie points, but then again I guess you know my comment was in response to a direct comment from another person mentioning the political turmoil (unless there has been political turmoil not involving reds/yellows/army)over the past five years, but unless you try to twist it you know you will not get those oh so desired brownie points.

Now jog on, there's a good boy

I notice your deletion of the post i am responding to and the editing of my post is clearly aimed at misleading others into thinking I just decided randomly to introduce reds/yellows into the thread, sort yourself out and stop trying to insult the intelligence of other posters.


I wonder what our members would do if it was their own child? Demand that their child goes to prison?

Yeah right. They'd just pay whomever they had to pay and move on with life. Corruption is only a problem in Thailand when you don't benefit.



Most of the drivers are taking more serious stimulants than caffeine.

Link? Or did you just make that one up?

dam_n, how long are you living in Thaialand? Wake up and get an idea. You can buy M 150 and similar stuff in every shop but for sure on gasoline stations. There is also a drug called jaba outside which many drivers use to stay awake on their long trips, be it in a huge truck on the way from Hatyai to Bangkok which they often do in one run without sleeping at nighttime or just on the streets of BKK.

Leave your bars and go up country and learn something about the country we are living in.

You cant blame it all on the Truck drivers. They often get paid only for the fully loaded but not the empty truck, means go empty come back full and you get money for ONE tour. They are crazy but often just to support their family. Thats absolutely NO EXCUSE for reckless driving but things are like they are!


I wonder what our members would do if it was their own child? Demand that their child goes to prison?

Yeah right. They'd just pay whomever they had to pay and move on with life. Corruption is only a problem in Thailand when you don't benefit.

Let's not put the horse before the cart - You need first to determine if the self same members would let their 16 year old drive a car they are not legally allowed to drive - or would they have raised their children to have more respect for the law and others.


http://www2.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000182495 . . . According to UNIVERSITY expert, the cause of the death is the MODIFIED van. Van is not built to have a NGV in the back seat, causing it to be unstable. Also, the dead did not use safty beat, as evident show that the belts are bundle together at the side. Please leave the poor girl alone. The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

The primary cause of the accident was the Honda ramming into the back of the minivan - Without that happening we would not be discussing the ensuing carnage.

As for the poor girl and children being our future.

This particular girl is not poor and has ended the future of Eight People by killing them.


I wonder what our members would do if it was their own child? Demand that their child goes to prison?

Yeah right. They'd just pay whomever they had to pay and move on with life. Corruption is only a problem in Thailand when you don't benefit.

Let's not put the horse before the cart - You need first to determine if the self same members would let their 16 year old drive a car they are not legally allowed to drive - or would they have raised their children to have more respect for the law and others.

You are begging the question. People are getting upset because this girl "will get away with it" when they themselves would certainly see to it that their child also got away with if they had the ability to do so.

It's plausible that the girl should not have been driving, it's also possible that she was a teenager who just did something stupid. I believe she has spent time in the USA, where teenagers start driving with a Learners permit at 15 years old. She probably did not have experience on the highway, panicked, and caused an accident.

Anyways, I don't expect any of you to actually answer my question in Yes or No fashion, I expect you to continue to ignore the question or beg/manipulate it into terms that do not bother the image of yourself that you have.


I'm confused, were there any survivors in the van?... if so, I would just wait until we hear their side of the story... (unless an agreement was made, ofcourse).

All this talk about the 16 yr old of not being of legal age... I'm not a Thai law expert, but maybe her parents can be held liable?

The picture with the girl texting on the side of the road... hard to see, but maybe she is just a bystander? From the looks of the accident (condition of the civic), I don't think she would be able to stand up.

Anyone know of the exact details.... please keep the rumors to a minimum.

I'm willing to bet my left nut the 16yr old was texting while driving - just my opinion.



To answer your question - If my daughter had caused this accident I would personally take her to the police station to face any charges brought against her and I would employ as good a lawyer as I could find. This, in truth, is what many Thai parents do, and I'm sure it is what most parents who are members of TV would do. - That is help their child face the justice system.

The concern raised on the Thai discussion boards is that the young lady in question will not face any kind of justice.

Your assertion that everyone here would ensure their own child 'got away with it' has no basis other than your own unfounded assumptions.



To answer your question - If my daughter had caused this accident I would personally take her to the police station to face any charges brought against her and I would employ as good a lawyer as I could find. This, in truth, is what many Thai parents do, and I'm sure it is what most parents who are members of TV would do. - That is help their child face the justice system.

The concern raised on the Thai discussion boards is that the young lady in question will not face any kind of justice.

Your assertion that everyone here would ensure their own child 'got away with it' has no basis other than your own unfounded assumptions.

Good post, spot on.

Though, if my child wanted to drive below the legal limit I would slap him/her silly until their legal age. No way, no how will my child drag the entire family down because of their idiotic mistake.


http://www2.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9530000182495 . . . According to UNIVERSITY expert, the cause of the death is the MODIFIED van. Van is not built to have a NGV in the back seat, causing it to be unstable. Also, the dead did not use safty beat, as evident show that the belts are bundle together at the side. Please leave the poor girl alone. The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

The primary cause of the accident was the Honda ramming into the back of the minivan - Without that happening we would not be discussing the ensuing carnage.

As for the poor girl and children being our future.

This particular girl is not poor and has ended the future of Eight People by killing them.

Many of the passengers had a bright future too - what about them??

Whether you have a tank in the back of your van is a bit of a weird excuse when someone has clearly hit from behind. As for being not fitted properly, well surely the van is a yellow reg. plate and as such would have been inspected every 6 months. If it didn't pass the test it shouldn't be running. Whatever the situation it doesn't excuse the fact that a 16yr old girl should not be driving at all let alone on an expressway.

The girl has done something wrong that cannot be corrected by apology/money/praying whatever. She should experience something fitting for this gross act of irresponsibility.

Whether in total or in a huge part it is her responsibility; no one forced her behind the wheel. Actions have consequences that have to be faced and hopefully that will be the case. As a parent you do your children a disservice if you don't teach them they have to face the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately in Thailand not many parents pass this knowledge on.

NB One more stupid , arrogant post by Miss Pien, and I might not be able to hold my tongue.


So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Only one was driving - which one is the issue but with that family name there is next to zero chance that either will be prosecuted.

Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rated comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

Since the Google translation doesn't make sense, I will take a crack at translating it.

อายุ 16 ปี นามสกุล "เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา"

เดี๋ยวเรื่องก็เงียบ เหมือนไม่เคยเกิดอะไรขึ้น




16 years old.

it will fades away, like nothing ever happened.

prison existed solely for dogs and the poor.

rich people never wrong.

believe me.









why doesn't the car hits the curve,overturned, and killed all the occupants.

8 quality innocent lives versus low lives, spoiled brats. Is it worth it?

don't reserved the prison just for dogs and the poor.

it is alright for anyone who want to delete or hide this comment.

if these victims are your relatives.

you would have feel the same way as I do, just right before new year.


So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Only one was driving - which one is the issue but with that family name there is next to zero chance that either will be prosecuted.

Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rated comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

Since the Google translation doesn't make sense, I will take a crack at translating it.

อายุ 16 ปี นามสกุล "เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา"

เดี๋ยวเรื่องก็เงียบ เหมือนไม่เคยเกิดอะไรขึ้น




16 years old.

it will fades away, like nothing ever happened.

prison existed solely for dogs and the poor.

rich people never wrong.

believe me.









why doesn't the car hits the curve,overturned, and killed all the occupants.

8 quality innocent lives versus low lives, spoiled brats. Is it worth it?

don't reserved the prison just for dogs and the poor.

it is alright for anyone who want to delete or hide this comment.

if these victims are your relatives.

you would have feel the same way as I do, just right before new year.

I think the Google Translator thing is a technology still in its infancy.

Many thanks.


Well, certainly none of this can be settled... perhaps for decades until the owner of the red car is found. Should be about as easy (or difficult depending on who you're cheering for) as finding Kamnan Poh in the mega metropolis of Bangsaen.



Well, certainly none of this can be settled... perhaps for decades until the owner of the red car is found. Should be about as easy (or difficult depending on who you're cheering for) as finding Kamnan Poh in the mega metropolis of Bangsaen.


The red car?

One thing. This sixteen year old girl will have to live with this for the rest of her life. It's kind of a sentence in itself. Guess it depends on a persons moral fibre.

This case has the potential to really open up the money/corruption/elite culture here. I can't see Thai's taking much more of this. That the people that died were from the educated middle class might give it the impetus it needs.

There was a succinct quote in another thread ages ago, forget where or concerning what now. 'It's not Thai's. It's Thailand'.


Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

Rest in peace yes........In God we trust...........no way! Life is up to each and every one of us! Nobody else!

In God I trust, and nothing or nobody else! If life would be up to us, or my life up to me, we would be in a place starting with the letter "H" and ending with "l". Those in the accident who trusted in God, are now in a place free from the "trust ourself" consequences. So when we see accidents like this, let's make sure we will in fact one day be away from all the consequences of sin... Trust in God through the way He provided - Him as Jesus Christ.


It has just been on the news this morning and my wife is saying that the news is reporting that the 16 year old girl that was driving the car was alone. and the superstar was killed in the van. even though the two girls were in the pictures.

Can anyone confirm this is true. or has the cover-up begun.ph34r.gif


I haven't read much news today. But I think you will find there were 2 girls in the Honda (sisters), it seems to be pretty much confirmed as 16yr old driving.

A niece of a famous actress reportedly died in the minivan - I believe she was a Thammasat student.


The police dare not to touch her either.

Seems like an odd comment to make, especially considering that charges have already been laid. :ermm:

I think it means she won't be convicted because of her connections.


The police dare not to touch her either.

Seems like an odd comment to make, especially considering that charges have already been laid. :ermm:

I think it means she won't be convicted because of her connections.

possibly so. its a sad thing.


The police dare not to touch her either.

Seems like an odd comment to make, especially considering that charges have already been laid. :ermm:

I think it means she won't be convicted because of her connections.

possibly so. its a sad thing.

The loophole here seems to be the age of responsibility.


The loophole here seems to be the age of responsibility.

I disagree. This was something I raised on the other thread.

The age of criminal liability in Thailand is 7 for serious offences. I originally thought it was 15, then I read something else that indicated 12 & then another 7.

Despite those conflicts, I am sure the legal age for Criminal liability would be less than 16. Im not sure where it all stands on a civil level.


Seems like an odd comment to make, especially considering that charges have already been laid. :ermm:

I think it means she won't be convicted because of her connections.

possibly so. its a sad thing.

The loophole here seems to be the age of responsibility.

I just don't see how that is a loophole. If a minor was driving then the adult that allowed it is responsible as well.

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