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Have Your Resolutions Ready To Go For The New Year!


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This coming year I shall make a greater effort to do all the things that I said that I was going to do when I retired 20 years ago. On the list then was learning to play the violin, going back to school to get 'A' levels in French and German and trying to get Arsenal to sign me on as a 100K per week striker.

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Robin Williams is quoted as saying in the 80s that 'Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you are making to much money.'

I would say that having a compulsive 5 post-per-day or so habit -- or more -- on ThaiVisa is the same Gent's way of telling you that you have way too much time on your hands.

So my resolution is that I will try to have at EOY 2011 no more than 3000 posts on ThaiVisa or about 1 per day for the year. This will be -- I hope -- mostly to help out others as I was genuinely helped out with Visa and extension related issues when I joined in FEB 2004... when I had already traveled extensively in Asia but never lived full-time. I will therefore not reply to:

Members that think given impending doom unless all your worldly assets are tied up in gold or similar commodities you are dumbest thing that ever walked and relegated to spending your later years in abject poverty... and that those who are currently in positions of responsibility for economic affairs are all idiots and/or morons.

Members that think that the best way to judge one's life experience in Thailand is based upon consorting with the greatest number of knock-out Thai females to whom you give the least amount of money.

Members that in general use these otherwise useful forums to post that they have dissected, analyzed and therefore understand the native Thai psyche a whole lot better than yourself.

I am returning now from a 2 week hiatus ... regarding my poor manners I note the following:

from The Big Sleep screenplay by (among others) William Faulkner:

VIVIAN (Lauren Bacall)

... And I don't like your manners.

MARLOWE (Humphrey Bogart)

I'm not crazy about yours... I don't mind if you don't like my manners ...

They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings.

... from a 28 DEC 2010 NY Times article that ended with the comment:

Julian Simon's advice remains as good as ever. You can always make news with doomsday predictions, but you can usually make money betting against them.

... and a Happy New Year to all of you as well.

OK one more: The American football NFL pioneer Paul Brown said -- when asked about the ridiculous celebrations following a touchdown similar to the displays following a football goal -- that one should 'Act Like You've Been There Before' ... it's all just another no-big-deal.

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i am down to my last beer

an almost fresh out of coffee

(there are no sweets here

only 100% chocolate good for a quick little pcick me up)

hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp! :(

i can see this is gonna be a tough ride

i think i need a sponsor about now

one day at a time

i think is more like hour or minute or second even

mod feel free to move to health forum :whistling:

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ok while i struggle with my other resolution

and keep getting ignored on TV

i came up with one much easier to do

i vow to remember and acknowledge all my good friends, significant others, and important birthdays

and now with the aid of a written list

and the cell phone reminder feature

this thank god is so much easier and enjoyable than the other one i posted about

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