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Island Or Issaan Life


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I'm not sure where to stick this topic (I know some of you could tell me :o )

I have a choice as to whether I work and live in Issaan or Phuket.

I have been offered a job there starting at the end of the year.

Some of your experience could help me make a decision.

I lived in Bangkok for over a decade before moving to Issaan. Why I took so long to get out of Bangkok, I'll never know, but one thing I do know is that I will never go back to living there, especially in the centre.

Issaan has got lots of advantages, in that it is so bloody cheap to live. Schooling for kids is great, practically nothing. Golf is very cheap. I love everything about Issaan, except the food and the really hot days, but have not really got anything there to tie us down. There is some family, but the wife(originally from Bangkok area) doesn't get on with them most of the time.

Outsiders very rarely fit into the community here, even if they are Thai.

If you could live/work anywhere in Thailand, where would you choose?

There are heaps of farang living in Issaan. Are you there because of the gf/wife?

If she weren't from there, would you live there or on the beach?

Advantages of Phuket, I'm not sure yet. Obviously the proximity of the sea. Then again, do all you Phuketers go to the sea every day.

Disadvantages of Phuket, the price of the houses, the wife scared of ghosts, the tourists(do they piss you off?).

I have to make a decision pretty soon, in the next week or so. My gut feeling is not to go, but maybe some of you could tell me that I am stupid staying in Issaan when I could be on a Island Paradise. I have only once been there and that was a week ago on trannsit from Oz, and it looked great from the sky.

Is this increase worth it. Would 60,000 baht a month in Phuket be like 30,000 in Issaan?

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I would say 60,000 Bt in Phuket is more like 20,000 Bt in Isaan.

Everything is more expensive here, your basic fruit and vegetables cost more in Phuket. Even for the Thais it is expensive here.

Everything is trucked in over the Sarasin bridge and what with the price of gas these days........

Phuket does have a lot going for it, beautiful scenery, increasingly good infrastructure and a very cosmopolitan atmosphere.

There are some very good Thai private schools that are run by nuns where English is taught.

No, the tourists don't bother you, rather, other manifestations of their presence do, like increased traffic.

You can get a nice two bedroom house away from the beach for 8,000 to 15,000 Bt per month.

I could go on and on about the many virtues of Phuket, but, I won't bother.

Many, many people have fallen in love with this island and it's surroundings; you should definitely give it a go.

A Phuketian.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Phuket has got to be one of the nicest places in Thailand to live, good facilities too, close getaways of Krabi, Phi Phi etc.

But from somebody else who would thing about moving down there, the thing that would bother me is the higher prices and tons of tourists.

Do Phuketians avoid that touristy side and manage to live the quiet, cheap Thai lifestyle down there?

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My wife had some land up in the central region 50 km from Khampaeng Phet near a national park.

We live 6 km outside of the village, not many neighbours, fresh air, cheap to live, no bars and not many expats either though I see a few in the village now and again.

Peaceful, yes, boring, not really you just have to change your lifestyle and learn to relax.

Love it here?

Absolutely. :o:D:D

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I'm still in the Big Smoke, lived in Isaan for quite a while, loved a lot of it but made next to no money, and I've never been to Phuket.

That said, I'd take that gig in a heartbeat, just for the new experience. If it's as beautiful as they all say, well go on and get some.


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I have lived in Phuket, Bangkok, Khon kean, and now 40km out from Nongbaulampoo

I loved Phuket living next to the beach I never got bord theres so much to do and all within a few km. Bad side was every thing revolved around the bars to many girls. Had a lot of trouble with bar girls telling my missus that I had slept with them which I hadn,t (well not the ones that said I did). Drinking to much and party to hard. Good for a holiday but would not live there again

Bangkok ,Nana good, Rest suxs,

Khon Kean, Pleasent place to live starting to get a lot of expats there now

Isaan, Great, No speed cameras, no speed limit inforced, I had a strech of road I use to gun my bike along after 6 months I realised I was pulling 185kmh past the cop shop ever second day :D:o Drink driving to a extent is still acceptable. Cops only want 100 bht tip if anything and not 500bht. People are alot nicer. And beer is cheaper

BAD SIDE power outs, no internet, 100km to the nearest super market, Miss having a chat with a with other expats

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Phuket, a tourist area, touts, lousy overpriced food etc. Issan, nomans land.

Like choosing between Harlem and Jurez.

KL telling like only he can! :o good call though

My idea would be to go ahead and move to Phuket.

Its beter to regret doing something than not doing something!...i think?

Isaan will still be here in 12 months or so if it doesn't work out.

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Phuket is a great place to live and work. You can still find reasonably priced homes close to the beach if you're not looking for a mansion.

Away from the main arterial roads there is very little traffic and many areas on the island offer quiet living if you are not into nightlife. If you are, then it's not far to go. Not all expats are into the party scene, there is a big sailing community here as well as other sporting/ leisure clubs. Something for everyone really!

The proximity to other beautiful islands and national parks is also a real bonus: it's a heavenly playground we live in! :o

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I have lived in Phuket, Bangkok, Khon kean, and now 40km out from Nongbaulampoo

I loved Phuket living next to the beach I never got bord theres so much to do and all within a few km. Bad side was every thing revolved around the bars to many girls. Had a lot of trouble with bar girls telling my missus that I had slept with them which I hadn,t (well not the ones that said I did). Drinking to much and party to hard. Good for a holiday but would not live there again

Bangkok ,Nana good, Rest suxs,

Khon Kean, Pleasent place to live starting to get a lot of expats there now

Isaan, Great, No speed cameras, no speed limit inforced, I had a strech of road I use to gun my bike along after 6 months I realised I was pulling 185kmh past the cop shop ever second day  :D  :o Drink driving to a extent is still acceptable. Cops only want 100 bht tip if anything and not 500bht. People are alot nicer. And beer is cheaper

BAD SIDE power outs, no internet, 100km to the nearest super market, Miss having a chat with a with other expats

Khon Kaen and Udon have supermarkets - Tesco/Lotus and Big C. KK has fairly good DSL internet. People very friendly. Best place I have ever lived in that regard. Traffic not to bad. Weather to hot in summer and can get cold nights in winter. Cost of living cheap.

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I thought a few of the Isaan dwellers would have responded about how much better Isaan is than Phuket.

I think that Phuket is a place where most of us would love to live but due to financial restrictions, or to keep our "better half" happy we choose Isaan.

Of course Phuket has better golf courses, scenery, snorkelling, school.

Then again too many tourist, very expensive, and many ghosts(if you believ in that).

So 60,000 baht a month in Phuket would be like 20,000 in Isaan?

I guess school fees would be more.

I would be at least 10,000 a month more to rent a house the same as my Isaan one.

I can build a beautiful mansion, with swimming pool in Isaan for 2 million baht(including land).

What could I build in Phuket?

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I lived on a tropical resort island (Saipan) for most of my adult life: 26 years. It was great to live at the beach, to have easy access to diving, sailing or just strolling on the sand whenever I wanted.

But, the place was as expensive as all get out. I was making around 100K a year and I felt poor. Plus, it cost a fortune to go anywhere and, of course, it was impossible to get in the car and go for a drive longer than 20K.

So, upon retirement I moved to Isaan.

I'm very happy here. It costs next to nothing to live the same sort of lifestyle I had on Saipan. I can take a three or four day road trip through beautiful country for peanuts. It's much easier to get the stuff I need (or want). And, I don't really miss the beach. Yeah, it'd be nice to scuba now and then or just feel my toes in the sand again.

All in all, though, I'm happy where I am.

At the same time, I'm not ruling out a move back to the beach some time in the future.

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Issan is ok if you can put up with the isolation. For me it drives me mad, thus all of your "Mainstream" entertainment will have to be via Satellite, IPStar UBC etc etc.

One of the things you need to consider if you are living in a village is the regular distances you will need to travel.

As an example My wife's house is 60km from the city of Surin, or Ampour Muang. So sure its virtually free to live there, but if I had to work in the city, I would have to travel 120km a day, ok, thats about 12 litres of Diesel, assuming that I pay 23 Baht a litre for diesel, then my monthly fuel bill will be about 6,000 Baht. So if I was making 40,000 Baht a month working in Surin (assuming 22 work-days per month) My pay is down to 34,000 before I do a thing. Remember also that First class insurance is 15k a year, you need to put away another 1,250 a month in insurance.... Therefore you have 32,750 a month to spend. Typically your electricity bill will be about 2k if you don't use aircon much and other incidentals would bring your 40k down to 31k.

So the question is, can you live a good lifestyle on 1,000 Baht a day ?

Now you can deduct your IPStar and UBC Subscriptions as well. Anyway, I am sure you have the idea.

Other things to consider will be her family coming with their hand out, Odd jobs that people will do in the village etc etc.

Anyway, good luck with your decision. Issan is nice, and after you remove the mandatory outgoings, life is quite cheap, in more ways than you would expect.

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Issan is ok if you can put up with the isolation. For me it drives me mad, thus all of your "Mainstream" entertainment will have to be via Satellite, IPStar UBC etc etc.

One of the things you need to consider if you are living in a village is the regular distances you will need to travel.

I actually live in Isaan now. I am not isolated as I live in Khon Kaen.

I don't have Satellite, IP star UBC etc, but do have internet. But sure, if you can't speak Thai and live in a village, you'll surely need these to keep sane and find out what's going on in the outside world.

Typically your electricity bill will be about 2k

Mine is never over 700 baht.

Not sure how much I pay for insurance but it's nowhere near 15,000 a year.

These things would be the same in Phuket, but as you say the distance is going to be less.

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I'd agree with a lot of posters here and say give Phuket a go. If you can, don't burn any bridges and if it dosn't work out then there's hopefully Khon Kaen to return to. You obviously seem to be enjoying it up there.

I've never lived in Issan, but have spent quite a bit of time in Buriram province. 2 weeks was the maximum I could endure. Great people, cheap etc etc but I don't half enjoy an odd round of golf and the seaside.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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I believe you're on the wagon, so be careful if you're in Phuket with that hedonistic lifestyle around the corner, flashing lights beckoning. However, I lived in Krabi in the late 80s, it was beautiful and unspoilt then and from the posts so far it seems that Phuket still has some secluded spots, so no shortage of places to climb, snorkel, relax and chill out.

I reckon you should give it a try there, but if unhappy you should move back to Issan and consider really going native, not living in downtown Khon Ken; rather settle down with an Issan wife in the countryside, herding cows, growing fruit and indulging in what Joe Cummings referred to as the' Khon Ken crippler'.

I apologise for my radical advice but I do remember your strong desire to stay away from the booze.

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I thought a few of the Isaan dwellers would have responded about how much better Isaan is than Phuket.

I can build a beautiful mansion, with swimming pool in Isaan  for 2 million baht(including land).

What could I build in Phuket?

I live in Khon Kaen myself and i have never been to Phuket, i can happily say that Phuket is better than KK. KK is a well kept secret of a place to live. but Phuket kicks the arse out of KK for sure.

dont build in Phuket....rent...there's loads of deals to be had there right now.

building costs in Isaan start at 5000 baht per m2. figure on 11,000 m2 minimum in Phuket.as for land prices.....the difference is huge!

rent rent rent :o

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I believe you're on the wagon, so be careful if you're in Phuket with that hedonistic lifestyle around the corner, flashing lights beckoning. However, I lived in Krabi in the late 80s, it was beautiful and unspoilt then and from the posts so far it seems that Phuket still has some secluded spots, so no shortage of places to climb, snorkel, relax and chill out.

I reckon you should give it a try there, but if unhappy you should move back to Issan and consider really going native, not living in downtown Khon Ken; rather settle down with an Issan wife in the countryside, herding cows, growing fruit and indulging in what Joe Cummings referred to as the' Khon Ken crippler'.

I apologise for my radical advice but I do remember your strong desire to stay away from the booze.


All advice appreciated, especially yours :D

I wouldn't say that I am "on the wagon" anymore. Drink has had no part in my life for years now. I kept going "on the wagon" for over 15 years, for a month or so at the most with the feeling of white-knuckling it and then leading in time to pitiful and incomprehensible demoralisation, as only an alkie knows. Now, as I have turned my life and my will over to a "higher power", I have found a freedom that I never had, and it is wonderful :D:D:D:D. I can now hang out in bars with no fear of drinking, but I don't like doing it very often. "On the wagon" implies to me that I am doing it myself, which I found out after many years that it is impossible without outside help and support.

Going native sounds like fun, but not much money in it, but who much money when in Isaan?

My room used to cost 3000b a month

For 1 room?? :o

From what I hear, Phuket is the better place if you can afford it.

I am working out exactly how much more it would cost me in Phuket.

10,000 b a month more for similar house.

more for kids education+ baby sitters - re.5000 b a moth.

Golf maybe be up to 5,000 b a month more, but much nicer courses.

Thats 20,000 a month already!

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