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Tighter Road Safety Measures In Store For Thailand

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Tighter Road Safety Measures in Store

The transport minister is poised to enforce strict control on the speed limit on highways and regulate school buses across the country in the interest of safety.

Transport Minister Sopon Sarum stated he has unveiled two urgent policies on road safety.

The policies are in accordance with the Transport Minsitry's mandate to decrease road accidents and to mark 2011 as the "Year of Road Safety".

Sopon said his ministry will strictly control the maximum speed limit for vehicles on highways and regulate school vehicles nationwide, focusing on their overall conditions.

He added the age limit for school vehicle driving permits is under consideration.

Sopon noted that he has set up a committee chaired by Deputy Transport Minister Suchart Chokechaiwattanakorn to study the issues.

The transport minister also instructed the Land Transport Department to exercise stricter caution on issuing driver's licenses for public passenger vehicles.

He said officials should be especially careful when determining which drivers are fit to operate school vehicles.

The departmen was also assigned to seriously check the conditions of vehicles used in transporting students from and to school to ensure that they remain in good conditions.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Thaweesin Rakkatanyoo, governor of the Expressway Authority of Thailand, or EXAT, said statistics showed the number of road accidents on expressways was not high, compared to the daily number of 1.4 million commuters.

Thaweesin further said that a majority of the accidents resulted from speeding and carelessness.

He noted this showed that the structures of the expressways were not to be blamed for road accidents and confirmed that all expressways were constructed in line with international standards.

He added that EXAT is working with the traffic police on setting a suitable speed limit on its expressways.


-- Tan Network 2011-01-18


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He added the age limit for school vehicle driving permits is under consideration. ..."""

i wonder if the droves of three to four thirteen year olds that i see coming out of the schoolyard on one bike with no helmet between them will now get a drivers permit?:rolleyes:


This Governor of Expressways sounds like he is really dedicated to his work. What ever work would be required for a man with this title. If the expressways do not have high accident rates and and built to International standard, why change the posted speed limit?


This Governor of Expressways sounds like he is really dedicated to his work. What ever work would be required for a man with this title. If the expressways do not have high accident rates and and built to International standard, why change the posted speed limit?

Because 'the POSTED speedlimit' is NEVER adhered to. Never mind the 'booze connection - most Thais in Bangkok don't drink and drive' But everyone, Thai and farang alike drive much much too fast with no regard for other road users' safety, let alone their own.

I'm on Phuket, probably the most dangerous place to drive in Thailand, and I asked a local BiB why they don't set up speed cameras/traps and he replied 'too expensive' LOLLLLL!

Set against the cost of having to deal with the day to day carnage here, not so expensive.fckwts, the lot of them.


What about all those songtaws that are seriously overcrowded that transport loads of students?

I don't know that they are dangerous, but will they now be subject to regulation and inspection?


well the amount of kids under 13 yrs driving bikes in my village makes you wonder and the parents are the first ones to moan if something happens to them, also the police are to busy gambeling to enforce the rules of law until just before payday


I think filling in a few potholes would go a long way toward traffic safety. That road to Wang Nam Kheo is absolutely falling apart & we remember the bus crash up there a few days ago. The ruts are about a meter deep. The road bed was never compacted properly.

But speeding tickets make money so I guess that's the route they'll go.


It should be remembered , it is not speed that kills , it is the mentality and lack of skill that is the basic cause of the majority of accidents which is an oxymoron in itself , an accident is an unavoidable occurance , collisions are an entirely different kettle of fish , many operators of vehicles should be renamed from driver to motivator , that is all many do .


What about all those songtaws that are seriously overcrowded that transport loads of students?

I don't know that they are dangerous, but will they now be subject to regulation and inspection?

Songtaews drive awful slow. When's the last time you heard of one gathering enough speed to crash? It's the SPEED THAT KILLS.


It should be remembered , it is not speed that kills , it is the mentality and lack of skill that is the basic cause of the majority of accidents which is an oxymoron in itself , an accident is an unavoidable occurance , collisions are an entirely different kettle of fish , many operators of vehicles should be renamed from driver to motivator , that is all many do .

What you talking about DUMBall? We're NOT talking about Le Mans! No 'skill needed' JUST SLOW THE HELL DOWN.

'Driver to motivator'? <deleted>? You pissed?


='inmysights' timestamp='1295358978' post='4159566']

dumball' timestamp='1295358502' post='4159553']

It should be remembered , it is not speed that kills , it is the mentality and lack of skill that is the basic cause of the majority of accidents which is an oxymoron in itself , an accident is an unavoidable occurance , collisions are an entirely different kettle of fish , many operators of vehicles should be renamed from driver to motivator , that is all many do .]

What you talking about DUMBall? We're NOT talking about Le Mans! No 'skill needed' JUST SLOW THE HELL DOWN.

'Driver to motivator'? <deleted>? You pissed?

Insults aside , I do not imbibe , skill is required in most things humans engage in , you must be a godawefull driver to get your nickers in such a knot about a simple obsrvation , speed does not kill , the driver does , but his lack of skills are magnified by speed in inapropriate places or under road and weather conditions which few seem to take into consideration whilst in charge of a motor vehicle .

Only one third of the human brain is engaged to perform a task , when there is a distraction , two thirds of that one third goes towards the distraction , just how many so called drivers concentrate on what is a very important task ? With your type of instant upset , you should desist from sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle .


Undertaking on the left, overtaking on bends and hillcrests, overtaking an already overtaking car on a single lane highway, tailgating, threading in and out of fast moving traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road to save a u-turn 500m further up the road, not indicating, jumping red lights, pre-empting green lights, cutting up, impatience, lack of respect for others, double parking (and leaving the handbrake on!) not giving way to the right when turning across traffic or entering a roundabout, not wearing a seatbelt, totally unaware of safe braking distances, insufficient use of the mirrors (except when prising a particularly stubborn piece of moo bing from the front teeth with a toothpick, or checking your hair whilst talking on the mobile) , overtaking then immediately turning off left at the next soi 10m further on.......

I'm very pleased to inform you that you've passed your driving test Mr. Suriwong.:whistling:


Thailand Road Safety - now there's an oxymoron. Regulating 'school' buses? What about the intercity idiots with no experience other than a heavy right foot and music so frickin' loud in the buses they could never hear a train at a level crossing blaring its horn, a car blowing a horn to warn of their lane wandering as they doze off etc!

And going fast? Thai pastime but over all the question remains - who will actually police this. Don't look at the BiB. They like all the rest drive the wrong way towards oncoming traffic and set a fine example at many intersections in collections of the Police Boys 'fund'. Raising fines won't help anyone other than the BiB but put in a points system and that may start to slow them all down. Govern the motors on any heavy vehicle and limit it to 100kms/hr and that will work.

It is a mammoth task to be sure but this verbiage from the minister smacks of vote grabbing political diatribe i.e. el torro poo poo. ohmy.gif


Livingthedream , were you pointing out the lack of driving skills or the total irrisponsiblity of far to many on todays highways and streets ? You have written an excellant post of the point I was making , gkad I am not alone in my observations .

When motoring first came into vogue many years ago , vehicles needed to be preceded by a person waving a red flag to warn pedestrians , not much has changed in regards to that requirement . Even in those days at those speeds , there were uuuuuuuuh , 'Accidents ' no , same as today lack of skills or attention to the task at hand .

dDid you ever notice that aircraft do not have accidents , they crash and a full investigation is put into place , food for thought ?


One post removed due to comments being inflammatory.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Edited to add: A derogatory post has also been removed.


yes about time too i reckon, after all the recent fatalities. Kids 3-4 at a time on scooters , surely the brakes aren't designed to stop that kind of weight efficiently.<br><br>Also saw a wonderful sight on the highway from Bkk to Mahasarakham the other day ( see attachments ).  how is this safe I wonder.<br><br>one does wonder how the thai authorities will police all the scooters etc that there are everywhere, given the number of police available to do the job.<br>




This Governor of Expressways sounds like he is really dedicated to his work. What ever work would be required for a man with this title. If the expressways do not have high accident rates and and built to International standard, why change the posted speed limit?

EXACTLY! Has 2 jags(john prescott) changed his name or something,what a baffoon! I thought english politicians talked sh*te,with a name like his sounds like he should be down south sorting the muslims out.



He added the age limit for school vehicle driving permits is under consideration. ..."""

i wonder if the droves of three to four thirteen year olds that i see coming out of the schoolyard on one bike with no helmet between them will now get a drivers permit?:rolleyes:

I can't help thinking about this 16 year old girl killing 9 people by driving a minibus. Too young to stand trial, very remorseful and with a generous good family, paying compesation to the victims. LOL. I must be stupid or malicious, or both?


So many wonderful fresh insights in this article, i don't know where to start...

"Sopon noted that he has set up a committee chaired by Deputy Transport Minister Suchart Chokechaiwattanakorn to study the issues. "

Oh well, that's alright then. That takes care of it. I feel safer already. After all the difficult part is identifying the issues. Once that is completed, the solutions are easy.




You are having a pis--ng contest in witch you are both wrong. It is the sudden stop that kills.

to get back to the OP speed control is a start. Also although most people do not drink and drive out of the drinkers there is a much higher % involved in Accidents.

I have noticed some people talking about age. This two can contribute to the death toll. When they talked about school vehicles I really don't think they were talking about personal owned bikes.

There is one thing more than any thing else they can do to cut down the accidents and that is implement a strict driving test to get a license and enforce it. Maybe make real driving lessons more available. These are positive things they can do but I for one am not going to hold my breath.


"The departmen was also assigned to seriously check the conditions of vehicles used in transporting students from and to school to ensure that they remain in good conditions. "

because they tried making a joke out of it and it didn't help.

Does Thailand even have roadworthiness tests for vehicles??


I'm glad to see these statements about road safety from government, yes they may seem ridiculous now but a little bit now may mean signifcant changes 25 years from now when my future kids grow up.


Undertaking on the left, overtaking on bends and hillcrests, overtaking an already overtaking car on a single lane highway, tailgating, threading in and out of fast moving traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road to save a u-turn 500m further up the road, not indicating, jumping red lights, pre-empting green lights, cutting up, impatience, lack of respect for others, double parking (and leaving the handbrake on!) not giving way to the right when turning across traffic or entering a roundabout, not wearing a seatbelt, totally unaware of safe braking distances, insufficient use of the mirrors (except when prising a particularly stubborn piece of moo bing from the front teeth with a toothpick, or checking your hair whilst talking on the mobile) , overtaking then immediately turning off left at the next soi 10m further on.......

I'm very pleased to inform you that you've passed your driving test Mr. Suriwong.:whistling:

Well as impressive as your list is it is incomplete. Drinking while driving or just after you have had to much. This by itself can be the cause of many of the others.

But there is one other that no one talks about. Falling asleep at the wheel.

That is what I did no alcohol or any of those other above named occurrence involved. It happened In Canada before I moved to Thailand.

When I was in the hospital they had a Mountie (RCMP) in the room with me. He told me that falling asleep at the wheel was also a big factor in accidents.

Maybe they should stick to driving on the side walks and let us pedestrians have the streets. That would sure stop a lot of accidents.


So many wonderful fresh insights in this article, i don't know where to start...

"Sopon noted that he has set up a committee chaired by Deputy Transport Minister Suchart Chokechaiwattanakorn to study the issues. "

Oh well, that's alright then. That takes care of it. I feel safer already. After all the difficult part is identifying the issues. Once that is completed, the solutions are easy.

It would appear many members here carry an interest. Why not send Deputy minister Suchart a message with your constructive suggestions. I'm sure Deputy Minister Suchart would be receptive to sensible comments

<edit to remove invalid link>

I think I actually then found Deputy Minister Suchart on the government listing where you can send/leave a message if you click on the name line.



He added the age limit for school vehicle driving permits is under consideration. ..."""

i wonder if the droves of three to four thirteen year olds that i see coming out of the schoolyard on one bike with no helmet between them will now get a drivers permit?:rolleyes:

I think you will find he is referring to the permit granted to vehicles for use as school transportation rather than a driving licence


'jayjay0' timestamp='1295378756' post='4159941']



You are having a pis--ng contest in witch you are both wrong. It is the sudden stop that kills.

to get back to the OP speed control is a start. Also although most people do not drink and drive out of the drinkers there is a much higher % involved in Accidents.

I have noticed some people talking about age. This two can contribute to the death toll. When they talked about school vehicles I really don't think they were talking about personal owned bikes.

There is one thing more than any thing else they can do to cut down the accidents and that is implement a strict driving test to get a license and enforce it. Maybe make real driving lessons more available. These are positive things they can do but I for one am not going to hold my breath.

I was not peeing into the wind , merely stating facts which you confirmed in your last paragraph " Strict driving tests " Which is to do what ? confirm and ensure future vehicle operators have the neccessary skills and knowledge of road usage to ensure the safety of other operators and pedestrians , so reducing the number of vehicular collisions . All or most of these collisions should be investigated to find the cause , poor driving skills should be rewarded with the removal of driving privilages until the operator has recieved proper operating instruction by a skilled driver .Being as even the BIB display poor driving skills , it would need an independant team of skilled persons to do the investigative work , there needs to be NO exceptions to this ruling .,

Even Farang have been noted on this forum as saying " Just follow what the Thai do " DUH YEAH , that is a great suggestion by what should be educated people , sheaply , just sheaply who most likely do the same in thier daily lives just to 'Conform' to the status quo to take the easy way out , total BS by my way of thinking .


maybe also check how a driver can drive safely with 120 db of music sound inside or outside the vehicle

these buses with 50 students in buses with ear shattering music has got to be unsafe


Undertaking on the left, overtaking on bends and hillcrests, overtaking an already overtaking car on a single lane highway, tailgating, threading in and out of fast moving traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road to save a u-turn 500m further up the road, not indicating, jumping red lights, pre-empting green lights, cutting up, impatience, lack of respect for others, double parking (and leaving the handbrake on!) not giving way to the right when turning across traffic or entering a roundabout, not wearing a seatbelt, totally unaware of safe braking distances, insufficient use of the mirrors (except when prising a particularly stubborn piece of moo bing from the front teeth with a toothpick, or checking your hair whilst talking on the mobile) , overtaking then immediately turning off left at the next soi 10m further on.......

I'm very pleased to inform you that you've passed your driving test Mr. Suriwong.:whistling:

BRILLIANT summing up of all that's wrong in the driving manners/skills of LoS. Plus, one has to make, on average, 32 decisions in every minute while driving in town.

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