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Elderly Foreginers A Heavy Burden For Thai Hospitals

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Hospitals count cost of foreigners' bills

PHUKET: -- State hospitals in the southern province are shouldering a heavy burden for treating elderly foreigners who cannot afford to pay their medical bills.

Many retired foreigners who came to Thailand with the hope of settling down here are now struggling after spending their pensions wastefully and marrying Thai women, some of whom left them after their money ran out. Lots of foreigners have fallen ill and been admitted to local hospitals. Their relatives back home refuse to pay for their... [... more]

-- Bangkok Post 2011-01-20

Full story: http://www.ethailand.com/news/hospitals-count-cost-of-foreigners-bills-64304.html

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They don't have insurance? Why in the South are they charging more then the North? Heavy Burden - I doubt it. Try to get treatment for a hang nail without pre paid even with proof of insurance. Maybe they only do that in the North. Even when I was having a heart attack my wife had to get a credit card out before they would do anything. Sounds more like someones getting ready to become the HUB of treatments in the South scam. First is always a crisis to be solved with other peoples money - followed by their enrichment.

I must always pay first but I can produce both proof of insurance and income so require that for a visa and see your sick list get shorter then. The new crisis will be the lack of foreigners using the medical HUB of asia.

Why not audit them and see how over charges these poor foreigners have been taken. At standard prices they would never let them in the door without cash.

George! is this from that other paper?

"-- Bangkok Post 2011-01-20

Full story: http://www.ethailand...ills-64304.html"


"................marrying Thai women, some of whom left them after their money ran out."

Perhaps that should have read "some of whom left after spending/stealing all their money." :lol:


Maybe the government could set up a state run insurance scheme for foreigners. If it was cost effective and properly run, I am sure it would be popular and the profits could be used for te more 'genuine' needy cases.

The other alternative is for Vachira Hospital to do the same thing as it;s sister hospital in Patong. RIP OFF ALL THE FOREIGNERS!


It those pesky foreigners who are responsible for the sad state of financial affairs, many of the Thai hospitals are in. Run a independent audit on the hospital and see where the monies are being spent, who the non paying patients are, etc. The number of non paying farang and the amount is such a small number for the probable yearly budget that it would seem pointless to even mention. The placebo charge out of their pharmacy is probably enough to cover the shortage.


Maybe the government could set up a state run insurance scheme for foreigners. If it was cost effective and properly run, I am sure it would be popular and the profits could be used for te more 'genuine' needy cases.

The other alternative is for Vachira Hospital to do the same thing as it;s sister hospital in Patong. RIP OFF ALL THE FOREIGNERS!

is this a bit joke they cant run there country police force or goverment let alone insurance company even for thai people just have to look at england to see what state you get into where we pay for national health insurance or the usa

amd like every thing if its insurance the price doubles to that of paying out your own pocket


"................marrying Thai women, some of whom left them after their money ran out."

Perhaps that should have read "some of whom left after spending/stealing all their money." :lol:

No it is stated correctly the money ran out with the wife.


I have had to use hospitals twice in the year that I have been here, and once to get tested for a Work Permit, One in Bangkok and one in Korat I am used to free health care in Canada, free but lousy. Here I can go into a hospital and although I have to pay cash or card, the service is excellent, the doctors and staff have all been very efficient. I could not get this treatment in Canada, yes sure I have to pay for it, but in Canada I could not pay for it. At 60 years of age I worry about increasing health expenses in Thailand, this is one of the prices that you pay when you choose to live in the country of your choice.


It those pesky foreigners who are responsible for the sad state of financial affairs, many of the Thai hospitals are in. Run a independent audit on the hospital and see where the monies are being spent, who the non paying patients are, etc. The number of non paying farang and the amount is such a small number for the probable yearly budget that it would seem pointless to even mention. The placebo charge out of their pharmacy is probably enough to cover the shortage.

Quite. Here on Phuket you have a choice between 'The Mill' aka Bangkok Hospital, and The Slaughterhouse' (Thai named) the Wachira, who still charge farang several times more than Thai nationals.

By the way, there are several Thai insurance companies who do not discriminate between the locals and farang and are much cheaper.

It's only the stupid farang who will 'only deal with BUPA'.


Does this mean they will have to cancel the proposed medical hub project that is meant to entice farangs to thailand and what of all the medical tourism that they advertise abroad they must be making a pretty packet out of that.


Doesn't the UK have free Gov't health insurance for senior citizens?

No, the UK has a National Health Service, not insurance. Every adult citizen pays National Insurance directly from their income (tax) which covers their state pension, any benefits they may need and the NHS - people out of work (for whatever reason) have it paid for them by the state. However, what they pay is related to their earnings, not the treatment (cover) they receive. All people are (in theory) covered for the same services (this doesn't quite work out though as each area has its oiwn health budget and thus some hospitals and health authorities have less money to play with).

It would be interesting to know if these Sothern Foreigners are Farangs or they are Malays/Indonesians etc. Can't see any hospital here doing more than very emergency treatment for farangswithout a credit card or an insurance stampo to cover it. How many farangs are south compared to north (or central) - hardy any I would summise (in comparison) so why not the hospitals in BKK, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, etc?


They don't have insurance? Why in the South are they charging more then the North? Heavy Burden - I doubt it. Try to get treatment for a hang nail without pre paid even with proof of insurance. Maybe they only do that in the North. Even when I was having a heart attack my wife had to get a credit card out before they would do anything. Sounds more like someones getting ready to become the HUB of treatments in the South scam. First is always a crisis to be solved with other peoples money - followed by their enrichment.

I must always pay first but I can produce both proof of insurance and income so require that for a visa and see your sick list get shorter then. The new crisis will be the lack of foreigners using the medical HUB of asia.

Why not audit them and see how over charges these poor foreigners have been taken. At standard prices they would never let them in the door without cash.

George! is this from that other paper?

"-- Bangkok Post 2011-01-20

Full story: http://www.ethailand...ills-64304.html"

I agree 100%.I acnnot see any Thai hospitals giving free care to impoverished farang..As an experiment I was just quoted £3,300 a year for cover from the advert below.It only quotes up to 75..So if compulsory health insurance is implemented be prepared to pack up,sell your house, condo,maybe leave your wife and family and go back to your own country...What A pleasant thought at the age of 75..Thomas


I can see the time is coming when, in order to "qualify" for a retirement visa, you will have to be over 50 years of age, show a monthly income or have 800,000 baht in the bank AND you will have to make an annual one off payment for a government run medical insurance scheme and what they will charge for that is anyones guess, but one thing is for sure, the Thai's will come out in front, financially, from the scheme.

You may have to pay 20,000 baht medical insurance attached to your retirement visa, even if you are in perfect health. Now, multiply that by all the farang retired here and that's a nice little earner which more than enough pays for the odd sick farang in hospital.

It goes back to the old saying, "They don't want us here, they just want our money here."


"The source said foreigners' savings often were quickly used up on entertainment and women."

"The source said the government should review its policy and focus on quality tourism"

Who is "the source'? - a motorcycle taxi driver, a hooker, my dead gran who has been contacted by psychic mediums?

When a paper fails to name it's source the news it purports to report is worth less than the paper on which it is printed. Absolutly awful journalism that lacks, reliability, authority or credability

Or in journalistic terms " The source said cra* journalism is alive and well in Thailand".

Also (while i'm on my soap box. If the Thai wife has nicked his money find the wife and make her pay. It's her fault for taking all his money in the first place. And as for the parasitic foreign-thais in the UK claiming free health care on the NHS........well don't get me started

Note: I use the term parasitic as it is implied in the context of the OP that the foreigners here are in some way bleeeding the hospitals and taking resources away from Thai people, so what is good for one is good for all. It is not a personal view of Thai people or foriegners in the UK.



I would welcome a Thai government insurance offer that provides full coverage for expat retirees. Most older people have preexisting conditions that they can't cover anyway! Even if you can get covered, it excludes what you mostly need it for.


This topic is also being discussed at length in the Phuket forum, but as far as I can see, nobody has really homed in and questioned the facts behind the title, namely:

"Elderly Foreigners A Heavy Burden For Thai Hospitals

The article quotes a figure of 800,000 Baht being written off in 2008 and 1.3 million Baht in 2009.

To put it in perspective, 1.3 Million Baht would barely cover the cost of one open-heart surgery operation at a decent hospital in Thailand.

I'm sorry, but a total loss of 1.3 million Baht for the whole of 2009 is a joke.

How many thousands of foreign retirees live in Thailand and remit millions and millions of Baht into Thailand every year?

All of which is spent, here in Thailand, to the benefit of the Thais, be they hotel owners, condo/house developers, restaurants, shops, stores, and even...God forbid it... a few bar girls and bar owners and just about any other business you could think of.

If the net cost to the state is 1.3 Million Baht to keep all these foreigners and their never ending money stream in Thailand, then it is a very small price to pay. Maybe the government, or possibly TAT could reimburse these hospitals for their losses.

Of course there are a few impecunious foreigners who will abuse the system and there always will be - whatever new stringent rules are put in place.

There is a grave danger of 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater' if substantial numbers of foreigners are discouraged, or even banned from retiring here, with all their hard earned money, pensions etc, if any changes are made to the visa retirement rules.

I am sure common sense will prevail.

I have no vested interest in this, as if necessary, I will simply leave 800K in my Thai Bank, although I would not be at all happy to do so.


I believe hospitals are obliged to treat any life threatening Illness.

If they refuse and a patient dies they can be hit with a massive law suit.

In many western countries evidence of health insurance is required to even get a visa.

Problem of course in Thailand a lot health insurance companies refuse to insure over 70 year olds.

If they want to get rid of the situation the health insurance business needs serious legislation.

800k in a bank was never going to be the solution.


The simple/sensible solution would be to require all retiree's in Thailand to have valid medical insurance as part of the visa issue/renewal process, no insurance no renewal of visa....its that simple.

It is completely beyond me why someone would live in a foreign country, with no access/right to "free" medical treatment and not have medical insurance even at a basic level


The simple/sensible solution would be to require all retiree's in Thailand to have valid medical insurance as part of the visa issue/renewal process, no insurance no renewal of visa....its that simple.

It is completely beyond me why someone would live in a foreign country, with no access/right to "free" medical treatment and not have medical insurance even at a basic level

Most older people have conditions that won't ever be covered by private companies. That's why a blanket requirement is not reasonable and why it wouldn't solve the problem.

The simple/sensible solution would be to require all retiree's in Thailand to have valid medical insurance as part of the visa issue/renewal process, no insurance no renewal of visa....its that simple.

It is completely beyond me why someone would live in a foreign country, with no access/right to "free" medical treatment and not have medical insurance even at a basic level

What if nthe person is ill. He can't get insurance, has whacked out his money on medical bills (and if you beliegve the text, wives) and now has no visa - do they just put him in prison for being an overstay (where they are obkiged to give him medical treat anyway) - or send him home (paying the airfare) and hope the airline will allow him to fly? The problem is, any state will have to cover some cases of foreigners need - it comes with having open borders and allowing immigration (and especially in encouraging retirees), it just has to be weighed by the amount of money they bring into the country (including the insurance and medical industries!). The hit is fractional, therefore, a good deal for Thailand. Itrs something to moan about in the press, to divert the fact that the 30Baht scheme has just about wiped out the medical buisiness in the country and is in crisis. The last thing a government wants to do is fix a credible scapegoat, especially one that is really a cash cow!


I've paid a portion of my wages into Medicare since it's inception in 1965. So theoretically my "pile" of money is there when I reach Medicare age.

Now consider this: If I need a medical procedure that, for instance, costs $200,000 in the US, but only costs $30,000 in a quality hospital in Bkk I am not allowed to use the lower cost, equally as good (there are internationally accepted metrics on quality) at a fraction of the cost--I must return to the US where my "out-of-pocket expenses" will likely be close to the total cost here.

That this situation exists to me exemplifies the depth of corruption between the US government and the Pharmaking. (Medical Industry).

Allowing Americans "choice" would create enormous savings, and lower medical costs overall due to competition (zero competition now) but it will never happen and so the ongoing fleecing of Americans by its own government continues... just my opinion.

It's not just America either. Recently I was looking at customer feedback on a site where I buy meds to import to the US (it was a pharmacy listed at pharmacychecker.com if this is allowed) and a poster on the store review that I was reading commented that he had been happy with his purchase as the total cost was less than the Australian medical system's co-pay was. This is the same exact position that I found myself in when I last had insurance, that often I could buy quality generic meds at a lower cost that what my insurance company made me pay for a co-pay.

The part that I don't get is that medical costs have risen so fast and so enormously over just the past few years and as a US Registered Nurse, I see decreased earnings power, not increased--so where is all this money going? I leave that answer up to you, the reader....


The simple/sensible solution would be to require all retiree's in Thailand to have valid medical insurance as part of the visa issue/renewal process, no insurance no renewal of visa....its that simple.

It is completely beyond me why someone would live in a foreign country, with no access/right to "free" medical treatment and not have medical insurance even at a basic level

Most older people have conditions that won't ever be covered by private companies. That's why a blanket requirement is not reasonable and why it wouldn't solve the problem.

This is easy to fix with law.

In some countries it is against the law to refuse insurance to anyone.

Included those with preexisting conditions.


This is easy to fix with law.

In some countries it is against the law to refuse insurance to anyone.

Included those with preexisting conditions.

That's easier said than done when you have private for profit insurance companies running the show. I could imagine this, a government regulated system for retired expats only, requiring ALL retired expats, healthy and not, to buy it. You can bet it would be very expensive.


Doesn't the UK have free Gov't health insurance for senior citizens?

pensioners-pregnant ladies-young-and all others---free. in most cases you pay for the perscriptions only, If you want quick service-jump the queue-for operations-B.U.P.A. or similar-would be advisable. example-cartilage knee op. 6-9 months national health service--OR- bupa-next tuesday sir---same sugeon


The simple/sensible solution would be to require all retiree's in Thailand to have valid medical insurance as part of the visa issue/renewal process, no insurance no renewal of visa....its that simple.

It is completely beyond me why someone would live in a foreign country, with no access/right to "free" medical treatment and not have medical insurance even at a basic level

Most older people have conditions that won't ever be covered by private companies. That's why a blanket requirement is not reasonable and why it wouldn't solve the problem.

Jing, you have suggested above that the Thai goverment offer insurance....my question is..why should they ?....the retiree's are not PR or citizens


I think the comments of foreigners paying a contribution to the government for health insurance is a good one. I am 64 and this year my travel insurance cost me 150 gbp for that I get upto 10 million gbp if I am hospitalized, For the same age I got a local quote in Thailand between 61-65 the cost was 16500 bts and the maximum payout was 500,000 bts. The cost of medical insurance here is ridiculous, if anyone knows of better value policies, please share and then there is the age restriction, everyone is going to get shown the door at 80 so you wont be able to get insurance till you die! Government scheme seems a good idea to me


Doesn't the UK have free Gov't health insurance for senior citizens?

No , nothing is free in the UK , we all or most pay our taxes for many years , The UK has the same problem , health tourist and just plain lier's and thieves who just turn up from India Pakistan And believe it or not America, and every where else. They say its free , well i have news its not , the diffrents is that in the UK we are Human and treat people before asking them to pay , and even if they do not pay the NHS does not seem to chase people for the cost of there treatment. Maybe a Business opportunity there for some entrepreneur.

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