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Cheating Wife


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I came home the other day to find my girlfriends friends car parked in front of our house and was told she needed to leave their for whatever reason. I think no problem. A little while later I happen to look out to find her making out with this guy in broad daylight not knowing I was home. Ok, she is married for 10 years supposedly to this very nice man from England. I felt sick to my stomach when I saw this. I never met her husband but will meet him soon and not sure how I will be able to look him in the eyes. The girl is not so nice and is the instigator in telling my girlfriend all the demands she should make to me. Oh, by the way did I tell you my camera was close by...hahaha. My girlfriend said to keep my mouth shut!!! I am finding Thailand more amazing by the day!

Edited by sbk
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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

Weeeell, yes and no, sorry, no and yes, eeeeeer, hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Think l better go watch telly. :)

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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

In spite of what some of the losers on here will have you believe it is most certainly not true.

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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

In spite of what some of the losers on here will have you believe it is most certainly not true.

I guess I will second that, as my wife keeps merolleyes.gif

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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

I will agree with this post completely, if the word 'Thai' is removed.

I am not familiar with the term 'Thai women'. Never believe that Thai women are different from American women, Russian women, or French women. They are all the same.

Biologically they all will try to get impregnated by the best male at hand, then start looking for the best male at hand to build a nest.

Which is the older man, more stable, with a fatter wallet.

The men are biologically different. (Note: not Thai men!). They will try to inseminate as many women in sight as possible.

When you throw into biology many more factors, like laws, religion, socio-economy, etc. you will stop asking naive questions.

This is life... live it...:)

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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

I will agree with this post completely, if the word 'Thai' is removed.

I am not familiar with the term 'Thai women'. Never believe that Thai women are different from American women, Russian women, or French women. They are all the same.

Biologically they all will try to get impregnated by the best male at hand, then start looking for the best male at hand to build a nest.

Which is the older man, more stable, with a fatter wallet.

The men are biologically different. (Note: not Thai men!). They will try to inseminate as many women in sight as possible.

When you throw into biology many more factors, like laws, religion, socio-economy, etc. you will stop asking naive questions.

This is life... live it...:)

I have no problem with women, any nationality looking for a successful rich man. Why not? Do we expect these women to go out looking for losers and low life's In the end though as they say " water will find its own level ".

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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

I will agree with this post completely, if the word 'Thai' is removed.

I am not familiar with the term 'Thai women'. Never believe that Thai women are different from American women, Russian women, or French women. They are all the same.

Biologically they all will try to get impregnated by the best male at hand, then start looking for the best male at hand to build a nest.

Which is the older man, more stable, with a fatter wallet.

The men are biologically different. (Note: not Thai men!). They will try to inseminate as many women in sight as possible.

When you throw into biology many more factors, like laws, religion, socio-economy, etc. you will stop asking naive questions.

This is life... live it...:)

I have no problem with women, any nationality looking for a successful rich man. Why not? Do we expect these women to go out looking for losers and low life's In the end though as they say " water will find its own level ".

Who said it was a problem? Not me.

As to the water level,- true. It always finds the lowest level. (except for the capillary effect):D

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Please correct me if I am wrong, But from what I have read from post on this Forum, It seems that most Thai women Have a very "primative mind set". Swinging from one vine to the next. All ways looking for the higher one(fatter wallet). Is this true?

I will agree with this post completely, if the word 'Thai' is removed.

I am not familiar with the term 'Thai women'. Never believe that Thai women are different from American women, Russian women, or French women. They are all the same.

Biologically they all will try to get impregnated by the best male at hand, then start looking for the best male at hand to build a nest.

Which is the older man, more stable, with a fatter wallet.

The men are biologically different. (Note: not Thai men!). They will try to inseminate as many women in sight as possible.

When you throw into biology many more factors, like laws, religion, socio-economy, etc. you will stop asking naive questions.

This is life... live it...:)

I have no problem with women, any nationality looking for a successful rich man. Why not? Do we expect these women to go out looking for losers and low life's In the end though as they say " water will find its own level ".

Who said it was a problem? Not me.

As to the water level,- true. It always finds the lowest level. (except for the capillary effect):D

sorry..I did not mean to imply you said it was a problem. Just answered on your post. Funny thing since I posted question many people responded and not one person said what they would do..very interesting.

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In my 70 years of watching males and females interact it has ALWAYS been the female of the species that is most predatory. They place the bait and spring the trap. Even with wild lions it is the females that do the hunting. Male just fall for any simple trap that the females lay for them. Which brings us back to the OP's topic...

Keep your yap shut unless you don't care it you look like a jerk. This topic has been posted several times and the wise ones say stay out of it. Even the poor jerk will argue with you because his own pride and manhood is being questioned.

In the case of foreign males falling for Thai women and marrying them, and then expecting the young women to remain celibate while the men are away for months at a time in Europe or North America, then they are just plain foolish. It MIGHT happen, but not likely.

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In my 70 years of watching males and females interact it has ALWAYS been the female of the species that is most predatory. They place the bait and spring the trap. Even with wild lions it is the females that do the hunting. Male just fall for any simple trap that the females lay for them. Which brings us back to the OP's topic...

Keep your yap shut unless you don't care it you look like a jerk. This topic has been posted several times and the wise ones say stay out of it. Even the poor jerk will argue with you because his own pride and manhood is being questioned.

In the case of foreign males falling for Thai women and marrying them, and then expecting the young women to remain celibate while the men are away for months at a time in Europe or North America, then they are just plain foolish. It MIGHT happen, but not likely.

Your last para,

Perhaps you are right, so does that mean all the guys serving away from home in the armed forces around the world should worry cos love means nothing. :huh:

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The question was asked why no one has said what he would do.

That is why I suggested it would be interesting to have women respond to the OP.

What a man would do may be different than what a woman would do and done for different reasons. So ladies, what would you do and why?

What would I do? I know a Thai lady who has never been a bar girl. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met of any nationality. Light skinned, tall, in fact if you saw her at an airport in NYC you would have difficulty placing her nationality. She has three Falang husbands. They all think they are the only husband. Would I tell the guys? No, I am doing her too. Not often maybe a couple of times a year. She is pretty busy. I am frankly in awe of her scheduling ability. The CIA should offer her a job she really has talent.

I know another lady who has been in the bar business since she was 14. She is now 22 and got married this year. She still returns to the bar when hubby is out of the country. She misses the fun and extra money. Would I tell the guy? No, the lady has had a rough life. Let her do her thing.

I know another lady who runs a bar that hubby bought. She makes a bundle. Hubby thinks it is a break even place. She has 5 Thai boyfriends. They are all well dressed and decked out with gold and new cell phones and ride choppers. Would I tell the guy? No, he'd kill me. I know he would.

I could go on with another 20 stories. I live in Thailand full time.

To the poster who asked what would I do, I hope this answers the question. I would do nothing. You pay your money you takes your chances. Thai women are not the same as other women. When they are good they are very very good and when they are bad they are horrid.

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The question was asked why no one has said what he would do.

That is why I suggested it would be interesting to have women respond to the OP.

What a man would do may be different than what a woman would do and done for different reasons. So ladies, what would you do and why?

What would I do? I know a Thai lady who has never been a bar girl. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met of any nationality. Light skinned, tall, in fact if you saw her at an airport in NYC you would have difficulty placing her nationality. She has three Falang husbands. They all think they are the only husband. Would I tell the guys? No, I am doing her too. Not often maybe a couple of times a year. She is pretty busy. I am frankly in awe of her scheduling ability. The CIA should offer her a job she really has talent.

I know another lady who has been in the bar business since she was 14. She is now 22 and got married this year. She still returns to the bar when hubby is out of the country. She misses the fun and extra money. Would I tell the guy? No, the lady has had a rough life. Let her do her thing.

I know another lady who runs a bar that hubby bought. She makes a bundle. Hubby thinks it is a break even place. She has 5 Thai boyfriends. They are all well dressed and decked out with gold and new cell phones and ride choppers. Would I tell the guy? No, he'd kill me. I know he would.

I could go on with another 20 stories. I live in Thailand full time.

To the poster who asked what would I do, I hope this answers the question. I would do nothing. You pay your money you takes your chances. Thai women are not the same as other women. When they are good they are very very good and when they are bad they are horrid.


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In my 70 years of watching males and females interact it has ALWAYS been the female of the species that is most predatory. They place the bait and spring the trap. Even with wild lions it is the females that do the hunting. Male just fall for any simple trap that the females lay for them. Which brings us back to the OP's topic...

Keep your yap shut unless you don't care it you look like a jerk. This topic has been posted several times and the wise ones say stay out of it. Even the poor jerk will argue with you because his own pride and manhood is being questioned.

In the case of foreign males falling for Thai women and marrying them, and then expecting the young women to remain celibate while the men are away for months at a time in Europe or North America, then they are just plain foolish. It MIGHT happen, but not likely.

Your last para,

Perhaps you are right, so does that mean all the guys serving away from home in the armed forces around the world should worry cos love means nothing. :huh:

That has been my experience and it sure hurts. Do you have any idea how many dear John letters men in the military have received?

I was a sergeant. I called cadence as we marched.

You had a good home but you left / You're right

You had a good home but you left / You're right

Jody was there when you left / You're right

Your baby was there when you left / You're right

Sound off! / 1,2

Sound off! / 3,4

Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!

You ain't got nothin' to worry about /

He'll keep her happy until I get out

An' you won't get home til the end of the war /

In nineteen hundred and seventy four

Sound off! / 1,2

Sound off! / 3,4

Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!

But that was a long time ago. Women have probably gotten a lot more faithful in recent years.

You are in the Army, toughen up. Ain't nothing gonna happen to you that hasn't happened to a million guys before. When you get old you can retire to Thailand and laugh at all the new guys.

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whatever happened to " bro's before hoe's" ?

I certainly can't speak for everyone but for me when a "bro" comes to Thailand he assumes a certain responsibility to act rationally and intelligently.

In keeping with the military reference above, never volunteer for anything.

When I was in the Army I saw people volunteer for things. I only stood silently by and shook my head.

A good friend of mine in Thailand is doing something incredibly stupid right now. If I told him he would only get angry with me. So I'll just be around to support him emotionally when the sh** hits the fan.

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whatever happened to " bro's before hoe's" ?

I certainly can't speak for everyone but for me when a "bro" comes to Thailand he assumes a certain responsibility to act rationally and intelligently.

In keeping with the military reference above, never volunteer for anything.

When I was in the Army I saw people volunteer for things. I only stood silently by and shook my head.

A good friend of mine in Thailand is doing something incredibly stupid right now. If I told him he would only get angry with me. So I'll just be around to support him emotionally when the sh** hits the fan.

thank you as always for sound advice.

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