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Poor Public Response In Bangkok On First Day Of 'Eggs By Kilo' Scheme

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Poor public response on first day of 'eggs by kilo' scheme

By Tossaporn Wongwaikolayoot

The Nation


It seems the government may have to rethink its policy of having eggs sold by the kilogram after buyers and sellers responded poorly to the idea yesterday, the first day of its implementation.

Introduced as part of the government's measures to lower the cost of living, the scheme kicked off in Bangkok at Saphan Mai's Ying Charoen Market, the only market in the capital to cooperate with the new policy so far.

The fresh market was crowded as usual, but few customers wanted to buy eggs by the kilo.

"I don't think this idea will work. It's only causing more problems and wasting more time," said Somjai Mahachon, a Ying Charoen egg vendor.

She said most of her buyers did not want to buy eggs of different sizes. Another problem is that all sellers are concerned about how to calculate the prices.

Even though the Commerce Ministry gave them digital scales to show the weight and price, there were issues over whether anything greater than 50 satang should be rounded up to one baht, for example.

"The reason behind the higher price of eggs does not stem from retail vendors, as it is down to the high price of chicken feed meal. The government should focus on the real reason and solve it right away. But this way [selling by the kilo] won't help," Somjai said.

Buyers, meanwhile, wonder whether the policy is really friendly to their pockets. One kilo contains about 15 eggs of mixed sizes and costs Bt52, whereas the current selling price is Bt28Bt35 per 10 eggs when sorted by size.

When a comparison is made between purchases by size and by weight, it turns out that the two methods are barely different.

However, the most important question from consumers concerns the quality of the produce.

"Old eggs are mostly light, but we cannot weigh them by hand. Even if we select by size, we never know whether it's going to be a good one," said Bangon Sombun, a buyer at the fresh market.

Commerce Ministry permanent secretary Yanyong Puangrach said the ministry would try out the scheme for three months and, if the feedback was not positive, officials would have to reconsider. "We'll let the people choose, but we hope that this measure will help people to get eggs of a good quality at a justifiable price," he said.

The opposition Pheu Thai Party conducted an opinion poll over the new policy, which it said was widely criticised by consumers who cited its inconvenience, as well as the impracticality of the measure aimed at lowering prices.

Deputy party spokesman Wim Rungwatthajinda said "Number 0" eggs were priced at Bt3.50 apiece under the previous system, cheaper than the perunit price of Bt3.75 to Bt3.80 when sold by the kilo, which consists of 13 to 14 eggs for Bt53 to Bt54.

In Khon Kaen, a few markets under government supervision yesterday took part in the new policy, said Prasert Faichaona, head of the provincial internal trade office.

He said it was good that the policy was being tested during Chinese New Year, as it was the peak period for purchases of foods and other goods.

Somphorn Jampanui, a Khon Kaen egg vendor, priced a kilo of eggs of various sizes at Bt50 for an average of 16 hen eggs or 15 duck eggs.

She sold 250kg yesterday and 200kg on Monday, less than when she sold eggs by size.

The vendor said she preferred to sell eggs by size rather than by weight, but added that she was willing to follow the government's policy.

"Both methods of sale are barely different to me in terms of profit, but it is the buyers who in the end will make the choice and make themselves heard," said Somphorn.


-- The Nation 2011-02-02


I often wonder at these quasi-socialist dabblings by the Thai government in the private market. Next cars will be sold by weight rather than brand or model "to account for differences in total value of the material used to make them." ;)

Perhaps it reflects on the boredom of vast functionless bureaucracy and the need to involve the government enough in the private sector to take credit inevitable economic growth. Never mind that growth occurs in spite of such meddling rather than because of it. Just as it occurs despite police corruption, widespread ineptitude of University graduates, the patronage system, environmental damage, and the vast array of other imperfections Thais fail to remedy.

There must be a giant computer (with hundreds of operators) dedicated to non-problem fixing in that enormous new complex on Chaeng Wattana road. It's adjacent to the earthquake predictor, and just as heavily guarded.


That's it wont work

information from one day at one store. Can't beat that.

Reminds me of another thread where the poster claimed knowledge of all Thai's based on his study of a 7/11 in Pattaya on the walking street.

Sounds like it will not be accepted. But that can be a matter of resistance to change rather than a bad plan.

Ask your self if they were always sold by the Kilo and they were to change it to sell by the size would I jump at the change or say it was no good.:whistling:


I often wonder at these quasi-socialist dabblings by the Thai government in the private market. Next cars will be sold by weight rather than brand or model "to account for differences in total value of the material used to make them." ;)

Perhaps it reflects on the boredom of vast functionless bureaucracy and the need to involve the government enough in the private sector to take credit inevitable economic growth. Never mind that growth occurs in spite of such meddling rather than because of it. Just as it occurs despite police corruption, widespread ineptitude of University graduates, the patronage system, environmental damage, and the vast array of other imperfections Thais fail to remedy.

There must be a giant computer (with hundreds of operators) dedicated to non-problem fixing in that enormous new complex on Chaeng Wattana road. It's adjacent to the earthquake predictor, and just as heavily guarded.

The real reason is that some Govt person organised a cut on digital scales... and wondered how to make a killing. What better way than a plan to sell eggs by the kilo with scales donated by the Govt......then selling them (scales) to said Govt body in bulk!! Great way to use up this years budget and set the scene for next years scam.


This small thing shows us that #Thailand is close to be a failed state. The Prime Minister himself is spending hours on a non issue of buying eggs by the kilo, that no one wants except his sponsors #CP and #Saha. If the loser had only spend a little bit more time bringing people together, we would not not be bother this Songkran with another Egyptian style army crack down on the people again for the third straight year. If he had really a vision and if he really did not cheated in University he would not have spend his time pleasing yellow-shirt sponsors who are in the egg business but he would have pushed through 3G just now the Cambodian government is about to promote 4G.


PM: Eggs by kilo can be scrapped

The sale of eggs by weight, introduced as a pilot project, can be scrapped if it fails to win acceptance from consumers, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday. He said it was a trial scheme only, with the aim of bringing down the cost of living.

In the end, it was the buyers and sellers who would decide which is the better of selling eggs - by weight or by piece, he said.

If the new pricing system proves unacceptable, it could be dropped.

The prime minister said he would ask the... read more


-- ethailand.com 2011-02-02

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



PM: Eggs by kilo can be scrapped

The sale of eggs by weight, introduced as a pilot project, can be scrapped if it fails to win acceptance from consumers, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday. He said it was a trial scheme only, with the aim of bringing down the cost of living.

In the end, it was the buyers and sellers who would decide which is the better of selling eggs - by weight or by piece, he said.

If the new pricing system proves unacceptable, it could be dropped.

The prime minister said he would ask the... read more


-- ethailand.com 2011-02-02

I note that the government is now scrambling to distance itself from this addled concept, which has been a regular April Fools Day joke in many countries. It just shows that the current regime of coddled politicians has little grasp on the needs of ordinary people. Maybe after they have unscrambled this mess they will take time to think before poaching the shells of ideas from newspaper clippings and commence hatching some truly sensible schemes that do not make this country look like a yolk.


This small thing shows us that #Thailand is close to be a failed state. The Prime Minister himself is spending hours on a non issue of buying eggs by the kilo, that no one wants except his sponsors #CP and #Saha.

Of course, this would have nothing to do with the fact that his father just happens to be a Director of the said CP.

Now wasn't that one of the things that Thaksin was lambasted for....making rules and regulations that benefited the family business? :whistling:


PM: Eggs by kilo can be scrapped

The sale of eggs by weight, introduced as a pilot project, can be scrapped if it fails to win acceptance from consumers, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday. He said it was a trial scheme only, with the aim of bringing down the cost of living.

In the end, it was the buyers and sellers who would decide which is the better of selling eggs - by weight or by piece, he said.

If the new pricing system proves unacceptable, it could be dropped.

The prime minister said he would ask the... read more


-- ethailand.com 2011-02-02

Only to be reintroduced same time next year same as all the other hubs and crackdowns this country is so rich of.


PM: Eggs by kilo can be scrapped

The sale of eggs by weight, introduced as a pilot project, can be scrapped if it fails to win acceptance from consumers, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday. He said it was a trial scheme only, with the aim of bringing down the cost of living.

In the end, it was the buyers and sellers who would decide which is the better of selling eggs - by weight or by piece, he said.

If the new pricing system proves unacceptable, it could be dropped.

The prime minister said he would ask the... read more


-- ethailand.com 2011-02-02

Only to be reintroduced same time next year same as all the other hubs and crackdowns this country is so rich of.

I trust the pun was not intended :-)


As somewhat an eggspert - without any eggageration wise cracks or bad yolks as a former international egg man I can shed a little light on the subject with maybe a little overkill.

Credentials - Having sold them in the shell , out of the shell in liquid form , frozen and chilled mixed with other ingredienst , sold in juice type cartons as well as helping to sell the frozen omelettes used in breakfasts in many airlines around the world.. as well as frozen fried egg ,hard cooked, diced etc . and pasteurized in the shell without cooking them!

Eggs around the world are traded and sold traditionally either by the dozen in size weight by the pack or tray or case or the kilo ungraded or graded for quality and weight - the trays used to carry them are known as Keyes Trays after the packaging compnay that invented them . If they are ungraded for size they are sold by the weight bulk for breaking and in some countries noatbly EU they are sold by weight per pack . This means eggs of variable sizes can be sold in the same pack and give a truer price in theory.

Traders in Europe also bought eggs originally by the Long Hundred which was 120 eggs or 10 dozen . The long hundred extra 20 was to allow for breakages and rotten eggs.

Eggs were also shipped from China to Europe in Long Thousands in boxes also known as coffins due to the shape of the cases ( not the eggs!).

In theory the Government of Thialand should be eggsonerated on this occsision as they are trying to be fair to the consumer and getting a true price against the actual egg mass being sold based against cost of feed. ..

Breaking with tradition is difficult for the consumer who may only want to buy one egg at a time for a few Baht.. they will become eggsasperated!

Getting things eggsactly right is difficult but I am sure the industry will make it all white or we will be browned off !


I thought it was bad enough wanting to buy a length of chain to confine the dog, only to find that my 6 foot or 2 metres [another problem] had to be transfered into weight.

Do any of you know how long a kilo of chain is? Thank god it's not string or I'd be there forever. How long is forever other than at least 4 billion kilos of light days measured in 365 twenty four hour segments.

Chain then. How many grams to a link? When buying cheese, which sounds like chain, you start off by conceding it's got to be 300 grams. Then, wanting a bit more do you stand there moving your prayer like hand in spasmodic and repetitive jerks to the right or do you decide on a further 32 grams, say, at a time?

So chain then. Piled up on the scales and it weighs 985 grams. You need 6 foot. have you got too much or too little? You could always measure it by volume density.

Now if it had been a pint of chain, or maybe just the 12 fluid ounces, or if I wanted to lock all 4 dogs, then a gallon of chain, that I could have understood. I want a gallon of chain cut in to 4 two pint lengths please.

It would have been welcomed by her indoors too; 'Darling, I'm just nipping out for a pint of medium strength chain with the lads. I'll bring you back a quart of curtain material while I'm at it.'

She could have replied that a quart was more than she needed and just to bring a punnett. A punnett of curtain material along with my bottle of cheese and tin of chain. And why a carton of eggs? Let's have a loaf of eggs and a carton of bread, a tub of sausages and a dozen milk. And cigarettes. I'll have two tubes of Marlboro and a flat pack of matches. A packet of toothpaste and a bag of soup. Make that a string bag. After all those plastic ones are bad for the encouragement.

And of course returning home in time for my 3.7 metres of noodles with 14.7 square centimetres of chicken all washed down with 52 cubic centimetres of red wine. After all who doesn't like a quiet 52 cubic centimetres of red wine at the end of a 24 hour period of time spent in the employ of others for monetary finacial gain?

And we leave shopping to women.

Not anymore.


This small thing shows us that #Thailand is close to be a failed state. The Prime Minister himself is spending hours on a non issue of buying eggs by the kilo, that no one wants except his sponsors #CP and #Saha. If the loser had only spend a little bit more time bringing people together, we would not not be bother this Songkran with another Egyptian style army crack down on the people again for the third straight year. If he had really a vision and if he really did not cheated in University he would not have spend his time pleasing yellow-shirt sponsors who are in the egg business but he would have pushed through 3G just now the Cambodian government is about to promote 4G.

Let me know when we reach "Failed state" status - by your estimation....:rolleyes:

This is me, holding my breath. :sick:


Isn't it extra and unnecessary inconvenience to the consumer? I have to wait for quite a while sometimes to get my fruit and veggies weighed before going to the cashier at Tesco and other main retailers. I really don't want to wait in longer lines while all the people buying eggs queue up as well.

Also, doesn't this seem a little impractical? Wouldn't it mean that each place selling eggs would have to have a scale, whereas selling by the number of eggs would allow more flexibility to retailers by not having to have a scale. Can you buy eggs in 7-11 now? Do they have scales? Will they have to buy scales? Will places that sell eggs now stop selling them because they don't want the extra cost and hassle of weighing and possibly losing profit through accidental breakage?

I've got to wonder if Mr. Abhisit has just purchased, started, or invested heavily into a company that makes weigh scales appropriate to the new egg policy, or perhaps he is desperately looking for his legacy before leaving office. He could go down in history as the Khai Gai PM.


As somewhat an eggspert - without any eggageration wise cracks or bad yolks as a former international egg man I can shed a little light on the subject with maybe a little overkill.

Credentials - Having sold them in the shell , out of the shell in liquid form , frozen and chilled mixed with other ingredienst , sold in juice type cartons as well as helping to sell the frozen omelettes used in breakfasts in many airlines around the world.. as well as frozen fried egg ,hard cooked, diced etc . and pasteurized in the shell without cooking them!

Eggs around the world are traded and sold traditionally either by the dozen in size weight by the pack or tray or case or the kilo ungraded or graded for quality and weight - the trays used to carry them are known as Keyes Trays after the packaging compnay that invented them . If they are ungraded for size they are sold by the weight bulk for breaking and in some countries noatbly EU they are sold by weight per pack . This means eggs of variable sizes can be sold in the same pack and give a truer price in theory.

Traders in Europe also bought eggs originally by the Long Hundred which was 120 eggs or 10 dozen . The long hundred extra 20 was to allow for breakages and rotten eggs.

Eggs were also shipped from China to Europe in Long Thousands in boxes also known as coffins due to the shape of the cases ( not the eggs!).

In theory the Government of Thialand should be eggsonerated on this occsision as they are trying to be fair to the consumer and getting a true price against the actual egg mass being sold based against cost of feed. ..

Breaking with tradition is difficult for the consumer who may only want to buy one egg at a time for a few Baht.. they will become eggsasperated!

Getting things eggsactly right is difficult but I am sure the industry will make it all white or we will be browned off !

Great knowledgeable reply with even some humor, as low brow as it is, thrown in. ;)

But, it is wasted here as most posters here would rather slag off Thais then actually know or even try to understand anything that involves actual facts.


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