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Thailand Invites Obama To Patch Up


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it's an invitation for the US investments.

obama might know where thailand is (unlike bush), but doesn't know and care more about it

Bush was here in 2003 for APEC but being the scholar you appear to be you wouldn't know that.

Well at least 2 of us remember that. It was negatively noted by the media at that time, that even Bush gave a Thai greeting and a few words, and mispronounced a lot. They had to belittle him over that.

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"The Red Shirts, who mostly come from the countryside and idolize deposed former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, have asked the International Criminal Court to investigate possible crimes against humanity in the crackdown."

Let's be specific here please.

"who mostly come from the" NORTHERN "countryside".

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Don't even equate the Thai/US Amnity Treaty with Obama. That treaty was established five years after he was born so connecting him with it is bull. If the Thais was oratory, yes, let him come. Substance, forget it.

Yes, I am an American who is watching my country go to hell in a hand basket due to him and his Chicago type politics. The only thing he will bring is a bunch of planes and synchophants costing millions for the US taxpayer. He could care less for this part of the world other than maybe China. Possibly Indonesia due to his childhood.

By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

:clap2: Amen Brother!!!!

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By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Not really sure what you're trying to say here so maybe english isn't your first language. The word "invest" normally means you spend money to get money, typically more money then you put in.

I hope by now you realise how silly your post is.

Silly hippo. The paranthesis around "invest" should be a clue. The point being made is Obama changed the definition of invest to; Spend, spend, and more spending of US tax dollars.

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it's an invitation for the US investments.

obama might know where thailand is (unlike bush), but doesn't know and care more about it

Bush was here in 2003 for APEC but being the scholar you appear to be you wouldn't know that.

It does not mean he knew where he was.

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By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Not really sure what you're trying to say here so maybe english isn't your first language. The word "invest" normally means you spend money to get money, typically more money then you put in.

I hope by now you realise how silly your post is.

I believe the original post was meant to tell you what "Obama's definition" of investment is. I agree 100% with it. Obama will spend, spend , spend and THAT is why Thailand wants him in closer alliance. Pesonally I hope he stays home as he has embarrassed his country enough and Thailand doesn't need him. Let the Baht float and then perhaps you can have Obama here. If he does come then please find a way to make him stay as we don't want the Socialist back anyway.

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By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Not really sure what you're trying to say here so maybe english isn't your first language. The word "invest" normally means you spend money to get money, typically more money then you put in.

I hope by now you realise how silly your post is.

I believe the original post was meant to tell you what "Obama's definition" of investment is. I agree 100% with it. Obama will spend, spend , spend and THAT is why Thailand wants him in closer alliance. Pesonally I hope he stays home as he has embarrassed his country enough and Thailand doesn't need him. Let the Baht float and then perhaps you can have Obama here. If he does come then please find a way to make him stay as we don't want the Socialist back anyway.

How has he embarrassed his country? he took over country in ruins and is trying to build it back up.

I mean common people, with previous president you were not happy that he was starting wars and sticking his nose everywhere, with this president you not happy that he is keeping out of many affairs and spending money on America.

What and Who would make you happy? i doubt anyone or anything. Do you expect by some miracle that some president will come to power and money will start to fall from the sky?

Many love big pick ups, but not happy about oil prices, well oil will not be given to USA for its pretty eyes-its call politics, scratching backsides of each other and doing the best one can.

If so many are not happy, why do not you move back to USA, put your name forward, run for senate and presidency and then you can make all the changes you wish.

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"The Red Shirts, who mostly come from the countryside and idolize deposed former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, have asked the International Criminal Court to investigate possible crimes against humanity in the crackdown"

I just read te article and haven't read any posts yet but I want to say:

Let's be specific here please.

North Thailand "countryside"

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The only reason Obama is giving SE Asia the time of day is that he lived in Indonesia for a while and feels some connection to that area. The same is not true with respect to Thailand. He is notorious at cancelling these so called visits so I wouldn't get my hopes up. If he has a golf game or a basketball game come up Thailand will be off the itinerary. The bottom line is that Thailand does not have much to offer the US. We don't eat much rice and he has no affinity for the region here. The US has nothing against Thailand and sees it as a friend but only in the platonic sense. We learned our lesson from Vietnam so don't look for us to get involved in influencing any little pissing matches between Thailand and its neighbors or make any sort ofn major investment in Thailand's future unless the LOS can come up with some pretty big tea for the US to drink!. Farang not ting tong!

Post such as this crack me up. Why do you people even bother posting shit you know nothing about that only shows how little you know about Thailand.


Office of the US Trade Representative



Thailand was the United States' 29th largest goods export market in 2009. U.S. goods exports to Thailand in 2009 were $6.9 billion, with top U.S. export categories including electrical machinery ($1.6 billion), Machinery ($1.2 billion), optical and medical ($436 million), plastic ($290 million), and grains ($240 million).

U.S. exports of agricultural products to Thailand totaled $1.0 billion in 2009, making Thailand the 16th largest U.S. export market for agricultural products. Leading U.S. exports included rice, soybeans, wheat, wheat flour, and vegetable oil.

U.S. exports of private commercial services (i.e., excluding military and government) to Thailand were $1.6 billion in 2009.


Thailand was the United States' 18th largest supplier of goods imports in 2009, with U.S. imports from Thailand of $19 billion. The five largest U.S. import categories included electrical machinery ($4.4 billion), machinery ($4.0 billion), rubber ($1.2 billion), prepared meat and fish ($1.1 billion), and fish and seafood (shrimp and prawns) ($889 million).

U.S. imports of agricultural products from Thailand totaled $1.6 billion in 2009, making Thailand the 14th largest supplier of U.S. agricultural imports. Key imports include processed fruit and vegetables ($379 million), rice ($371 million), and rubber and allied products ($294 million).

U.S. imports of private commercial services (i.e., excluding military and government) from Thailand were $1.5 billion in 2009.


U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Thailand totaled $10.2 billion in 2009, up from $7.6 billion in 2004. U.S. FDI in Thailand is concentrated in manufacturing, finance, and insurance. Thailand's stock of FDI in the United States was $220 million in 2009, up from $153 million in 2004.

Very very good post !

Thank you very much !!!

This quote of yours expresses exactly how I feel " Post such as this crack me up. Why do you people even bother posting shit you know nothing about that only shows how little you know about Thailand."

Very well put my friend !

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Doesn't Abhisit or anyone in his government realize that Obama believes in everything that the Red Shirts stand for?

I'm stymied. Exactly what is everything that Obama and Red shirts have in common? I'm not being a Smart#$$. Enlighten me.

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By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Not really sure what you're trying to say here so maybe english isn't your first language. The word "invest" normally means you spend money to get money, typically more money then you put in.

I hope by now you realise how silly your post is.

I believe the original post was meant to tell you what "Obama's definition" of investment is. I agree 100% with it. Obama will spend, spend , spend and THAT is why Thailand wants him in closer alliance. Pesonally I hope he stays home as he has embarrassed his country enough and Thailand doesn't need him. Let the Baht float and then perhaps you can have Obama here. If he does come then please find a way to make him stay as we don't want the Socialist back anyway.

How has he embarrassed his country? he took over country in ruins and is trying to build it back up.

I mean common people, with previous president you were not happy that he was starting wars and sticking his nose everywhere, with this president you not happy that he is keeping out of many affairs and spending money on America.

What and Who would make you happy? i doubt anyone or anything. Do you expect by some miracle that some president will come to power and money will start to fall from the sky?

Many love big pick ups, but not happy about oil prices, well oil will not be given to USA for its pretty eyes-its call politics, scratching backsides of each other and doing the best one can.

If so many are not happy, why do not you move back to USA, put your name forward, run for senate and presidency and then you can make all the changes you wish.

Right on.

People who call Obama a socialist have not got a clue what that entails.

Come to Europe, red-neck, and you will see socialism.

Just like Thailand, the US is full of ignorant people. They confuse opinion with fact.

Obama: spend, spend, spend? Yeah, 'cause GW Bush was sitting on the money. Uh huh :annoyed:

See, this is the problem with US politics nowadays. People want blood.

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I have to say, that's pretty amazing news about the elephants and the civil war!!!! I hope Obama does come here, it would be awesome for Thai's to know that Americans care. Even if it is an invitation for investment or stronger political ties, but any government relationship is for profit of some kind or another, so even if Thailand wants something, the US will get something out of it. I'm already pleased about the Thai/American Amnity Treaty, who knows what other benefits we could get. I'm trying to say the glass is half full, not taking a cynical approach to the whole thing.

I'm cynical as well, but I'm afraid most of the US aid will be in the form of security apparatus, like the famous tear gas cannisters in Cairo with the embarrassing "Made in the USA". That's our foreign aid.

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Right on.

People who call Obama a socialist have not got a clue what that entails.

Come to Europe, red-neck, and you will see socialism.

Just like Thailand, the US is full of ignorant people. They confuse opinion with fact.

Obama: spend, spend, spend? Yeah, 'cause GW Bush was sitting on the money. Uh huh :annoyed:

See, this is the problem with US politics nowadays. People want blood.

Yeah, as an American, I couldn't agree more. Americans should go to school instead of watching Fox News, research the facts instead of spreading misinformation, and stop hating on our president for trying to fix the country.

Although I'm against deficits and unsustainable debt, I'd rather have my president spend on domestic programs that help its citizens than on bullets and tanks that kill another country's citizens.

I love my country, but I wish we were smarter. Education is the key. I believe spending/investing money in education is a good investment. Tax cuts for the rich or spend on education? I choose the latter.

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Thailand needs to clean its own house before going out and trying to show foreign governments "ITS IMPROVED." I hope they brought a few girls from Nana Plaza as peace offerings to President Barack Obama.

Edited by elshaheen
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Thailand is the oldest US ally in Asia. The kingdom then known as Siam famously offered elephants to President Abraham Lincoln to fight in the US Civil War.

Then it went to bed with the Japanese during World War II.


but I also had a second wife (USA) just in case

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By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Not really sure what you're trying to say here so maybe english isn't your first language. The word "invest" normally means you spend money to get money, typically more money then you put in.

I hope by now you realise how silly your post is.

I believe the original post was meant to tell you what "Obama's definition" of investment is. I agree 100% with it. Obama will spend, spend , spend and THAT is why Thailand wants him in closer alliance. Pesonally I hope he stays home as he has embarrassed his country enough and Thailand doesn't need him. Let the Baht float and then perhaps you can have Obama here. If he does come then please find a way to make him stay as we don't want the Socialist back anyway.

What is embarrassing to the country is people who spill out unqualified rhetoric that is full of pretentiousness. You can agree all you want and multiply the word "spend" until it is spent to the point of becoming nauseous, and it has. You've stated what you see as a problem, so what's your solution? How exactly is it that you have the presence of mind to know exactly what it is Thailand wants from the President of the United States? And why exactly do you think Thailand, "doesn't need him?" The baht does not seem to be the only thing floating here with these constant unqualifed inneundos and theories about a man who actually conducts himself as a president. The actual facts about the progress Obama has made with leaders, not just in the ASEAN, but in Russia and in Europe speak volumes about his ability to bridge the gaps of our former president. The fact that the economy is slowly starting to gain steam speaks volumes about how TARP saved the country on the brink of financial collapse, and even though it is still in a fragile state, it is at least moving (currently) in the right direction. However, there are a good many economist out there, not including yourself that have validated the path the president took to get the economy back on course. We don't live in a perfect world, and we don't have a perfect president, and I do not always agree with the path he takes, but I always have the option, just as you do, to run for his job. Your insinuation that the president is a socialist is reprehensible and I won't sit back and listen to the fans of division insult this president without rebuffing what I know is not true. Again, where is your proof? You have none. The Talking Points from FOX and those who broadcast shameless hate will not help you, because their facts lack; well, facts. It never ceases to amaze me to see these kind of post that have an endless affinity for nonessential information that only promote hatred. However, I don't hate you, I just feel sorry for you!

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The only reason Obama is giving SE Asia the time of day is that he lived in Indonesia for a while and feels some connection to that area. The same is not true with respect to Thailand. He is notorious at cancelling these so called visits so I wouldn't get my hopes up. If he has a golf game or a basketball game come up Thailand will be off the itinerary. The bottom line is that Thailand does not have much to offer the US. We don't eat much rice and he has no affinity for the region here. The US has nothing against Thailand and sees it as a friend but only in the platonic sense. We learned our lesson from Vietnam so don't look for us to get involved in influencing any little pissing matches between Thailand and its neighbors or make any sort ofn major investment in Thailand's future unless the LOS can come up with some pretty big tea for the US to drink!. Farang not ting tong!

Post such as this crack me up. Why do you people even bother posting shit you know nothing about that only shows how little you know about Thailand.


Office of the US Trade Representative



Thailand was the United States' 29th largest goods export market in 2009. U.S. goods exports to Thailand in 2009 were $6.9 billion, with top U.S. export categories including electrical machinery ($1.6 billion), Machinery ($1.2 billion), optical and medical ($436 million), plastic ($290 million), and grains ($240 million).

U.S. exports of agricultural products to Thailand totaled $1.0 billion in 2009, making Thailand the 16th largest U.S. export market for agricultural products. Leading U.S. exports included rice, soybeans, wheat, wheat flour, and vegetable oil.

U.S. exports of private commercial services (i.e., excluding military and government) to Thailand were $1.6 billion in 2009.


Thailand was the United States' 18th largest supplier of goods imports in 2009, with U.S. imports from Thailand of $19 billion. The five largest U.S. import categories included electrical machinery ($4.4 billion), machinery ($4.0 billion), rubber ($1.2 billion), prepared meat and fish ($1.1 billion), and fish and seafood (shrimp and prawns) ($889 million).

U.S. imports of agricultural products from Thailand totaled $1.6 billion in 2009, making Thailand the 14th largest supplier of U.S. agricultural imports. Key imports include processed fruit and vegetables ($379 million), rice ($371 million), and rubber and allied products ($294 million).

U.S. imports of private commercial services (i.e., excluding military and government) from Thailand were $1.5 billion in 2009.


U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Thailand totaled $10.2 billion in 2009, up from $7.6 billion in 2004. U.S. FDI in Thailand is concentrated in manufacturing, finance, and insurance. Thailand's stock of FDI in the United States was $220 million in 2009, up from $153 million in 2004.

So if Thailand buys $6.9 billion of US products made by American workers and sells $19 billion of Thai produced goods to America, how is that 2.5/1 trade imbalance good for America?

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I fly 10,000 miles to get away and he follows me....is there no place safe?

You flew 10,000 miles to get away from the president of the USA because you feared for your safety? Really? I guess you could hide out in the USA until the coast is clear if he decides to come here and visit; he wouldn't think to look for you there. It's too obvious!

irony, someone?

Guess only you and me...everyones's so intense!

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Don't even equate the Thai/US Amnity Treaty with Obama. That treaty was established five years after he was born so connecting him with it is bull. If the Thais was oratory, yes, let him come. Substance, forget it.

Yes, I am an American who is watching my country go to hell in a hand basket due to him and his Chicago type politics. The only thing he will bring is a bunch of planes and synchophants costing millions for the US taxpayer. He could care less for this part of the world other than maybe China. Possibly Indonesia due to his childhood.

By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Yes and good for Barrack, a great president IMHO. Spend, spend, spend on what you tell me? Yes you probably got it right, spend on the US people's well being, like the good caring pro people non selfish president he is. Best president since Bill Clinton who also cared the same way. What a refreshing change in the US since they got rid of that cretin Bush (and his father wasn't much better either!) I hate this right wing selfish claptrap from folk who have made a load of money and wealth, and mainly on the backs of the poor or poorer working people who make lets be honest up 90% of the US population. At last a US health bill that sees to it that ordinary poor working people do not die due to the inability to afford the expensive health care provided by US companies making an immoral fortune out of peoples' ill health. What do the right wing propose as an alternative to see that ALL folk get equal access to needed healthcare, or do they not care as long as they are all right hmm? Long live Obama, he cares and he is a bloody good human being IMHO.

Oh and by the way, carefully planned and needed Government spending in a time of recession, as any good apolitical economist will tell you, actually helps pull a country out of recession by creating growth. It just costs the wealthy (of whom their kind caused this world recession) a bit more tax which they can afford to and should pay anyway, so they scream like the spoiled brats they generally are not giving a toss about the ordinary folk trying to keep warm and put food on their family tables. Yes I am proud to be a moderate socialist/liberal ("third way" positive centre path believer) and would be ashamed at being a selfish and greedy right wing extreme capitalist, as yes I personally DO care about people's well being and couldn't give a toss for having more money than I need to live reasonably on. What a better caring, happier and more loving world it would be if we all strived for those aims, yet unlike the other equally unworkable extreme of communism still gave good fair and morally sound levels of incentives for those who make the extra effort.

Anyway back fully on topic, it will be good to see Thailand's relations with the USA get even better and Thailand should work more closely with Europe (including the UK) too who have also been big investors and friends of SE Asia for a long long time, and even before the USA even got out of its nappies.

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  • 2 months later...

Don't even equate the Thai/US Amnity Treaty with Obama. That treaty was established five years after he was born so connecting him with it is bull. If the Thais was oratory, yes, let him come. Substance, forget it.

Yes, I am an American who is watching my country go to hell in a hand basket due to him and his Chicago type politics. The only thing he will bring is a bunch of planes and synchophants costing millions for the US taxpayer. He could care less for this part of the world other than maybe China. Possibly Indonesia due to his childhood.

By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

Yes and good for Barrack, a great president IMHO. Spend, spend, spend on what you tell me? Yes you probably got it right, spend on the US people's well being, like the good caring pro people non selfish president he is. Best president since Bill Clinton who also cared the same way. What a refreshing change in the US since they got rid of that cretin Bush (and his father wasn't much better either!) I hate this right wing selfish claptrap from folk who have made a load of money and wealth, and mainly on the backs of the poor or poorer working people who make lets be honest up 90% of the US population. At last a US health bill that sees to it that ordinary poor working people do not die due to the inability to afford the expensive health care provided by US companies making an immoral fortune out of peoples' ill health. What do the right wing propose as an alternative to see that ALL folk get equal access to needed healthcare, or do they not care as long as they are all right hmm? Long live Obama, he cares and he is a bloody good human being IMHO.

Oh and by the way, carefully planned and needed Government spending in a time of recession, as any good apolitical economist will tell you, actually helps pull a country out of recession by creating growth. It just costs the wealthy (of whom their kind caused this world recession) a bit more tax which they can afford to and should pay anyway, so they scream like the spoiled brats they generally are not giving a toss about the ordinary folk trying to keep warm and put food on their family tables. Yes I am proud to be a moderate socialist/liberal ("third way" positive centre path believer) and would be ashamed at being a selfish and greedy right wing extreme capitalist, as yes I personally DO care about people's well being and couldn't give a toss for having more money than I need to live reasonably on. What a better caring, happier and more loving world it would be if we all strived for those aims, yet unlike the other equally unworkable extreme of communism still gave good fair and morally sound levels of incentives for those who make the extra effort.

Anyway back fully on topic, it will be good to see Thailand's relations with the USA get even better and Thailand should work more closely with Europe (including the UK) too who have also been big investors and friends of SE Asia for a long long time, and even before the USA even got out of its nappies.

It hs been several months since my "spend Spend Spend" reply and Obama's ratings in the US are "in the toilet".... Lowest approval ratings ever for a president... looks like I wasn't so far off and the bashing I took has proved to be remanded by the voice of the people that matter.... (voters of the USA) .. ha ha

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it's an invitation for the US investments.

obama might know where thailand is (unlike bush), but doesn't know and care more about it

Bush was here in 2003 for APEC but being the scholar you appear to be you wouldn't know that.

Yes, Bush was here for APEC and later

was photographed, photo op, first with Samak,

and then with a sinking Somchai at a later meeting.

He appeared uncomfortable with Samak.

And in the one released shot with Somchai,

he looked ready to burst out laughing at the lil guy,

who wouldn't remain in office in another 2 weeks.

Edited by animatic
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