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Cambodian, Thai Troops Clash Near Disputed Temple

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Thailand objected to the maps in the 1960's which is why it went to the ICJ in the first place. The WHO decision was in 2008.

But this fight isn't over the temple, which is the only thing the ICJ ruled on. This fight is over the land near the temple. For various reasons, the border in this area has never been properly demarcated.

It's just should we say highly coincidental that the 4.6sq Km of scrub which is in dispute happens to be extremely close to the temple which the ICJ ruled on, so by disputing this territory has the also coincidental effect of preventing Cambodia from gaining any tourist revenue from the temple.

In other words Thailand is relying on a technicality to attempt to bully/coerce Cambodia into tearing up the ICJ judgement and WHO registration by indirect means seeing as they know full well they would get nowhere through recognised international channels.

I was told by a Cambodian and his wife last year (in PH) that the Cambodians have been seriously considering a cable car entry from the Cambodian side. This would in fact be an extra amenity for tourists but would obviously also mean that the entry to the temple from the Thai side could be closed by the Cambodians so zilch income for Thailand.


What you have top remember is it serves those who control these things on both sides of the border that the clashes continue right now. Hun Sen is an ultra nationalist who relies on cambodian nationalism for much of his power especially against Thailand as he is weak on Vietnamese encroachment on the other border that he cant do much about, so the Thai enemy is a good distraction as well as a rallying call for cambodians. For an idea of how it suits those who control have a look at Crispins piece on A-Times. The military dont only lose relative power if PTP win but also if Abhisit wins as he is no longer beholden to them.

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