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Cambodian, Thai Troops Clash Near Disputed Temple


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The question today is why is Thailand trying to claim a useless piece of land that the whole world knows legally belongs to Cambodia.

The World Court ruled in 1962 that Preah Vihear itself belonged to Cambodia, although its main entrance lies in Thailand. The exact boundary through the surrounding grounds remains in dispute. The Thai-Cambodia border has never been fully demarcated, partly because it is littered with landmines left over from decades of war in Cambodia.


The International Court of Justice awarded it to Cambodia in 1962 but the ruling did not determine the ownership of 1.8 square miles (4.6 sq km) of scrub next to the ruins, leaving considerable scope for disagreement.


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are you currently in Thailand....?

or are you spouting from far away land....and

barking up.... the wrong coconut tree....? :jap:

If you are not.... or can not understand Thai language sufficiently....

then perhaps, you ought to learn to be more proficient in Thai....

so you can take in Thai newscast yourself....

rather than listening to someone else regurgitation....

What you hear from spouse, friends and neighbors just may not be what the Thai news are saying.... B)

As you said.... We are talking about one piece of land that in all likely hood never had a refuge camp on it.

You really need to bring yourself up to speed.... on this topic you cited....

The crux of the ongoing war of words between Thailand and Camb is centered around....

who owns the piece of land where the 7 were arrested and dragged across to Cambodian territory, some kilometer away inside Cambodia....?

If the arrest occurred on Camb soil, then the Camb court has the right to subject the 7 to its proceedings....

If not, then the Camb is acting as illegally kidnapping the 7 Thai citizen.... from Thai territorial....

The difference implies immense differences in the eyes of the international communities....

Hope you do get this right.... in your not yet damaged neurons part of your brain.... :jap: Cheers.... my fellow jayjay0.... :drunk:

When the report says that shells landed on thai soil, did they land on Thai soil or just what thailand believes is Thai soil?


Per chance, were you old enough around 1980, to remember anything happening around Southeast Asia then....?

I was just hoping that either you yourself, your father-mother, uncle-auntie, or your male-female friends were one of those stationed and serving here when the Cambodian refugees were fleeing by the ten thousands into Thailand.... until the international communities and agencies stepped in to render a helping hand to feed the fleeing Cambodian refugees....

Were you old enough then to remember anything? Or did you have a chance to find out for yourself, just which country did the refugees fleeing into....

to seek shelter and sanctuary back around 1980....? Or did you find out for yourself which country mercifully take those refugees in to protect and feed them.... for more than a decade....?

If you really care to find out for yourself and for your own personal knowledge, so you won't be just repeating what others were saying....

if you have some time, you could help yourself by digesting just some of the followings....

But for those who really wish to know what is what....

need only to ask their fathers or mothers or uncles or aunts or friends who

stationed and served around Southeast Asia around 1980....

just.... where or on which country soil, did we dug the well to feed the fleeing refugees and

more importantly, on which country territory, did we build the encampment for the refugees....?

Their answers ought to pretty much clarify which parcels of land belong to which countries and

which country should really lay claim to the current so called--disputed area....?

Back then in 1980, it was very clear that the UN and the International Red Cross and other relief agencies were cooperatively seeking permission from Thailand to build those facilities to accommodate the Camb refugees....

It was very clear to every country in the world that those parcels of land belong exclusively to Thailand....

Most importantly, the refugees themselves now settled affluently in the midwest agricultural regions in the US, Australia and Euro.... would also tell everyone who cares to listen.... that they;

were fleeing into Thailand from Cambodia and surrounding regions....,

living on Thailand good grace....,

drinking from the UN well on Thai soil....,

sleeping in tents erected on Thailand side.... and

lastly, leaving for their new home.... from Thailand.... :jap:

There was really not a doubt in 1980 then.... which country, Thailand or Cambodian, have the sovereign rights over those parcels of land....

What has embolden Cambodian and HuSen, or who have inspired the Camb and HuSen, in 2010, to dare to not only bite the hands that used to feed them with mercy.... but also to dare to lay claim over those parcels of land that used to provide them with security and comfort.... ? :jap:

Those who used to give their own lives and served in this region....

just could not figure it out....

just what could have gone so very wrong.... around Southeast Asia.... at present....

Most perplexing is... why does the current Thai govt behave in such strange manners....

not saying anything or doing anything to protect its own interests and the interests of the Thai people....

but instead chimed in with the former refugees....

proclaiming that those parcels of land--perhaps belong to the refugees....! :o

Isn't there any Thai who is old enough to remember those frightening days and times in recent history....? :realangry:

Or have they all gone overseas to study at Oxford.... :rolleyes:

Cheers random.... :jap:

Just what are you on about now. Thailand is not saying that Cambodia owes them because they helped protect some of there citizens from a Tyrant that Thailand sheltered.

We are talking about one piece of land that in all likely hood never had a refuge camp on it.

You seem to have two things in your head a brain and a lot of bias please use the brain part when you post.

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Perhaps....it is best that you ask one of the surviving refugees, former UN workers, Catholic Charity organization or Relief Agency volunteers ....

as to whose territorial they were working in.... on behalf of the Cambodian refugees

who suffered extremely harsh conditions both from their own Cambodian govt and also from the Thai--many of whom were exactly preying on these refugees.... as pointed out by calbear....

or even better yet....

google it....

search the UN records in 1980 concerning Cambodian refugees encampment in Thailand....

After which, if you are still of the opinion that....

<"The question today is why is Thailand trying to claim a useless piece of land that the whole world knows legally belongs to Cambodia....">

and that....the UN records confirm your belief that....

those parcels of land belong to none other than Cambodia refugees.... then let's talk again.... alright?

I promise to give you full attention jayjay0, OK? :jap:

I understand entirely, what you are now saying is that after defeat, Cambodia would fight a war of terrorism, and it sounds like you would welcome it! You really should go and reside in another country and stop your bitterness towards Thailand, I guess you're pissed off about visa laws or something. I'm sick of people like you, especially Yanks, that enjoy the hospitality of this country but love to ridicule and criticise it all the time.

"Settled by the ICJ", who cares, who are the ICJ in terms of this region? This land was taken from Siam by the French, take it back and no one will do a thing! I repeat, this would be over in days and the Chinese would have no interest at all, the Cambodians will moan like hell but who cares about Hun Sen, the Vietnamese are not so stupid to get involved in this.

"Geographical high ground means Squat", explain please? Thailand would take quickly, how would Cambodia take back? Please check your maps, I know it's not something Us forces are keen on but it is really the deciding factor on this piece of land.

You are so off base on so many points. Let me break it down for you.

1) "...after defeat". Typical Thai arrogance and feeling of superiority that has absolutely no basis other than simple, and usually stupid, arrogance.

2) "...Cambodia would fight a war of terrorism, and it sounds like you would welcome it!" I was stating an opinion, and made no reference one way or the other as to my approval or disapproval, but once again, your lack of comprehension in what you read is making itself clearly evident.

3) "You should really go reside in another country and stop your bitterness towards Thailand." Again, your comprehension sills, or lack thereof, are showing, as in my original post I clearly stated my love for this country and her people.

4) "I'm sick of people like you, especially Yanks, that enjoy the hospitality of this country but love to ridicule and criticise it all the time." I, like many others who live here, and who LOVE this country and her people, often criticize what we see, and know to be, issues of prejudice and discrimination of Thai towards dam_n near anyone who isn't Thai, the blatant corruption that permeates every part of this country from the lowest civil servant to the highest officials, a military that doesn't know it's job is to protect this country from OUTSIDERS, and to stay the hell out of politics. And we do so because we all know the POTENTIAL that this country has, but which it is wasting, and even throwing away through arrogance and ignorance. And yes, many of us are sick of people like YOU who believe Thai can do no wrong and are superior to everyone else.

5) "Who cares about the ICJ in this region?" Typical PAD and TPN thinking. When 2 or more countries agree to take a case before the ICJ, they ALSO agree to abide by the court's ruling, but also have 7 years to file an appeal if the decision goes against them. So, in simple terms, the Thai Government AGREED to let the ICJ settle the dispute, but when it went against them, instead of filing an appeal, as would have been normal procedure, they have continued to say "We don't accept it!", and act like a petulant child who can't have his way.

6) "This land was taken from Siam by the French." Wrong again. Originally the land belonged to the Khmer, and Siam took it from them! Much later Rama V, King Chulalongkorn, ceded the land to the French in a legally binding treaty, stating that it was better to lose a little land for the betterment of the whole country.

From your comments I'm assuming that you are a PAD/TPN supporter and devotee, which makes me feel, not angry with you, but sorry for you and your disillusionment and lack of true history, or a grasp of reality. You really do need to put down that copy of "PAD FOR DUMMIES", and realize there are other channels on your television besides ASTV, which really stands for "Atrociously Slanted Televised Viewpoints".

As I stated previously, no one in their right mind wants to see a war between Thailand & Cambodia, as it is the "common man/woman" on both sides who would be the losers. Innocent lives would be lost over the stupidity of governments who can't settle their differences like civilized people. But if it should happen, and the vaunted Thai military is unable to "crush" the Cambodians, as you believe, I hope your ego won't also crushed, although it probably will be. But, with typical "Thai-ness", you'll find something or someone else to blame it on, steadfastly refusing to believe that Thai could lose anything to their "inferior neighbors".

But perhaps you can explain to me, and others, why Thailand has steadfastly refused to allow an independent, international body, or even ASEAN, help mediate a peaceful solution to this case? I'm no supporter of Hun Sen by any means, but he has offered, more than once, to let the UN, or other international bodies, help resolve it, and has also offered to allow ASEAN to help resolve it, but Thailand flatly refuses to do so? Why? Are they afraid that, once again, the ruling would go against them, and in favor of Cambodia, and the loss of "face" would be too much? Do they care more about the "loss of face" than the "loss of life"?? Appears so.

This will be my last response to you, as I can't see wasting any more time on someone with your attitudes, and lacking any grasp of reality. My parting words are: "It's your fantasy, you tell it like you want."


I am very interested in your post and explanation in reference to Thai and Camb/HuSan relationships or the lack of....

You appear to be mature enough for me to ask you some questions to follow up on what you expounded in your post:

1--Were you there at the frontier when the UN well was dug?

2--Were you there to erect numerous tents for Camb refugees to settle in?

3--Were you there to help ID and processing these refugees to get ready for an accepting third country?

4--Were you there, perhaps, in your own country, to help with the refugees resettlement into their new homes?

5--Were you there, working with the govt, relief society and local govt.... to help individual family to resettle?

6--Were you ever put yourself in the position to donate cash or others to help those poor Camb refugee family so they would have some food for their family members, while waiting for funds and food stamps from the govt?

For your info, I was there.... in every instance.... and

succinctly, there was not even an ounce of doubt in any of volunteers and salaried personnel who worked there 24 hrs/day and 7 days/week.... as to

the fact that the UN well was dug on Thai territory and that

the settlement camps were also enacted to accommodate the pitiful Camb refegees.... on Thai territory also....

I am very sure other than myself, there must be hundreds of others who still survive and could remember every practical detail in reference to those extremely harsh conditions facing the fleeing refugees and those who were there trying to lend a helping hand in whatever and whichever way they could....

You know what the worst of the worst was then.... it was not the war nor the collateral damages at all....

The worst of the worst for almost all of us was.... having to see and witness local human-trash who were in position of influence....

extorting everything they could from the refugees.... we ditched out severe physical punishment to deter their unlawful influences but then many resurfaced in another forms....

human greed knows no bound.... really....

Personally, I and several old timers are extremely curious as to why Thai PM Apisit and other Thai ministers are not willing to use all the available UN records as a starting point of explanation.... ? Why are they so unusually intimidated....?

Or are they IN on the subdivision of Thailand territorial coming up in June, 2011.... by the JBC....?

just1voice.... I see things different from your perspectives which does not mean that I am more correct than you.... alright?

From my limited experiences in this area, I mostly agree with the yellows that:

1--Thailand should immediately null and void MOU43

2--Thailand should immediately withdraw from participation in JBC

3--Thailand, in view of Camb and HuSan audacity, should immediately deport those unlawful settlers from Thailand border but not the Camb citizen living in Thailand legally in other regions of Thailand....

Another pitiful misunderstanding on the part of Thai PM, deputies SuThep, PraVit, GaSit et al is....

all the aforementioned came out publicly asking on Thai TV news that....

if and when Thailand withdraws from JBC participation.... then there is no one to speak on Thailand behalf and Cambodia HuSan et al would say what they want and get what they want..... because no one would represent Thailand interests on the JBC....

It is such a poor excuse, and such an extremely misguided understanding of basic laws any where....


They can meet all they want.... they can vote to their heart content.... but their decision will not be binding on you nor your chattel nor your real estate.... in any form....

I just suspect that there are too many dignitaries in the current Thai govt who get themselves secretly and heavily involved.... and someone is calling in their favors.... B)

I didn't bleed for Agentina.... but I surely will definitely bleed for Thailand.... if these crowns stay their damning course to subdivide Thailand territorial....

A question has been burning in my old heart.... Just how could long stay Farang help Thailand....? :jap:

Why do you keep evading the question of today. Your history lesson is tainted with your bias towards non Thai's

The question today is why is Thailand trying to claim a useless piece of land that the whole world knows legally belongs to Cambodia.

By your very avoidance of the issue you show that you know Cambodia owns the land..

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mhawish, it doesn't really matter about wells, and Thai government land documents, the fact is the ownership of the area is in dispute.

Personally, I think it should belong to the Thais, based on the original agreement to have the border on the watershed.

But that doesn't change the fact that official maps putting the temple in Cambodian territory were basically accepted by the Thais. Maybe they didn't realise the border moved off the watershed until much later. I don't know.

But the ownership of the land is still in dispute.

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6) "This land was taken from Siam by the French." Wrong again. Originally the land belonged to the Khmer, and Siam took it from them! Much later Rama V, King Chulalongkorn, ceded the land to the French in a legally binding treaty, stating that it was better to lose a little land for the betterment of the whole country.


The Khmer Empire had predecessors, and as long as we know ther was people in this region ... (so, please don't talk about origins !)

The French forced a treaty on (then) Siam to cede this part of territory, and on this treaty was indicated that the border would be on the "ligne de partage des eaux" ...

And then (oh, duplicity !) they drew a border that violates this principle ! (following this principle, the "high ground" is siamese, "low ground" is cambodian).


PS:I think the same about those who always ridicule their hosts, and know it comes from a racist (colonial) bias !

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A Thai border patrol policeman carries fragment of a rocket during survey on the damage to a school in Sisaket Province, Thailand on Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011.



Edited by metisdead
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But considering that the land in dispute is only "disputed region" in the eyes of Thailand but is legally Cambodian land as per court ruling, it would appear that Thai military did indeed cross onto Cambodian land and the account of events presented by Cambodian spokesman is more of a true statement of events.

No objective or international court-ruling has deemed the land to be Cambodian.

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Thai border patrol policemen survey the damage on a school in Sisaket Province, Thailand on Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011.


Thai workers survey the damage on a school in Sisaket Province, Thailand on Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011.


Thai border patrol policemen survey the damage on a school in Sisaket Province, Thailand on Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011.



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Cambodia, Thai military talks result in 4 Thai soldiers released, three agreements

UDOR MEANCHEY, Cambodia -- Cambodia on Saturday has delivered 4 Thai soldiers captured in a military clash at the border area near the 11th century temple on Friday afternoon back to Thailand after a 90 minute meeting between the military commanders of Cambodia and Thailand.

The meeting, held at Chorm Sra Ngam border checkpoint in Anlong Veng district, was attended by Cambodian Major-General Srey Doek, commander of Military Division 3 and Major-General Chea Mon, commander of Military Region 4, while Thai side including Lt-Gen Thawatchai Samutsakorn, commander of Army Region 2 and Major-General Chawalit Chunprasan, commander of the Suranari Military Camp, in an effort to find ways to prevent further military fighting.

Srey Doek told reporters after the meeting that Cambodia decided to release four Thai troops arrested on Friday's clash near Cambodia's Preah Vihear temple. He added that at the meeting, both sides have agreed on three points: firstly, Thai side must suspend bulldozing land at the contentious border for road; secondly, both side agreed to urge the joint border committee to measure and demarcate the border as soon as possible; and thirdly there will be no more troop re-deployment and no more weapon explosion.



Xinhua - Feb. 5, 2011

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Cambodia sends letter to UN Security Council on border clash

Cambodia has sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council informing that Thailand had entered Cambodia and attacked Cambodian troops. In a letter dated Feb. 5, and sent to Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, President of the UNSC, Cambodia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hor Namhong said that on Feb. 4, 2011 between 3 to 5 pm, about 300 Thai troops entered Cambodian territory and attacked Cambodian troops at three locations. "This aggression by Thai armed forces was also followed by firing of many 130 mm and 155 mm artillery shells which reached as far as about 20 km inside Cambodian territory. The attack caused many serious damages to the Temple of Preah Vihear, a world heritage, as well as death and injury of more than ten Cambodian troops and villagers," the letter said.

And facing this flagrant aggression, Cambodian troops had no option, but to retaliate in self-defense and in order to safeguard Cambodia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the letter added. Hor Namhong said in the letter that "the repeated acts of aggression against Cambodia by Thailand violate" the Judgment of International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 15 June, 1962; article 2.3, 2.4, and 94.1 of the United Nations' Charter; the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in Southeast Asia, Article 2 in which Cambodia and Thailand are parties; and Article 2.2.c, 2.2.d, of the Paris Peace Accord in 1991.

Hor Namhong asked President of the UNSC to "circulate this letter to all members of the United Nations Security Council as an official document."



Xinhua - Feb. 5, 2011

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I highly doubt that this border dispute will be resolved bilaterally. This will become a chronic conflict between Thailand and Cambodia. It's a sad thing indeed for two neighbors to fight for a piece of land that does not have much practical value except its symbolism. The direct impact of this conflict is the livelihood of those who live near the border and those whose lives depend on trades made from crossing this stretch of the border. More damaging and long lasting impact of this fight is that the longer the news media in both countries express negative views on each other, hatred will get deeper and more widespread in each country negating all the good relationship fostered by tourist industry and trading between people of the two countries.

There's no doubt that any Cambodians would say this piece of land belongs to them, and the same applies to the Thais. And this will go nowhere. The conflict will only spread to other border areas and potentially handicap trading between the two countries. Cambodia will be no doubt more dependent on trades with Vietnam and China. Thailand will be the big loser if this drags on as they are enjoying huge trade surplus with the Cambodian counterparts.

The only solution to this problem is both countries have to agree upon a neutral third party whose decision will be respected by both sides. As of now, Thailand doesn't seem to have found one yet as Cambodia has suggested a few world and regional bodies as intervening parties.

As a Cambodian, I have my own bias point of view and I expect the same from my Thai counterpart. There's no end to making arguments against each other. Both countries need to bring evidences and proofs to the table where a respected neutral party can look at them and make a judgement both sides agreed to follow prior to the meeting.

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I highly doubt that this border dispute will be resolved bilaterally. This will become a chronic conflict between Thailand and Cambodia. It's a sad thing indeed for two neighbors to fight for a piece of land that does not have much practical value except its symbolism. The direct impact of this conflict is the livelihood of those who live near the border and those whose lives depend on trades made from crossing this stretch of the border. More damaging and long lasting impact of this fight is that the longer the news media in both countries express negative views on each other, hatred will get deeper and more widespread in each country negating all the good relationship fostered by tourist industry and trading between people of the two countries.

There's no doubt that any Cambodians would say this piece of land belongs to them, and the same applies to the Thais. And this will go nowhere. The conflict will only spread to other border areas and potentially handicap trading between the two countries. Cambodia will be no doubt more dependent on trades with Vietnam and China. Thailand will be the big loser if this drags on as they are enjoying huge trade surplus with the Cambodian counterparts.

The only solution to this problem is both countries have to agree upon a neutral third party whose decision will be respected by both sides. As of now, Thailand doesn't seem to have found one yet as Cambodia has suggested a few world and regional bodies as intervening parties.

As a Cambodian, I have my own bias point of view and I expect the same from my Thai counterpart. There's no end to making arguments against each other. Both countries need to bring evidences and proofs to the table where a respected neutral party can look at them and make a judgement both sides agreed to follow prior to the meeting.

You don't sound biased, you sound reasonable and articulate. Unfortunately, your countrymen keep electing a thug and war criminal as your country's leader - makes reasonable discussion difficult.

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If anyone for a minute believes the Cambodians did NOT know that the school was there, and it's EXACT coordinates, and also not filled with soldiers, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. They were sending a message; We can quickly cause more harm to you if you don't back off, than you can to us.

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I highly doubt that this border dispute will be resolved bilaterally. This will become a chronic conflict between Thailand and Cambodia. It's a sad thing indeed for two neighbors to fight for a piece of land that does not have much practical value except its symbolism. The direct impact of this conflict is the livelihood of those who live near the border and those whose lives depend on trades made from crossing this stretch of the border. More damaging and long lasting impact of this fight is that the longer the news media in both countries express negative views on each other, hatred will get deeper and more widespread in each country negating all the good relationship fostered by tourist industry and trading between people of the two countries.

There's no doubt that any Cambodians would say this piece of land belongs to them, and the same applies to the Thais. And this will go nowhere. The conflict will only spread to other border areas and potentially handicap trading between the two countries. Cambodia will be no doubt more dependent on trades with Vietnam and China. Thailand will be the big loser if this drags on as they are enjoying huge trade surplus with the Cambodian counterparts.

The only solution to this problem is both countries have to agree upon a neutral third party whose decision will be respected by both sides. As of now, Thailand doesn't seem to have found one yet as Cambodia has suggested a few world and regional bodies as intervening parties.

As a Cambodian, I have my own bias point of view and I expect the same from my Thai counterpart. There's no end to making arguments against each other. Both countries need to bring evidences and proofs to the table where a respected neutral party can look at them and make a judgement both sides agreed to follow prior to the meeting.

You don't sound biased, you sound reasonable and articulate. Unfortunately, your countrymen keep electing a thug and war criminal as your country's leader - makes reasonable discussion difficult.

Talking about "being reasonable," I'm sure you also know that some influential Thai political fractions (e.g. PAD) are the last people you want to negotiate with. Cambodia's political climate is nowhere near free and fair democratic system. And the main problem lies with the majority poors and uneducated. Thailand also has this problem except its poors have strong backing and leverage. Democracy comes at a price. It takes time to get there. I don't want to delve into Thai politics as I'm not an expert. If the Thai gvt does not find Cambodian leadership reasonable to talk with, why don't they let some neutral party to help the negotiation?

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Your writing style is rather annoying. How about a complete paragraph with a topic sentence? :ph34r: Perhaps you better grab your gun and go fight for Thailand. Don't let those Thai soldiers get all the glory :whistling:


you are quite right, my style of writing is truly individualistic....

it is intended for that specific purpose.... solely.... and intentionally as well....

you see for over 30+ yrs, your truly have had been delivering written doc,

very well polished and politically correct, to some power to be and power that be....

now that I am an independent with no 'boss' to answer to, except to my wife, kids and talking birds.... a position that many wish to be in....

I could pour out my heart without having to weight.... WHAT WOULD BE SOME OF THE MORE SERIOUS POSSIBLE OUTCOMES....

if a comma or semi colon or quotation mark is missing or left out unintentionally here and there.... L O L

If you are a conformist, a corporate structured executive, a CEO or an accountant.... probably my style of expression would upset you the most....

because it just does not fall into line nor conform to many societal standards and expectations.....

Succinctly I choose to write this way and can not be bothered with many proper punctuations any more.... in my remaining life span.... :jap:

In regard to grabbing my bazooka and go to fight for Thailand....

just for your private info.... I am in Thailand now.... and have been here on and off.... ever since 1980.... when the UN and other respectable nations all recognize that the UN dug well.... as well as the parcels of land where the Camb refugee camp ground were situated.... belong to Thailand sovereignty exclusively.... :wai:

just how the new generations.... ever dare to claim.... otherwise.... is really beyond my imagination....

a majority of Cambodian refugees who have now very affluently resettled in US, Australia and European countries, would scratch their heads and wondered just....

what is happening in Southeast Asia.... particularly in Thailand and Cambodia in reference to the dispute of border lands which in 1980 were never any question--

that they belong to Thailand.... :jap:

which also could be confirmed by many UN as well as International Red Cross documentations.... :jap: :wai::Thaiflag:

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I had to drive all the way to Aranayapfrathet border market this morning,only to meet a deserted place, with some people an d their armed guards blaring sirens to and fro.

That god in that temple ruins must be a not so peaceful god.

Is the border crossing closed?

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A Cambodian soldier fires a machine gun from a bunker at the border between Thailand and Cambodia, in this February 4, 2011 still image taken from video.


A Cambodian soldier holds a rocket launcher from behind sandbags at the border between Thailand and Cambodia, in this February 4, 2011 still image taken from video.


Edited by metisdead
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Who cares about being reasonable, sometimes fighting and war is necessary, this is Siam land and I think Thailand should just go in and smash Cambodia out of there and to hell with the consequences, no one would give a dam_n next year.

might be a vote winner too

look what the Falklands did for Maggie Thatcher..........

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If you are a conformist, a corporate structured executive, a CEO or an accountant.... probably my style of expression would upset you the most....

because it just does not fall into line nor conform to many societal standards and expectations.....

Succinctly I choose to write this way and can not be bothered with many proper punctuations any more.... in my remaining life span....

Why bother to write at all if you can not be bothered to make it understandable? :blink:

Whatever people in general do not understand, they are always prepared to dislike; the incomprehensible is always the obnoxious.- L. E. Landon

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Who cares about being reasonable, sometimes fighting and war is necessary, this is Siam land and I think Thailand should just go in and smash Cambodia out of there and to hell with the consequences, no one would give a dam_n next year.

might be a vote winner too

look what the Falklands did for Maggie Thatcher..........

That's exactly why I think we have the whole "conflict". But the warmongering OP by "longlife" exceeds the stupidity and menace of the situation unless of course is meant as a joke .. bad joke.

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Who cares about being reasonable, sometimes fighting and war is necessary, this is Siam land and I think Thailand should just go in and smash Cambodia out of there and to hell with the consequences, no one would give a dam_n next year.

What are you still doing here? Do something useful: go grab a gun, and enroll yourself!

If you get yourself killed you'll have helped clean the gene pool.

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