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Government must go, PAD claims

By The Nation on Sunday.


The People's Alliance for Democracy resolved yesterday that Abhisit Vejjajiva government must go. Protesters also agreed to intensify their rally, although they did not explain how they would try to do this.

At around 8.30pm, thousands of protesters - bigger than previous days, occupied the areas from Makkhawan Bridge to Misakawan Intersection.

The PAD had said earlier it would mobilise supporters yesterday and seek their agreement on how to ramp up the rally to pressure the government.

Speakers including PAD leader Chamlong Srimuang took turns to attack the government and military for their handling of the Thai-Cambodian border dispute.

The speaker asked protesters: "Who wants to give Abhisit another chance? Please raise your hand." After silence, the speaker asked whether the government must be ousted, the protesters shouted 'yes' in response.

Police yesterday installed layers of barbed wire at Government House and beefed up security to prevent protesters from getting into the compound.

The organisers prohibited weapons and alcohol. Yellow-shirt guards and plain-clothed police patrolled the rally site while police in uniform strictly guarded Government House.

PAD has been protesting for 12 days. It is calling for the government to cancel a Memorandum of Understanding signed with Cambodia in 2000. It also wants Thailand to withdraw from the World Heritage Committee working on the listing of Preah Vihear and to push back Cambodians "encroaching" on disputed territory along the border.

In a press conference yesterday, Chamlong claimed said that fighting with Cambodia would not have broken out if the government had followed the PAD's three demands. It had yielded to Cambodia because it was so weak and cowardly, he said.

In regard to a challenge by the Army chief that the protesters fight along the border themselves, Chamlong said he was a veteran soldier but it was the Army's duty to push back Cambodians out of "Thai territory" before negotiating. Thailand had the military capacity to do that easily.

"In previous times, (soldiers) had to fight as it was important to protect Thai soil. Don't fear that soldiers will die. All soldiers know that dying on duty is possible. (Anyone) afraid of wars should not have become soldiers."

He said the PAD would send donations to provide food for people evacuated from affected areas along the border.


-- The Nation 2011-02-06


After seeing how Thai groups make their demands of the Government I have decided its a jolly good idea, I have decided to demand 10 million bts and a house in Thailand. Now does anyone know where I can find a man in ayellow shirt or where I send my Claim :lol:


Well PAD and thousands of its supporters just had an opportunity to go support Thai Military and "push the Cambodians out from Thai soil"

Yet none of them seemed to do that. Its all great to scream outside of the Gov House, yet when push comes to shove ................................

"IF" Gov was to go, people will have 2 choices

- Lunatics PAD who want full on war

- Lunatics RED'S who want to make money.(and not the clean way, sort of speak)

Great choices ahead :jap:


Well PAD and thousands of its supporters just had an opportunity to go support Thai Military and "push the Cambodians out from Thai soil"

Yet none of them seemed to do that. Its all great to scream outside of the Gov House, yet when push comes to shove ................................

"IF" Gov was to go, people will have 2 choices

- Lunatics PAD who want full on war

- Lunatics RED'S who want to make money.(and not the clean way, sort of speak)

Great choices ahead :jap:

PAD does NOT want war!


Well PAD and thousands of its supporters just had an opportunity to go support Thai Military and "push the Cambodians out from Thai soil"

Yet none of them seemed to do that. Its all great to scream outside of the Gov House, yet when push comes to shove ................................

"IF" Gov was to go, people will have 2 choices

- Lunatics PAD who want full on war

- Lunatics RED'S who want to make money.(and not the clean way, sort of speak)

Great choices ahead :jap:

PAD does NOT want war!

Was that sarcasm? Because when someone makes demands as they did not so long ago, it pretty much translates into War. How else they planning to free the 2 jailed and take back the land which PAD claims belongs to Thailand

PS. MInd you in 3 days as they demanded 4 days ago(as another poster already pointed out :) )


Well PAD and thousands of its supporters just had an opportunity to go support Thai Military and "push the Cambodians out from Thai soil"

Yet none of them seemed to do that. Its all great to scream outside of the Gov House, yet when push comes to shove ................................

"IF" Gov was to go, people will have 2 choices

- Lunatics PAD who want full on war

- Lunatics RED'S who want to make money.(and not the clean way, sort of speak)

Great choices ahead :jap:

PAD does NOT want war!

Was that sarcasm? Because when someone makes demands as they did not so long ago, it pretty much translates into War. How else they planning to free the 2 jailed and take back the land which PAD claims belongs to Thailand

PS. MInd you in 3 days as they demanded 4 days ago(as another poster already pointed out :) )

How does pressure Hun Sen to let the 2 jailed one go can be interpreted into a demand for war? It is complete laughable to tell they are spys.

Cambodia forced out Thai people with official land titles who stay there since decades. For decades most of the area was just "overlapping". I think everyone would be happy going back to that. Cambodia shot with heavy weapons deep into not disputed Thai area. What rhetoric would you expect if Mexico shoot on US villages? Where is a clear word from Hun Sen that it is not about the maritime borders? Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

It is just a trick from the government: "Everyone who is against us wants war".


Well PAD and thousands of its supporters just had an opportunity to go support Thai Military and "push the Cambodians out from Thai soil"

Yet none of them seemed to do that. Its all great to scream outside of the Gov House, yet when push comes to shove ................................

"IF" Gov was to go, people will have 2 choices

- Lunatics PAD who want full on war

- Lunatics RED'S who want to make money.(and not the clean way, sort of speak)

Great choices ahead :jap:

PAD does NOT want war!

Was that sarcasm? Because when someone makes demands as they did not so long ago, it pretty much translates into War. How else they planning to free the 2 jailed and take back the land which PAD claims belongs to Thailand

PS. MInd you in 3 days as they demanded 4 days ago(as another poster already pointed out :) )

How does pressure Hun Sen to let the 2 jailed one go can be interpreted into a demand for war? It is complete laughable to tell they are spys.

Cambodia forced out Thai people with official land titles who stay there since decades. For decades most of the area was just "overlapping". I think everyone would be happy going back to that. Cambodia shot with heavy weapons deep into not disputed Thai area. What rhetoric would you expect if Mexico shoot on US villages? Where is a clear word from Hun Sen that it is not about the maritime borders? Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

It is just a trick from the government: "Everyone who is against us wants war".

Do not need to prove me, save it for the next set of demands for the government. Can add your reasoning along with PAD demands.


Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

If he doesn't advocate violence his attitude towards bloodshed is very ambivalent when it suits his purposes.Check out the Young Turks role in the violence in 1976 at Thammasat (when he was present).Check out his in some ways admirable role in 1991 where he was very careless about the lives of his supporters.Check out his inflammatory language in the present day.

Yet another Thai Visa member who doesn't know his history.

Don't fear that soldiers will die. All soldiers know that dying on duty is possible. (Anyone) afraid of wars should not have become soldiers."

Yes, if they are volunteers in the army,

not on mandatory national service and no choice in the matter.

Young Thai men are sent into bad situations their elders can't figure out solutions for, and are getting killed, don't imagine for a moment they and their families are happy about that. If it is a situation caused by home grown zealots and doesn't need to be a deadly situation, even more reason to not be happy to go and die for their country, when it could and SHOULD have been avoided.

Old senile retired generals are the last ones to make really good decisions on this stuff. The memories of war are fogged more than they once were. The thoughts of glory have long overwritten the realities of gore and terror.


Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

If he doesn't advocate violence his attitude towards bloodshed is very ambivalent when it suits his purposes.Check out the Young Turks role in the violence in 1976 at Thammasat (when he was present).Check out his in some ways admirable role in 1991 where he was very careless about the lives of his supporters.Check out his inflammatory language in the present day.

Yet another Thai Visa member who doesn't know his history.

Oh he was present in the 1976 violence.....that proofs everything. In 1991 his peaceful supporters got shot while he was in jail...another hard evidence how evil he is.

Sure you have some examples of his inflammatory language in which he urge people to violence?


I have no idea why PAD got involved in this boundary dispute, it seems to have totally distracted the movement from its original cause.

Maybe that's the whole point.


I bet this mob are imagining they can re-create what's happening in Egypt - pretty sad how misguided and overly ambitious this lot are. Perhaps, the Govt should resign and hand the reigns to a PT government who would be the PAD's worst nightmare; justice for the airport invasions would be swift, Thaksin would be home and running the show within 6 months, all the UDD leaders will be left off the hook and given party list MP jobs, and Cambodia will get their 4kms of land in return for a private island somewhere for a lucky Thai politician...


How many votes did the PAD/NPP get in a recent election in their so-called "stronghold" of Bangkok?

That's right - none. Zero. Nothing.

But wait - they're demanding Abhisit step down and they've managed to mass a few thousand people together to do it. Suppose the remaining few million in the country had better listen up.


How many votes did the PAD/NPP get in a recent election in their so-called "stronghold" of Bangkok?

That's right - none. Zero. Nothing.

But wait - they're demanding Abhisit step down and they've managed to mass a few thousand people together to do it. Suppose the remaining few million in the country had better listen up.

After they stop laughing?


"Who wants to give Abhisit another chance? Please raise your hand

Another chance for what???? The way I see it, Abhisit holds all the aces and the PAD are simply the jokers in the pack. If they think they can unseat and oust him with their poorly supported and unjustified protests and bring down his government then they are completely misguided in their aims. The PAD may have instigated and been responsible for bringing down governments (3 of them I think, including Thaksin's discredited rabble) but the difference between then and now is that they don't hold the same sway and they are not barricading Thailands 2 major airports and government house which ultimately proved to be the deciding factor in removing Shinawatra. It cost Thailand valuable tourist money and sullied it's reputation in the world's eyes which was too much for the country to take and endure.

Abhisit need only take cursory note of these hardline nationalists peeved at being seemingly out-manoeuvred by Kampuchea and doesn't have to heed to their demands in the slightest. The democrats (Abhisit) call's the tune now and will dissolve the house and call new elections when it suits THEM and not from any applied pressure by any external party or group no matter how hard they protestate and rant and rave that he should stand down, and now.

Come the election, peoples jobs, the economy, the price of diesel - important to Thai's and Thai business, and the economy etc: (all the usual things that tend to determine the outcome of elections anywhere in the Democratic (or otherwise) world, as to who will govern the country for the next period allied to the fact that people will see "the nice Mr Abhisit" as being a far better option than the leaderless, rudderless, divided (and doomed I hope) Peua Thai party who's outlook appears decidedly bleak on account of it's prolonged internal bickering and crucially, lack of sensible policies (just make that policies)!!

You can probably see where I'm pinning my hopes (for the good of Thailand) and I don't expect to be disappointed when decision day comes in the not too distant future (April)? Generally things are working out just fine for the Democrats, having summarily dealt with the red shirts and with this minor irritant of the temporary distraction of the non-entity yellow shirts sure to peter out, what need they concern themselves about?. With the economy flourishing and exports holding up - despite the strong showing by the Baht (even this is showing signs of weakness at present) which will do his cause no harm at all as the financial wellbeing of exporters, so crucial to the LOS's economy will be viewed favourably when it comes to the time to cast their aspersions on who to trust. In essence, don't concern yourself Mr Abhisit you're in great shape to shape, and further Thailand's prosperity and prospects.

Let the show go on!!!!!!


Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

If he doesn't advocate violence his attitude towards bloodshed is very ambivalent when it suits his purposes.Check out the Young Turks role in the violence in 1976 at Thammasat (when he was present).Check out his in some ways admirable role in 1991 where he was very careless about the lives of his supporters.Check out his inflammatory language in the present day.

Yet another Thai Visa member who doesn't know his history.

Are you suggesting that visa members don't know how to use search engines???? Stop puffing out your chest as if you are an expert on 'all matters Thai' and stop being so patronising in the process!!! I suppose you think that you are a "right know-it-all" well I think you know what I think of YOU and you're phony claim to being an authority on this subject!!!

Another thing. I don't know what happened in 1991 (as I can't be bothered to look on a search engine) but how can his role be "in some ways admirable" when he was so careless about the lives of his supporters - doesn't imply it was that admirable, does it - not for his supporters, anyway!!!


How does pressure Hun Sen to let the 2 jailed one go can be interpreted into a demand for war? It is complete laughable to tell they are spys.

Cambodia forced out Thai people with official land titles who stay there since decades. For decades most of the area was just "overlapping". I think everyone would be happy going back to that. Cambodia shot with heavy weapons deep into not disputed Thai area. What rhetoric would you expect if Mexico shoot on US villages? Where is a clear word from Hun Sen that it is not about the maritime borders? Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

It is just a trick from the government: "Everyone who is against us wants war".

How do land titles prove ownership of land for countries? What if the Thai government produced a land title for Siem Reap? Does that suddenly make it Thai?


How does pressure Hun Sen to let the 2 jailed one go can be interpreted into a demand for war? It is complete laughable to tell they are spys.

Cambodia forced out Thai people with official land titles who stay there since decades. For decades most of the area was just "overlapping". I think everyone would be happy going back to that. Cambodia shot with heavy weapons deep into not disputed Thai area. What rhetoric would you expect if Mexico shoot on US villages? Where is a clear word from Hun Sen that it is not about the maritime borders? Chamlong is for sure the last one who can be said to advocate violence.

It is just a trick from the government: "Everyone who is against us wants war".

How do land titles prove ownership of land for countries? What if the Thai government produced a land title for Siem Reap? Does that suddenly make it Thai?

Noting the prevalence of dodgy land titles around Thailand unless this is a satellite surveyed Chanote document, then just saying you have a title doc doesn't make it real.


There was an ed-op piece in the paper whose name cannot be mentioned by a guy called Voranai V entitled a Plague of Fanatics which I found very interesting this morning.

He makes a lot of sense if you can spare the time to read it.


so,, the urine colored shirts put abhisit in power, but he is not living to expectations. maybe they expected terrorist airport charges to be dropped?

have they said who they will build up as PM? run a list?

You mean that terrorist's are charged an extra airport tax as compared to non-terrorists???? How grossly unfair and discriminatory this is!!!

Why drop it though?? I say increase it massively as it might serve the purpose of dissuading someone from taking up this hazardous job in the first place due to the extra expense and unfair treatment they receive as a consequence of their chosen (albeit, oft, short-lived) ambition in life.

Yes, I am kidding by the way!!! so please don't reply, accusing me of being a terrorist sympathiser or self appointed life-direction changer for would-be terrorists.

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