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บารมี - This Word Has More Significance Than I Thought


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บารมี is defined as 'prestige; influence; grandeur' (thai-language.com) and is normally associated with esteemed monks and the like.

But recently a friend of my wife asked her (in a serious tone) if he could "tap into" her บารมี in order to be successful in acquiring some Buddha images at an auction. Now, my wife is truly wonderful but it never occurred to me she was a person of 'baramee'

SO there must be a new definition that covers this scenario. Something about personal qualities of regular folks. Perhaps those that are devout?

Any ideas?

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A more literal, or very basic translation of บารมี is "Halo" - referring to the "Aura" of dignity and self-awareness a person shows.

Even the seemingly lowest individual in Society can have บารมี in this sense of the word.

(Not meaning any offence to your wife of course - it is a compliment to be told one has บารมี ) .


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A more literal, or very basic translation of บารมี is "Halo" - referring to the "Aura" of dignity and self-awareness a person shows.

Even the seemingly lowest individual in Society can have บารมี in this sense of the word.

(Not meaning any offence to your wife of course - it is a compliment to be told one has บารมี ) .


Wonderful explanation. Thanks!


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I think the range of บารมี is large from 'influence','charisma',I've seen it used in reference to the king often,to much more basic influence where someone is listened to and obeyed ie'clout' because of personal respect( and perhaps fear?)

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