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Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

Yes, you did. biggrin.gif

Your post was spot on though and a dual pricing system is not limited to either Thailand and is not generally related to racial issues. I grew up in Houston, Texas. Galveston, Texas is a very popular tourist area about 70 miles from there. Tourist destinations generally have prices that are higher than non-tourist destinations. Galveston is no different. There is, however, a second tier price that is used by the local residents that is lower than that charged generally. While I lived only 70 miles away, I did not qualify for the local price. Not a racial issue. I just didn't live there. I found this to be true in other "tourist" locations I have lived. I lived in Saipan for about 2-1/2 years. A local driver's license got you the local rate for many goods and services that were not available to tourists.

In the case of Thailand, most non-Thais are here as tourists. As such, they get the tourist price. No different than Galveston or Saipan (or almost any other tourist destination). Just like those places though, you can become part of the local economy with a little effort on your part. Get a driver's license. Learn to speak Thai. Deal with local folks and let them get to know you as more than a tourist. Will it get you local prices all the time? Probably not. It didn't always work for me in Saipan. For those places that did not recognize me as a local resident, there were always other places that did. Thailand is the same.


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Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

This shows why Hawaii has been hurting tourist wise for so many years. The locals treat the tourists like scum in Hawaii. I lived there three years. People can go to Mexico for a week for the same costs of a day in Hawaii and are doing it. Keep on biting the hand that feeds you.

But wearing a bulletproof vest while walking the streets in Mexico is so uncomfortable. biggrin.gif


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A little off topic perhaps, but I have found in my 35+ year tenure here in Thailand, that I have reaped untold benefits from being a Farang.

Granted I’m a Farang who speaks Thai and knows how the game is played but I have always found that the benefits far outweighed the inconveniences and annoyances. I find all this talk of racism quite silly but entertaining. Says volumes about the writers.

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As an ex macro economics professor, i have to agree 100% with you.

As far as economics are concerned.

But what about the moral side?

You go to a hospital, and will be charged more or less on the basis of the pain that you suffer?

You go to a bar, and will be charged more or less, depending on how thursty you are?

And before you ask, no, i did not teach economics in Havana.

As a former economics professor, you know that perfect price discrimination results in economic "efficiency" (in production) and the welfare loss triangle present in the monopoly case disappears. It becomes just an issue of income redistribution. In that sense it is "good", and certainly better than the pure monopoly pricing case. I doubt that hospitals will charge on the basis of more or less pain (and arguably they are selling different products if one hospital can provide the same service with less pain -- worth paying more for to many). My mother told me many years ago that the doctor that delivered me charged 2 weeks salary of the patient's husband for his services (how he got them to reveal that information is an interesting question) -- very obvious price discrimination. She did not seem offended by this practice or see it as immoral. The bar certainly would charge more to the more thirsty customer if it could measure one's thirst and if it had sufficient market power -- try buying an umbrella from a street vendor when it is raining, the price will certainly be higher than when it is sunny. I don't expect the world to be "moral" or sellers to behave "morally". I expect that competition in most cases will provide me with the "best" result, and, if I have choices, it will. The rest is all "caveat emptor". The key is that we are not victims and should not look for reasons that make it look like we are -- that is utter nonsense. There are better and more acurate explanations for price discrimination in Thailand or any where else than racial prejudice (if you are refused service, then you may have a point). That is the easy (and incorrect) explanation, and it fulfills the preconceived notions of some posters here -- that one's failures and lack of accomplishment are a result of inappropriate discrimination and not one's own shortcomings.

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Many people confuse "capitalism" and "free market system".

Monopolies and oligopolies are capitalism too.

If in the real world, there would be such a thing as a "free market system", i would be all in favour of it.

"Free market" as defined by the original liberal economists such as Smith, Ricardo, Malthus.

Perfect competition, total transparentcy, free access to the markets, being the key words.

But there is no such thing.

So we have to live with an imperfect system, AND try to improve it.

Different economists have different views on how to improve the system.

In the end, society wants value for money, but how to achieve that?

In my opinion, communism is an outdated 19th century theory.

Capitalism however, is an outdated 18th century theory.

Let's keep searching........

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Good post, Thailaw. I agree totally.

And, in answer to biplanebluey...

Sorry Ian but that's a load of crap----don't know how long you have been here but when the rose tint wears off those glasses you will realise that you will be getting even better value for money if you pay the same as a Thai. Perhaps you also do not know that showing a Thai driving licence gets you those same prices----or are you telling me you are happy to walk away from that entry gate rather than show you are entitled to something---geeees man!!!

You missed the point of my thread, and my repeated attempts to make others understand my personal point of view. I frankly don't care how others feel about the so called unjustices in Thailand. I can only comment on what I personally feel is value for my money. I will pay what ever is necessary for my own enjoyment, even if it is more than what others pay. It's no different than buying a friend a drink or paying for supper with friends. If I can afford it then I'll do it. I'm hopefully going on a "so called" fishing trip in the next few days. I'll be paying more than my friend, but I still think I'll get value for my money. He has the connections that I don't have and that makes it worth it to me. Others might not think so.

Certainly I'll 'take advantage of a Thai drivers license if it means I save 200 baht on a ticket to a National Park, but I won't lose any sleep over it if I can't. I won't pay to park in some of Canada's rip-off National Parks, either. I just won't contribute to something I don't believe in. But, if I was taking guests to one of Canada's parks then I'd pay the going price and accept it as value for what gets accomplished.

I eat at a few specific Thai cafes and I always pay more. For that the cafe owners have either instructed their staff or the staff themselves treat me like royalty. I get an extra large serving and a few other bonuses at no request from me. I've just seen that if I treat most Thais with respect then it comes back in spades to me. And, like others here, if I feel I am being scammed a bit then I just don't return. I DO know the value for my money. I also KNOW the price of thngs and the approximate mark-up. I also understand that the same meal in a nice restaurant is going to cost more than a streetside cafe. It's simply a case of rental charges being added to the bill to make a profit for the owner.

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I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

You really dont get it do you?

Yes you pay more in Phuket than in Patts, but EVERYBODY pays more in Phuket than Patts, not just Farangs.

The thing about this, Ian, is that by doing it you are encouraging them to do ti even more, and spoiling it for the rest of us. If you allow them to overcharge you on top of the Thai price by 15 Baht today, they will try it on by charging you 20 Baht more tomorrow. Then at what point do you say no?

I understand you are happy to pay more than the value if the product, but please do this by tipping, rather than allowing yourself to be charged more. The tip is optional, the price is not.

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I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

You really dont get it do you?

Yes you pay more in Phuket than in Patts, but EVERYBODY pays more in Phuket than Patts, not just Farangs.

The thing about this, Ian, is that by doing it you are encouraging them to do ti even more, and spoiling it for the rest of us. If you allow them to overcharge you on top of the Thai price by 15 Baht today, they will try it on by charging you 20 Baht more tomorrow. Then at what point do you say no?

I understand you are happy to pay more than the value if the product, but please do this by tipping, rather than allowing yourself to be charged more. The tip is optional, the price is not.

My Partners Family have 4 taxi drivers amongst them, I tell them to get what they can from people who are on holiday

I am totally sick of whining Farangs who do nothing but compare prices against their home countries, compare their prices against locals etc etc, yet have no qualms paying 5% of the price for a woman compared to their own country, get stopped by the police and give the equivalent of a beer to walk away, I think most posters here don't actually live in Thailand, and if they do, they have forgotten why the fawk they came here in the first place.

Farangs travel thousands of Miles to Thailand because it suits them to do that, if it didn't they'd stay at home, Farangs are travelling to Thailand for what reason other than selfish reasons ? Oh Please, don't tell me that you all want Thailand to progress and your tourist dollar helps, how about if you couldn't buy women, would you still come ?

If Thailand was in the Arctic Tundra and still had the advantages that western men can find here, believe me, Thailand would still have plane loads of old western men arriving everyday, Japan would be exactly the same, but because it would cost 50 times more for a women than it does in Thailand, Japan isn't a sex tourist destination, although Tokyo has probably as much if not more P4P than Bangkok Does.

But how many TV members would be happy paying 50,000 Baht per night ?

Why do so many western girls work in Japan, I don't mean only Russians, I mean countries like USA, UK, Canada, AUS, NZ, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland., I will tell you why, because they make a boatload of money, that's why.

Stop whining and get with the program.

Edited by MrsMills
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I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

You really dont get it do you?

Yes you pay more in Phuket than in Patts, but EVERYBODY pays more in Phuket than Patts, not just Farangs.

The thing about this, Ian, is that by doing it you are encouraging them to do ti even more, and spoiling it for the rest of us. If you allow them to overcharge you on top of the Thai price by 15 Baht today, they will try it on by charging you 20 Baht more tomorrow. Then at what point do you say no?

I understand you are happy to pay more than the value if the product, but please do this by tipping, rather than allowing yourself to be charged more. The tip is optional, the price is not.

And you obviously don't understand what I've written many times... on everything I've posted here. How many times do I have to repeat myself. I DON'T spend more than I have to. What I pay extra IS A TIP FOR GOOD SERVICE! And, what I pay willingly to anyone who I believe is doing a good job is just a gift from me personally. Maybe I'm just making up for all the tightwads I see here in Thailand. I get value from helping others. It seems many people complaining here like using Thai people like they are some sort of paid slaves.

I remember people like you at university who got poor grades because they DIDN'T read the question properly. They ASSUMED something different than what the professor wrote on the exam... and they got a failing grade for their mistake.

If you actually think that me personally can change the whole country then you give me much more credit than I deserve.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

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I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

You really dont get it do you?

Yes you pay more in Phuket than in Patts, but EVERYBODY pays more in Phuket than Patts, not just Farangs.

The thing about this, Ian, is that by doing it you are encouraging them to do ti even more, and spoiling it for the rest of us. If you allow them to overcharge you on top of the Thai price by 15 Baht today, they will try it on by charging you 20 Baht more tomorrow. Then at what point do you say no?

I understand you are happy to pay more than the value if the product, but please do this by tipping, rather than allowing yourself to be charged more. The tip is optional, the price is not.

100% agree,

IF you feel sorry for the populous or restaurant staff then tip BIG, but because people smile when they are being over charged then they think farang, or holiday farang are COMPLETE IDIOTS, rip them off. All this capitalist shit l have read is <deleted>, a restaurant has it's profits worked out in it's prices, whether Thai or farang customer, if the farang is charged more it is a rip off and worse is they are laughing behind your back. If a restaurant charges a farang the correct price and he gives a good tip THEN he will not be forgotten. :)

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I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

You really dont get it do you?

Yes you pay more in Phuket than in Patts, but EVERYBODY pays more in Phuket than Patts, not just Farangs.

The thing about this, Ian, is that by doing it you are encouraging them to do ti even more, and spoiling it for the rest of us. If you allow them to overcharge you on top of the Thai price by 15 Baht today, they will try it on by charging you 20 Baht more tomorrow. Then at what point do you say no?

I understand you are happy to pay more than the value if the product, but please do this by tipping, rather than allowing yourself to be charged more. The tip is optional, the price is not.

And you obviously don't understand what I've written many times... on everything I've posted here. How many times do I have to repeat myself. I DON'T spend more than I have to. What I pay extra IS A TIP FOR GOOD SERVICE! And, what I pay willingly to anyone who I believe is doing a good job is just a gift from me personally. Maybe I'm just making up for all the tightwads I see here in Thailand. I get value from helping others. It seems many people complaining here like using Thai people like they are some sort of paid slaves.

I remember people like you at university who got poor grades because they DIDN'T read the question properly. They ASSUMED something different than what the professor wrote on the exam... and they got a failing grade for their mistake.

If you actually think that me personally can change the whole country then you give me much more credit than I deserve.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

If they charge you more than a Thai, no matter how GOOD YOU feel, you have been SHAFTED. In ANY country, satisfaction is in the TIP.

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If they charge you more than a Thai, no matter how GOOD YOU feel, you have been SHAFTED. In ANY country, satisfaction is in the TIP.


She got the gold mine and I got the shaft. We split it right down the middle and she got the better half. It all sounds quite peculiar, but it hurts too much to laugh, cause she got the gold mine and I got the shaft.

So, was it worth it to ME?

Yer durn tootin it was. I got my freedom back and that can't be bought for any sort of money... the shaft included. And hell, I didn't just give her the tip; I gaver the whole sausage. :D

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And you obviously don't understand what I've written many times... on everything I've posted here. How many times do I have to repeat myself. I DON'T spend more than I have to. What I pay extra IS A TIP FOR GOOD SERVICE! And, what I pay willingly to anyone who I believe is doing a good job is just a gift from me personally. Maybe I'm just making up for all the tightwads I see here in Thailand. I get value from helping others. It seems many people complaining here like using Thai people like they are some sort of paid slaves.

I remember people like you at university who got poor grades because they DIDN'T read the question properly. They ASSUMED something different than what the professor wrote on the exam... and they got a failing grade for their mistake.

If you actually think that me personally can change the whole country then you give me much more credit than I deserve.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

But the way you speak now is not how you wrote the OP.In the the OP you stated that you didn't mind to get charged 40 baht for the same meal a Thai got charged 25 Baht.This has nothing to do with tipping the working staff.Only enriching a xenophobist/racist restaurant owner.

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My Partners Family have 4 taxi drivers amongst them, I tell them to get what they can from people who are on holiday

I am totally sick of whining Farangs who do nothing but compare prices against their home countries, compare their prices against locals etc etc, yet have no qualms paying 5% of the price for a woman compared to their own country, get stopped by the police and give the equivalent of a beer to walk away, I think most posters here don't actually live in Thailand, and if they do, they have forgotten why the fawk they came here in the first place.

Farangs travel thousands of Miles to Thailand because it suits them to do that, if it didn't they'd stay at home, Farangs are travelling to Thailand for what reason other than selfish reasons ? Oh Please, don't tell me that you all want Thailand to progress and your tourist dollar helps, how about if you couldn't buy women, would you still come ?

If Thailand was in the Arctic Tundra and still had the advantages that western men can find here, believe me, Thailand would still have plane loads of old western men arriving everyday, Japan would be exactly the same, but because it would cost 50 times more for a women than it does in Thailand, Japan isn't a sex tourist destination, although Tokyo has probably as much if not more P4P than Bangkok Does.

But how many TV members would be happy paying 50,000 Baht per night ?

Why do so many western girls work in Japan, I don't mean only Russians, I mean countries like USA, UK, Canada, AUS, NZ, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland., I will tell you why, because they make a boatload of money, that's why.

Stop whining and get with the program.

So you married below your stand and now your taking it out on fellow foreigners. Or maybe you were of low class to begin with. Anyway maybe i should tell my parents next time they are here to start spitting on Thais. Seeing as others encourage Thais to rip of farangs.

And have fun working in japan.

Anyway i get sick and tired of getting ripped off. Today i went fishing first the fishing park wanted to come back upon agreed prices. Good thing one of us had a confirmation sms with prices. Then I asked for a bucket of lam (normal) and my mate did too. We were not using much lam. At the end of the day we had to pay for 50 kg bags of lam. My Thai is far from perfect but the difference between a bucked and a bag is not that hard. The price difference is big too. We were lucky for them to take 80% of it back for 50% of the price. Yes its a country where you get ripped off and you got a right to complain about it.

Its not only about money its the fact that they try to rip you off. I am lucky that it does not happen much but it is real annoying when it does.

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If Thailand was in the Arctic Tundra and still had the advantages that western men can find here, believe me, Thailand would still have plane loads of old western men arriving everyday, Japan would be exactly the same, but because it would cost 50 times more for a women than it does in Thailand, Japan isn't a sex tourist destination, although Tokyo has probably as much if not more P4P than Bangkok Does.

But how many TV members would be happy paying 50,000 Baht per night ?

You have no clues, Lady.

Japanese women are even easier than Thai. And nobody with some brain pays for them. Rather the opposite.

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And you obviously don't understand what I've written many times... on everything I've posted here. How many times do I have to repeat myself. I DON'T spend more than I have to. What I pay extra IS A TIP FOR GOOD SERVICE! And, what I pay willingly to anyone who I believe is doing a good job is just a gift from me personally. Maybe I'm just making up for all the tightwads I see here in Thailand. I get value from helping others. It seems many people complaining here like using Thai people like they are some sort of paid slaves.

I remember people like you at university who got poor grades because they DIDN'T read the question properly. They ASSUMED something different than what the professor wrote on the exam... and they got a failing grade for their mistake.

If you actually think that me personally can change the whole country then you give me much more credit than I deserve.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

But the way you speak now is not how you wrote the OP.In the the OP you stated that you didn't mind to get charged 40 baht for the same meal a Thai got charged 25 Baht.This has nothing to do with tipping the working staff.Only enriching a xenophobist/racist restaurant owner.

I can see how you MIGHT have misinterpreted what I wrote...

If I'm happy paying a Thai cafe 40 baht for a meal that Thais pay 25 baht for then it should be nobody's concern but my own. I can afford a little "extra" and don't mind showing my appreciation to the staff for what I find so inexpensive by western standards. Most Thais work long days for a pittance, and what small amount I give extra helps them and doesn't affect me at all. I'd much prefer just handing some hard worker an extra 100 baht than give it to a begger in the street.

But nowhere did I say that the Thai cafe CHARGED ME MORE than a Thai. I just CHOSE to pay more as a TIP. It is BECAUSE they charge so little for what other restaurants charge 40 or 50 baht for that I am willing to tip the Thai workers the extra in a Thai cafe. Because I eat at the same place on a regular basis and I always treat the staff with respect I get a lot of respect in return. If you and I were to eat the same meal at the same Thai cafe you would notice that my platefull is larger than yours. Same with the bowl of soup that goes with it. I get a huge bowl full whereas the Thais get a small bowl.

I don't find too many racist Thai cafe owners when I ask for my Thai meal using the Thai language. But, I certainly get lots of respect and pleasant smiles from the staff. That is what makes me happy.

That is far different than a salesman dickering (bartering) over the price of some item. It's all a game and you better know the price of everything before the transaction begins. If you think it's bad here then try India or Algiers. The salesmen there feel jilted if you DON'T barter the price down. It's all a game of one-upmanship to them.

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Oy. In a small Thai place if you are getting a larger portion and you are paying more you are getting the "special" version of the dish, called out pisset. I ask for that all the time. They do sound lovely. You aren't tipping, they are giving you what you paid for. If you really DO want to tip on your pisset order, you really should be paying them EVEN MORE. Enjoy.

Edited by Jingthing
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If your happy that way then so be it. I hate paying more for the same service just because I am a foreigner. I have been brought up in a way that i consider it wrong. Sure i can afford it but that is not the point.

But your happy with it that is ok. I just avoid those places if i can.

I like to be treated equally, and I prefer to get the "Thai" price but sometimes its just a hardship that needs to be endured.

But, there is a double standard within the double standard. I work for an international company, and some of the benefits I get over the Thai staff are:

  • As an expat, I get paid 3-4 times more than Thai staff of similar age and experience.
  • Where Thai staff receive 12 days holidays, I get 23 and while they must wait until 12 months service to take leave, I get mine upfront.
  • I get a phone, and expense account, and free flights home once a year for my entire family.

So, when I know I am being screwed for 20 baht by some "cunning" little "entrepreneur" I ask myself, do I really want "equality" with Thai's or am I happy to be persecuted? Maybe in time I will grow tired of being discriminated against, but as long as i make before lunch what most Thai's make in a month, then I am happy to make allowances :)

Is it right and just that we be treated in a "racist" way? Well no, its not........ but as I say, double standards can be a 2 way street.

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Well said, corkman. If life was fair then 3/4 of us wouldn't even be here in Thailand. I just enjoy evening up the odds a bit.

And, thank you Jingthing. I didn't know that about the "pisset" version... even though it doesn't apply in my case. You learn something new each day like Moonrakers said in Bedlam.

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If your happy that way then so be it. I hate paying more for the same service just because I am a foreigner. I have been brought up in a way that i consider it wrong. Sure i can afford it but that is not the point.

But your happy with it that is ok. I just avoid those places if i can.

I like to be treated equally, and I prefer to get the "Thai" price but sometimes its just a hardship that needs to be endured.

But, there is a double standard within the double standard. I work for an international company, and some of the benefits I get over the Thai staff are:

  • As an expat, I get paid 3-4 times more than Thai staff of similar age and experience.
  • Where Thai staff receive 12 days holidays, I get 23 and while they must wait until 12 months service to take leave, I get mine upfront.
  • I get a phone, and expense account, and free flights home once a year for my entire family.

So, when I know I am being screwed for 20 baht by some "cunning" little "entrepreneur" I ask myself, do I really want "equality" with Thai's or am I happy to be persecuted? Maybe in time I will grow tired of being discriminated against, but as long as i make before lunch what most Thai's make in a month, then I am happy to make allowances :)

Is it right and just that we be treated in a "racist" way? Well no, its not........ but as I say, double standards can be a 2 way street.

Sure but i run my own business different story all together Thais can do the same thing. In your case they should just charge you 3 times more. Sounds fair as you get 3 times more money for the same work. If a Thai could do what id do he would get the same money. They just don't have the skill set i have.

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If your happy that way then so be it. I hate paying more for the same service just because I am a foreigner. I have been brought up in a way that i consider it wrong. Sure i can afford it but that is not the point.

But your happy with it that is ok. I just avoid those places if i can.

I like to be treated equally, and I prefer to get the "Thai" price but sometimes its just a hardship that needs to be endured.

But, there is a double standard within the double standard. I work for an international company, and some of the benefits I get over the Thai staff are:

  • As an expat, I get paid 3-4 times more than Thai staff of similar age and experience.
  • Where Thai staff receive 12 days holidays, I get 23 and while they must wait until 12 months service to take leave, I get mine upfront.
  • I get a phone, and expense account, and free flights home once a year for my entire family.

So, when I know I am being screwed for 20 baht by some "cunning" little "entrepreneur" I ask myself, do I really want "equality" with Thai's or am I happy to be persecuted? Maybe in time I will grow tired of being discriminated against, but as long as i make before lunch what most Thai's make in a month, then I am happy to make allowances :)

Is it right and just that we be treated in a "racist" way? Well no, its not........ but as I say, double standards can be a 2 way street.

Sure but i run my own business different story all together Thais can do the same thing. In your case they should just charge you 3 times more. Sounds fair as you get 3 times more money for the same work. If a Thai could do what id do he would get the same money. They just don't have the skill set i have.

I am genuinely curious as to what particular skill set you have that no Thai has?

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If your happy that way then so be it. I hate paying more for the same service just because I am a foreigner. I have been brought up in a way that i consider it wrong. Sure i can afford it but that is not the point.

But your happy with it that is ok. I just avoid those places if i can.

I like to be treated equally, and I prefer to get the "Thai" price but sometimes its just a hardship that needs to be endured.

But, there is a double standard within the double standard. I work for an international company, and some of the benefits I get over the Thai staff are:

  • As an expat, I get paid 3-4 times more than Thai staff of similar age and experience.
  • Where Thai staff receive 12 days holidays, I get 23 and while they must wait until 12 months service to take leave, I get mine upfront.
  • I get a phone, and expense account, and free flights home once a year for my entire family.

So, when I know I am being screwed for 20 baht by some "cunning" little "entrepreneur" I ask myself, do I really want "equality" with Thai's or am I happy to be persecuted? Maybe in time I will grow tired of being discriminated against, but as long as i make before lunch what most Thai's make in a month, then I am happy to make allowances :)

Is it right and just that we be treated in a "racist" way? Well no, its not........ but as I say, double standards can be a 2 way street.

Sure but i run my own business different story all together Thais can do the same thing. In your case they should just charge you 3 times more. Sounds fair as you get 3 times more money for the same work. If a Thai could do what id do he would get the same money. They just don't have the skill set i have.

I am genuinely curious as to what particular skill set you have that no Thai has?

Robb can pump you up like Arnie mate - or he is a dog whisperer er er :unsure:

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When ever I order the " special " it comes from the kitchen with a new type of sauce tasting really, really salty. :huh:

That's weird. Pisset roughly means special as in a special sized portion. Don't ask in English "special" and make sure you pronounce pisset correctly. This is used at street and casual restaurants and I have never gotten anything but a sized up dish. It costs more, 10 or 20 baht. Once in a while they will charge double for pisset, that's rare. In those case, I don't know if that is an overpriced game or not as pisset prices aren't generally on street type places menus. You can also say large (yai) which is not the Thai way to ask, but they will probably understand. I especially like this for pad krapow dishes. One problem is they sometimes just give extra stir fried stuff but the same small amount of rice, it really needs more rice as well in those cases.

Edited by Jingthing
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My apologies jing. I was just making a terrible joke about the possible " ingredients " that the chef might put in a " special". Re reading my post I can see how it could come across as a genuine query. :D

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If your happy that way then so be it. I hate paying more for the same service just because I am a foreigner. I have been brought up in a way that i consider it wrong. Sure i can afford it but that is not the point.

But your happy with it that is ok. I just avoid those places if i can.

I like to be treated equally, and I prefer to get the "Thai" price but sometimes its just a hardship that needs to be endured.

But, there is a double standard within the double standard. I work for an international company, and some of the benefits I get over the Thai staff are:

  • As an expat, I get paid 3-4 times more than Thai staff of similar age and experience.
  • Where Thai staff receive 12 days holidays, I get 23 and while they must wait until 12 months service to take leave, I get mine upfront.
  • I get a phone, and expense account, and free flights home once a year for my entire family.

So, when I know I am being screwed for 20 baht by some "cunning" little "entrepreneur" I ask myself, do I really want "equality" with Thai's or am I happy to be persecuted? Maybe in time I will grow tired of being discriminated against, but as long as i make before lunch what most Thai's make in a month, then I am happy to make allowances :)

Is it right and just that we be treated in a "racist" way? Well no, its not........ but as I say, double standards can be a 2 way street.

Sure but i run my own business different story all together Thais can do the same thing. In your case they should just charge you 3 times more. Sounds fair as you get 3 times more money for the same work. If a Thai could do what id do he would get the same money. They just don't have the skill set i have.

Seriously - I am not saying that you specifically don't have a special skill set...... but generally, most expats here cannot do anything special that I local cannot do (or cannot be trained to do) - the primary reason we command a premium are because of our work ethic, english speaking, and "look good" as front men..... particualrly when dealing with international clients from say Singapore, HK, KL, HCM, etc. Genuinely, yes I do believe I am a more valuable memeber of staff that those which are supposed to be my equal .......... and genuinely I do see why my company needs me to fulfil the role. The other inflationary factor of course is why would I come and work here for less than I get at home..... so there is the "hardship" uplift etc.

None-the-less, when viewed from a Thai persepctive, it must seem frightfully unfair.......

Charge me 3 times more..... well I am just trying to put a bit of realism and persepctive on the situation. Of course I would disagree with that, just the same as I would disagree that a Thai accountant should not pay 3 times more than a Thai house maid for the same bowl of noodles at the noodle stand. All I am saying is that sometimes, we as farangs are treated unfairly, even in a racist way ...... I am not saying that this is right, or ok...... and for the most part I don't get ripped off that often..... but on the occassion that I do (and I usually know when I am) I just think to myself "yes buddy, you are laughing at the stupid farang paying more than you do, but the joke is really on you, you small minded cretin"...... but that really does not apply to the vast majority of Thai's ........... I cannot think of any singular event in recent times, accept the entrance to a national park recently..... and for a hundred baht I'm really not loosing any sleep.

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Robb can pump you up like Arnie mate - or he is a dog whisperer er er :unsure:

Wish i was in the mood for training. Haven't been for a while. And about whispering to my dogs they dont seem to understand me.

I just hate dual pricing, but if a foreigner gets 3 times what a thai gets for doing the same thing. I have no qualms if he has to pay extra. Fairness works both ways.

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