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Value For Your Money


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"If I'm happy paying a Thai cafe 40 baht for a meal that Thais pay 25 baht for then it should be nobody's concern but my own. I can afford a little "extra" and don't mind showing my appreciation to the staff for what I find so inexpensive by western standards. Most Thais work long days for a pittance, and what small amount I give extra helps them and doesn't affect me at all. I'd much prefer just handing some hard worker an extra 100 baht than give it to a begger in the street."

Sorry Ian, but I was brought up to believe racism was wrong.

The dual pricing in Thailand is racist and therefore wrong. Thais make no effort to discover what your actual nationality or status in society is, the pricing is purely judged on the colour of you skin.

Try putting up a sign in the UK or any other country in the western world

"Blacks pay double"

And see what it gets you.

You want to pay more, fine give them a big tip, but don't try to excuse blatant racism.


Discounts for locals are not a problem, ask for an ID to show if you are local or not and no problem. Assume anyone with a white face is not local and everyone with a brown face is a local, and I have a problem with a racist.

Really? I suggest that you are a hypocrite. You are not in any position to pass judgement on what is racist. On the Hitler candy thread you stated, and I quote; Flag shop in Bo Sang often has Nazi flags outside. I almost bought a big swastika flag to hang outside my house, just for a bit of fun. Someone that would consider purchasing a nazi flag for fun should not cry racism. Had you actually purchased the flag and hung it outside your home, I think you would have saved the locals from knowing what your status in society was.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I just KNEW this topic would get some "legs" when I mentioned dual pricing. I was surprised it took so long. :lol:

Villagefarang gets what I was saying. It is all a game of one-upmanship. How many farangs who shop at the night bazaar, or one of the many clothing stores, pay the exact price the vendor is asking? Yah, we all dicker a bit and hope to reach a happy medium. The vendor has to make a profit and we want value for our money. Tourists come to Thailand and hope to pay less than they pay at home for the same item... whether it's a hotel room, a meal in a restaurant, or some garment in a store. Vendors learn to judge their clientel and hope to earn enough to make a small profit. If they can get more from a Japanese business man than an American back packer then so be it.

I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

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Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can’t get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don’t like it don’t pay, but don’t whine about it so much. ;)

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I just KNEW this topic would get some "legs" when I mentioned dual pricing. I was surprised it took so long. :lol:

Villagefarang gets what I was saying. It is all a game of one-upmanship. How many farangs who shop at the night bazaar, or one of the many clothing stores, pay the exact price the vendor is asking? Yah, we all dicker a bit and hope to reach a happy medium. The vendor has to make a profit and we want value for our money. Tourists come to Thailand and hope to pay less than they pay at home for the same item... whether it's a hotel room, a meal in a restaurant, or some garment in a store. Vendors learn to judge their clientel and hope to earn enough to make a small profit. If they can get more from a Japanese business man than an American back packer then so be it.

I'm talking about a personal CHOICE to pay more to people I believe deserve it. The average Thai gets about 200 baht a day in salary for working an 8 to 10 hour shift. Some short order cook in a busy Thai cafe works a WHOLE LOT HARDER than 90% of the people who complain about over pricing, or dual pricing. The sexpat who visits Pattaya will pay less for his night of pleasure than the same guy in Phuket. He'll also pay more for his hotel and meals on the street in Phuket. And, he'll pay a WHOLE LOT MORE for a tuk tuk ride with one of those scam artists. But, if you want to enjoy what Phuket has to offer then you have to pay the going rate. That is just one reason why I stay away from Phuket despite its beauty.

Yes Ian heaven forbid you would have to pay more for a girl. You dont mind to overpay anything except girls :D :D

In the end its up to you as the thais say.

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Really? I suggest that you are a hypocrite. You are not in any position to pass judgement on what is racist. On the Hitler candy thread you stated, and I quote; Flag shop in Bo Sang often has Nazi flags outside. I almost bought a big swastika flag to hang outside my house, just for a bit of fun. Someone that would consider purchasing a nazi flag for fun should not cry racism. Had you actually purchased the flag and hung it outside your home, I think you would have saved the locals from knowing what your status in society was.

Forgive and forget

Was the point of that post, too many people in the world who just love to claim victim status and use it as an excuse to oppress others.

Nothing wrong with a Nazi flag, after all the pope used to own one himself, and wear it on his uniform.

If the catholic church is prepared to forgive the Nazis, who am I to dissent!

Racists the other hand, not nice.

Edited by pjclark1
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Yes Ian heaven forbid you would have to pay more for a girl. You dont mind to overpay anything except girls :D :D

In the end its up to you as the thais say.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, I pay MORE than the going rate providing I get value for my money. As we are not allowed to go into detail on that topic I'll just say that some women are worth more than the going rate and others are not even worth the wasted time spent. That includes marriages.

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Agree whole heartedly with op,

Yes it's a double standard but one based on perceived status,

I don't take it personally and at the end of the day it's still just chump change,

no different then the odd coinage going into the ash tray for the maid.

If someone's standard of living is slightly increased because of it, all the better.

I have no problem paying the extra pittance, but the cheap charlies and under funded pensioners will always rationize what a hardship this is on them.

I was brought up to treat everybody as an equal, that goes for LOS too, a rice picker is no less a person so why should me being from different shores pay more for something.

Your last sentence is an insult to perhaps some here, and all your saying is if your white, pay up more. :rolleyes:.

Glad that where l come from all nationalities know where they stand and are not ripped off cos the colour of their skin or they way they talk.

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Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

Yes you did, but got away with it.

Your and OP's attitude are exactly like mine.

Too many members of this forum are too busy looking for obstacles, and neglect some of the magic this country and it's people have to offer.

And IMHO overpricing has nothing to do with racism but all with profit enhancing which is a common practice all over the world, especially where tourist's are concerned.

But that's just me.


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Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

Yes you did, but got away with it.

Your and OP's attitude are exactly like mine.

Too many members of this forum are too busy looking for obstacles, and neglect some of the magic this country and it's people have to offer.

And IMHO overpricing has nothing to do with racism but all with profit enhancing which is a common practice all over the world, especially where tourist's are concerned.

But that's just me.


Not in any country l've been too.. Your saying if you go on holiday expect to pay more than the locals but those same locals can go to your country they pay the same. Nothing to do with what the country offers, my country has lots to offer but we pay the same.

Not the racist card but tell me, how does a Thai know when to over charge. ? :rolleyes:

When l go in town in Ubon to play snooker , l don't get charged a different rate, in fact l get looked after cos l have a bit of fun and try and talk to the staff. Being ripped off or overcharged is an insult to you what ever you may THINK to justify it.. ;)

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Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

Yes you did, but got away with it.

Your and OP's attitude are exactly like mine.

Too many members of this forum are too busy looking for obstacles, and neglect some of the magic this country and it's people have to offer.

And IMHO overpricing has nothing to do with racism but all with profit enhancing which is a common practice all over the world, especially where tourist's are concerned.

But that's just me.


Not in any country l've been too.. Your saying if you go on holiday expect to pay more than the locals but those same locals can go to your country they pay the same. Nothing to do with what the country offers, my country has lots to offer but we pay the same.

Not the racist card but tell me, how does a Thai know when to over charge. ? :rolleyes:

When l go in town in Ubon to play snooker , l don't get charged a different rate, in fact l get looked after cos l have a bit of fun and try and talk to the staff. Being ripped off or overcharged is an insult to you what ever you may THINK to justify it.. ;)

Read my post again please.

Where did I say I condoned overpricing or tried to justify it ?


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What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as “racism” is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is “one” price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

They then get all excited and huffy and don’t buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

That is the entire point of Ian’s OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


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What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as "racism" is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is "one" price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

They then get all excited and huffy and don't buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

That is the entire point of Ian's OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


So you sit in a restaurant and a Thai sits next to you and he is charged less for the same food, that is OK ?. :rolleyes:

If you and others think that is OK then I'll say no more.

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What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as "racism" is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is "one" price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

They then get all excited and huffy and don't buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

That is the entire point of Ian's OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


Bingo! Give thaihome a kewpie doll from the top shelf. He gets it.

If I think my extrra 100 baht will help some Thai working his butt off for a pittance than I'll do so. However, I also use my feet when someone is over charging for something I know I can get for much less elsewhere. Thailand is FULL of anomalies. You pay more for most electronics and other imported items, but much less for most services. As someone already said... Thailand is the wild west where you are on your own and have to take responsiblity for your own actions. I like it for that very feature. A simple traffic fine in Thailand varies between 200 and 400 baht. ANY traffic fine in Canada starts at the equivalent of 6000 baht. Which would you rather pay... even if the Thai traffic offence is somewhat of a ripoff to earn tea money for the local police?

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What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as “racism” is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is “one” price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

They then get all excited and huffy and don’t buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

That is the entire point of Ian’s OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


Would be fun to see how you would respond if you or one of your loved ones is hurt in an accident and the doctor inflates the prices up to a point you will be broke after paying it. That is just pure capitalism. It might be what it is it does not make it good. (just for the record i don't wish anything bad on you and your family its just an example)

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What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as "racism" is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is "one" price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

They then get all excited and huffy and don't buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

That is the entire point of Ian's OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


So you sit in a restaurant and a Thai sits next to you and he is charged less for the same food, that is OK ?. :rolleyes:

If you and others think that is OK then I'll say no more.

You missed one part of my point completely while making the other one exactly…

The restaurant owner is not being a racist; he is being a pure capitalist. He is charging what he thinks the market will pay for two seperate customers. Capitalism does not require everyone to pay the same price (in fact it is the opposite), only nanny state, political correctness says everyone pays the same (and get to whine about it when it doesn’t happen).


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What some people seem to think is charging based on race (or nationality) which they characterize as "racism" is in fact free market pricing based on profiling. Westerners have been thoroughly indoctrinated that there is "one" price for everything and their whole lives have reinforced with virtually everything having a set, marked price.

When confronted with a market where the price is subject to minute to minute changes based on what the market will pay at that point, they choose to call it racism rather then a market with pricing based on pure capitalism, which they have never been exposed to before.

They then get all excited and huffy and don't buy (which is their right in pure capitalism) while the seller just shrugs his shoulders and waits for the next customer.

That is the entire point of Ian's OP. In pure capitalism you pay what the item or service is worth to you. That is only criteria.


Bingo! Give thaihome a kewpie doll from the top shelf. He gets it.

If I think my extrra 100 baht will help some Thai working his butt off for a pittance than I'll do so. However, I also use my feet when someone is over charging for something I know I can get for much less elsewhere. Thailand is FULL of anomalies. You pay more for most electronics and other imported items, but much less for most services. As someone already said... Thailand is the wild west where you are on your own and have to take responsiblity for your own actions. I like it for that very feature. A simple traffic fine in Thailand varies between 200 and 400 baht. ANY traffic fine in Canada starts at the equivalent of 6000 baht. Which would you rather pay... even if the Thai traffic offence is somewhat of a ripoff to earn tea money for the local police?

Would they over charge a hi-so Thai in his uniform or posh car outside, a money earner, the same as a farang or the same as a regular Thai ?. I think the Thai price. Nothing to do with feeling sorry and bunging them a few baht, thats up to you, BUT to be charged extra cos you a '' millionaire '' does not wash. Fines in farang land are based on earnings there and the laws there, all relative.

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So you sit in a restaurant and a Thai sits next to you and he is charged less for the same food, that is OK ?. :rolleyes:

If you and others think that is OK then I'll say no more.

The thing is, Transom, that you DO have a choice. You can CHOOSE to eat elsewhere, or you can pay the extra. Even the jacked up over charging prices are cheaper than the equivalent in North America or Europe. There are LOTS of places to eat in Thailand that don't over charge. Most are shocked when I give them 40 baht for what they normally charge everyone else 25 baht for. Last night I gave a lovely, hard working girl 1000 baht in a Valentine's card. I had and have no intention of trying to "buy" her affection. I just knew she needs the money more than me, and besides, I already have too many lady "friends". However, she tried to give it back and I refused after I explained why I gave it to her. It was in appreciation for what she does for so very little. I know that she's not going to try ripping some future customer off. She's too honest for that. Which brings me back to what the topic is about... value for your money. Some people will pay enormous amounts of money for luxury items that they'll never take full advantage of. That is because they have their own idea of value... even though it's entirely different than mine.

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So you sit in a restaurant and a Thai sits next to you and he is charged less for the same food, that is OK ?. :rolleyes:

If you and others think that is OK then I'll say no more.

The thing is, Transom, that you DO have a choice. You can CHOOSE to eat elsewhere, or you can pay the extra. Even the jacked up over charging prices are cheaper than the equivalent in North America or Europe. There are LOTS of places to eat in Thailand that don't over charge. Most are shocked when I give them 40 baht for what they normally charge everyone else 25 baht for. Last night I gave a lovely, hard working girl 1000 baht in a Valentine's card. I had and have no intention of trying to "buy" her affection. I just knew she needs the money more than me, and besides, I already have too many lady "friends". However, she tried to give it back and I refused after I explained why I gave it to her. It was in appreciation for what she does for so very little. I know that she's not going to try ripping some future customer off. She's too honest for that. Which brings me back to what the topic is about... value for your money. Some people will pay enormous amounts of money for luxury items that they'll never take full advantage of. That is because they have their own idea of value... even though it's entirely different than mine.

That is the thing.. i just avoid the dual price places. So in general i dont care much about it. I even get into bungsamran (fishing place) most of the time for Thai price. So it really does not affect me at all. I just don't like it. Also for the national parks i would pay the price (or show the drivers license) but sometimes its just not worth it.

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So you sit in a restaurant and a Thai sits next to you and he is charged less for the same food, that is OK ?. :rolleyes:

If you and others think that is OK then I'll say no more.

The thing is, Transom, that you DO have a choice. You can CHOOSE to eat elsewhere, or you can pay the extra. Even the jacked up over charging prices are cheaper than the equivalent in North America or Europe. There are LOTS of places to eat in Thailand that don't over charge. Most are shocked when I give them 40 baht for what they normally charge everyone else 25 baht for. Last night I gave a lovely, hard working girl 1000 baht in a Valentine's card. I had and have no intention of trying to "buy" her affection. I just knew she needs the money more than me, and besides, I already have too many lady "friends". However, she tried to give it back and I refused after I explained why I gave it to her. It was in appreciation for what she does for so very little. I know that she's not going to try ripping some future customer off. She's too honest for that. Which brings me back to what the topic is about... value for your money. Some people will pay enormous amounts of money for luxury items that they'll never take full advantage of. That is because they have their own idea of value... even though it's entirely different than mine.

Noooooo Transom, thats the stern of a boat, some unpleasant memories sitting there :crying::D

I always tip, always, but to be charged different to a native, different to advertised prices, to me is an insult. I must add, so far never happened to me, must be the holes in my socks. :D

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Double pricing at National Parks isn't racist.

If it was racist white residents in Thailand wouldn't be able to show a Driving license and get the reduced price would they ? If it was based on skin color a License would make no difference at all, you're still white.

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Double pricing at National Parks isn't racist.

If it was racist white residents in Thailand wouldn't be able to show a Driving license and get the reduced price would they ? If it was based on skin color a License would make no difference at all, you're still white.

Hi there Mrs. Mills. I particularly like that song your husband wrote - I feel Glad all over. :)

(For the nonplussed - Mrs Mills Christian name is Gladys.)

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[...a hi-so Thai in his uniform or posh car outside,....

And now your real issues come out...


Should not cut my post in bits eh, naughty, should put in bold or something. :)

What are my real issues, tell me, ? other than being charged more cos not a native of the country and a '' millionaire '',

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I can understand all the different point of views here and most are valid in one way or another.

I also think that there will always be the association with money to a Thai person who they see as being considered western/european, rich or poor alike.

I also think that a Thai person to be married to one comes into play as well.

My reply to value here living in Thailand is much to do with the wild west aspect of it, which I like, I don't attach racism to any of it though.

You have a choice in what you want, and what you want to do always at the start, I don't like playing the racist card.

I am different now that I live here as to what I was like when coming here on Holiday with the price of things.

Wherever I went in the world for holidays I did what I wanted for as much as I could afford.

Living in our village I pay what you would call Thai prices apart from in the few European based restaurants and even then they all have priced menu's so you can choose.

Where I go for a beer they know me and really do not like taking more than I owe, so now and then I give the kids there some money for an ice cream.

I guess my situation to " Ian's " is different. and even now if I want to buy something somewhere outside our village where I am not known, apart from your "Big 'C' " such like shops, I find want I want and tell the Mrs and she goes and buys it for me.

It's funny I like the look on some of there faces when I get out the car to open the boot, having said that, my point is my wife nearly always says to me stay in the car, don't let them see you, and this is when even she wants to buy something for herself from someone she does not know.

My house here is paid for so what ever the 6 baht a year for the ground it's on is, is a killer.:lol: Council tax in England ???

7% vat ...in UK 20%, road tax and insurance a fraction of what I paid in UK, need I go on, I suppose I am saying living here I get good value for money, YES.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Double pricing at National Parks isn't racist.

If it was racist white residents in Thailand wouldn't be able to show a Driving license and get the reduced price would they ? If it was based on skin color a License would make no difference at all, you're still white.

Exactly what I was thinking. Many seem to forget that the Thai government spent taxpayers money on maintaining national parks, temples and various other locations.

If people claim that double pricing at national pars is racist, then most countries race discriminate! Thais studying at universities in most of Europe and US pay more then locals, is that racist? Some catholic churches in Europe have free entrance for practicing catholics, but others have to pay a entrance fee, is that racist? My parents get free healthcare back in Denmark, I have to pay, same as foreigners, it that racist?

And for the restaurants, most private firm that are able to practice 3rd degree price discrimination will do so! If you don't like it, don't buy the product!

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I can understand all the different point of views here and most are valid in one way or another.

I also think that there will always be the association with money to a Thai person who they see as being considered western/european, rich or poor alike.

I also think that a Thai person to be married to one comes into play as well.

My reply to value here living in Thailand is much to do with the wild west aspect of it, which I like, I don't attach racism to any of it though.

You have a choice in what you want, and what you want to do always at the start, I don't like playing the racist card.

I am different now that I live here as to what I was like when coming here on Holiday with the price of things.

Wherever I went in the world for holidays I did what I wanted for as much as I could afford.

Living in our village I pay what you would call Thai prices apart from in the few European based restaurants and even then they all have priced menu's so you can choose.

Where I go for a beer they know me and really do not like taking more than I owe, so now and then I give the kids there some money for an ice cream.

I guess my situation to " Ian's " is different. and even now if I want to buy something somewhere outside our village where I am not known, apart from your "Big 'C' " such like shops, I find want I want and tell the Mrs and she goes and buys it for me.

It's funny I like the look on some of there faces when I get out the car to open the boot, having said that, my point is my wife nearly always says to me stay in the car, don't let them see you, and this is when even she wants to buy something for herself from someone she does not know.

My house here is paid for so what ever the 6 baht a year for the ground it's on is, is a killer.:lol: Council tax in England ???

7% vat ...in UK 20%, road tax and insurance a fraction of what I paid in UK, need I go on, I suppose I am saying living here I get good value for money, YES.

Good post, Kwasaki. I agree totally, and you DO understand what I was saying. So does your Thai wife. All the Thai wives of my farang friends do exactly as your wife does. They justifiably don't like spending more than they have to. I'm in a far different situation. I'm only a part time resident and I'm single. I still get value for my money by giving it away to people who need it more than me. As I said before, I won't pay one satang more to a big businessconglomerate, or the banks.

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Double pricing at National Parks isn't racist.

If it was racist white residents in Thailand wouldn't be able to show a Driving license and get the reduced price would they ? If it was based on skin color a License would make no difference at all, you're still white.

Why do Filipinos get the reduced price without showing or indeed having any Thai driving license?

It's not so simple you see.

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I think the OP is a part time expat. So perhaps his time here feels more like a vacation than for residents. That isn't good or bad but it might change your point of view.

He 'should change his point of view'.

Try this one on. He's black living in a predominantly white country.

How would he feel THEN about being over-charged because of the colour of his skin? And please save the racist 'white man earn more than black/brown man' crap.

Being treated differently because of the colour of your skin is racist. Full stop.

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