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This is my first post and I hope I stuck to all the rules;)!

I'm looking to play online computer games, where speed is not important, but the latency is. Currently I'm in Bangkok, Silom, where I'm using True 12mbit. It's okay and I get pretty good download and upload speeds. But it's not perfect for gaming. I get small time outs regularly and have a pretty high ping in general. Now i've browsed around a bit, but 99% focusses on the speed and ignores the ping when comparing ISP's. Basically I don't care at all about speed as long as it's more than 60kbyte down and 20 up.

Can anyone tell me which ISP would be best in this area for me? It's a bit hard to try them all out. I've got ToT and True landlines.

Best regards,


PS: Somehow the original post went wrong and I can't edit it;o Sorry!


Ping times to servers in the USA average 200~350ms. On occasion, you may see figures below 200ms, but those are few and far between. Expect similar (if not slightly higher) rates to Europe. It all depends on the physical location of the server. Changing ISPs isn't going to improve latency -- it may help, but not by a significant margin. The only thing you can do to improve latency is move 'closer' to the server.

BTW, welcome the forums! :)


No point. Your Latency will not improve. If anything True has the best international network. So you are probably on the best isp.

I am on True VDSL2 50mb and latency is exactly the same as their ADSL product which was the same as TOT prior to that which was the same as CSLOXINFO.

Can't change the laws of physics :(


No point. Your Latency will not improve. If anything True has the best international network. So you are probably on the best isp.

Can't change the laws of physics

I have to agree here.

Can anyone tell me which ISP would be best in this area for me? It's a bit hard to try them all out. I've got ToT and True landlines.

Since you also have a TOT line, maybe give JI-NET a try. Would you see an improvement in latency? Most likely not, but the service is very reliable. As has been mentioned, TRUE has the best international network, so might as well stick to it.


3BB Premium. I've had it side by side with true at my house for over a year. True has higher DL speeds, but latency compared to 3BB Premium...well, no contest. I've seen the very same results all over Thailand where both isp's are available.


Not quite sure why 3BB has a better latency as the distance to travel is the same and the speed of electrons is the same.

If you look at the distance no ISP from Thailand will give less than 200ms to w.coast servers. And 99% will get between 200-500ms.

True I am getting around 250-350ms on average.


That Ping is not real. Impossible (Physics: Speed of electrons and distance to travel) that's the latency to 3BB caching server in Thailand I am afraid

36ms latency to W. coast USA would be some new super alien technology.

I imagine you are getting the above result from Speedtest.net which is cached by Thai ISP's.

Try the pingtest instead of the speedtest on that site to see your real Latency. As I think most Thai ISP's cannot or have not cached that application.

Or do a tracert to a west coast server.


That Ping is not real. Impossible (Physics: Speed of electrons and distance to travel) that's the latency to 3BB caching server in Thailand I am afraid

36ms latency to W. coast USA would be some new super alien technology.

I imagine you are getting the above result from Speedtest.net which is cached by Thai ISP's.

Try the pingtest instead of the speedtest on that site to see your real Latency.

Wow! I stand corrected. Via above test: ping 208ms


ping 36ms

BKK to San Francisco

LOL. That ping is as real fake as the one below. There's no way you can get pings <200ms the West Coast. Okay, maybe 180~190ms on those rare occasions, but that's as good as it gets. The only time I've seen accurate ping numbers on True is with IP 58.x.x.x.



Apart from the internet quality, this might be a useful software for you: http://iobit.com/gamebooster.html

Can recommend all software from this company.

Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.

It works by updating hardware drivers, downloading essential gaming tools, tweaking system settings for gaming, defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance.

Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!

I do NOT work, represent, or financially profit from any company, product or service referred to herein.

I made the time and effort, to bother posting this Message/Reply and I am giving what I hope is useful, interesting,

information and material, or in response to a Question that was asked, and expect it to be received as such


on a 58.x.x.x just now and 24ms on speedtest

Well, so much for 'accuracy' I guess...

I've been assigned 58.x.x.x twice; it's usually 124.x.x.x.

Perhaps the internet was working like it should on that faithful day. :rolleyes:


Any one know what problem with speedtest.net with 3bb ., i got almost 24ms to all location i try speedtest to . , so were could the problem be . . .

Other options insteed if ookla "speedtest.net" . , ?


ping 36ms

D 3.06 Mb/s

U .84 Mb/s

BKK to San Francisco

hope this helps

Full ahead Warp 4 Mr.Sulu...:lol:

Thanks Superman....try reading everything.jap.gif


For you folks getting sub-200ms ping times to the US usually in the speedtest ballpark of 25 to 75ms, sorry, we haven't been able to exceed the speed of light yet and eliminate the added delays while the internet electrons go from hop-to-hop and experience amplifier/repeater relay times, propagation factor delay of fiber optic cable (about half the speed of light), etc. It's the propagation and amplifer/repeater delays that eat your lunch. Valid and "fast" ping times to the US are approximately in the 200 to 300ms range with a good connection, with approximately 250 to 325ms being more likely for Thai ISPs....and don't be surprised if you routinely get a much higher ping time due to DNS routing. I''m on TOT (and have been on JINET), and sometimes I think TOT attempts to utllize the most hops and the longest zig-zag distance possible to the rest of the world....not to imply all other Thai ISPs may not attempt the same to save a few baht on international bandwidth costs.

Until we develop some faster-than-light technology your speedtest ping results in the 25 to 75ms ballpark to the US are false results...probably caused by a ping return of an in-Thailand server versus the US server you are really trying to ping. And I'm sure Thailand will implement that faster-than-light technology as fast as they are implementing 3G...wouldn't surprise me that Thailand will be stilling implementing 3G come the 25th century.


Thanks a lot for all the replies guys. That was quite helpful although I'd have liked to hear something different of course ;)

I might have one other thing. When I run a traceroute on my computer to for example Skype.com I notice that on my 10th or 11th hop I'm already starting to get time outs or results in the 450+ region. Where I am getting it is that maybe True does offer me a 200-250ms ping, same like all other ISP's, but it's not very stable and has many minor time outs which of course are annoying for gaming as well. Would this be any different on other ISP's?

+ I have to add that I was using 3bb premiere in Phuket from September-December and their service was notably better than True in Bangkok. It did give me a disconnect for 4-5 hours twice and I never had that with True. However, when 3BB was working I had a way more stable connection than True is offering me now. I read that 3bb premiere in Bangkok is not the same as the one in Phuket. Can anyone elaborate a bit on this?


In my experience CAT telecom has always given me the best latency. But what affects more your latency is the modulation of your modem. At 12Mbps with True you are on ADSL2 which has a terrible latency compared to G.DMT.

I doubt you need 12Mbps to play most games. Depending on your router, it may be possible to force your modulation to G.DMT which will give you a max speed of 8Mbps but will certainly shave 20-30ms.


I'm on 3BB Indy 6Mbps although since having my node switched to 3BB's own line I've been syncing at 7Mbps and streaming more reliably than before. I'm using a TPLink W8910G which lets me change just about every setting possible so I've just set it to connect only using G.DMT and will monitor how it goes. My sync speed just dropped a 30bits or so but my modem is still telling me my attainable rate is 12079 Kbps

Mode: G.DMT

Type: Interleave

Line Coding: Trellis On

Status: No Defect

Link Power State: L0

Downstream Upstream

SNR Margin (dB): 20.1 25.0

Attenuation (dB): 7.0 0.0

Output Power (dBm): 7.8 12.3

Attainable Rate (Kbps): 12079 1462

Rate (Kbps): 7199 623

K (number of bytes in DMT frame): 209 19

R (number of check bytes in RS code word): 16 12

S (RS code word size in DMT frame): 1 4

D (interleaver depth): 64 4

Delay (msec): 16 4


I'm trying out this new game called Rift. My ToT connection in Chiang Mai runs around 300ms while the True connection in BKK runs 40"k"+ms ( yes, that's 40,000+ms) which makes the game unplayable at all. I'm thinking about making a switch but I would lose the speed from 6mb down to 2mb and that's quite a big trade-off only to game so I dunno if it's worth it. I wanna know too, which ISP has the lowest ping in Thailand?

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