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waiting list at 24th april is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 5week and 6days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 4week and 0day,

contractor, 31st march = 3week and 4day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 2wek and 4days

welcome thaisouse and good luck pal

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A mate of mine has just been turned down for a Tourist Visa for his GF they have lived together for over a year He earns over 5,000 Euros a month as a German Translator for Mercedes pays all his tax to the German gov't. Got a Schenken Visa okay but as his daughter is getting married in England applied for a UK Visit Visa and was refused. This means his GF will be stuck in Germany on her own for 5 days while he attends his daughters wedding.

I will see him Monday and he will show me the refusal letter.

This seems to need it's own thread as it doesn't have anything to do with settlement visas for the UK. I would be interested to see the refusal notice if you can post it. It may be something as simple as your friend's girlfriend applying for a UK visa when she is in Germany on a visit visa. Embassies overseas will not accept applications from someone who is not resident in the country where they apply

Please post the refusal notice


Indeed, Englishinsiam. If you wish to discuss this further then, to avoid dragging his topic away from it's purpose, please start a new topic.


Indeed, Englishinsiam. If you wish to discuss this further then, to avoid dragging his topic away from it's purpose, please start a new topic.

Just to say my wife and i have also put in an application for her daughter to come to the UK on the 7th April so we too can be added to the list for 2011, hope all get the same positive news!


waiting list updated at 24th april is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 5week and 6days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 4week and 0day,

contractor, 31st march = 3week and 4day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 2week and 4days

brynpugh, 7th april = 2week and 4days

welcome thaiscouse and brynpugh and good luck


This seems to need it's own thread as it doesn't have anything to do with settlement visas for the UK. I would be interested to see the refusal notice if you can post it. It may be something as simple as your friend's girlfriend applying for a UK visa when she is in Germany on a visit visa. Embassies overseas will not accept applications from someone who is not resident in the country where they apply

Please post the refusal notice

Thanks I might do that he didn't put anywhere near enough Info in I tried to tell him what he needed but he ignored me with most of it.


Come on Tigerjohn I see you lurking tell us you got your SMS to collect her Passport :-)

LOL i wish i could tell you english but if i did i would be lying, nope still nothing pal, girls on ladyinter same too, their dates they put in are 15th, 16th, 18th and 24th march but no one got anything, i can only assume between shady putting his in and us putting ours in there was a mad rush to vfs LOL,


waiting list updated at 27th april is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 6week and 2days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 4week and 3day,

contractor, 31st march = 4week and 0day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 3week and 0days

brynpugh, 7th april = 3week and 0days


LOL i wish i could tell you english but if i did i would be lying, nope still nothing pal, girls on ladyinter same too, their dates they put in are 15th, 16th, 18th and 24th march but no one got anything, i can only assume between shady putting his in and us putting ours in there was a mad rush to vfs LOL,

Or they just want it to go to the Wire.

Here's hoping for next week for you.


cheers pal, we were hoping to go on 6th may pick kids up if successful but weve decided to put it back until end of may now, my mrs pulling her hair out poor lass,


cheers pal, we were hoping to go on 6th may pick kids up if successful but weve decided to put it back until end of may now, my mrs pulling her hair out poor lass,

Mine too and my family are, my mum and dad are dying to see her again especially now she's pregnant.


looking at this time last year the wait was between 7/8 weeks but i thought due to them coming back pretty quick in march it would have been around the 5wk mark but i was wrong LOL heres hoping for early next week,


looking at this time last year the wait was between 7/8 weeks but i thought due to them coming back pretty quick in march it would have been around the 5wk mark but i was wrong LOL heres hoping for early next week,

Yeah I was expecting around the 5 week mark. We have to fly before 6th June or our plans are all up in smoke.

My mum wants to write to the Home office :-) I told her thanks but it wont do any good. They are desperate for us to go to England, especially now Kookkai is pregnant.


im sure if they start to get a few out this coming week you will be ok for 6th june pal, but all we have is hope im afraid, my plan A has gone up in smoke im on plan B now LOL,


im sure if they start to get a few out this coming week you will be ok for 6th june pal, but all we have is hope im afraid, my plan A has gone up in smoke im on plan B now LOL,

Lets hope so as my Nan is back in hospital again too now. She has broken 2 ribs from Coughing so much.

We really hope they can get them out soon my wife is on Lady Inter and there is one waiting from 15th March so I presume thats Mrs Tigerjohn :-).


sorry to hear that pal and hope for all of us waiting things move pretty soon as im now starting to devise a plan C LOL, it was bad enough last year with a long wait for the mrs and honestly didnt think i could cope with another long wait this time but thats the way its turning out ?, yes that is mrs tiger on ladyinter, is your mrs named pranalee on there?


sorry to hear that pal and hope for all of us waiting things move pretty soon as im now starting to devise a plan C LOL, it was bad enough last year with a long wait for the mrs and honestly didnt think i could cope with another long wait this time but thats the way its turning out ?, yes that is mrs tiger on ladyinter, is your mrs named pranalee on there?

Cheers bud.

No the wife is Wannabayliss she used her name :-) she's the other one on there for 28th March.


waiting list updated at 04 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 7week and 2days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 5week and 3day,

contractor, 31st march = 5week and 0day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 4week and 0days,

buckle your seatbelts boys i can feel some movement in next few days, well i can hope cant i?, or maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me LOL, well i can hope cant i?

brynpugh, 7th april = 3week and 0days


waiting list updated at 04 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 7week and 2days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 5week and 3day,

contractor, 31st march = 5week and 0day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 4week and 0days,

buckle your seatbelts boys i can feel some movement in next few days, well i can hope cant i?, or maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me LOL, well i can hope cant i?

brynpugh, 7th april = 4week and 0days

ps sorry bryn nearly missed you out?


waiting list updated at 04 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 7week and 2days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 5week and 3day,

contractor, 31st march = 5week and 0day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 4week and 0days,

buckle your seatbelts boys i can feel some movement in next few days, well i can hope cant i?, or maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me LOL, well i can hope cant i?

brynpugh, 7th april = 4week and 0days

ps sorry bryn nearly missed you out?

Dont worry about it, as long as the ukba havent!!


We have managed to get our application expediated as my grandmother is back in Hospital and I need to go back to help take care of her.

I sent a Doctors letter Thursday night and spoke to the Embassy just now and they said we will get an answer within 2-3 days.

She couldn't say if it would be granted or not just it will take 2-3 days before the passport is returned to VFS.

Fingers crossed for a positive outcome, the only Concern I have is I have £300K in Forex trading and I don't declare to the tax authorities as Forex earnings are non taxable in the UK same as Betting earnings. Although I sent statements they are internet statements however the withdrawals match my bank statements which I have highlighted for them to see. My wife also has £4,000 in savings herself anyway.

Other than that our application should be pretty straightforward. I am so nervous I am hardly sleeping at the moment. I need to get back but it'll be cruel for me to leave my pregnant wife in Thailand and I put that on the email to the Embassy.


hope it works out for you pal, the way it is i think you may have struggled for your june date to fly, so good luck,

Thanks I think your right it may be a blessing in disguise.

Spoke to a mate yesterday his gf's took 8 weeks and 2 polite phone calls and was granted last week.


hope it works out for you pal, the way it is i think you may have struggled for your june date to fly, so good luck,

Thanks I think your right it may be a blessing in disguise.

Spoke to a mate yesterday his gf's took 8 weeks and 2 polite phone calls and was granted last week.

what do you mean when you say polite fone calls lol, i didnt know you could call the embassy?


waiting list updated at 09 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 8week and 0days,

englishinsiam, 28th march = 6week and 1day,

contractor, 31st march = 5week and 5day,

thaiscouse, 7th april = 4week and 5days,

brynpugh, 7th april = 4week and 5days

another week, another wait???


what do you mean when you say polite fone calls lol, i didnt know you could call the embassy?

Apparently your not supposed to but he did and got it put through. They are actually quite friendly when you speak to them if there is a Valid reason I think they will do their best.


Can't believe your still waiting after more than 8 weeks John.

tell me about it pal, at least we know it is not just us, the girls on ladyinter who put in around us are still there too lol, but even the visit visas are taking a long time, im humming and harring weather to book our flights on the 27th or not, found some decent deals, but the way its going i just dont know what to do for the best? you not heard owt yet?


Can't believe your still waiting after more than 8 weeks John.

tell me about it pal, at least we know it is not just us, the girls on ladyinter who put in around us are still there too lol, but even the visit visas are taking a long time, im humming and harring weather to book our flights on the 27th or not, found some decent deals, but the way its going i just dont know what to do for the best? you not heard owt yet?

Im sure you will hear something soon john,sorry to hear about your long wait and we

feel lucky after recieving ours in 3 weeks 5 days. You will be together soon no doubt!

Its well worth the wait and things are going great here for us,will check in to see your status soon.


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