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Pulled Over At Police Check Point And Told To....

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OMG OP. Respect the local customs and etiquette. I am surprised by the arrogance of some farang who think that they should be allowed to conduct themselves in a way that offends the locals and then should not be asked to change their behaviour. Did you do any research into local customs, or expectations about dress standards? did you look around and ask yourself "Which country am I in? Would you wear a hat into a temple? Shoes into a mosque? Steel-capped boots into a nightclub in London? A singlet and shorts into a restaurant in New York? Sadly, you probably would. The last thing that Thailand needs is another scruffy farang. Put on a shirt when you go out in public.

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I always thought you needed to have your licence with you when driving. Not sure if it was a legal thing or just advisable bearing in mind the fact that in Thailand like some other countries the law is very much what the police think it is on the day and so it can save you time. The fact you saw kids four up on a bike without helmets proves it really. Not sure about the shirt thing although I think Thai culture generally is fairly conservative about dress particularly away from tourist areas. There was a thread a while ago about some Thais being offended by the lack of clothes worn by tourists (mainly women) but I can't remember where it was although I think it was a tourist area. I would always wear a shirt though so as not to offend and in a car so the seat belt doesn't rub my nipple.

I wonder what would have happened if you weren't with you wife who I assume is Thai. I've been to Thailand 3 times so far and on the first trip I got stopped 3 times in 2 days but the police were always polite, friendly and let me go. If I hadn't been with my Thai gf who knows. One thing it's worth knowing if you're a Brit is Thais seem to have no idea what UK or United Kingdom means and I think get it confused with United States. I even saw a poster in a restaurant when we changed buses going from Bangkok to Amphawa that had the English flag as the British flag. They only seem to understand England which is particularly tough if you're from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. The advantage is they seem to think that Englishmen are always polite.

One other possible solution might be to get your wife to ride topless as well so the police don't notice you or your licence.


The last thing that Thailand needs is another scruffy farang. Put on a shirt when you go out in public.

Comes down to what you consider to be public, and what you consider to be private. For me your home, your garden and your car, are all examples of private places. Yes your car has windows, but so does your house, and if someone chooses to crane their neck and look in through the window of your home or your car, or over the fence of your garden, that is their choice. Nobody is forcing them, they do so voluntarily, and if the sight of a bare chest upsets them so much, perhaps they shouldn't be going out of their way to look. But of course that would deny them the enjoyment of judging other people and be outraged at something that is none of their business.

And just for the record, i always wear a shirt when i drive. I defend the right of those who care not to though. If they step out of the car onto the street, that is quite a different matter.

End of the day, the policeman was doing what policemen often get a kick out of doing: looking down on someone and using his position to belittle. As the OP infers, perhaps if the policeman spent less time belittling and more time doing something useful such as stopping kids riding motorbikes without helmets - or for that matter, stopping kids riding motorbikes period, he might actually make a meaningful difference. He might actually save a life or two. Saving the moral fabric of society is clearly a far more pressing matter. How silly of me to think otherwise.


very very important this.

Way past time the Royal Thai Police had a crackdown on this. Maybe the hub of drivers wearing shirts. What a load of crap many of these replys are.

I mean some of you people are so judgmental and have the holyer then thou attitude.


It’s illegal to drive a car in Thailand if you’re not wearing a shirt

It’s against the law to leave your house in Thailand if you’re not wearing underwear

It is truly a shame that we are required to wear underwear in Thailand. Because as I understand this it means that every monk in Thailand is breaking the law with their habits.



I was stopped yesterday and I was wearing a shirt with seatbelt on. I saw a large number of other cars stopped as well. It seemed cars were being randomly stopped. I expect for tea money since it is near the end of the month. I suspect the OP was stopped randomly as well and the policeman then noticed he was shirtless. That he did not request a bribe was remarkable. I was let off because I wa asked if i could speak Thai and said "no." He then said "let's go" and I drove away. The bribe process it seems requires an acceptable level of Thai to work. Ridning in a car shirtless offends no one in my opinion. Walking on the street is another matter.


The cop was right; don't be a slob, put something on! Even the lowest of the low in Muang Thai at least wear a vest when driving. If you're hot, turn down the aircon or just stay at home if you don't like covering yourself up. Although you were at least in your car, it pisses me off when farang amble around shirtless away from the beach - even if you have no self respect, at least have some respect for the natives and your family. Aren't you at least embarrassed for them?

Yes a bit of common courtesy to the locals

No offence but you mentioned that you are married and living a long time > 7 Years in Thailand....and you wonder why the Cop told you to put a shirt on?unsure.gif

I feel sorry for your wife.

Please inform yourself a bit more about do's and don't s in Thailand. You might embarrass your family a bit less.

The same goes for all the guys who think its funny to disrespect the local customs.

While it might be perfectly OK in the UK it is not here in Thailand and makes a lot of the Thais looking down on us Falangs and shrink their noses.


No offence but you mentioned that you are married and living a long time > 7 Years in Thailand....and you wonder why the Cop told you to put a shirt on?unsure.gif

I feel sorry for your wife.

Please inform yourself a bit more about do's and don't s in Thailand. You might embarrass your family a bit less.

The same goes for all the guys who think its funny to disrespect the local customs.

While it might be perfectly OK in the UK it is not here in Thailand and makes a lot of the Thais looking down on us Falangs and shrink their noses.

What local customs ? give some examples how farang disrespect those.


No offence but you mentioned that you are married and living a long time > 7 Years in Thailand....and you wonder why the Cop told you to put a shirt on?unsure.gif

I feel sorry for your wife.

Please inform yourself a bit more about do's and don't s in Thailand. You might embarrass your family a bit less.

The same goes for all the guys who think its funny to disrespect the local customs.

While it might be perfectly OK in the UK it is not here in Thailand and makes a lot of the Thais looking down on us Falangs and shrink their noses.

What local customs ? give some examples how farang disrespect those.

My mrs says that farangs are looked at as superior people and should be above the Thai. Me, don't agree with that but it seems WE must show an example. :)

My hi-so Thai neighbours have a few problems with electricity and plumbing, l said l will go and sort it, they wouldn't hear about me going to sort it, l am a farang, must not work. :D



it is ILLEGAL to drive a car without a shirt in Thailand. Strange as it may sound to you, it is the law. So next time please familiarize yourself with the law before crying on a forum.

Just like it is LEGAL here for motorcycles to use the sidewalk / footpath, don't kick or swear at them.

One of many references (don't feel like pulling out law books)


Good link. I usually rely on my Thai gf for advice on customs. Not sure about laws as she has told me things about land ownership that contradict everything I've ever heard.

The not showing the soles of your feet thing is a bit confusing as if you are kneeling in a temple someone behind can see. I've always made sure not to point them at Buddha first and then for everyone else and away from Buddha effigies it's ok for my soles to been seen but not to openly point them at people.


I wouldn't dream of walking around shirtless or even wander around with a football top, and only occasionally a vest. I do however sometimes drive short distances shirtless if I am a little hot and don't want to put my clean shirt on top of a sweaty body. I put the shirt on once I've cooled down via the car AC, after ten or fifteen minutes. Also I am in no way fat. I work out three times a week and run 30-50km per week. And I'm probably younger than most of you. However I don't see that my physic really matters. Even if fat the absence of a T-shirt is unlikely to effect my driving. Anyway I guess we can now confirm there are two laws actually upheld in Thailand, driving while shirtless and Les Majeste. :D Has anyone been stopped for anything more ridiculous?

Please tell me this doesn't apply to the rest of your clothing such as underwear.


The cop was right; don't be a slob, put something on! Even the lowest of the low in Muang Thai at least wear a vest when driving. If you're hot, turn down the aircon or just stay at home if you don't like covering yourself up. Although you were at least in your car, it pisses me off when farang amble around shirtless away from the beach - even if you have no self respect, at least have some respect for the natives and your family. Aren't you at least embarrassed for them?

I second that, the only place for no tee shirt, is on the beach, a lot of western slobs around.

I agree although I assume in my house is OK. Wouldn't want to deprive the gf now would I?


Have been living in Thailand for nearly 24 years now.

Have seen the reputation of us " farangs" seen plummeting ever since.

OP did get of without having to pay a fine whilst being on the wrong side of the law for 2 instances, i.e. no driving license and driving shirtless. .

Still he finds reason to try and ridicule Thai society.

What more can I say ?


The reputation of farangs has been plummeting ever since your arrival? whistling.gif


Advice to OP.

Next time wear a red gingham dress and sun bonnet just to show that nasty little policeman that you don't bear a grudge.

This sounds good. Keep driving without your shirt, just keep the dress and bonnet in your trunk and if stopped again and told to put on a shirt, open up your trunk, put on your dress and bonnet and drive away...:lol:


What a headline; "Fat (most likely) white guy driving a car in a foreign country without a license is told by cops he should wear a shirt"

You are lucky you are in Thailand, in most places you would be looking at the walls of a jail cell while you sorted out your driving w/out a licence problem; a somewhat serious offense in most countries. B)

In most places you get put in jail for not having your driving license on you whilst driving?! Really? Care to name a few of these "most places"?

The United States of America for one, driving w/out proof of a valid licence is completely illegal, what...you think if you get pulled over and just tell the cops "I have a license but not with me, nor do I have any picture ID but my name is....."

Do you really think the cops are going to do all the work to help YOU prove who you really say you are? No, you go to jail untill you get it sorted out and are still charged with driving w/out proof of a license.

Please tell me how it works in your home country.

Maybe they just don't like you and want to see you in jail... I've been pulled over after forgetting my wallet at home (so no drivers license or ID) and only had to give the officer my license number or even your social security number if you don't know your license number, they check it on their computer in the squad car, and I was done.


What a headline; "Fat (most likely) white guy driving a car in a foreign country without a license is told by cops he should wear a shirt"

You are lucky you are in Thailand, in most places you would be looking at the walls of a jail cell while you sorted out your driving w/out a licence problem; a somewhat serious offense in most countries. B)

In most places you get put in jail for not having your driving license on you whilst driving?! Really? Care to name a few of these "most places"?

The United States of America for one, driving w/out proof of a valid licence is completely illegal, what...you think if you get pulled over and just tell the cops "I have a license but not with me, nor do I have any picture ID but my name is....."

Do you really think the cops are going to do all the work to help YOU prove who you really say you are? No, you go to jail untill you get it sorted out and are still charged with driving w/out proof of a license.

Please tell me how it works in your home country.

Maybe they just don't like you and want to see you in jail... I've been pulled over after forgetting my wallet at home (so no drivers license or ID) and only had to give the officer my license number or even your social security number if you don't know your license number, they check it on their computer in the squad car, and I was done.

Had kilgore trout stated that "in theory" you could be locked up for leaving your license at home, his statement would have made sense. To say this is not only what happens in practice, but what happens in most places is simply wrong. Police have better things to do with their time than lock people up for being forgetful.


OP obviously a slob.

End of story.

Just how would you know that? That's an unkind thing to say with no proof. The OP might complain about Thailand, but most of his complaints are valid. Some of us with rose coloured glasses ALSO notice the problems. We just CHOOSE to ignore them and concentrate on the good stuff.

Anyone who says not wearing a shirt in your own car is not a silly law has rocks in their head. It's a different story within a public place like a restaurant or market, where common decency should prevail. The not wearing underwear is another silly law. But, this is THEIR COUNTRY and we have to abide by their laws.

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