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Shooting The Gun In The Air


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So I'm watching the news on TV and as usual these days it is all about revolution in the middle east.

And up on the TV screen appears a video of a group of men of a particular ethnic group standing around yelling

and screaming into the camera, ( as you do ) when all of a sudden one guy points his automatic rifle upwards and starts firing into the air

with,what can only be described as a 'satisfied' look on his face.

Now it occurred to me that one quite often sees that self same scene on TV,especially when the news is from a particular part of the world

and I ask myself..

.'why do they do that ?'

what is the specific reason that men of that particular ethnic group almost appear to feel obliged to shoot their guns up into the air ?.

Does it give them a thrill ?

do they get a st***ie from doing that ?.

Can anyone in the Forum enlighten me on this ?

It's been bugging me for 'yonks'.

Cheers Y'all.............

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