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Why You Prefer Thailand Over Your Homeland.


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Few comments from the last few posts

Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

Secondly, and I speak with hands on knowledge of this from my days in global manufacturing, When you take a women from this country and move her to the US she ultimately becomes heavily tainted. There is HUGE stares and discrimination. If the age gap is large their is the constant judging which is uncomfortable. If they get through this painful transition then the western materialize ways take over, it is unavoidable. The 'Keep up with Joneses" happens quickly. I witnessed that well over a couple dozen times, especially with Vietnamese and Filipina women. Almost all the "Brought her to the US marriages" have ended in divorce. IMHO some of the beauty of a Thai women is her culture. You make her move, she will lose it. Its the nature of the beast.

Now of course we all know some want to go to the US and will do most anything to get there. In many cases disappointment awaits them. Witnessed that too.......

Would you not get similar looks if you were wandering around with an American girlfriend on your arm who was very much younger than you? A 50+ man with a 23 year old wife/girlfriend would be viewed as a little suspect in most European countries regardless of being Thai or not.

What if he was rich and famous ?

Edited by MrsMills
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Few comments from the last few posts

Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

Secondly, and I speak with hands on knowledge of this from my days in global manufacturing, When you take a women from this country and move her to the US she ultimately becomes heavily tainted. There is HUGE stares and discrimination. If the age gap is large their is the constant judging which is uncomfortable. If they get through this painful transition then the western materialize ways take over, it is unavoidable. The 'Keep up with Joneses" happens quickly. I witnessed that well over a couple dozen times, especially with Vietnamese and Filipina women. Almost all the "Brought her to the US marriages" have ended in divorce. IMHO some of the beauty of a Thai women is her culture. You make her move, she will lose it. Its the nature of the beast.

Now of course we all know some want to go to the US and will do most anything to get there. In many cases disappointment awaits them. Witnessed that too.......

Would you not get similar looks if you were wandering around with an American girlfriend on your arm who was very much younger than you? A 50+ man with a 23 year old wife/girlfriend would be viewed as a little suspect in most European countries regardless of being Thai or not.

What if he was rich ?

Well it does happen with the rich people and celebrities. Those relationships are generally viewed as a direct result of money offsetting actual compatibility, which is exactly what people would assume seeing the same thing with a young Thai girl in tow. Are they wrong to think that?

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Of course you would get stared at and quickly judged does not matter race/color. Its how western cultures behave. Judge, label you so they can chastise you. The hard part for the woman you bring home, she is not going to understand it. Added pressure when trying to acclimate. I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home. The other lasted about 6 years, then she saw there were better looking men far better off then Jim the guy who brought her over and she left.

Sorry to get off tangent to the thread, just answering Rich

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Of course you would get stared at and quickly judged does not matter race/color. Its how western cultures behave. Judge, label you so they can chastise you. The hard part for the woman you bring home, she is not going to understand it. Added pressure when trying to acclimate. I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home. The other lasted about 6 years, then she saw there were better looking men far better off then Jim the guy who brought her over and she left.

Sorry to get off tangent to the thread, just answering Rich

You think the Thais are not thinking exactly the same? It is not specific to Westerners, if anyone (not in the same situation) sees an older man with a far younger woman they have an automatic assumption - for good reasons.

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Few comments from the last few posts

Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

BEWARE - my hag hat is on. How dare you talk like that? When I go on holiday to Thailand, I dress well. Sorry, I may show a bit more leg than is necessary. I am a skinny woman, I can "dress like a Thai lady whenever i want.

Short dresses, shorts, bikinis - bring it on. And sorry, high heels on those pavements - you must be kidding? Skinny jeans - yuck.

Get a life.

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Getting back to the OP's post, here's my take the threads too long and getting silly, my Dad said to me the UK had gone to the dog years ago, so I stayed until it was time for me to go, It was a retirement thingy for me coming here and it's worked out fine so far.

My profile gives a brief outline which anyone is free to look at on here I guess.

The future looks good too, so the Thai fortune teller told me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Of course you would get stared at and quickly judged does not matter race/color. Its how western cultures behave. Judge, label you so they can chastise you. The hard part for the woman you bring home, she is not going to understand it. Added pressure when trying to acclimate. I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home. The other lasted about 6 years, then she saw there were better looking men far better off then Jim the guy who brought her over and she left.

Sorry to get off tangent to the thread, just answering Rich

You think the Thais are not thinking exactly the same? It is not specific to Westerners, if anyone (not in the same situation) sees an older man with a far younger woman they have an automatic assumption - for good reasons.

I have a confession to make. I lived with much younger women in the States than I live with in Thailand. States 18 to 25, Thailand 35 to 40. All of my live in ladies in the States were younger than my youngest daughter. It enabled us to do a lot as a family because the ladies tastes were quite similar to my two younger daughters.

I have examined this and have come to the conclusion that in the States I had to make much more of a commitment to a young woman hence the live in part. In Thailand I live with a woman I feel at home with and if I want to occasionally go out with a young woman no problem.

I can go to a Thai dance or music club here and ask almost anyone to dance and not get refused. Back home I had to bring flowers, a ring and a new car to get an answer in the positive.

For me this is one of the big advantages of Thailand.

I know on Thai Visa I read over and over again how bad it is to see the old guys with younger women and how bad this is for the image of younger Falangs with age appropriate wives. Get over it. You young guys can go anyplace and find a job and meet a beautiful woman. Leave Thailand for your elders we don't have that many choices.

This is the last hurrah for what my daughters laughingly refer to as the longest generation in the history of the world. I grew up without a TV or indoor plumbing and now I have three computers at my desk and am in communication with friends and family all over the world at the press of a button.

If I could take my young stateside bimbo to the bastions of high society in the West and even introduce her to my mother and my mother's Palm Beach blue hair brigade, let me tell you there are absolutely no surprises in store for me with a women 35 years of age (30 years my junior in Thailand). And further let me tell all you other people who think you know all about Thailand, if your marriage or relationship is arranged by an important family in your social circle, be it high or low it will be completely accepted. Do good and it comes back to you (most of the time). A man gains respect here for not the same reasons a man gains respect in the West. Respect is hard to gain and once gained it is hard to lose. Age is respected more here than in the West and that is hard for young Falangs to realize and relate to especially when it works not in their favor.

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I'm short and my private parts are rather small for the western average.

That's why I like Thailand so much


Plus some Thai girls are genuinely attracted to me, whereas in my country I have rarely been hit on by girls.

Edited by manarak
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And i am not a fat, tatooed retrobate from the North of England.

All I can say is you are a rare one...

But in all fairness, I have no idea what a Retrobate from North of England gal looks like at all. I was born and raised in the US, California to be exact. As some know, Obesity is a huge issue in US. Very few slim/petite ones around. Most are fat cottaged cheesed legged women always wearing sweat pants. In fact a lot of women are now competing with men having big beer guts. There is not enough BLACK out there to make them look thinner.....laugh.gif

Edited by JPPR2
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30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

Each to their own I suppose.

I see exactly where you are coming from. A number of posters have pointed out the virtue of Thai women and that they are in fact the major asset of Thailand. If you are married and take your Thai wife home you have 100% of the good part of Thailand still with you.

However, for those of us who are not married and who don't wish to get married transporting Soi Six back to Seattle might be a logistical problem.

Soi Six would fit in nicely in Pike Place Market along with the fresh fish and hot off the griddle crumpets but there may be some immigration problems.

:blink: Hmmm, some people's brains really do seem to be in their pants.

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^^I think the most annoyed my wife ever got with me was a slightly frustrated " Can you pee in the toilet rather than on the floor " when my aims been a bit off and I stagger in the loo half asleep in the early hours. :whistling:

Brings back memories of one of the first thai gals I met. She was trying her best to get me to take her home. Her best argument was.. " me no floor pisser!" Thanks for the memories

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interesting to note that the assumptions that such homelands are farangvilles. Where would that leave the numerous folks of European ancestry that were born and bred in Asia {more or less}.....?? Even end up in Thailand, not being conscious of being "foreign" or the assorted bitterness and angst that passes for an existence. Because it is what it is.......vacant of the analytical models. Homelands.:rolleyes:

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Of course you would get stared at and quickly judged does not matter race/color. Its how western cultures behave. Judge, label you so they can chastise you. The hard part for the woman you bring home, she is not going to understand it. Added pressure when trying to acclimate. I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home. The other lasted about 6 years, then she saw there were better looking men far better off then Jim the guy who brought her over and she left.

Sorry to get off tangent to the thread, just answering Rich

No offence to you but using paragraphs would make it easier to read your posts.

And you may find that more people will read your informative posts if you use paragraphs.

Just a thought.

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Easy for me, In thailand I can go months without seeing or hearing a fat arsed loud mouthed white woman, screw your political correctness its just a plain simple truth for me at least. Thailand can double,triple in price, but for me it is paradise and i am thankful I can be here

In a similar vein, I suppose I find it less disturbing than the UK. Disturbing as that is. :ermm:

MJP - you should know better! I am not fat-arsed and tend to get annoyed with those pretending that all women from the UK are the same!

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I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home.

Internet marriage? Who'd have thought that wouldn't work out? :blink:

Rich..Should I explain it better? Guess I will.

They both did the internet dating site. Both met woman as most do here on line, chatted for numerous months. Traveled and met them and family. Carried on and off for some time. Then decided to get married.(Joint decisions on both accounts.) Shortly after decided best to bring to US. Then it fell apart as I noted.

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I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home.

Internet marriage? Who'd have thought that wouldn't work out? :blink:

Rich..Should I explain it better? Guess I will.

They both did the internet dating site. Both met woman as most do here on line, chatted for numerous months. Traveled and met them and family. Carried on and off for some time. Then decided to get married.(Joint decisions on both accounts.) Shortly after decided best to bring to US. Then it fell apart as I noted.

I feel so last-millennium, never having met anyone on line, present company excepted.

I suppose I'm just anti-social...


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I knew 2 men did the internet marriage, both went, met them, brought them back, married them and one failed in 6 months and the women left and went back home.

Internet marriage? Who'd have thought that wouldn't work out? :blink:

Rich..Should I explain it better? Guess I will.

They both did the internet dating site. Both met woman as most do here on line, chatted for numerous months. Traveled and met them and family. Carried on and off for some time. Then decided to get married.(Joint decisions on both accounts.) Shortly after decided best to bring to US. Then it fell apart as I noted.

I feel so last-millennium, never having met anyone on line, present company excepted.

I suppose I'm just anti-social...


Me too, drat. :bah:

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The first shop I ever saw offering fresh off the grill crumpets was in Seattle. Do they have them in the UK or Australia?

Crumpets are one of the world's great culinary inventions. I adore them. Never seen them here.

They are widely available in packs of 4, 8, 12 in UK supermarkets but I've never seen a crumpet shop as such. I've made them myself often but even then I prefer them cooked, cooled and then toasted.

I wonder if crumpets taste the same in the US as in the UK? Many things dont, even if they have the same name.

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The first shop I ever saw offering fresh off the grill crumpets was in Seattle. Do they have them in the UK or Australia?

Crumpets are one of the world's great culinary inventions. I adore them. Never seen them here.

They are widely available in packs of 4, 8, 12 in UK supermarkets but I've never seen a crumpet shop as such. I've made them myself often but even then I prefer them cooked, cooled and then toasted.

I wonder if crumpets taste the same in the US as in the UK? Many things dont, even if they have the same name.

Ah, crumpets with plenty of butter and liver pate! Fantastic.

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