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Thai Activist Veera 'Struggling For His Life'

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Veera 'struggling for his life'

By The Nation


Preecha Somkwamkid said yesterday that his brother Veera, who has been convicted by Cambodia of trespassing and spying, had no time left to appeal the verdict, as he is struggling for his life against several illnesses.

Preecha visited the Cambodian jail on Friday and found that the political activist's condition was as critical as Democrat Party MP Panich Vikitsreth had claimed earlier.

Preecha refused to say what Veera had asked him to do but admitted it was too late to file an appeal. Facing fatal illnesses, his brother has only one option left and that is to seek a pardon from the Cambodian king.

He urged Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Cambodian PM Hun Sen to help Veera and Ratri Pipattanapaiboon, who was also convicted in Cambodia on the same charges, because their families were greatly concerned about their health.

Abhisit responded to a remark by Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, who is also the Asean chairman, about the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission (JBC) meeting. He said Indonesia wanted both sides to hold bilateral talks but Thailand, though ready, still had to wait for Cambodia's stance.

Cambodia had announced it would not attend the meeting, but reports now have Hun Sen agreeing to join the JBC meeting in Jakarta.

Abhisit said Indonesia would explain to Thailand how it would dispatch a mission to the border. Though Thailand has agreed in principle with Indonesia's idea of sending observers, it has reservations over how and where they would be doing inspections.

"It's really a sensitive matter, so we're in the process of making all these details clear,'' he said.


-- The Nation 2011-03-07

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But he was fit enough to hike about in the hilly border region repeatedly crossing into Cambodia? A bit of a drama queen. Probably as 'fataly' ill as al-Megrahi appears to be. :rolleyes:


I like the way they use activist as it applies to a rabid radical nationalist. All sugar and spice....


My question is this, will he have to change his plea to guilty as that surely is a condition of a Royal Pardon?

And will he, as I suspect, show his true dishonesty and dishonourable intentions by obtaining a Royal Pardon then coming back to Thailand further protesting his innocence to further his nationalist agendas?


Seems time behind bars doesnt do the health "political activist's" any good.

Didnt the red magnificent 7 also have lots of health problems when they were bailed?


Seems time behind bars doesn't do the health "political activist's" any good.

Didn't the red magnificent 7 also have lots of health problems when they were bailed?

The positives outweighed (pun intended) the negative aspects although Veera doesn't have the same weight problem to work on:

Natthawut fails to consider the positive health benefit he obtained from his time in prison.

For example, the dramatic before and after incarceration photos


Similar to Viktor Bout, it would seem Natthawut is benefitting from Bangkok Remand Prison's Weight-Reduction Program. :thumbsup:


Thai anti-government "red shirt" leader Nattawut Saikua (center) arrives with six other leaders for a ruling on their bail request at the Bangkok Criminal Court February 21, 2011. The seven top leaders are held on terrorism charges since May last year and several previous attempts to apply for bail have been rejected.


He did very well with shedding a lot of that unwanted and unhealthy additional poundage.

People usually pay thousands of baht to achieve such dramatically positive results at a spa.


Veera Said to Have Seek Royal Pardon

Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth claims Veera Somkwamkid has signed a document to counter any appeal effort and has instead seek royal pardon for his conviction.

Panich adds Veera is in frail health in the Cambodian prison.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-07



Of course his brother is a doctor who can tell by just looking at him that he has - not one - but - SEVERAL - life threatening illnesses!

What are they? Is he choking on his own arrogance now?

It's funny these people almost started a war with their actions and it seems to be fine if others get slaughtered on the battle field but if they themselves are "inconvenienced" they start to cry they are not well.

The "we rather die then give up an inch of Thai soil" battle cry seems not to apply anymore - well here is your chance Mr. Veera - but I forget of course it was supposed to be other - not so important people - who where supposed to get killed on your behalf!

Of course in the case of a royal pardon and early release we would all be witnessing a "miraculous" recovery within hours.


Of course Veera is dangerously ill. His brother is a Thai doctor and therefore his opinion cannot be challenged.

Veera, in footballing terms, is a 'diver'.

Take your pick from the above options.


Of course his brother is a doctor who can tell by just looking at him that he has - not one - but - SEVERAL - life threatening illnesses!

What are they? Is he choking on his own arrogance now?

It's funny these people almost started a war with their actions and it seems to be fine if others get slaughtered on the battle field but if they themselves are "inconvenienced" they start to cry they are not well.

The "we rather die then give up an inch of Thai soil" battle cry seems not to apply anymore - well here is your chance Mr. Veera - but I forget of course it was supposed to be other - not so important people - who where supposed to get killed on your behalf!

Of course in the case of a royal pardon and early release we would all be witnessing a "miraculous" recovery within hours.

And because Veera is sick they claim Ratri Pipattanapaiboon should also be released. They should both be tried in Thailand for treason in trying to start a war with a neighboring country.


Health of Veera,in Cambodian jail, worsens due to mouth ulcer infection; has not appealed, awaits Thai government help seeking pardon,says younger brother /MCOT


Who cares if he's ill in prison. I don't think they will let him die due to mal-treatment. He's just bored in his cell because he's not getting enough attention. Someone give him a a toy!!


Health of Veera,in Cambodian jail, worsens due to mouth ulcer infection; has not appealed, awaits Thai government help seeking pardon,says younger brother /MCOT

Mouth infection, eh? Must be all that crap he spouts. I suggest that the magical properties of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide be brought into use.


Ok, a mouth ulcer, but that is not usually serious and certainly not fatal. It could be as mundane as a cold sore. or due to having bit his cheek. A mouth ulcer that does not heal is usually indicative of malnutrition, some rare forms of arthritis and of course diseases related to the immune system and in smokers, oral cancer. That's quite a range of illnesses.


Foreign Ministry to send doctor to see Veera in Cambodian jail

The Thai Foreign Ministry has sought permission from the Cambodian government to send a Thai doctor to check up Thai nationalist Veera Somkwamkid inside a Cambodian jail.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Thanee Thongphakdee said the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh is awaiting a decision from the prison.

The embassy sent a request to the prison after Veera's brother visited him and disclosed that he was seriously ill.

Thanee said if the prison does not allow a doctor of the embassy to meet Veera, the embassy would ask a permission to take him out for a medical check-up at a hospital.


-- The Nation 2011-03-07


Who cares if he's ill in prison. I don't think they will let him die due to mal-treatment. He's just bored in his cell because he's not getting enough attention. Someone give him a a toy!!

It's quite obvious that the story is being set so he can be released via a pardon on humanitarian grounds. That way, nobody loses face, everyone can claim victory, and the border dispute can possibly move forward. Cambodia tried the hard line. They wanted the international community to step in and resolve the issue. It didn't happen. Now we are going to have to find a way to undue the damage that has been wrought, so we can all get back to business as usual.

So, Veera's mouth infection will become a serious, life threatening disability, and he'll be released so he can die in peace at home. This is all part of a great stage show with pitifully untalented and one dimensional actors.


Who cares if he's ill in prison. I don't think they will let him die due to mal-treatment. He's just bored in his cell because he's not getting enough attention. Someone give him a a toy!!

It's quite obvious that the story is being set so he can be released via a pardon on humanitarian grounds. That way, nobody loses face, everyone can claim victory, and the border dispute can possibly move forward. Cambodia tried the hard line. They wanted the international community to step in and resolve the issue. It didn't happen. Now we are going to have to find a way to undue the damage that has been wrought, so we can all get back to business as usual.

So, Veera's mouth infection will become a serious, life threatening disability, and he'll be released so he can die in peace at home. This is all part of a great stage show with pitifully untalented and one dimensional actors.

Can they delay the release till the mouth doesn't work any more? :whistling:


But he was fit enough to hike about in the hilly border region repeatedly crossing into Cambodia? A bit of a drama queen. Probably as 'fataly' ill as al-Megrahi appears to be. :rolleyes:

It is certainly possible, though I can see why so many would doubt it. Cambodian prisons are even worse than Thai prisons (and almost as bad as Cambodian hospitals) and contracting nasty diseases is far from unheard of.

I recall when Samak went to America for cancer treatment, this forum was teeming with disbelievers (myself among them), saying it was the old hospital trick politicians here use when in trouble - you can't be in trouble when you are sick.

Within a year, Samak came back and died of liver cancer. Huh, imagine that.

So all I am suggesting is not to be too certain of something none of us has actually seen.


Ok, a mouth ulcer, but that is not usually serious and certainly not fatal. It could be as mundane as a cold sore. or due to having bit his cheek. A mouth ulcer that does not heal is usually indicative of malnutrition, some rare forms of arthritis and of course diseases related to the immune system and in smokers, oral cancer. That's quite a range of illnesses.

Oh !! You had the answers all the time .He is suffering from severe malnutrition, disabilitating arthritis, a complete collapse of his immune sysyem and advanced oral cancer. -- all diagnosed from his symptomology -- mouth ulcers.


But he was fit enough to hike about in the hilly border region repeatedly crossing into Cambodia? A bit of a drama queen. Probably as 'fataly' ill as al-Megrahi appears to be. :rolleyes:

Sounds like the same ailments that all the Red Shirts contracted whilst in jail, except his is more rapid onset


All I can think of here is Som Num Na - I mean look at the arrogance of this man. If you time is up to check out, don't matter where you are - it is of your own doing. Wear it - you wanted to be a matyr/hero? Ya got your wish pilgrim.



Weera’s health condition worsens

BANGKOK, 7 March 2011 (NNT) – One of the two Thai detainees in Cambodia, Mr Weera Somkwamkid, is suffering from an illness which has been worsened and has become a cause for concern, according to his brother.

After traveling to Prey Sar Prison in Phnom Penh with other family members to visit Mr Weera on 4 March, Mr Preecha Somkwamkid, his younger brother, confirmed the worrying health condition of the detainee. He said his 53-year-old brother had developed mouth ulcers in addition to his numerous congenital diseases. Being kept in jail with poor dietary and medical attention is also rubbing salt into the wound.

Mr Weera’s family reaffirmed that it would not appeal against the 8-year prison term handed down by the court but would instead seek a royal pardon from the Cambodian King with the help of the Thai government. The family also requested its legal adviser, Mr Karun Saingam, that he stop all attempts to appeal the court verdict, said Mr Preecha, who further revealed that Ms Ratree Pipattanapaiboon, the other detainee, had also given up on the attempt to appeal.

In addition, Democrat MP for Bangkok Panich Vikitsreth confirmed that both convicts had already signed a document opposing an attempt by their legal team to appeal the case, given the deadline for an appeal had expired and the only way out for them is to seek a royal pardon.


-- NNT 2011-03-07 footer_n.gif


One post concerning Thaksin has been deleted.

This thread is not about Thaksin.

Please stay on topic.

Added: Make that 3 posts deleted.


Having a Thai doctor examine Vera would seem like a slap in the face to Cambodia. It might not be a good idea.

Also, can a Thai doctor practice medicine in Cambodia? Are there licensed doctors in Cambodia?


I have deleted an off-topic post and the five replies that followed it.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Having a Thai doctor examine Vera would seem like a slap in the face to Cambodia. It might not be a good idea.

Also, can a Thai doctor practice medicine in Cambodia? Are there licensed doctors in Cambodia?

Assuming k. Veera has a physician he normally consults, it's good practise to have the guy around. That physician may not be able to 'practice', but could accompany and assist a Cambodian doctor. Numerous face-saving possibilities :)

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