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Need a bit of advice here please and be gentle as i am a newbie !

Back in the UK I have been driving LGV's ( big trucks ) and previously PSV's (Coaches/buses).I have known for years that I am slightly colour blind (red/green deficiancy).I have had to do medicals for both of these licences and there's never been a problem passing any medical.I also have car and motorbike licences and again never a problem with my colour blindness.I can do colours but similar shades of red and green I obviously struggle with.Traffic lights aren't a problem and never have been.

I decided to get a Thai motorbike licence as I'm here for a while,I got all the paperwork and off I went to the test centre near Regents School.The lady there told me that as I had a full UK motorbike licence I'd only have to do the eye test and no exams or riding test.

Went upstairs and got called up for the colour test,I couldn't see jack shit ! They tried me twice and I failed both times.I got called into an office and was told that I'd failed,I tried explaining about the eye tests in England (totally different ) but her response was simply ''this is Thailand''.I got home and did a couple of tests on the internet and I'm still ok for a UK licence (apparantly I'd be ok for a pilots licence but only for certain types of flying).

Anyone got any ideas how to get round this ? Should I go and see an eye specialist and get a letter from them saying I'm ok to ride a motorbike ? Anyone else had this happen to them ?

Too be honest it's not that important to me that I get a licence,it's just the fact that despite me being more than qualified to ride a bike here I'm banned from getting a licence by a woman pointing a stick at a board,not exactly a medically proven way of doing things is it ?

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I think Thailand being Thailand there isn't anything you can do about it. In the old days everything could be sorted with a small donation in an envelope but I don't think that works anymore. Fortunately for you the police is usually flexible and happy as long as you have a drivers license from somewhere.


out of 7 years in Thailand , i think you are the first person i have ever meet who has failed !

I'm the only person I've met who's failed it rolleyes.gif


I think Thailand being Thailand there isn't anything you can do about it. In the old days everything could be sorted with a small donation in an envelope but I don't think that works anymore. Fortunately for you the police is usually flexible and happy as long as you have a drivers license from somewhere.

I think you're right,the g/f came with me and has just told me she spoke to someone there,she asked if I got a letter from an eye specialist would that be ok,the answer was ''no,he have to pass test''

As you say,the BiB are usually ok with my UK licence when I point to the motorbike part.


I have the same issue, red/green colourblind. Here in Chiang Mai, the colour blindness test is done at the hospital, then at the test centre you have to differentiate between dots on a board, red, yellow, green and blue - I can do that easily, but the dots in the book I'm hopeless with. If I can differentiate between green, red and yellow I don't see a problem.

My solution was to get a medical certificate from the hospital, saying it was for a work permit. They didn't do the colour blindness test. Went to the test center, and was able to do the test with the dots. The one I had most difficulty with was the peripheral vision test where I had to state which side I saw the light flash and what colour it was., I just kept trying colours in Thai, getting the left/right bit correct. He let me through.

So you should try a different province. After the first year, get it renewed in Pattaya. On renewal in Chiang Mai, they only tested for reflexes.


Go have a look at the junction of Chaiyapruek 2 and the railway road any morning, you will be amazed how many people cannot differentiate between red and green!!:lol:


I have the same issue, red/green colourblind. Here in Chiang Mai, the colour blindness test is done at the hospital, then at the test centre you have to differentiate between dots on a board, red, yellow, green and blue - I can do that easily, but the dots in the book I'm hopeless with. If I can differentiate between green, red and yellow I don't see a problem.

The dots in the book are what I've done medicals with in the UK,these have picked up the red/green problem and also indicate that I have a minor problem with those colours.Did an internet test last night and the results said ''minor problem''.

The colour test at the test centre is look at a board from about 3-4 metres while the lady quickly pointed her stick at various colours.The board is old and faded and the circles look like they've been coloured in with crayons.

I know it's my problem as everyone else has passed it,just seems crazy that Dr's in the UK say I'm fit to drive 40 ton artics or 53 people on a coach but a Thai lady with a stick says I'm not fit to ride a motorbike over here.

Thai logic eh ?


Go have a look at the junction of Chaiyapruek 2 and the railway road any morning, you will be amazed how many people cannot differentiate between red and green!!:lol:

But they passed the test !


So you should try a different province. After the first year, get it renewed in Pattaya. On renewal in Chiang Mai, they only tested for reflexes.

Every time I've renewed my DL here in Pattaya I've had to go through the tests. In the beginning it was just the color test, now they also include peripheral vision and depth perception tests.

I had particular problems with the depth perception test. You look into a box inside which are two parallel sticks, one stationary and one you move closer or further away from yourself until you think they are at the same level. I found that very difficult and had to try a couple of times before I finally got it right.


Go have a look at the junction of Chaiyapruek 2 and the railway road any morning, you will be amazed how many people cannot differentiate between red and green!!:lol:

But they passed the test !

You reckon?


just stick with your uk licence. dont know too much about colour blind issues but seems funny yr okay with traffic lights

and not with a board with the colours on it. What happens if the traffic lights are dirty, low illuminating etc are u still ok with them

cheers mark

I have the same issue, red/green colourblind. Here in Chiang Mai, the colour blindness test is done at the hospital, then at the test centre you have to differentiate between dots on a board, red, yellow, green and blue - I can do that easily, but the dots in the book I'm hopeless with. If I can differentiate between green, red and yellow I don't see a problem.

The dots in the book are what I've done medicals with in the UK,these have picked up the red/green problem and also indicate that I have a minor problem with those colours.Did an internet test last night and the results said ''minor problem''.

The colour test at the test centre is look at a board from about 3-4 metres while the lady quickly pointed her stick at various colours.The board is old and faded and the circles look like they've been coloured in with crayons.

I know it's my problem as everyone else has passed it,just seems crazy that Dr's in the UK say I'm fit to drive 40 ton artics or 53 people on a coach but a Thai lady with a stick says I'm not fit to ride a motorbike over here.

Thai logic eh ?


just stick with your uk licence. dont know too much about colour blind issues but seems funny yr okay with traffic lights

and not with a board with the colours on it. What happens if the traffic lights are dirty, low illuminating etc are u still ok with them

cheers mark

Honest Mark,traffic lights etc aren't a problem.I can tell red and green apart easily, apparantly it's just similar shades of red and green I have problems with.


I think Thailand being Thailand there isn't anything you can do about it. In the old days everything could be sorted with a small donation in an envelope but I don't think that works anymore. Fortunately for you the police is usually flexible and happy as long as you have a drivers license from somewhere.

Not anymore. They are now wanting International or Thai Drivers Licenses only. It can be up to a 1000 baht fine for not having one. I know a few foreigners who have been recently slapped with a 400 baht fine.


Last time i renewed my 5 year liscence, a French guy in front of me asked me to help him out as he had forgotten his glasses??? when the lady pointed at the numbers i stood close behind him and told him what the numbers were and he repeated them - job done!!:lol:


Someone else on another thread said you can go back and do it again every day for up to 90 days.

Normally they only point out red or green, so you know it is not any of the other colours and they are different shading for most colour blind people. Also go closer to the dots to see what colours there are and see if she uses the same dots for each person?

I've seen people able to go closer as they had forgotten their glasses, also suspect that many times you can ask a friend to stand next to you and help you. I did that to help my wife with the perception test when she failed it 3 times ............... I stood to the side, much easier.

Personally I like to have a legal driving license and do not offer envelopes.


only international or thai licences are legal, this retest is real pain i have a car and bike licence and have to the test again for both every 5 years and watch the flippin video every time. going again next week :(

  • 4 weeks later...
Back in the UK I have been driving LGV's ( big trucks ) and previously PSV's (Coaches/buses).I have known for years that I am slightly colour blind (red/green deficiancy).I have had to do medicals for both of these licences and there's never been a problem passing any medical.I also have car and motorbike licences and again never a problem with my colour blindness.I can do colours but similar shades of red and green I obviously struggle with.Traffic lights aren't a problem and never have been.

So you have weakness' date=' not blindness to a colour, is that right? If you can make a clear distinction between the colours red, yellow and green it should be simple to discern traffic lights, railway signals and navigation lights.

I decided to get a Thai motorbike licence as I'm here for a while,I got all the paperwork and off I went to the test centre near Regents School.The lady there told me that as I had a full UK motorbike licence I'd only have to do the eye test and no exams or riding test.

Romanian blogger Vasile Tomoiagă, green-weak, has had the same issue in his own country. I can understand why some countries wolud requrie driver's licensees to pass a colour vision test, considering all the aspects of driving that depend on colour coding, but these are not critical enough to interfere with the mildest manfestations of colour-weakness. But yes, if someone has adequate colour vision to do normal eveyday colour based tasks (such as fitting clothes) and not even know of their anomally before being tested, it does seem unfair to declare them unfit to drive.

Though visual acuity and field and depth perception wolud be much bigger factors in driving performance than colour vision.


Though visual acuity and field and depth perception wolud be much bigger factors in driving performance than colour vision.

Field and depth perception as well as peripheral vision is also tested in Thailand. Curiously enough I don't recall having to pass any visual acuity tests when I renewed my DL a few months ago in Pattaya.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate, I am colour blind as well. (RED-GREEN) it is heradetory and is only in males, women are not colour blind.

I went to the license office and gave him my International car license and was given a Thai licence with NO test.

However I had to do a riding test and all the other tests to get my bike license, including a colour test. The one in the confetty book with the numbers and failed.

They then pointed to another board with huge colour dots on it and asked what colour they were pointing to. No problem got them all right.

So the bottom line is, if you can get an International license back home, they are accepted here with no test and you will be issued with 2 Thai licences.

1 Car and 1 Bike. This is what happened to me 5 years ago.

There may be some other comments about changes since then.


just stick with your uk licence. dont know too much about colour blind issues but seems funny yr okay with traffic lights

and not with a board with the colours on it. What happens if the traffic lights are dirty, low illuminating etc are u still ok with them

cheers mark

Honest Mark,traffic lights etc aren't a problem.I can tell red and green apart easily, apparantly it's just similar shades of red and green I have problems with.

similar shades of Red and Green????? Got me beat there, mate. Pretty UNsimilar I would say. Although I do sympathise with you.


At least in Pattaya they have you do the color tests (and all the other vision tests) when you renew the DL.

dont forget watch the video yet again, i hate that vid, renewed bike and car few months apart had to watch it twice, applied for international licence and they made me do the the lot again then realised i did not have to and pulled me out the vid room after half hour.


just stick with your uk licence. dont know too much about colour blind issues but seems funny yr okay with traffic lights

and not with a board with the colours on it. What happens if the traffic lights are dirty, low illuminating etc are u still ok with them

cheers mark

Honest Mark,traffic lights etc aren't a problem.I can tell red and green apart easily, apparantly it's just similar shades of red and green I have problems with.

similar shades of Red and Green????? Got me beat there, mate. Pretty UNsimilar I would say. Although I do sympathise with you.

similar shades of red and similar shades of green :) as in bright red and ...oh i dunno what to call it...less bright red? :lol:

At least I hope that's what he means!

Quite how that relates to driving/riding I'm not sure, unless you wait too long at the lights because they're not the right shade of green? I have, in the past, asked that question of drivers in front of me :D


At least in Pattaya they have you do the color tests (and all the other vision tests) when you renew the DL.

dont forget watch the video yet again, i hate that vid, renewed bike and car few months apart had to watch it twice, applied for international licence and they made me do the the lot again then realised i did not have to and pulled me out the vid room after half hour.

Went to Pattaya today to renew both motorcycle and car licences. Presented the required paperwork along with my expiring licences, paid the 1,060 baht, had my photo taken and walked out with new licences in less than 10 minutes. No tests at all. In fact no one at all, Farang or Thai, were being tested.


just stick with your uk license. dont know too much about colour blind issues but seems funny yr okay with traffic lights

and not with a board with the colours on it. What happens if the traffic lights are dirty, low illuminating etc are u still ok with them

cheers mark

Honest Mark,traffic lights etc aren't a problem.I can tell red and green apart easily, apparantly it's just similar shades of red and green I have problems with.

similar shades of Red and Green????? Got me beat there, mate. Pretty UNsimilar I would say. Although I do sympathise with you.

Different shades of Greens and Greys in the confetti book.

There is usually a page with a number in it of say No8 and a person who is color blind can only see half the 8 ( IE3) or the number 10 can only see 1 but not the 0.

Or if he is badly color blind he will see no number at all.

Same goes for different shades of Red. However any person who is color blind can see the single color of RED and GREEN at the traffic lights the same as you a person who is not color blind.

This is why they don't use people who are color blind as forward scouts in the Army. Different shades of green are used as camouflage.

It's also why they cant be a merchant marine pilot as they cant see the difference between the green light and the similar color of the ocean or land in the background during daylight hours.

In the old days you could not join the Police force because you could not see the right color of the car or the monthly rego sticker.

Hope this explains a few things.


Hi mate, I am colour blind as well. (RED-GREEN) it is heradetory and is only in males, women are not colour blind.

I went to the license office and gave him my International car license and was given a Thai licence with NO test.

However I had to do a riding test and all the other tests to get my bike license, including a colour test. The one in the confetty book with the numbers and failed.

They then pointed to another board with huge colour dots on it and asked what colour they were pointing to. No problem got them all right.

So the bottom line is, if you can get an International license back home, they are accepted here with no test and you will be issued with 2 Thai licences.

1 Car and 1 Bike. This is what happened to me 5 years ago.

There may be some other comments about changes since then.

You say you are red-green "colour blind" but the fact that you passed the test suggests a weakness to a colour, not blindness.

shows a Thai traffic light, note that the stop signal is very red and and the proceed very green, colourweaks would have no trouble with it. Here is the blog entry I was referring to. Women can in fact be colour blind/weak. Deuteranomaly (weakness to green) is the most common type of what's often referred to as red-green colourblindness. There are (approximately) 15 deuteranomalous men for every deuteranomalous woman. Deutoranopia (Green blindness), Protanomaly (red weakness) and Protanopia (Red blindness) occur at more similar ratios to each other and each is less common than Deuteranomaly. All those three are thus even less common in women. Tritanomaly (blue weakness) and tritanopia (blue blindness) are even less common in either sex but more equally distributed among the sexes.

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