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Red And Yellow Shirts Should Think About Thailand First: Suthep

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Red and yellow shirts should think about the country first: Suthep

By The Nation

The red and yellow shirts should pause and think about the consequences of their street protests instead of trying to win amidst the country's ruins, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said on Thursday.

"The red and yellow shirts should know it doesn't matter which side to win or lose but the country must not be damaged," he said.

Suthep said he found it very difficult to convince the red and yellow shirts to stop protesting.

As the country is gearing for early elections, rival groups should get off the streets in order to push for their partisan interests via the ballot box, he said.

Should the Democrats lose in the elections, the opposition would be in power to implement its agendas, he said.

He said he was worrying that the red-shrit protest planned for Saturday might spiral out of control.

The authorities anticipated that the red shirts might not end the rally within a single day but would carry on protesting until March 19, coinciding with the casting of votes on the censure, he said.

He cautioned the rally organisers for using the mobilisation model perfected by communism to draw the crowds.

A number of ex-communists took part in the red-shirt movement to set up leadership schools upcountry which became the spawning grounds to recruit protesters, he said.


-- The Nation 2011-03-10


"The red and yellow shirts should know it doesn't matter which side to win or lose but the country must not be damaged," he said.

All this from the man who sat in on meetings that sanctioned the shooting of hundreds of innocent people.

He cautioned the rally organisers for using the mobilisation model perfected by communism to draw the crowds.

A number of ex-communists took part in the red-shirt movement to set up leadership schools upcountry which became the spawning grounds to recruit protesters, he said.

Suthep obviously reads Thaivisa.


"The red and yellow shirts should know it doesn't matter which side to win or lose but the country must not be damaged," he said.

All this from the man who sat in on meetings that sanctioned the shooting of hundreds of innocent people.

Pray, elaborate. I didn't think k. Suthep was in function during the 2003 - 2004 War on Drugs when hundreds thousands of innocent people were killed ?


it's funny how these selfish, greedy scoundrels of politicians always tell others "to put the country first"!!

"The country must not be damaged" What is this a choke?? Nobody could ever damage this country more then all these corrupt politicians and their backers behind the scene.

Why should the red shirt protest spiral out of control?? Is he and his military pals planning something behind the scene - there has been no violence during any of the recent protests why should there be any now?? We all know the people with the real power behind the scenes don't want elections - are they planning something??

Suthep is considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand - can't he just shut his big mouth - nobody in this country wants to hear what he has to say - he seems to be the only one who is not aware of this!


it's funny how these selfish, greedy scoundrels of politicians always tell others "to put the country first"!!

"The country must not be damaged" What is this a choke?? Nobody could ever damage this country more then all these corrupt politicians and their backers behind the scene.

Why should the red shirt protest spiral out of control?? Is he and his military pals planning something behind the scene - there has been no violence during any of the recent protests why should there be any now?? We all know the people with the real power behind the scenes don't want elections - are they planning something??

Suthep is considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand - can't he just shut his big mouth - nobody in this country wants to hear what he has to say - he seems to be the only one who is not aware of this!

Selfish politicians, both current and ex. Like k. Thaksin who recently said to have all the answers to solve your problems, but that could wait till he was back.

Why should protests spiral out of control, why indeed? Maybe just a not to subtle reference to March - May last year. As for the government planning something, you're right. The bloody ... are planning an early election, dam_n them.

Not sure k. Suthep is considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand, looks like there are a few who could qualify. To add dishonest to politician seems a bit of a pleonasm IMHO ;)

He cautioned the rally organisers for using the mobilisation model perfected by communism to draw the crowds.

A number of ex-communists took part in the red-shirt movement to set up leadership schools upcountry which became the spawning grounds to recruit protesters, he said.

Suthep obviously reads Thaivisa.

Or simply knows the facts ......


it's funny how these selfish, greedy scoundrels of politicians always tell others "to put the country first"!!

"The country must not be damaged" What is this a choke?? Nobody could ever damage this country more then all these corrupt politicians and their backers behind the scene.

Why should the red shirt protest spiral out of control?? Is he and his military pals planning something behind the scene - there has been no violence during any of the recent protests why should there be any now?? We all know the people with the real power behind the scenes don't want elections - are they planning something??

Suthep is considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand - can't he just shut his big mouth - nobody in this country wants to hear what he has to say - he seems to be the only one who is not aware of this!

Why should it spiral out of control? We only have to look at the past 2 years to see when the reds escalate things. The fields are empty of crops and the crowds are cheaper to buy this time of year. By whom is Suthep considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand? (Even with Thaksin out of the country, so technically not in the running for that title, there are many that would nominate others for the title "most dishonest") Importantly ... Suthep was just elected in a constituency vote wasn't he? (Oct 31st 2010) He not only won but he won by a factor of 7:1 in Surat Thani's 1st constituency. Meaning he's not a "party-list" MP, he's actually elected directly by the people in his constituency.


it's funny how these selfish, greedy scoundrels of politicians always tell others "to put the country first"!!

"The country must not be damaged" What is this a choke?? Nobody could ever damage this country more then all these corrupt politicians and their backers behind the scene.

Why should the red shirt protest spiral out of control?? Is he and his military pals planning something behind the scene - there has been no violence during any of the recent protests why should there be any now?? We all know the people with the real power behind the scenes don't want elections - are they planning something??

Suthep is considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand - can't he just shut his big mouth - nobody in this country wants to hear what he has to say - he seems to be the only one who is not aware of this!

Why should it spiral out of control? We only have to look at the past 2 years to see when the reds escalate things. The fields are empty of crops and the crowds are cheaper to buy this time of year. By whom is Suthep considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand? (Even with Thaksin out of the country, so technically not in the running for that title, there are many that would nominate others for the title "most dishonest") Importantly ... Suthep was just elected in a constituency vote wasn't he? (Oct 31st 2010) He not only won but he won by a factor of 7:1 in Surat Thani's 1st constituency. Meaning he's not a "party-list" MP, he's actually elected directly by the people in his constituency.

Of course Suthep is a wonderful man honest to the core - every Thai loves him and the people of Surat Thani woreship him!!

Well you must have missed the poll then back in November 2010 carried out in BANGKOK of all places !! - Suthep won hands down with 39.2 % as the most dishonest politician in Thailand - he even beat Newin who scored "only" 24.2 % and that means something - and that Suthep was elected in Surat Thani is wow really a "big surprise" - his family more or less owns the place! There are several other provinces in Thailand which are "owned" by powerful politicians and their families and cronies - all lovely people, honest and not corrupt at all.

I don't know where you live - but here up north the crops are in full bloom - not only rice but also the fruit orchards.

And by corrupt politicians and other "influential" people I am not only talking about the current set - these people have robbed and abused the underprivileged and uneducated masses in this country for centuries.

By the way the very same poll also voted PM Abhisit and Chuan Lekphai as the most honest politicians - and I wholeheartedly agree!! Suthep is an opportunist who will - if it brings him a political advantage - stab Abhisit in back without thinking twice. I have never met a Thai who "likes" Suthep to put it mildly - most Thais I know are to polite to put it in words what they think about the man!


Irrespective of the statement and who said it, the fact remains - neither of these two parties protesting have a reason to be on the streets. The election is due and agreed to - albeit time is not stated - so act like a democracy and cast a vote. Morons. angry.gif


Did Suthep say this on his ASTV interview?

The same interview where he also claimed Red Shirts ran into the bullets?

Funny that didn't make headlines in it?


it's funny how these selfish, greedy scoundrels of politicians always tell others "to put the country first"!!

"The country must not be damaged" What is this a choke?? Nobody could ever damage this country more then all these corrupt politicians and their backers behind the scene.

Why should the red shirt protest spiral out of control?? Is he and his military pals planning something behind the scene - there has been no violence during any of the recent protests why should there be any now?? We all know the people with the real power behind the scenes don't want elections - are they planning something??

Suthep is considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand - can't he just shut his big mouth - nobody in this country wants to hear what he has to say - he seems to be the only one who is not aware of this!

Why should it spiral out of control? We only have to look at the past 2 years to see when the reds escalate things. The fields are empty of crops and the crowds are cheaper to buy this time of year. By whom is Suthep considered the most dishonest politician in Thailand? (Even with Thaksin out of the country, so technically not in the running for that title, there are many that would nominate others for the title "most dishonest") Importantly ... Suthep was just elected in a constituency vote wasn't he? (Oct 31st 2010) He not only won but he won by a factor of 7:1 in Surat Thani's 1st constituency. Meaning he's not a "party-list" MP, he's actually elected directly by the people in his constituency.

mmm can you remind us why he lost his seat in the first place? was it because of a corruption scandal?

What was the punishment for being corrupt? 2 years in prison? Nope he got promoted to deputy PM!!

Now that's what you call power!!


It is very strange....

It was Apisit and SuThep who authorized their high ranking deputies to go to court and to testify on behalf of the redshirt core leaders.... so they could be released from custody.... So the court relented and released the core leaders....

Now SuThep was afraid that he red core leaders will do what.....???

Deputy SuThep.... please do jump into the ChaowPaYa River to sanctify yourself and your dirtier than socks political party....

If there ever is any violence and/or blood on the street....

PM Apisit and deupty SuThep and the rest of the democratic party are totally and absolutely responsible for every single drop of blood or loss of human life....

The democrats wants reconciliation from the reds.... so they got it....

The red core leaders are out on the street again.... so what does SuThep have anything to complain about.... really now.... ;)

On even the more important front.... if Thailand ever loses any border territorial to Camb HuSen....

Then, truly.... and surely.... Apisit and SuThep et al.... would have no peace nor place to rest their heads in Thailand any longer....

As Apisit already declared in public that.... if Thailand ever loses an inch of territorial to Cambodia....

then he should not be called the PM, neither should be a Thai any longer, and he should not remain in Thailand at all....

That was his declaration several months ago during a rally.... We'll see....

:Thaiflag:For those who do not read nor understand much Thai....

it appears that the minutes of the records of the past THREE JBC meetings WHICH CONTAINS ADMISSION OF THE ILLEGAL FRENCH MADE MAP ENTITLED 1:200,000 into subsequent management of the cooperative management efforts among the 7 nations which will take place in June, 2011....

will be sneaked through Thai parliamentary meeting and approval in the next few weeks so as to justify JBC to continue to meet next....

without such acceptance and approval from Thai Parliamentary Meeting and Procedure, it would be futile for JBC to meet any further....

The joint management of the territorial around PraVeeHarn temple would be totally impossible....

So, my fellow citizentry.... let the show goes on.... and we all will wait and see.... just how those smart alexes in the Thai parliament could manage to pass and accept and approve those three most important prior minutes.... :Thaiflag:

If and when.... this could be accomplished in the Parliament.... those signatorials affixing their names to approve and accept of such minutes....

will summarily be equaled to traitors....

approving Thai soil.... to be governed by other six nations.... SELLING OUT THAILAND THRU PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES.... The only recourse left, legally, would be for someone or some entity to petition the Thai Constitutional Court to convene in emergency.... to intervene and declare such Parliamentary procedures.... unconstitutional...

because it contradicts the basic purpose of the Thai Constitutions in giving away Thai Sovereignty to another nation by whatever means or methodologies.... and

furthermore, to name those consenting signatorials.... traitors.... for selling out Thailand interests.... singularly or jointly....

The penalty for traitors as it prescribed in ancient scroll was.... the beheading to the seventh generation.... :wai: :wai: :wai: :wai: :wai: :wai: :wai:


mmm can you remind us why he lost his seat in the first place? was it because of a corruption scandal?

What was the punishment for being corrupt? 2 years in prison? Nope he got promoted to deputy PM!!

Now that's what you call power!!

K. Suthep didn't loose his seat, he stepped down. Minor difference, legal, although marginally so. Legally he could stand again for MP and 80+% of the people voted for him. Unfair? Maybe, but very legal. PTP fielded a candidate who was free to walk around, but didn't get too many votes. K. Jatuporn didn't bother to show his face, down there even his mother doesn't really like him anymore it seems.

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