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New Mitsubishi Triton Problems

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Yep, thx Trans, this has to be the answer and it's the same conclusion that I reached earlier today so I've decided 2 things, re-tile my patio in slate grey colour and to park my motor overnight on a 45 degree angle :D

On a poss note, I called into mitsu again today as my rear light cluster was very wet...inside! to their credit they replaced the unit within 15 minutes.

On a neg note, i mentioned to the mitsu 'salesman' that i checked my tyre pressures following the 1000km service there and found all 4 had a whacking 47 psi instead of the 29 (front)...he just shrugged & smiled!

Makes one wonder on a service what else they do wrong if they can't get a simple thing like tyre pressures correct, after all it's an important safety adjustment on their check list to take care of driver/passengers. :(

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I've done over 2500 km now, not all so 'gently' and I've used the shell v power fuel sometimes and the bl**dy truck still often spews black <deleted> spots onto my patio floor when started.

My wife had a long chat with the mitsu salesman yesterday who insists this is normal & suggests it is my driving style at fault, he also pointed out that the exaust outlet is 'lower' than on most motors! ??? arghhh (bearing in mind this is the high triton plus model) :rolleyes: TiT

water in exhaust. run it in 4th gear to make exhaust cans and pipes really hot for 100km, and it should all be gone

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Hi All, just returned from a nice run to Phuket & gave the motor a good blast, she ran well but I would expect that from a 2011 truck. Def a lot rougher than the Toyota Vigo in all departments but I still prefer the styling of the mitsu.

Yea Trans, i agree about the tyre pressures and the same thoughts occurred to me, doesn't exactly inspire confidence...par for the course I guess.

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How is the Triton now? I have been thinking about this black smoke and as far as I know, black smoke means unburnt fuel as against white smoke which would usually mean there is water in the system or even in the exhaust. When you start it up in the mornings, do you just turn the key and just start it straight away or do you wait for the light to go out to show that the glow plugs are warmed up and then fire it up? If you do wait for the glow plugs , then it sounds as though you are getting too much fuel as against air and the mechanics should be able to adjust the mixture or clean the airfilter or whatever. I now have 55,000 kilometres on my engine and it has never shown any black smoke or oily deposits on my driveway. Mind you the other day I accidently knocked it into neutral when I was flying along and I left a decent sized pool of black smoke. It was like something out of a James bond movie except there weren't any bad guys chasing me. Good luck anyway.

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do you wait for the light to go out to show that the glow plugs are warmed up and then fire it up? If you do wait for the glow plugs , then it sounds as though you are getting too much fuel as against air and the mechanics should be able to adjust the mixture or clean the airfilter or whatever.

Hi Jack, no black smoke just heaps of black sooty spots left under the exhaust outlet...sometimes, which makes it even more frustrating as its not consistent. I will pay more attention to the glow plug light tho as you have made a good point there, I'll also have a look at the air filter. Thx for your input.

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do you wait for the light to go out to show that the glow plugs are warmed up and then fire it up? If you do wait for the glow plugs , then it sounds as though you are getting too much fuel as against air and the mechanics should be able to adjust the mixture or clean the airfilter or whatever.

Hi Jack, no black smoke just heaps of black sooty spots left under the exhaust outlet...sometimes, which makes it even more frustrating as its not consistent. I will pay more attention to the glow plug light tho as you have made a good point there, I'll also have a look at the air filter. Thx for your input.

It's water. Noooooooooooo problem (l think). To be sure, look at the rad water reservoir, make sure it's at the same height when cold. :)

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The truck is very new, so I am pretty sure it is not using water. If the water level was going down, then it would probably be over heating as well? It would also be putting out white smoke and probably wouldn't still be running by now. Ray is talking about black sooty deposits dripping onto his car port. Surely it is unburnt fuel or too rich a mixture? I can't help thinking that if Ray took his truck to another Mitsu dealer somewhere, he would have the problem diagnosed within minutes and then I wouldn't have to worry about it!!

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The truck is very new, so I am pretty sure it is not using water. If the water level was going down, then it would probably be over heating as well? It would also be putting out white smoke and probably wouldn't still be running by now. Ray is talking about black sooty deposits dripping onto his car port. Surely it is unburnt fuel or too rich a mixture? I can't help thinking that if Ray took his truck to another Mitsu dealer somewhere, he would have the problem diagnosed within minutes and then I wouldn't have to worry about it!!

The reference to water is that mixed with the soot in the box it's black water. If over fuelling it will be chucking black smoke out the back. If the rad water reservoir is big there will be no over heating till thats depleted. Just things to check.:)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, nearly 3 months now, still black soot spewing onto my patio when I start up after a wash, still lots of niggling problems with the motor and still no white plates, in short, i have absolutely no confidence in krabi mitsu as they have shown no interest at all.

My 10000 Km service will be due in the next month or so, any thoughts about me going for the service in another province? any thoughts on the Phuket mitsu dealer?

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Hi all, nearly 3 months now, still black soot spewing onto my patio when I start up after a wash

Well it appears you've identified the culprit right there - obviously water is getting into the exhaust pipe during washing.. it's not going to come back out clean ;)

still lots of niggling problems with the motor

You have problems with the motor? That's very surprising (the 4D56 is virtually bullet-proof) can you eloborate?

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If you are thinking of a new ride,beware,you may have noticed in your area there are more than one of any dealer.Ask a friend to look in his service book for the dealer in your area.As with Jewelers they all have Rolex n Rado signs outside.It means nothing.My chum bought a Mitsu Truck,the place disappeared when he went back for service, and that was in Bkk.The P.D.Inspection at these franchise cheats are well know to old hands.Cheap Copy sill covers,not stainless, Old Nop cuts a bit of rubber for the back for 100Bht,they charge you full,the battery gets changed for a Cheapo.The mechanics are iffy too,tyre fitters in Brand Name Outfits......O.K. the Big Importers Manufacturers black list them,but why they allow them in the first place will remain a Thai Secret.:angry:

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That's very surprising (the 4D56 is virtually bullet-proof) can you eloborate?

Sorry, I should have been clearer, I have no problem at all with the engine, in fact the whole motor is great except for some annoying rattles/squeaks etc which is normal according to the forums I read.

The side window plastic, fr & rear, finally parted company the other day, the rust on the door cill trims have stained the door rubbers and the windscreen sealing rubber is loose. ..all pretty minor stuff I know and easily fixed, buy dbl sided tape & refit trims, buy & fit new wiper blade, buy and squirt silicone into loose windscreen rubber etc.

My point is that following the 1000 km service I have no confidence in the competence of this dealer and am exploring my options.

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Sorry to hear of the problems that would be a real bummer to me on a new motor.

You must be pretty easy going, I wouldn't of taken delivery of the truck until it was either replaced or put right.

Sounds like a poxy dealer when he said " he promised the red plates for the next Tuesday " he was saying " see you next Tuesday " :lol:

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Sounds like a poxy dealer when he said " he promised the red plates for the next Tuesday " he was saying " see you next Tuesday " :lol:

Exactly, tbh, I've left quite a bit out of the story as even I'm bored with it..but the bottom line was & still is that the mitsu people (salesman & mechanics) let themselves down badly with their BS and total disregard. My only surprise is that no one else seems to have had any problems with this mob in Krabi?? (at least no TV readers).

Might be worth pointing out this is my 6th brand new motor (4th in the LOS) and I've never had this crap before, but I've never bought a mitsu before :).

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Update: mitsu called my wife yesterday to say we must meet them at Krabi Transport Office at 1 p.m. today..they want to check the condition of my motor..great I thought, maybe they're smarter than I give credit for and have checked out this forum..over 1700 views so far..

maybe..just maybe..they will offer to rectify all the silly problems with this motor, check the emissions, repair the dented roof, re-seal the windscreen etc. etc.

but NO..the silly woman from mitsu who turned up (nearly half hour late) simply asked me to Q up to have the truck tested for ??..then ordered me inside to check my passport?? then demanded I go to the Immigration office for a 'special' letter?? then said I must go home to get my house book...at this point I said NO..enough wasting my time...what IS going on? JUST get me the white plates!!

Please bear in mind this is not the first motor I've bought here but it is the first time I've had grief like this...p.s. the thing still chucks out black soot on the patio on start up!

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Update: mitsu called my wife yesterday to say we must meet them at Krabi Transport Office at 1 p.m. today..they want to check the condition of my motor..great I thought, maybe they're smarter than I give credit for and have checked out this forum..over 1700 views so far..

maybe..just maybe..they will offer to rectify all the silly problems with this motor, check the emissions, repair the dented roof, re-seal the windscreen etc. etc.

but NO..the silly woman from mitsu who turned up (nearly half hour late) simply asked me to Q up to have the truck tested for ??..then ordered me inside to check my passport?? then demanded I go to the Immigration office for a 'special' letter?? then said I must go home to get my house book...at this point I said NO..enough wasting my time...what IS going on? JUST get me the white plates!!

Please bear in mind this is not the first motor I've bought here but it is the first time I've had grief like this...p.s. the thing still chucks out black soot on the patio on start up!

Sounds like you are being given a load of shit so you walk away and forget it. Little do they know how many folk have read your treatment and think they will lose out in the long run, but saying that Thais think for today, not tomorrow. ;)

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Sounds like you are being given a load of shit so you walk away and forget it. Little do they know how many folk have read your treatment and think they will lose out in the long run, but saying that Thais think for today, not tomorrow. ;)

Spot on Trans..tbh I'm not not sure where this is going or how it will turn out but 1 thing I DO know is that this crowd representing misu (i can't even be bothered to spell em' properly now) are not to be trusted :annoyed:anyway..onwards n' upwards eh :D

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Sounds like you are being given a load of shit so you walk away and forget it. Little do they know how many folk have read your treatment and think they will lose out in the long run, but saying that Thais think for today, not tomorrow. ;)

Spot on Trans..tbh I'm not not sure where this is going or how it will turn out but 1 thing I DO know is that this crowd representing misu (i can't even be bothered to spell em' properly now) are not to be trusted :annoyed:anyway..onwards n' upwards eh :D

What ever happens l would write a strong PRECISE letter to Mitsu, in English and Thai and see what happens.

What sticks in my mind, although sounds trivial, is the windscreen issue, this is about build quality which should never happen. Couple of years down the line, heat etc, could be a real pain. Wish l was near you for a look at stuff. ;)

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What sticks in my mind, although sounds trivial, is the windscreen issue, this is about build quality which should never happen. Couple of years down the line, heat etc, could be a real pain. Wish l was near you for a look at stuff. ;)

spot on again which is why I want to take this motor to a 'responsible' dealer to have it checked out and rectified..it may be 'frying pan to fire' going to Phuket but I've given up with the krabi dealership.

Talking of build quality..I've also noticed the seam on the front pass seat stretched open along the entire length..I thought it was a zipper at first! but no, def the seat coming apart!

This is all sounding like some kinda joke so I might just give up here..thanks for your input though

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Just to set the record straight..

got and fitted the white plates & tax disc on Friday, had to buy a letter from Immigration confirming my address (wasn't necessary with Isuzu but that was over 4 yrs back) and had to wait with the misu rep at the Transport Office (she says they are not like Toyota & Isuzu..they do it 'properly' (??)) nearly 3 months on but better late than never I s'pose.

Still no help from them re all the other stuff, the 'salesman' and their 'engineer' weren't at all interested in the loose windscreen seal but muttered something in Thai about heat..probably blaming me again for parking it in the sun! (My guess is the seal was stretched when the glass was installed).

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If your not happy with the windscreen fitting go to Hatyai there is an excellent dealer there it's on right side before Hatyai when coming from Krabi. As for your small plastic fittings and trims they are only gifts so don't expect to much no guarantee go spend a few bt on quality items. Even Toyota when they give free window tint inform you it will not last as long as good quality stuff.

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As for your small plastic fittings and trims they are only gifts so don't expect to much no guarantee go spend a few bt on quality items. Even Toyota when they give free window tint inform you it will not last as long as good quality stuff.

As it happens John I paid good dosh for the extras, the tight s*ds only included the bed liner, window deflectors & the alleged 1000 baht of fuel in the deal..I even had to pay to have the bed liner finished 'properly' plus the deflectors were not the colour agreed (the window tint alone cost me over 5k and on the day of delivery I had to go back to the misu supplier to get them to clean it!)

But what the heck, the point of this thread was not to just let off steam (altho I've enjoyed sharing this with you all and am impressed by the knowledge out there) but was to inform / warn fellow TV members & guests of my experiences, fore-warned is fore-armed as the saying goes.

Thanks again to TV and all who have contributed to this thread. Cheers, Ray.

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As for your small plastic fittings and trims they are only gifts so don't expect to much no guarantee go spend a few bt on quality items. Even Toyota when they give free window tint inform you it will not last as long as good quality stuff.

As it happens John I paid good dosh for the extras, the tight s*ds only included the bed liner, window deflectors & the alleged 1000 baht of fuel in the deal..I even had to pay to have the bed liner finished 'properly' plus the deflectors were not the colour agreed (the window tint alone cost me over 5k and on the day of delivery I had to go back to the misu supplier to get them to clean it!)

But what the heck, the point of this thread was not to just let off steam (altho I've enjoyed sharing this with you all and am impressed by the knowledge out there) but was to inform / warn fellow TV members & guests of my experiences, fore-warned is fore-armed as the saying goes.

Thanks again to TV and all who have contributed to this thread. Cheers, Ray.

Well said, THAT is what the forum is for, to be fore warned IS to be fore armed. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Just had the 10k service done at Krabi..against my better judgement but haven't the time to go to Phuket. All done in less than an hour, seemed ok until I saw lots..I mean lots, of scratches on the front nearside!

I spotted this immediately as I always take a clean motor to a dealer or garage and I know every inch of this truck. There was no dispute from the service mgr who promptly showed his mechanic who was blamed for causing the damage with his clothing, they then offered to polish the front end..I declined as I reckon this mob would do more harm than good.

Bottom line..I will never trust this lot at Krabi mitsubishi again with my motor and warn others to keep clear!

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Just had the 10k service done at Krabi..against my better judgement but haven't the time to go to Phuket. All done in less than an hour, seemed ok until I saw lots..I mean lots, of scratches on the front nearside!

I spotted this immediately as I always take a clean motor to a dealer or garage and I know every inch of this truck. There was no dispute from the service mgr who promptly showed his mechanic who was blamed for causing the damage with his clothing, they then offered to polish the front end..I declined as I reckon this mob would do more harm than good.

Bottom line..I will never trust this lot at Krabi mitsubishi again with my motor and warn others to keep clear!

Could be worse.. A few years ago, a Toyota service tech reversed my VIGO into a parked truck right in front of my eyes, and then made me wait 10 weeks for the parts to repair it. :blink:

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Could be worse.. A few years ago, a Toyota service tech reversed my VIGO into a parked truck right in front of my eyes, and then made me wait 10 weeks for the parts to repair it. :blink:

Wow that must have hurt..i guess human error will always be with us, whatever country we live in..I recall a mechanic friend of mine writing a customers car off on the forecourt of his garage in England many years ago.

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