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Iran accuses U.S. of approving 'Bahrain invasion'


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Iran accuses U.S. of approving 'Bahrain invasion'

2011-03-16 21:56:10 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEHRAN (BNO NEWS) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday said Bahrain's crackdown on protesters was unjustifiable and held the United States accountable for the move, Press TV reported.

"This military invasion was a foul and doomed experience. Regional nations hold the US government accountable for such a heinous behavior," President Ahmadinejad told reporters following a cabinet session.

"The US seeks to save the Zionist regime (Israel) and suppress popular uprisings. So, it supports certain governments," he added, as cited by Press TV.

Saudi Arabia confirmed on Monday that more than 1,000 troops, part of the Gulf Cooperation Council's Peninsula Shield Force, had entered Bahrain at the request of the Manama government. On Tuesday, six people died and hundreds were injured in clashes between anti-regime protesters and Bahrain's security forces.

"How can a person rule his people while he interacts with them via arms? A government should belong to its people," President Ahmadinejad noted.

He pointed to "unjustifiable and irreversible" acts of violence against anti-government protesters in crisis-hit Bahrain and emphasized that such measures would bear no fruits.

On Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi urged the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to support the legitimate demands of anti-government protesters in line with the international commitments of the United Nations.

Then, Bahrain recalled its ambassador to Iran after the Foreign Ministry objected to the deployment of GCC troops. In response Iran summoned the envoys of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland - which represents the United States' interest in Iran - to protest against the "U.S.-backed military intervention."

After declaring a state of emergency, the government imposed a curfew starting Wednesday, and until further notice, between 4pm and 4am local time.

The country's social unrest began after protesters called for a "Day of Rage" on February 14 to mark the 10th anniversary of the National Action Charter, which returned the country to constitutional rule after the 1990s uprisings. Initially, people took to the streets to demand reform and the introduction of a constitutional monarchy, but later they began to call for the removal of the royal family

Bahrain, home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, is ruled by the Sunni Muslim al-Khalifa family, but two-thirds of the population are Shiite. In recent years, younger Shiites have staged violent protests to complain about discrimination, unemployment and corruption.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-16

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"How can a person rule his people while he interacts with them via arms? A government should belong to its people," President Ahmadinejad noted.

Iranians must be chuckling over that quote, after what they have gone through on many occasions including one just last month

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Yeah, Iran has lots of room to talk!

Two of Iran's main opposition leaders and their wives are said to be in grave danger after security forces apparently abducted them from their homes, where they were under house arrest. The claim, by the International Campaign forHuman Rights in Iran, indicates a serious escalation in the Iranian government's effort to silence the opposition movement that grew out of protests over the disputed presidential election in June 2009. One of the missing politicians is Mir Hossein Mousavi, who ran for president in the 2009 election...

The Independent 2011-02-28

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""The US seeks to save the Zionist regime (Israel) and suppress popular uprisings. So, it supports certain governments," he added, as cited by Press TV."

How on earth did he manage to bring Israel into it? What does Israel have to do with Bahrain or Saudi's going into Bahrain? How does Bahrain unrest saves or does not save Zionist regime?

It would appear Iranian president has totally lost the plot and urgently needs a visit to the nearest doctor.

PS. Was watching Aljazeera just the other night and interview with people. All said they want Bahrain to be a FREE country and a country for all including Jews(not my words but words of the protester)

Edited by kuffki
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""The US seeks to save the Zionist regime (Israel) and suppress popular uprisings. So, it supports certain governments," he added, as cited by Press TV."

How on earth did he manage to bring Israel into it? What does Israel have to do with Bahrain or Saudi's going into Bahrain? How does Bahrain unrest saves or does not save Zionist regime?

It would appear Iranian president has totally lost the plot and urgently needs a visit to the nearest doctor.

PS. Was watching Aljazeera just the other night and interview with people. All said they want Bahrain to be a FREE country and a country for all including Jews(not my words but words of the protester)

Perhaps he reads the Thaivisa forum and got the idea from some posters here. :whistling:

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""The US seeks to save the Zionist regime (Israel) and suppress popular uprisings. So, it supports certain governments," he added, as cited by Press TV."

How on earth did he manage to bring Israel into it? What does Israel have to do with Bahrain or Saudi's going into Bahrain? How does Bahrain unrest saves or does not save Zionist regime?

It would appear Iranian president has totally lost the plot and urgently needs a visit to the nearest doctor.

PS. Was watching Aljazeera just the other night and interview with people. All said they want Bahrain to be a FREE country and a country for all including Jews(not my words but words of the protester)

One point is that Ahmadinejad differentiates between Zionists and Jews. There is a Jewish minority living in Iran.

In Ahmadinejad's Iran, Jews still find a space

Some 25,000 Jews still live in Iran and many say that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's fiery anti-Israeli rhetoric is about politics, not religion. ...


Why he managed to bring Israel into it? well, Israel or the USA managed to bring quite often the Iran into it. Iran and Israel have a beef and in their propaganda they are teasing each other. The unique thing is that on behalf of Iran the president speaks himself and on the other side the propaganda method is different and not so forthright.

Like the points here Ahmadinejad made, its exactly that what he is accused of too. I think he is well aware of it and plays propaganda ping pong.

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Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

He is talking about Zionists, not all Jews. You are dissing the "Muslim world".

No, I am not. I am referring to the TRUTH about the Muslim world. I broadened this to Muslim world to include Iran as they are not Arabs. Of course there are some more moderate Muslim countries, like Malaysia, where Israelis aren't allowed to travel there ... never mind ...


Husseini might have been a Nazi to his very soul, but he was also a Palestinian nationalist with genuine support among his own people. The Allies originally considered him a war criminal, but to many Arabs, he was just a patriot. His exterminationist anti-Semitism was considered neither overly repugnant nor all that exceptional. The Arab world is saturated by Jew-hatred.

Some of this hatred was planted by Husseini and some of it long existed, but whatever the case, it remains a remarkable, if unremarked, feature of Arab nationalism. The other day, for instance, about 1 million Egyptians in Tahrir Square heard from Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an esteemed religious leader and Muslim Brotherhood figure whose anti-Semitic credentials are unimpeachable. Among other things, he has said that Hitler was sent by Allah as “divine punishment” for the Jews. His al-Jazeera program is one of that TV network’s most popular.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ahmidenajad already is on record dissing all Jewish people by claiming the holocost never happened. His election was a sham and his strings are pulled by the mullahs. Don't hear much from him supporting the Libya revolt.

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I can not believe not only what you just wrote but that you even trying to justify his words or statements.

The only time Iran gets brought up by isreal and USA are the tines when Iran either sells or sends weapons to terrorists or when Iran supports supports some madness to incite violence.

Iran hardly has any friends or support , so if anything he makes any statement no matter how ridiculous it sounds in hope to make some friends.

This tactics has worked at times and made him friend like Chavez or Gadaffi .

He is a lunatic with limited brain capacity which will bite him and his regime in the backside and there will be no help or support from the so called friends

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I don't think he is a lunatic. I think he is very intelligent and dangerous to world peace though. Not sure what difference it makes. His Mullahs also may be apocalyptic (but Bush was kind of like that too); is that insane or just ultra religious?

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One point is that Ahmadinejad differentiates between Zionists and Jews...

Actually he uses the terms interchangeably and hates both. These absurd justifications and distortions do not help your credibility.

"They (the Western powers) launched the myth of the Holocaust. They lied, they put on a show and then they support the Jews…. If as you claim the Holocaust is true, why can a study not be allowed? "

- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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Jing as you know many genius people were and are also mad or eccentric in one way or another . However majority give some "gifts" to people and world, while he does not contribute anything, so I would just stick with him being a lunatic.

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I don't think he is a lunatic. I think he is very intelligent and dangerous to world peace though. Not sure what difference it makes. His Mullahs also may be apocalyptic (but Bush was kind of like that too); is that insane or just ultra religious?

I agree. His is not a lunatic and is extremely intelligent to the contrary. The US and Israel know this and that is why they regard him as one of the most dangerous individual on earth.His weak point ,if he has one ,is that he speaks his mind. And a tactically and strategically sound world leader should be wary of a trait as such.He says things that other world leaders agree with but know better than to openly talk about them on the International stage.

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Gee Coma ONLY USA and Israel not the entire world?????

Intelligent person knows when to speak or when to shut up- he would not know what tact or politics is.

Fools are more dangerous then intelligent people because fool himself does not know the next stupid thing he will do or say.

Perfect portrait of him - FOOL

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Gee Coma ONLY USA and Israel not the entire world?????

Intelligent person knows when to speak or when to shut up- he would not know what tact or politics is.

Fools are more dangerous then intelligent people because fool himself does not know the next stupid thing he will do or say.

Perfect portrait of him - FOOL


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Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

He is talking about Zionists, not all Jews. You are dissing the "Muslim world".

No, I am not. I am referring to the TRUTH about the Muslim world. I broadened this to Muslim world to include Iran as they are not Arabs. Of course there are some more moderate Muslim countries, like Malaysia, where Israelis aren't allowed to travel there ... never mind ...

Again you fail to distinct between Judaism and Zionism or Jews and Israelis. Malaysia don't recognized Israel as state and so they are not recognizing Israeli passports. That makes traveling to Malaysia for Israeli national quite difficult. Jews who are nationals of other countries, countries Malaysia has diplomatic relationship with, will not have problems to travel to Malaysia because they are Jews.

Anti-semitism is an old european sport, popular through all time, including industrialized mass murder.

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I don't think he is a lunatic. I think he is very intelligent and dangerous to world peace though. Not sure what difference it makes. His Mullahs also may be apocalyptic (but Bush was kind of like that too); is that insane or just ultra religious?

Insane he may be but clever with it. His strategy seems to be 1)To surround Israel with hostile states. 2) Forment unrest in the Arab world, especially those with a large Shiite population. 3) Remove any internal opposition so he becomes in effect president for life. 4) Divert Arab disaffection towards Israel with the usual lies and propaganda.

He has been remarkably successful in his strategy aided and abetted by Obama's muddled foreign policy and his turning the U.S into a paper tiger.

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Malaysia don't recognized Israel as state and so they are not recognizing Israeli passports. That makes traveling to Malaysia for Israeli national quite difficult. Jews who are nationals of other countries, countries Malaysia has diplomatic relationship with, will not have problems to travel to Malaysia because they are Jews.

That might have something to do with the fact that they have no way to tell who is Jewish and who is not. These twisted justifications of race and religion hatred are ridiculous.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I can not believe not only what you just wrote but that you even trying to justify his words or statements.

The only time Iran gets brought up by isreal and USA are the tines when Iran either sells or sends weapons to terrorists or when Iran supports supports some madness to incite violence.

Iran hardly has any friends or support , so if anything he makes any statement no matter how ridiculous it sounds in hope to make some friends.

This tactics has worked at times and made him friend like Chavez or Gadaffi .

He is a lunatic with limited brain capacity which will bite him and his regime in the backside and there will be no help or support from the so called friends

I didn't try to justify his words nor defend. I didn't judged it all.

I was merely saying that Ahmadinejad with his rhetoric just mirrored all the blames towards him. Its his propaganda, he likes to be provocative.

Israels circle of friends, when it comes to settlement construction isn't much bigger either.

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I don't think he is a lunatic. I think he is very intelligent and dangerous to world peace though. Not sure what difference it makes. His Mullahs also may be apocalyptic (but Bush was kind of like that too); is that insane or just ultra religious?

Insane he may be but clever with it. His strategy seems to be 1)To surround Israel with hostile states. 2) Forment unrest in the Arab world, especially those with a large Shiite population. 3) Remove any internal opposition so he becomes in effect president for life. 4) Divert Arab disaffection towards Israel with the usual lies and propaganda.

He has been remarkably successful in his strategy aided and abetted by Obama's muddled foreign policy and his turning the U.S into a paper tiger.

I do not think he has been successful in all aspects you mentioned.

Just look at the revolt in the Arab world, all are against dictatorship, very possibly his mingling will also result in another uprising in Iran itself and this time it may get support from the neighbors where he showed his support towards the opposition.

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Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread?

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I can not believe not only what you just wrote but that you even trying to justify his words or statements.

The only time Iran gets brought up by isreal and USA are the tines when Iran either sells or sends weapons to terrorists or when Iran supports supports some madness to incite violence.

Iran hardly has any friends or support , so if anything he makes any statement no matter how ridiculous it sounds in hope to make some friends.

This tactics has worked at times and made him friend like Chavez or Gadaffi .

He is a lunatic with limited brain capacity which will bite him and his regime in the backside and there will be no help or support from the so called friends

I didn't try to justify his words nor defend. I didn't judged it all.

I was merely saying that Ahmadinejad with his rhetoric just mirrored all the blames towards him. Its his propaganda, he likes to be provocative.

Israels circle of friends, when it comes to settlement construction isn't much bigger either.

And yet israel is not under heavy sanctions from the entire world but thats a totally different matter

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Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread?

What an excellent idea, but it is your beloved Ahmadinejad who somehow managed to bring Israel into it. Perhaps you should take it up with him and since he is soo sooo intelligent according to your own words, i am sure he will have no problem understanding it.

And yes he handled the revolts really well-just killed and jailed his own people.

He set an excellent example and other nations should use him as a role modelblink.gif

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Malaysia don't recognized Israel as state and so they are not recognizing Israeli passports. That makes traveling to Malaysia for Israeli national quite difficult. Jews who are nationals of other countries, countries Malaysia has diplomatic relationship with, will not have problems to travel to Malaysia because they are Jews.

That might have something to do with the fact that they have no way to tell who is Jewish and who is not. These twisted justifications of race and religion hatred are ridiculous.

Malaysia Airlines serves kosher meal on board


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Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread?

What an excellent idea, but it is your beloved Ahmadinejad who somehow managed to bring Israel into it. Perhaps you should take it up with him and since he is soo sooo intelligent according to your own words, i am sure he will have no problem understanding it.

And yes he handled the revolts really well-just killed and jailed his own people.

He set an excellent example and other nations should use him as a role modelblink.gif

Once again instead of showing warmth. You openly show your hatred. I have not seen you post a nice word about anything or anybody on this forum.

Yes I think he is intelligent. Does that make me a bad person or a less person than you for doing so? A you currently or have you ever held the post as a head of state for a country the size of Iran. You don't get that job unless you are in the know and have ability.

Edited by coma
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Malaysia don't recognized Israel as state and so they are not recognizing Israeli passports. That makes traveling to Malaysia for Israeli national quite difficult. Jews who are nationals of other countries, countries Malaysia has diplomatic relationship with, will not have problems to travel to Malaysia because they are Jews.

That might have something to do with the fact that they have no way to tell who is Jewish and who is not. These twisted justifications of race and religion hatred are ridiculous.

Malaysia Airlines serves kosher meal on board


you are cracking me up with that one dude. B)

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