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Extra Pages For Us Passports

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I wanted to ask anyone with a US passport, I had extra pages added to my US Passport from the US Embassy here in Thailand for free. It seems soon I will need more extra pages in my passport. Can I add more extra pages again in

my passport at the US Embassy here in Thailand for free?

Thanks In Advance,

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Well, if needs must, Ill just pay up the $82. At least the price is still under $100.......for now!!!

Thanks for the reply

You can add pages twice but it is no longer free. They started charging last May I think, and its something like $82!!

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I had the US Embassy sew another set of pages into my passport (which was, at the time a service they offered for FREE) just before that "extra pages for free" deal ran out!.

I only had a single stamp on my first set of extra pages, but I told them I traveled a LOT!

FWIW; I had to push ‘em to do it, but being American, I thought <deleted> ‘em; I’m an American, DO it for me! (Once in a great while the American mindset works in S/E Asia, but NOT that often!)

Sadly, now it is not FREE, and would seem to be $82US, (but they use 32-33 baht to the dollar as the conversion rate).

Still, "I have pages and pages to go before I sleep"; (I know) a shameless “rip” from a Robert Frost poem but quite fitting.

Doncha think?

Edited by tod-daniels
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