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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

Please explain how Netanyahu is managing to keep the leaders from Hamas sitting down with the leaders of Fatah. Has he somehow built a magic bubble around one or the other to keep the two organizations from talking? If they wanted to meet, why can't they both fly to Zurich and sit down over tea and crumpets?

In response to your statement..."he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way." I would like to know what your version of the correct method would be in order to establish peace in the Middle East.

The finest minds in the world have been working the problem since 1948 and they have not managed to create peace. You have magically come up with the solution.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with this anonymous forum.

Read the headline of this story.

The headline of the story you quoted is..."Israeli jets strike Gaza".

The title of this thread is..."Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts"

Please show me where your statement comes from..." But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread."

You are wrong on both counts. Netanyahu has not forbidden the two factions to negotiate with each other nor is that the title of this thread.

This is straight from the opening post...

"JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday slammed Palestine's unity efforts between Hamas and Fatah, the Jeruslamen Post reported.

Netanyahu questioned the Palestinian Authority (PA) for wanting to be in peace with both Hamas and Israel as the West Bank-based group has repeatedly called for the destruction of the Jewish country.

The PM said that the Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government as Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by Israel. Netanyahu compared a peace agreement with Hamas with one with Al-Qaeda."

He said a reconciliation was not approved by his government, but never claimed they could not meet and discuss their options.

Please explain the obvious discrepancies between actuality and what you said.

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But you are changing the subject. To alledge that Jews own the banks and thus own the White House is the same medieval antisemitic propaganda that has been used by racists for centuries, you really haven't developed much have you? :ph34r:

LOL :lol:

That is easy - put a shroud of absolute secrecy around the Fed and then respond to questions

by just claiming its all propaganda !

Yes perfect for your purposes of inuendo and scapegoating, you know they control the media as well. :whistling:

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OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

When all else fails, go to the source.

"Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.

As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the U.S. Congress. It is considered an independent central bank because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms. However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by Congress, which periodically reviews its activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Also, the Federal Reserve must work within the framework of the overall objectives of economic and financial policy established by the government. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government."

The twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized much like private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year."

From this link: http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/faq/faqfrs.htm

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OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

When all else fails, go to the source.

"Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.

As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the U.S. Congress. It is considered an independent central bank because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms. However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by Congress, which periodically reviews its activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Also, the Federal Reserve must work within the framework of the overall objectives of economic and financial policy established by the government. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government."

The twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized much like private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year."

From this link: http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/faq/faqfrs.htm

To whom do you think the People of the United States owe 14 trillion dollars? Certainly not to themselves.

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We can bat this sort of stuff back all day and a hundred fold.

But that doesn't make you 'more' right.

It's hardly a dick measuring competition.

Perhaps that just makes one side just as bad as the other. Something I wouldn't be too proud of.

The point is that every single alleged breach of human rights by Israel is automatically referred to the U.N or taken up by politically motivated organizations. They actively attempt to have Israeli politicians prosecuted if they travel to other jurisdictions or boycott Israeli academic institutions or sportsmen. There is a coordinated campaign to try to delegitimize Israel for occasionally falling foul of human rights laws when the breeches by Palestinian terrorists or sundry Arab Countries are more numerous and far more serious. So yes in this respect measuring is important as it demonstrates both bias and an antisemitic agenda.


So you are saying that because Palestinians are doing it then it's ok that Israelis do it and therefore they are both not guilty of it. Because the Palestinians don't get the same scrutiny doesn't mean the Israelis are less guilty. You can't use the excuse that 'it isn't fair that we get caught for doing it but they don't'. It just doesn't make you less guilty because someone else does the same but gets away with it.

If I was in the same position I could understand the frustration and I would also feel aggrieved, but that still wouldn't make it right.

It seems from what I have been reading lately that a lot of the animosity is because some posters just refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do anything wrong, it is always the Palestinians fault. Maybe if both sides were a little less hardline it would be better.

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So you are saying that because Palestinians are doing it then it's ok that Israelis do it and therefore they are both not guilty of it. Because the Palestinians don't get the same scrutiny doesn't mean the Israelis are less guilty. You can't use the excuse that 'it isn't fair that we get caught for doing it but they don't'. It just doesn't make you less guilty because someone else does the same but gets away with it.

If I was in the same position I could understand the frustration and I would also feel aggrieved, but that still wouldn't make it right.

It seems from what I have been reading lately that a lot of the animosity is because some posters just refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do anything wrong, it is always the Palestinians fault. Maybe if both sides were a little less hardline it would be better.

Stop twisting things. Israel has faced violent threats to it's very existence from the word go, so in an environment of constant war humans will occasionally violate laws and commit war crimes. Nothing excuses this, but Israel has acted almost exclusively in a retaliatory manner against an enemy who actively try to cause civilian deaths, either Israeli or Palestinian, which are just as welcome to them for propaganda purposes, hence their use of human shields, suicide bombers etc.

If you don't believe me take it from the horses mouth.

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OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

When all else fails, go to the source.

"Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.

As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the U.S. Congress. It is considered an independent central bank because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms. However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by Congress, which periodically reviews its activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Also, the Federal Reserve must work within the framework of the overall objectives of economic and financial policy established by the government. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government."

The twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized much like private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year."

From this link: http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/faq/faqfrs.htm

To whom do you think the People of the United States owe 14 trillion dollars? Certainly not to themselves.

A large part of the national debt is to themselves. Non-marketable securities constitute some $5 trillion of the $14 trillion debt. Marketable securities make up the remainder and these securities are owned by individuals, corporations and foreign governments.

What does the national debt have to do with the Fed? The national debt is regulated and controlled by the Treasury Department.

The Fed is regulated and controlled by Congress.

They are two separate entities with separate functions.

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it is always the Palestinians fault

of course it is! 'cause them Pallastinans is all islamik tarrorists hoo have nuttin' else in mind than shootin' Katyushkas an slittin' zionistik throats when they is not bissy rearranging real estate in New York. they is doing that not only out of bordom butt 'cause it sez in their wholly book "thou shalt be troublemakers!" instead of livin' happily ever after on the vast lands they stoled from them poor Jews.


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it is always the Palestinians fault

of course it is! 'cause them Pallastinans is all islamik tarrorists hoo have nuttin' else in mind than shootin' Katyushkas an slittin' zionistik throats when they is not bissy rearranging real estate in New York. they is doing that not only out of bordom butt 'cause it sez in their wholly book "thou shalt be troublemakers!" instead of livin' happily ever after on the vast lands they stoled from them poor Jews.


You think you coud translate that into Englishwink.gif

Sorry but whose book says "kill the infidels"?

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When all else fails, go to the source.

"Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.

From this link: http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/faq/faqfrs.htm

Again not to go off topic but because it is an interesting/complex subject.....If you are interested in learning about it...

I highly recommend reading one of many fine books on the subject. As you will not get a real understanding from the FED's website

Books like Ron Paul's End The Fed has an excellent chapter on the Origin Of The FED

Along with interesting chapters on Congress Interest in Money,& Conversations with both Ben Bernanke & Alan Greespan.


There is also the book Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin


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it is always the Palestinians fault

of course it is! 'cause them Pallastinans is all islamik tarrorists hoo have nuttin' else in mind than shootin' Katyushkas an slittin' zionistik throats when they is not bissy rearranging real estate in New York. they is doing that not only out of bordom butt 'cause it sez in their wholly book "thou shalt be troublemakers!" instead of livin' happily ever after on the vast lands they stoled from them poor Jews.


Yet another reason you were not considered for the "Greatest minds" list.

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Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

So Midas your problem with Jews is that they are too smart and were able to even take control of the Fed(as you alleging) or is it because you suffer from tall poppy syndrome and your problem is that some Jews are wealthy?

I hope you will not deny that there are plenty of billionaires in this world.

so which one is it?whistling.gif

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OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York


what are insinuating by posting this list containing exclusively irish catholic names? that the FED used to finance the IRA terrorists?


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When all else fails, go to the source.

"Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects.

From this link: http://www.federalreserve.gov/generalinfo/faq/faqfrs.htm

Again not to go off topic but because it is an interesting/complex subject.....If you are interested in learning about it...

I highly recommend reading one of many fine books on the subject. As you will not get a real understanding from the FED's website

Books like Ron Paul's End The Fed has an excellent chapter on the Origin Of The FED

Along with interesting chapters on Congress Interest in Money,& Conversations with both Ben Bernanke & Alan Greespan.


There is also the book Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin


The matter has been before the supreme court most recently in 1980. See Lewis vs the US 1980


Edited by Pakboong
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Sorry but whose book says "kill the infidels"?

Here we go, ... again.

Whats good for the goose-good for the gander!

By using the term infidels I would guess you are refering to the Koran. However if you hade used the term Gentiles as in 'Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!' or 'Kill The Best Gentiles' I would have gone for the Talmud. If on the other hand you asked which book asked specifically for non-believers to be stoned to death then that would be the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:3 to 5).

ALL of these quotes need to be considered in the context they are written though they do seem to have a common thread in being used to spread hatred and intollerance.

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Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

So Midas your problem with Jews is that they are too smart and were able to even take control of the Fed(as you alleging) or is it because you suffer from tall poppy syndrome and your problem is that some Jews are wealthy?

I hope you will not deny that there are plenty of billionaires in this world.

so which one is it?whistling.gif

Ashkenazic Jews do have the highest IQs of any ethnic group.

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Sorry but whose book says "kill the infidels"?

Here we go, ... again.

Whats good for the goose-good for the gander!

By using the term infidels I would guess you are refering to the Koran. However if you hade used the term Gentiles as in 'Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!' or 'Kill The Best Gentiles' I would have gone for the Talmud. If on the other hand you asked which book asked specifically for non-believers to be stoned to death then that would be the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:3 to 5).

ALL of these quotes need to be considered in the context they are written though they do seem to have a common thread in being used to spread hatred and intollerance.

Amen to that. :drunk:

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Ashkenazic Jews do have the highest IQs of any ethnic group.

Those kinds of assertions are dangerous. Racism can be negative or positive stereotypes. If certain groups achieve more academically, there is nothing pointing to any genetic causation, rather the cultural/environmental reasons are what matters. Americans today falsely think Africans are "naturally" the best at basketball but how many know that the ethnic group that totally dominated American basketball in the 1930's was Jews?

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Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

So Midas your problem with Jews is that they are too smart and were able to even take control of the Fed(as you alleging) or is it because you suffer from tall poppy syndrome and your problem is that some Jews are wealthy?

I hope you will not deny that there are plenty of billionaires in this world.

so which one is it?whistling.gif

Ashkenazic Jews do have the highest IQs of any ethnic group.

Well i am glad its not the money factor thenwink.gif



according to midas, all "they" care about is moneyrolleyes.gif

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Sorry but whose book says "kill the infidels"?

Here we go, ... again.

Whats good for the goose-good for the gander!

By using the term infidels I would guess you are refering to the Koran. However if you hade used the term Gentiles as in 'Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!' or 'Kill The Best Gentiles' I would have gone for the Talmud. If on the other hand you asked which book asked specifically for non-believers to be stoned to death then that would be the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:3 to 5).

ALL of these quotes need to be considered in the context they are written though they do seem to have a common thread in being used to spread hatred and intollerance.

Interesting post. For some crazy reason i was only aware that Christian and Catholic crucify while Islam stones.

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Death by Stoning, a summary from the Bible:

1. For touching Mount Sinai Exodus 19:13

2. For taking "accursed things" Joshua 7:1-26

3. For cursing or blaspheming Leviticus 24:16

4. For adultery (including urban rape victims who fail to scream loud enough) Deuteronomy 22:23-24

5. For animals (like an ox that gores a human) Exodus 21:28

6. For a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night Deuteronomy 22:13-21

7. For worshipping other gods Deuteronomy 17:2-5

8. For preaching the wrong religion Deuteronomy 13:5-10

9. For disobeying parents Deuteronomy 21:18-21

10. For witches and wizards Leviticus 20:27

11. For giving your children to Molech Leviticus 20:2

12. For breaking the Sabbath Numbers 15:32-56

13. For cursing the king 1 Kings 21:10

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I think the chances of peace for this generation went when Yitzak Rabin was assassinated.


Who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin and why?

Is your google on the fritz?

Militant Zionists killed Rabin.

Glad to see your google is fixed. So if you knew, why did you ask?

Actually, you are a bit off. Rabin was also a Zionist, a left wing Zionist. It was right wing extremist fanatic Zionist who murdered that admirable left wing Zionist.

To many, Yitzhak Rabin came to symbolize Zionism.


Edited by Jingthing
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Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

OK and maybe you dont like Louis T. McFadden but I think the message is more important than the messenger :blink:

" Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man."

And dont so easily dismiss the money issues regarding these people......it is what they live for :bah:

This is not that much different to what Ron Paul is saying today ?

Anyway here are the real owners of the US federal Reserve -

1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy

4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York

5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany

6. Lehman Brothers of New York ( previously :rolleyes: )

7. Goldman, Sachs of New York

8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

So Midas your problem with Jews is that they are too smart and were able to even take control of the Fed(as you alleging) or is it because you suffer from tall poppy syndrome and your problem is that some Jews are wealthy?

I hope you will not deny that there are plenty of billionaires in this world.

so which one is it?whistling.gif

Would you also say that Bernie Madoff was " too smart " ? Because Ben Shalom Bernanke

is doing exactly the same thing as B M- i.e. a Ponzi :unsure:

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