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Poll Reveals Public Thinks Purachai Best Contender For Next Thai PM

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ABAC Poll: Purachai most suitable as next PM contender

BANGKOK, 19 March 2011 (NNT) – Former Deputy Prime Minister Police Captain Purachai Piumsombun is seen as the most suitable person to contend for the position of prime minister vis-à-vis Mr Abhisit Vejjajiva, according to a recent survey by the Assumption University Research Center (ABAC Poll).

The survey was conducted with 2,154 respondents in Bangkok from 15 to 17 March 2011. The respondents were asked for their opinions regarding an appropriate contender to compete with incumbent Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

41.2% of the respondents named Police Captain Purachai. Former Public Health Minister Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan and ex-Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai followed with an equal score of 38.4%.

In addition, 35.2% and 34.7% of the respondents chose incumbent Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij and former Deputy Prime Minister Mingkwan Saengsuwan, now the opposition’s censure debate team leader, respectively.

Regarding priority problems that they wanted the new government to solve, 72.3% of the respondents raised economic troubles and expensive product prices. 15.4% of the respondents mentioned the unity of people in the nation. Others cited unemployment and national security along the border.

Asked for the desirable quality of leaders and executives of new political parties, 65.4% of the respondents wanted them to be honest and sincere. 15.8% indicated that they must have knowledge and capabilities while 15.5% said they must uphold laws and justice.


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Asked for the desirable quality of leaders and executives of new political parties, 65.4% of the respondents wanted them to be honest and sincere. 15.8% indicated that they must have knowledge and capabilities while 15.5% said they must uphold laws and justice.

Can anyone tell me if Thailand can have 3 prime ministers??

Because I do not think you will find all those qualities in just 1


With Purachai, even missionary visits would fall off. If 72.3% of the respondents are concerned about economic troubles, I suggest they think about that. Exports are not all that the Thai economy depends on. Fortunately,

we can feel assured that the Pure Guy won't pass muster with most of the powers that be, who are mostly only

in it for the money.

72.3% of the respondents raised economic troubles and expensive product prices.

That should be the number one concern in Europe too.

But over here people are more concerned with saving energy and global warming?


As usual in Thailand (and other places) the reports are misleading. In another report, in regard to this poll, it says voters were asked who would you prefer as a second choice after Ahbihsit.

Another point, the poll suggested that 38% voted for sudarat. But in another part of the poll 66% of voters said they wanted honesty and sincerity in leaders.

Honesty / sincerity / sudarat, it definitely doesn't compute. Miss 40% tangled up in massive corruption in regard to school milk, banned from politics for 5 years for involvement in vote buying etc., and more.


2,154 people cannot speak for all Thai people.

The poll was carried out in Bangkok only.

Wonder why the Purachai would be a popular choice as PM? If the "Social Order Crusader" would have a say we would all be in bed latest by 9 PM with a glas of warm milk - after saying our prayers!

But that's probably desirable if one is a parent and tries to raise children in a city like Bangkok with all kinds of vices and dangers lurking at every corner.

While the man has integrity and principles - not easily found in Thai politicians - but he behaves like a Christian fundamentalist. Purachai is one of the group who came with Thaksin from the Phalang Dhama Party - before Thaksin and Chamlong fell out - the party was founded to restore purity to Thai politics by Chamlong. (how Thaksin turned out once he did not need Chamlong any more says everything about Chamlong's ability to evaluate a persons character !)

The Phalang Dhama Party (Santi Asoke sect) is hardcore religious right wing. They claim to be Buddhist and think they have a duty to impose their views on everybody else - (for our own good of course) Purachai took it very serious and was moved from one ministry to the next one during the Thaksin administration because he stepped on to many toes everywhere and tried at least to reduce corruption which made him unpopular with the crowd with "deep pockets"! Fighting alone - he did not stand a chance of course.

In many instances where (corrupt) politicians complained about him - he was right though - like refusing to approve a 2 billion Baht budget being given only an hour time to study it - if he could channel his energy into getting rid of corruption and other "irregularities" instead of his "social order" campaign directed at the helpless regular Somchais - he could be a serious contender indeed. Allthough without help - the role of the sheep surrounded by wolfes - is a short role to play - he would be torn to pieces by the greedy beasts in no time.

Then again - his "social order" campaign was very popular with Bangkokians - in the Thai countryside they called him a "communist" for trying to impose his "social order" on them.

His pal Chamlong and his campaigners are followers of the Santi Asoke sect - it's leader (an ex-TV host) claimed to have miraculous powers - I fear the worst if people like this are"popular" with the Bangkok crowd!!!


Bravo for the basic calculation with your common sense.

Let's PM Abhisit Vejjajiva to carry on with a Nation Mandate, he does deserve it if He kindly accepts to work hard for the Thai People being their Civil Servant.

Looks like it is back to schoolo for me? Purachai 41.2% Sudarat 38.4% and Chuan 38.4% total - 118%


If Purachai becomes the next PM, I am outta here....His idea of correct farang behavior is early to bed each night, then up early and head off to the temples......Honest or not, having a ultra conservative wacko come up with zany ideas at night, and then enforce them the following day is not my idea of how to live. To the Thai apologists, I will try to not let the door hit my ass as I am leaving..... :D:D:D:D


Thailand has large groups who support social conservatism. Just look at the support the drug war got and that was basically a massive human rights abuse. It is something nouveau riche, urban working and middle classes and many rural poor can agree on. Reconcilliation based on straightening out the young and their ideas and a return to traditional values anyone? After Thaksin got rid of Purachai when he became as popular as the big man himself he had the culture ministry to do the job rather than empower another rising star and hence risk to his dominance.

Purachai's crusades concentrated on ruining the enjoyment of the young urbanites form working and middle classes. Even the parents of many of the kids were happy to see it. No spaghetti straps as real Thai women never show their shoulders (yeah I know that ignores Thai history), bars close on time, nothing racey in bars, nobody under the age of maturity out without parents (is that 18 or 20?) etc etc

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